• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 841 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 50 out of 841

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  1. patc
    Oct 3, 2004
    its got it all. great album.
  2. CRL
    Jul 26, 2011
    No one saw this coming. Green Day makes a rock opera, and then that rock opera becomes one of the greatest of the decade. This album never lets up from the scorching prelude that is the title track, to the emotionally charged ending.
  3. Brian
    Sep 22, 2004
    A deep,and just flat out incredible album!
  4. Nickcooldaddy
    Oct 26, 2004
    I was blown away by this album, it covers the whole range of moods from heavy punk to soft and slow relaxing music. They've hit the big one with American Idiot.
  5. PunkyMcpunkerFunkypunky
    Sep 25, 2004
    This album has made itself a special spot in my heart and I have been waiting for it for four years. For those who are looking for another masterpiece like "Dookie" might be a little disappointed, but I believe this is the most thought provoking Green Day album yet, you should go pick it up, I don't care who you are. I walk a lonely road!
  6. LarissaM
    Sep 30, 2004
    i love this album its brilliant ... i cant get enough of it
  7. LevisO
    Sep 29, 2004
    It's official: green day are back.
  8. kyleroach
    Sep 30, 2004
    kicks ass
  9. Nov 9, 2011
    I don't know much about songs, but it doesn't take an American to realize how rocking out this music is, as well as the lyrics too.
  10. Jan 16, 2012
    Never been a big fan of Greenday before or since this record. I've always found them very average musically and borderline childish lyrically. This record however is very very good. Definitely GreenDay at their very best. apart from the singles there are half a dozen other excellent tracks on this.
  11. Mar 9, 2012
    One of the best albums of the 2000-2009 decade. This album was a classic and it still is. I dont listen to it as much as i did in 2004 **** still the best album since Nirvana's Nevermind
  12. St.Jimmy
    Sep 29, 2004
    Meatcritic is full of BS. American Idiot deserves a 90 or higher.
  13. AndrewC.
    Oct 26, 2009
    "American Idiot" is one of the leading rock operas of our time. The epic starts off with the title track. One of the album's highlights is "Jesus of Suburbia", which is, like every song, a serious one, telling about the economy, although the most politics-headed song is the song that follows, "Holiday", which will have people singing along as the classic blasts through the speakers, "American Idiot" is one of the leading rock operas of our time. The epic starts off with the title track. One of the album's highlights is "Jesus of Suburbia", which is, like every song, a serious one, telling about the economy, although the most politics-headed song is the song that follows, "Holiday", which will have people singing along as the classic blasts through the speakers, with strong lines. Billie Joe Armstrong says the topic sentence in just one line, "I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies". The guitar feedback transitions into "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", a song we all knew from the radio. Songs 5-10 are good, but not the strong points. 11 is "Wake Me Up When September Ends" confused as a song for 9/11, although it was to honor his father. Another nine minute epic follows after "Jesus of Suburbia", which was song 2, called "Homecoming". The last song is "Whatsername", originally to be released as a single, although Green Day thought the video was terrible. Overall, "American Idiot" is a classic, and hopefully, it will also be re-mastered. Expand
  14. May 17, 2012
    This is the definition of perfection. It starts of with the energetic first single and title track American Idiot: 10/10. Next there comes the super epic Jesus of Suburbia: 10/10. The 3rd track off the album is Holiday (10/10) which leads right into Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Boulevard of Broken Dreams is my second favourite song of all time and won the Grammy award for Record of theThis is the definition of perfection. It starts of with the energetic first single and title track American Idiot: 10/10. Next there comes the super epic Jesus of Suburbia: 10/10. The 3rd track off the album is Holiday (10/10) which leads right into Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Boulevard of Broken Dreams is my second favourite song of all time and won the Grammy award for Record of the Year, I think. It fully deserved it: 10/10. Next comes Are We The Waiting (9/10) which is a slow track, but still really amazing. I look at it from 3 different points of view. First of all it's a good track. Then I sometimes take it as a kind of sow interlude in the album. Then I sometimes also understand it as an intro for the next fast track it leads right into: St. Jimmy (9/10). The 7th track off the album is Give Me Noavacaine which is kind of a bit slow like Are We The Waiting but again, really amazing: 10/10. She's a Rebel is the 8th track and is pretty fast-paced: 9/10. The 9th track is Extraordinary Girl. Sure, the verse isn't that convincing, but the chorus is just... Words can't express how great it is: 10/10. Next comes the epic Letterbomb. Just amazing: 10/10. Then there comes Wake Me Up When September Ends which opens quietly, with an acoustic guitar, finally evolving into an amazing song with solos, great melodies, and fantastic vocals: 10/10 Track 12 is Homecoming, a 9-minute epic just like Jesus of Suburbia: 10/10. The last track off American Idiot is Whatsername, evolving from a muffled guitar riff to an energetic, loud song: 10/10. Well done Green Day! Well done! There is NO bad track on this album. And I am realistic. Trust me, there is no bad song on this album at all. Expand
  15. May 1, 2016
    What could we say about this brand new album? The best of the 2000's and one of the greatest albums of all time, it has everything, it is more powerful, catchier and crazier than the predecessors; a job well done; the 2nd best album released by Green Day
  16. StevenI
    Oct 2, 2004
    The Best Green Day Album to date, Billy Joe and the gang prove that it is possible to take multiple influences from other bands and still create a unique and catchy album. While some may dismiss this album as "messy," this couldn't be farther from the truth, as American Idiot smoothly tells its provocative story through addictively complex songs.
