
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
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  1. Jan 24, 2019
    FIDLAR strike out in a variety of different directions, landing some new tricks but slamming a lot more. The result is a scattershot collection that just doesn't hang together very well.
  2. Oct 4, 2019
    Produced by Grammy-winning producer Ricky Reed (Twenty One Pilots), the troupe also trades in the lo-fi blades of Too for a polished maturity without sacrificing any edge.
  3. Jan 25, 2019
    FIDLAR have always been creatively bold, and their dabbling with musical variety is merely an extension of that. Making a starkly different-sounding record is a creative gamble, but FIDLAR rolled their dice and made off well.
  4. Jan 25, 2019
    Highlight ‘By Myself’ sings of relapsing after getting sober, but is set over a simply joyous ska-tinged musical romp - musical and lyrical contradictions are all over Almost Free, but it gains its power from dancing through the hard times with a massive grin on your face. The musical experimentation of the record continues throughout.
  5. Feb 1, 2019
    FIDLAR have expanded their sonic palette on a record that seems destined to be appreciated more with time.
  6. Jan 28, 2019
    The beauty of Almost Free is the underlying honesty that exudes from each riff and lyric.
  7. Jan 24, 2019
    Freewheeling spirit and casual non-sequiturs are all over Almost Free, with a cornucopia of ‘anything goes’ creativity on offer, comprising flashes of hip-hop, glam rock, fuzzed-out funk, punk and everything in between. Yet not once does it sound contrived or anything but an album very much of the here and now. ... An absolute joy to behold. It’s a trip to listen to, and an instant modern classic.
  8. 80
    Stuffed with fizzing hooks and brilliantly frank lyrics, Almost Free could be FIDLAR’s best record yet. A blistering collection of eclectic tunes threaded together by punks’ fearless riffs and unguarded admissions, which add even more weight to their sound, it’s a reminder of how much we’ve missed them. Welcome back, lads.
  9. Jan 28, 2019
    While FIDLAR benefit from cleaned-up production, the hit-or-miss, albeit courageous, tracklist is indicative of a band that’s still workshopping their sound.
  10. Jan 31, 2019
    They’ve made a record that captures the tumult of feeling displaced, without abandoning the hyped-up spirit that made them such a spectacle during their party-animal days.
  11. 60
    It's classic Fidlar. However, while the musical style's sure to leave fans scratching their heads, peer a bit deeper and you'll see their signature's very much there--it's just, well, diluted and funkier than ever.
  12. Q Magazine
    Feb 4, 2019
    This enjoyably jumbled set could be their London Calling. [Mar 2019, p.115]
  13. 75
    All in all, Almost Free is a FIDLAR album - brash, unhinged, wild, a tad nonsensical, but most of all, a testament to their nature.
  14. Uncut
    Jan 24, 2019
    There are moments where gusto, melody and thunderous guitar riffs meet to powerful effect but there are some tired moments to wade through to get there. [Feb 2019, p.27]
  15. Jan 24, 2019
    This bland, wishy-washy concoction of pop-rock FIDLAR half-assedly barfs up reflects the quartet of 30-something's own addictive tendencies; each watered-down attempt at a "genre-revival"-punk, in this case--falls victim to insipid rip-offs of their "punk" influences.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Feb 16, 2019
    An enjoyable, yet forgettable album. The song writing, in my opinion, is the downfall for this album. It takes to many influences and copiesAn enjoyable, yet forgettable album. The song writing, in my opinion, is the downfall for this album. It takes to many influences and copies them to the tee. Still enjoyable, but sounds like everything I have ever heard before. Full Review »