• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 98
  2. Negative: 28 out of 98

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  1. PhilT
    Dec 8, 2007
    Whiny, irrelevant, insincere, insulting, derivative, utter, utter nonsense.
  2. EamonD.
    Nov 20, 2007
    The first thing that I thought was bad was the title: "All The Lost Souls" sounds like just another overly-sensitive emo basket case who doesn't know how good he's got it in America. He lives in coddled first world affluence but he still cuts himself: what a great guy! Then I tried listening to the CD itself and found it musically intolerable. I am thinking about ending my The first thing that I thought was bad was the title: "All The Lost Souls" sounds like just another overly-sensitive emo basket case who doesn't know how good he's got it in America. He lives in coddled first world affluence but he still cuts himself: what a great guy! Then I tried listening to the CD itself and found it musically intolerable. I am thinking about ending my friendship with the person who's copy I listened to: it's that bad. I don't want to ever "get" James Blunt, because if I do, it means I've sunk lower than the most loser emo kid who worships him. To anyone who likes him now: in 15 years you will wonder how you ever liked this crap. Blunt is to the 00's what most grunge bands were in the 90's: just a phase that it's fans will outgrow as they gain experience in the real world. Most grunge bands sound dated and lame now, and so will Blunt in 2022. Expand
  3. ArdenW.
    Nov 19, 2007
    No redeeming qualities. Irritating, bland, pass.
  4. JonJon
    Oct 18, 2007
    Why is there not a minus rating for this garbage?
  5. Anthony
    Oct 10, 2007
    I'm sorry... but you'd have to be bordering on insane to like anything about this rubbish.
  6. ShaneC.
    Oct 9, 2007
    1973 is a masterpiece , great, lively,energetic even tho it`s not what he's known for !! The rest of the album made me angry , very very angry !! He sings the same verse over and over , no bridge or chorus, just the same bloody verse over and over for around the duration of lent !! Its the same for around 6 of the song`s ! i guarantee you`ll see this cd being thrown out of car 1973 is a masterpiece , great, lively,energetic even tho it`s not what he's known for !! The rest of the album made me angry , very very angry !! He sings the same verse over and over , no bridge or chorus, just the same bloody verse over and over for around the duration of lent !! Its the same for around 6 of the song`s ! i guarantee you`ll see this cd being thrown out of car windows !!!! Crap , Poo , Shizit , what ever ya want to call it , it`s bad !! Expand
  7. RobbieC
    Sep 27, 2007
    It sucks.
  8. Joe
    Sep 26, 2007
    I hate to sound like an old codger at the ripe age of 30, but Blunt truly represents everything that is wrong with music today.
  9. DeclanM.
    Sep 25, 2007
    Absolute crap as usual from a guy who sings like something is protruding from his rectum.
  10. KateB.
    Sep 20, 2007
    I didn't think he could get any more bland, boring and predictable. I gave it 1 because at least I can get some pleasure from it - by stamping on it.
  11. ChrisC.
    Sep 20, 2007
    God, this is terrible. I haven't listened to a note but it's terrible. Real terrible. I mean really bad. Like Ryan Adams bad.
  12. VictorJ.
    Sep 20, 2007
    FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LIKE JAMES BLUNT PLZ LISTEN TO WEIRD AL your pitiful and Blunt's own rocky raccoon.
  13. BrendanD.
    Sep 19, 2007
    This is the worst record I've had to sit through since Vertical Horizon's "Everything You Want." Even Savage Garden's debut tried to write good hooks, even if they were some of the most boring ever put to record. This is the most sterile, boring, and disgusting (in the cleanest sense of the word) excuse for a rock 'n' roll record that I have heard in a very long This is the worst record I've had to sit through since Vertical Horizon's "Everything You Want." Even Savage Garden's debut tried to write good hooks, even if they were some of the most boring ever put to record. This is the most sterile, boring, and disgusting (in the cleanest sense of the word) excuse for a rock 'n' roll record that I have heard in a very long time. Please, for the love of God, don't buy this frigging record! If you do, I will find you, hunt you down, and do things to you that I cannot explain here. Expand
  14. AugustM.C.
    Sep 19, 2007
    I must say, while there are quite a few titter-some - and well deserved comments here - it is Eric's 10/10 review that takes the cup for me. It's bitter irony and savage satire are what really make it.
  15. justinb.
    Sep 18, 2007
    all you have to do is listen to that "you're beautiful" song once in your life to know you should never listen to this guy again. that song is HORRIBLE! I remember working near some woman's office who kept it on this local station which played this song every hour. i simply could not believe how much they played that crappy song. i wish i could have thrown that radio against the all you have to do is listen to that "you're beautiful" song once in your life to know you should never listen to this guy again. that song is HORRIBLE! I remember working near some woman's office who kept it on this local station which played this song every hour. i simply could not believe how much they played that crappy song. i wish i could have thrown that radio against the wall and set it on fire. the fact is, people like this shit and i still can not figure out why. they must think the music played on the radio is all there is. ok, about this new album. i didn't know it was coming out today till i saw this website, but, i must say it has to suck, there is no way it can not suck! but, i could be wrong. instead, pick up the new akron/family or les savy fav or something with a little more substance. oh, "you're beautiful" is horrible. did i say that already? Expand
  16. Diba
    Sep 18, 2007
    I feel like crying when I see the state of music these days. Rock n Roll used to be about rebellion. Now it seems there is nothing left but James Blunt.
  17. HaroldG.
    Sep 18, 2007
    Horrid album, then again that is what I expect from James Blunt.
  18. ChickenM.
    Sep 17, 2007
    I must say, that was quite hilarious.
  19. JamesBlunt
    Sep 17, 2007
    Oh man god what have I done!
  20. EastSide
    Sep 17, 2007
    I have this friend that can't wait to go to the record store and buy the new albums by James Blunt and kt tunstall. This is unusual because she normally buys only one album a year. She is so devoid of taste and musical knowledge that when she does indeed buy new music, she purchases whatever the major label conglomerates supply for the shelves of the nearest box retailer. When i ask I have this friend that can't wait to go to the record store and buy the new albums by James Blunt and kt tunstall. This is unusual because she normally buys only one album a year. She is so devoid of taste and musical knowledge that when she does indeed buy new music, she purchases whatever the major label conglomerates supply for the shelves of the nearest box retailer. When i ask her, "why bother?" she answers, "i don't want to be challenged by what i hear, i just want to hear something in the background." to which i answer, "whatever you say, mom." Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 21
  2. Negative: 3 out of 21
  1. Here's a set that suggests rock has got its head screwed on straight again, that the path to real feelings need not necessarily be led by Norah Jones.
  2. He shows the abandon and confidence of a long-term artist, not just a one-hit wonder.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Lost improves on the first disc at least five times over, partly because its starker focus might really take you back to...well, certainly not a club, but maybe an AM radio-equipped kid's bedroom circa 1973. [21 Sep 20007, p.80]