  17. S.Toncray
    Oct 6, 2004
    Just buy it... now! Sublime stuff. The perfect punk headtrip. Wildly original and one of the most timely albums to come out in a long time!
  18. MatthewM
    Sep 30, 2004
    As a Green Day fan for over ten years, I have to say this is almost certainly their best album to date, FANTASTIC!
  19. GreenDayKicksass
    Oct 3, 2004
    WOW!!!! is I all I have to say... This is one of Green Day's best, if not best, CD's ever made!!! I've already got my tickets to see these guys live... amazing CD! Good work Green Day!
  20. rakxii
    Sep 22, 2004
    Don't they grow up so fast? No? well never mind American Idiot shows that Billiejo and co might have actually learned to read a newspaper or watched the news since releasing Dookie. This album shows that they realise life is not so one-dimensional as some of their earlier songs would have us believe. And don't get me wrong I liked those songs but there is something to be said Don't they grow up so fast? No? well never mind American Idiot shows that Billiejo and co might have actually learned to read a newspaper or watched the news since releasing Dookie. This album shows that they realise life is not so one-dimensional as some of their earlier songs would have us believe. And don't get me wrong I liked those songs but there is something to be said for music that people can relate to. I must admit when I first heard about this album I was worried. Greenday going political was either going to be really good or really naff. Fortunately I feel, this is a really good. I imagine many people will disagree with me about this because it doesn?t sound like everything else ever written by Greenday. But frankly if it did, people would complain that Greenday were just too scared to try something new. The two 9min marathons 'Jesus of Suburbia' and 'Homecoming' show a different style of music, something kept out of mainstream ears for years. While 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' is dark and grunge-like while not becoming a cliché. As for the Greenday 'puritans', there is still plenty of more classic punk on offer. 'Holiday' is a fantastic song, while keeping to a similar (if not darker) sound to that of previous Greenday albums. There are other obvious tracks such as 'St. Jimmy' and of course 'American Idiot' that strike a similar tone and stick in the mind over certain other tracks. Many people have criticised American Idiot for being similar to music by The Who or Clash. I pondered this and figured that I had never listened too much by those artists so could not possibly comment on that front. However I do think that Greenday's target audience for the album is 17+, How many 17yr olds (such as myself) do you know who listen to The Who? Infact, how many 28yr olds do you know who listen to The Who? So to sum up, this album has come from a mature, older Greenday but is no doubt of high a quality to be enjoyed by anyone with the patience to sit and really listen, for Greenday fans it will be the case of doing what they did and 'trying something new'. Expand
  21. JustinS.
    Sep 22, 2004
    This album is a huge artistic leap for Green Day, in terms of lyrics, concept, and musical ambition. Their best album - yes, better than Dookie.
  22. SteveM
    Sep 24, 2004
    A big messy sprawl of power, melancholic sentiment, anger, confusion, love, rebellion. Fantastic stuff. Green Day's best album yet. Stunning.
  23. SaeedSaeed
    Sep 29, 2004
    Its been four long years since Green Day?s last effort and lot of things changed since then: Four punk icons died, Bush as President, Gulf War Part 2 and what some may argue as the most distressing event ? the rise of kiddy punk which is been played to great success by the likes of Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne and those twats from Busted. If we ever need an album that Its been four long years since Green Day?s last effort and lot of things changed since then: Four punk icons died, Bush as President, Gulf War Part 2 and what some may argue as the most distressing event ? the rise of kiddy punk which is been played to great success by the likes of Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne and those twats from Busted. If we ever need an album that re-affirms our faith in punk music surely this Berkley trio can deliver it and with American Idiot, Green Day?s seventh record, not only have they fashioned a punk-rock opera but a punk-rock masterpiece. Concepts albums is a swear word in this currently pop oriented market but in Green Day?s hands they have delivered the friendliest concept album ever recorded. There is no fat ladies singing, nor is there a choir or pretentious ten minute guitar solos. What you have here frankly is thirteen songs that are all laced with great hooks and delivered with indignant passion. And oh yeah?.two of the songs are nine minutes suites that frenziedly careens from straight up punk ravers to 60?s bubblegum pop to a flamenco styled power ballad. All from the guys who made their name by writing songs about sniffing glue and masturbation! The tale been spun here is about disaffected youth and the death of American Idealism. That?s only the overview for if you decide to take the lyrics literally it becomes a mess with characters such as Jesus of Suburbia and St. Jimmy morphing into each other and by the story?s end you don?t know who is alive or who?s dead. Thankfully, the band decides to pay more attention to the music rather than the words and the album benefits in spades. Green Day packs more hooks in this album than other bands can muster in their whole career. Title track and killer lead single ?American Idiot? proves that Green Day can still fashion pop nuggets by only using 3 chords and the thrashy fun of ?St. Jimmy? shows that these thirty something punks haven?t lost their chops just yet. Like their last album, the folk-infused Warning, the real surprises lie in the different musical elements and styles the trio incorporates into their work. Unlike The Offspring who continually and sometimes embarrassingly copy the same formula (Pretty Fly/Original Prankster), Green Day?s music continues to evolve to often stunning results. ?Extraordinary Girl? with its chiming guitars and backing vocals evoke the Shangri La?s and ?Boulevard of Broken Dreams? is the type of power ballad that Noel Gallagher would kill for. But the most outrageous efforts lay in ?Jesus of Suburbia? and ?Home Coming?, both nine minutes monoliths that boast several musical movements. At first listen these two tracks (that roughly form a third of the album) seem scattered at best but once absorbed the listener gets a kick out of the time changes and the sheer urgency of the lyrics. To call ?American Idiot? a protest record is an understatement. Billie Joe?s lyrics does a great job in describing the characters inhabiting this ?land of make believe?. From ?Jesus of Suburbia? who is raised ?on a steady diet of Soda Pop and Ritalin? to ?St. Jimmy? who is ?here to represent the needle in the vein of the establishment?. Billie Joe is also not scared to vent his anger especially on tracks such as the anti-Bush anthem ?American Idiot? and the Clash sounding ?Holiday? where he labels Bush as ?the President Gasman!?. American Idiot is not the first rock opera ever made despite claims from some sections of the media. Husker Du?s ?Zen Arcade? still remains a landmark punk concept album and there is off-course The Who?s ?Tommy? which sold squillions of records. But American Idiot is equally impressive and over time will stand in the same pantheon as the aforementioned classics. In a time where the whole world seems to go pear shaped and death robbed us of our punk idols (RIP Joe Strummer, Joey, Dee Dee, and Johnny Ramone) Green Day?s existence is now more vital than ever. With ?American Idiot?, Green Day has not only released their greatest and grandest musical statement. But an album that returns the social and political relevance back to punk. For that, there is no rating high enough. Expand
  24. zackz
    Oct 2, 2004
    This album is good but they are trying to keep popular so they are changing their music to whats popular NOW not in the 90's when the music was good and not good charlette
  25. DominicT
    Sep 24, 2004
    Very good album, one of the best I ever listened. Buy it right now.
  26. ddcc
    Sep 28, 2004
    awesome, the best album i ever heard!!!!!!!!!
  27. Sep 10, 2011
    A lot of the songs on here are interminably long (i.e. "Jesus of Suburbia", "Homecoming"), but every single act in this musical rock opera is constructed to perfection and unbelievability.
  28. Rev.Rikard
    Oct 7, 2005
    Most bands struggle to write songs combining hard edged rock and melodic hooks. This album is the best in years at ensnaring the listener with blistering energy, relevant cultural observations, and melodies that "stick" in one's ear. "Novocaine" is indicative of this album's strength: its soothing melody allows the angst-laden lyrics to catch us off-guard, like the unexpected Most bands struggle to write songs combining hard edged rock and melodic hooks. This album is the best in years at ensnaring the listener with blistering energy, relevant cultural observations, and melodies that "stick" in one's ear. "Novocaine" is indicative of this album's strength: its soothing melody allows the angst-laden lyrics to catch us off-guard, like the unexpected stick from a dentist's needle as we sleepily listen to piped-in music. If a person wants to be awakened at the "end of September," they should give American Idiot a listen. Expand
  29. SolK
    Mar 3, 2005
    A solid album, but not deserving of 10 or 9. Yes, the "Broken Dreams" does get old after a while but every other song is just as good.
  30. JohnsonH
    Apr 5, 2005
    Awesome album, though I believe it is a little front heavy. I find myself listening to the first 7 tracks over and over.
  31. AngusM
    May 5, 2005
    this cd is like a manic depressive: happiness turns to sadness so quickly GREEN DAY ROX
  32. DanielS
    Mar 30, 2006
    Green Day is, in my opinion,the best band in the world!!
  33. andiev
    Jul 2, 2007
    this album literally rocks. i love his angry lyrics and the way joe picks at political matters, american idiot was the best song on the album, and also holiday, it just makes you wanna snarl at the government and scream, "cafeteria food freakin sucks!!!" okay, well, i was just getting carried away...but anyway, this album kicks ass
  34. chrisf
    Oct 10, 2004
    Best album in years by a band that sounds like a band "drums, bass, guitar". Billie Joe has always had a knack of writing catchy punk-a-rock songs and here is no exception yet they add a storyline and politics to the groove. Sheryl Crow said immediately after Dookie hit "only 19-20 year olds could write songs like that"... maybe so but only Billie Joe and Green Day could have wrote these Best album in years by a band that sounds like a band "drums, bass, guitar". Billie Joe has always had a knack of writing catchy punk-a-rock songs and here is no exception yet they add a storyline and politics to the groove. Sheryl Crow said immediately after Dookie hit "only 19-20 year olds could write songs like that"... maybe so but only Billie Joe and Green Day could have wrote these songs and they rock !! Expand
  35. Tyler
    Oct 10, 2004
    This album is in my opinion one of their best, if you don't own a copy get one now.
  36. SarahT
    Oct 6, 2004
    This CD is tottaly awsome. I love the music. Green Day have done a super album. I love it.
  37. yolandam
    Oct 8, 2004
    i love this album it rocks. anyone who rates less than ten is mad.
  38. drewm
    Jan 8, 2005
    never reviewed an album before...probably won't do it again. an amazing record. that begs for repeated listening with big volume. The funny thing is I never reeally liked Green Day's music before.
  39. deew
    Feb 16, 2005
    it was an awesome cd i think there best so far!!!
  40. IngvildSomething
    Mar 8, 2005
    American Idiot rocks!!! It is the best Cd ever. Can anybody disagree of that?! I love Green Day!
  41. LeannN
    May 3, 2005
    American Idiot is an absolutely amazing album, every song is strong and it is refreshing to be able to listen to an CD that contains no filler tracks. Green Day has burst back into the music scene after four years with their best effort yet, and that is saying alot! :)
  42. SethH
    Aug 30, 2005
    fantastic album that illustrates the best that a concept album can.
  43. KonalD
    Jan 23, 2006
    Awsome , this is Green Day's best album to date.It's a stunning experience to listen to these meaningful songs.
  44. KyleN
    Jan 6, 2006
    Pure genius this album really shows that the government are totally wrong
  45. MelissaB
    Mar 16, 2008
    It honestly completely changed the way I felt about music. The first album I've ever completely fallen in love with -- it opened so many doors to different bands for me and, almost 4 years on, 'Whatsername' still blows my mind every time I listen.
  46. BarbaraS
    Jul 9, 2009
    They grew up. As musicians and people. That's it.
  47. [Anonymous]
    Oct 11, 2004
    Best Green Day album, the band finally reaching a level plateau of pop-punk prowess.
  48. shoun
    Oct 19, 2004
    Great album! The Green Day's "London Calling".
  49. bent
    Dec 20, 2004
    holy shit it's good
  50. RonL
    Oct 14, 2005
    Insane good. One of the best albums to come along in years. It's a total wake up call for all the junk that seems to make it's way on to the american airways.
  51. urafrenchybob
    Jan 14, 2005
    the best cd ever!!!!!!!!! Who gives about cussing when they have a frickin awesome story line. ALL YOU PARENTS WHO GIVE ABOUT SWEARS DONT LET THAT STOP UR KIDZ OR NE1 ELSE FROM GETTIN THIS CD.
  52. SamD
    Oct 2, 2005
    Wow. And I thought Dookie wasd tops. Music is finally edgy as opposed to grungy and the lyrics are AMAZING plus its fun to listen to the story line. love whatsername and letterbomb, while st. jimmy pushes the limits between punk and pop a little far lost a little bit of the green day charm with the edgy music, though... still awesome!
  53. JeffP
    Jan 20, 2005
    Absolutely one of the best albums this year. This is nothing short of a masterpiece and shows how very talented this group is. If nothing else, their 6 grammy nominations proves that this album a great one.
  54. MarcW
    Jan 25, 2005
    It s a masterpiece especially the lyrics
  55. NathanG
    Jan 4, 2005
  56. MoB
    Feb 13, 2005
    Best CD I've heard in a long ass time. Highly recommend buying it. My parents even bought it!
  57. BrendonFromLA
    Feb 16, 2005
    Is this a original work? Hardly. Sounds like the guys in Green Day have listened to their fair share of Cheap Trick, U2, the Who, the Clash, and Husker Du. Still, it's executed with a lot of passion, energy and vitrol -- and that's what comprises a great deal of very good rock and roll. The first LP in a long time to make me stay in my car and finish listening to it after my Is this a original work? Hardly. Sounds like the guys in Green Day have listened to their fair share of Cheap Trick, U2, the Who, the Clash, and Husker Du. Still, it's executed with a lot of passion, energy and vitrol -- and that's what comprises a great deal of very good rock and roll. The first LP in a long time to make me stay in my car and finish listening to it after my evening commute home -- in fact, I've NEVER done that before. Nice one! Expand
  58. StevenP
    Feb 4, 2005
    Cannot stop listening1 Politics aside, it's a melodic energy force that can't be resisted.
  59. danw
    Apr 5, 2005
    This cd is amazing and I cannot wait to see them live!
  60. ChrisD
    Apr 7, 2005
    Undoubtedly their best album so far - they'd been going downhill anyway, but this album puts even the old classic singalongs to shame.
  61. ChristyL
    May 10, 2005
    best album yet by green day. the lyrics are great the beat is septacular, and the f*** u to politics makes it even better. if u dont love this what do u love?!
  62. AshM
    May 31, 2005
    Well... what a great album, I think this one will stand the test of time and people will be buying it in 30 years time, there isn't one track that stands above the rest on the album, there all great, its very consistant, you wont find your self skipping through to find better songs. Oh yeah, all you people going 'Green Day R DA BEST' grow up you little trolls.
  63. JYeatman
    May 4, 2005
    Best album I've run across in the past few years.
  64. EmmaS
    May 9, 2005
    i av listened 2 greenday eva since i heard of thm a few years ago n i loved them then n still do now. anyone hu disses greenday are gonna get there face smashed in. Green Day rock n always will do. ;D
  65. sylvian
    Jun 16, 2005
    I used to think Green Day was ok, but now with the release of American Idiot I have finally awakened from my dazed sleep and realized that Green Day is easily the best modern band I know of. This album is absolutely spectacular! Holiday, BoBB, St. Jimmy, American Idiot, Shes a Rebel, they're all wonderful songs that I could listen t oover and over again! They never get old. Overall I used to think Green Day was ok, but now with the release of American Idiot I have finally awakened from my dazed sleep and realized that Green Day is easily the best modern band I know of. This album is absolutely spectacular! Holiday, BoBB, St. Jimmy, American Idiot, Shes a Rebel, they're all wonderful songs that I could listen t oover and over again! They never get old. Overall this masterpiece is easily one to go and buy. Expand
  66. JohnS
    Jun 16, 2005
    Incredible! This is undoubtedly on of the best albums I have ever listened to! I highly recommend this cd. Holiday and BOBB sre easily award winners!
  67. GreenDayFan
    Jul 7, 2005
    Although I love Green Day and have enjoyed every album since Dookie, American Idiot has clearly gone beyond even those. every song on the iis good and you rarely end up enjoying every song on a CD. There are too many exellent songs to point out just one but "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is truly a great song along with "Jesus of Surburbia" and "Homecoming". I think that this "rock opera" Although I love Green Day and have enjoyed every album since Dookie, American Idiot has clearly gone beyond even those. every song on the iis good and you rarely end up enjoying every song on a CD. There are too many exellent songs to point out just one but "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is truly a great song along with "Jesus of Surburbia" and "Homecoming". I think that this "rock opera" is reminicent of the ever ecclectic Queen of the 1970's and early 80's. They are truly the best in punk rock genre going well beyond the mold of punk rock is supposed to allow. So congradulations to Green Day on thier best yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  68. Rufus
    Aug 10, 2005
    This is an epic that will last generations. Excellent!!
  69. larryc
    Aug 4, 2005
    this is awesome i listen 2 it every day
  70. EdC
    Aug 5, 2005
    While not an insanely complex album, American Idiot is a an excellent and creative album. It shows that Green Day finally grew up.
  71. beb
    Aug 7, 2005
    Amazing album full of brilliant songs. I had actually not really heard of Green Day before this but i'm off to buy their older albums. Bye!
  72. JhonsonC
    Sep 9, 2005
    Best rock album Ive ever heard of my life.
  73. jackie
    Oct 3, 2006
    billie joe is hot
  74. kitb
    Feb 20, 2006
    thank god i found this site i was doing a speech on green day cuz i love em to death and i needed reviews to show thier the fuckin best!!!!
  75. TheBlob
    Feb 5, 2006
    I was a huge Green Day fan in 1994 when Dookie came out. This album was THE reference in punk-pop style back in the days. Then i grew up and stop listening to this band cause it sounded way too "childish" to match my new musical tastes, music for teen and not much. And they strike back with American Idiot. This band is still alive, no doubt. I must admit that i'm really impressed by I was a huge Green Day fan in 1994 when Dookie came out. This album was THE reference in punk-pop style back in the days. Then i grew up and stop listening to this band cause it sounded way too "childish" to match my new musical tastes, music for teen and not much. And they strike back with American Idiot. This band is still alive, no doubt. I must admit that i'm really impressed by this album. I'd never thought that such a thing was possible from Green Day. Wow, a punk-pop opera rock from the band i used to idolized more than 10 years ago. Congrats guys, great career! Collapse
  76. earl
    Mar 15, 2006
  77. JamieP
    Mar 3, 2006
    bloody brilliant album
  78. mirandas
    Mar 6, 2006
    I love this cd.
  79. bw
    May 5, 2006
    Why is this cd NOT AVAILABLE without cursing? you can't but it edited anywhere. I love to rock, my kids love to rock, but without the profanity. It is a great CD. There's not an edited version out there anywhere. I can usually depend on wal-mart for edited versions of cd's, but they don't carry it edited because it doesn't exist. It gets played on the radio Why is this cd NOT AVAILABLE without cursing? you can't but it edited anywhere. I love to rock, my kids love to rock, but without the profanity. It is a great CD. There's not an edited version out there anywhere. I can usually depend on wal-mart for edited versions of cd's, but they don't carry it edited because it doesn't exist. It gets played on the radio without cursing. At least greenday (or the record label) could offer an edited version for those of us with kids. P.S. Leave out the politics and Billie Joe-take it easy on the eye liner. Expand
  80. uber
    Jan 5, 2007
    This is equal to Dookie at least. The concept is well thought out and delivered
  81. ToddH
    Feb 25, 2007
    Awsome album that continues to be amazing even 2 1/2 years later. It will be a classic that will be refered to for many years to come.
  82. ericr
    Feb 3, 2007
    can you say BEST CD EVER!??!
  83. PepS!
    Feb 7, 2007
    One of the best albums ever! I can listen to it over and over again!
  84. mirandas
    Feb 9, 2007
    I love this cd.
  85. maplejet
    May 25, 2007
    Don't get me wrong. This isn't a bad album, but it ain't GD's greatest. Their previous albums are better and should be given a listen. As for GD haters, go listen to you generic Led Zeppelin and be a poser
  86. BernS
    Jul 15, 2007
    I'm normally annoyed by the user votes being averaged out from some people voting 0 and the rest 10, but this is one of my favourite albums ever, so... Apparently it's not punk, but that means nothing to the likes of me. It's all very accessible pop-rock, and just plain pleasant to listen to. It's not often I can say that I love 11 songs out of 13.
  87. GavinB
    Feb 23, 2008
    After listening to this album twice I heard it playing in a second hand clothes store in Camden and found I could sing along to every track. Speaks for itself really. Occasionally cringeworthy lyrics fail to sabotage an incredibly punchy album of hookladen songs delivered with incredible energy.
  88. SMT
    Mar 22, 2008
    Anyone giving this album a 0 should really consider their taste in music. This is by far the best album, the reason they're anti-american is because there are so many problems in America. Not because they're promoting terrorism, music needs some political influence as they need to get out the message to some people who believe the world is perfect. Rock on Green Day, one of the Anyone giving this album a 0 should really consider their taste in music. This is by far the best album, the reason they're anti-american is because there are so many problems in America. Not because they're promoting terrorism, music needs some political influence as they need to get out the message to some people who believe the world is perfect. Rock on Green Day, one of the best albums of all time! Best songs; Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Give Me Novacaine and Wake Me Up When September End. Expand
  89. NourezRl
    May 25, 2008
    Simply Amazing. This is not anti-american, its at worst, anti-commercialist and anti-isolationist. The big theme of the album is feeling isolated in the world around you, not being able to connect and relate with all the people you know. And about the fact that the guitar is simply one or two repeated chords, Green Day is still at it's core a punk band, and the repeated chord Simply Amazing. This is not anti-american, its at worst, anti-commercialist and anti-isolationist. The big theme of the album is feeling isolated in the world around you, not being able to connect and relate with all the people you know. And about the fact that the guitar is simply one or two repeated chords, Green Day is still at it's core a punk band, and the repeated chord structure is a facet of punk music. Even if you go back to bands like Sex Pistols and the Buzzcocks, you'll see the same repetitive structure. Expand
  90. TomP.
    May 5, 2008
    Honestly, I've barely even listened to this album, I just wanted to comment on how Jon C. may just be the most ignorant person to ever listen to a CD.
  91. Joey
    Apr 17, 2009
    OK, this album is great, Green Day's best album, not IMO, almost a fact. The 0 to 3 ratings on this album are made by 1, frustrated American who does not care about the record itself, 2, people who say they are fans, but honestly and obviously, are not (haters), 3, a tip, before you can say anything, listen to it, I mean, listen to the music, not the lyrics, then, listen to the OK, this album is great, Green Day's best album, not IMO, almost a fact. The 0 to 3 ratings on this album are made by 1, frustrated American who does not care about the record itself, 2, people who say they are fans, but honestly and obviously, are not (haters), 3, a tip, before you can say anything, listen to it, I mean, listen to the music, not the lyrics, then, listen to the lyrics. Overall, most of you guys, are all over old punk, seriously, 70's punk, 80's ? It's shit, bad music, I may seem like a hater, but this thing really sounds like... garbage ? No just kidding, it's good, but so is pop punk (Green Day), you're just a freaking hater, you do not know what you're talking about. This album is maybe not a masterpiece, but definitely Green Day's best record, period. Expand
  92. JackS
    May 13, 2009
    All of the people below will regret the zero's you have given this album when, in twenty years time, it becomes one of the most influential albums in rock history.
  93. AndreaP
    Aug 4, 2009
    A well done record, some songs are awesome but one or two aren't so good. Sure one of the best album by Green Day.
  94. bobbyn
    Nov 1, 2004
    Great album,cant take it off the player. winona k REM ha ha there new album is so shite its awfull.
  95. jons
    Nov 13, 2004
  96. KennethH
    Nov 19, 2004
    Great cd Green day has defenatly hit the big time
  97. MattG
    Oct 12, 2004
    Tremendously solid both melodically and lyrically, it also puts forth a political message the young voters need to listen to.
  98. z28blue
    Nov 28, 2004
    Lyrical Genius! Catchy Tunes! And it all makes sense! Absolutely, hands down, the best album ive heard all year!
  99. CourtlandC
    Nov 4, 2004
    Songs 1-7 are the best seven songs in a row off of any album in the last ten years. The opening strains of guitar and first verse of "We are the Waiting" blow away anything else out there right now.
  100. jessw
    Oct 16, 2004
    yeah its good, i like it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. It is exactly what the band needs to boost itself to the next level of pop-punk prowess.
  2. There's still plenty of spunk in to be found in this Sgt. Pepper-lite.
  3. Not only does it contain Green Day’s finest songs (and choruses) to date... but it also scratches at the surface of political dissatisfaction with nails sharp enough to leave a nasty scar.