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Universal acclaim- based on 298 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 298

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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    seems like everybody in these reviews have never listened to a rock album before
    i think the album is one of avenged sevenfold's best.
  2. Jun 21, 2023
    it's a **** disgrace that this album has the worst meta score out of every album in the A7X discografy.

    this album rocks!
  3. Jun 5, 2023
    An absolutely fantastic album with every song being great in its own way. An absolute classic
  4. Jun 5, 2023
    Honestly I have no criticism for this album. Avenged Sevenfold have been evolving their sound for almost a decade before it and it has all been building up to the incredible opus that is their self-titled. Not a single weak song, listen to it right now.
  5. Aug 2, 2022
    This album is a little piece of heaven. That's all i have to say. Best of a7x in my opinion.
  6. Sep 8, 2021
    Amazing album tbh. Afterlife is their best song, and Critical Acclaim is awesome too.
  7. Jul 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The rev dies

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  8. Nov 19, 2017
    Great lyrics. Synyster Gates is amazing as always. Not a single bad track. Best rock album of the 21st century. And one of my all time favourites. Just love them.
  9. Dec 15, 2015
    This is a prime example of a great metal album. Great solos, great drumming, great guitars, and great vocals. There are many high points in this album but for me, my favorite songs were A Little Piece of Heaven and Almost Easy. However, it does have a low point, which is Gunslinger for me. But other than that, the album is great.
  10. May 25, 2015
    Did they even get fans of rock/metal, specifically A7X to review this album? You have to wonder given this is arguably one of the most famous modern rock band's best albums and it's reviewed as 'meh.' Personally, I love this album. Not every song is fantastic, but all are at least pretty good, with some hihgly aggressive songs and other soft rock songs. I'm not a "fanboy" or anything; IDid they even get fans of rock/metal, specifically A7X to review this album? You have to wonder given this is arguably one of the most famous modern rock band's best albums and it's reviewed as 'meh.' Personally, I love this album. Not every song is fantastic, but all are at least pretty good, with some hihgly aggressive songs and other soft rock songs. I'm not a "fanboy" or anything; I just really like this album. Iit has meaningful lyrics and awesome melodies, like in Gunslinger, for example as well as some just plain catchy songs, like A Little Piece of Heaven. Well, if you like this style of music, you like it, and if you don't, you don't (meaning I'm not going to convince you to change your taste in music). Expand
  11. Mar 13, 2015
    It's not like the metal albums that came before. It's definitely still Avenged Sevenfold, but this time they experiment with their sound by including elements of orchestras, country music, and... Autotune? Eh, they make it work.

    The singles on this album are some of the band's best. "Almost Easy" and "Critical Acclaim" are the heaviest songs on the album and the ones that stick closest
    It's not like the metal albums that came before. It's definitely still Avenged Sevenfold, but this time they experiment with their sound by including elements of orchestras, country music, and... Autotune? Eh, they make it work.

    The singles on this album are some of the band's best. "Almost Easy" and "Critical Acclaim" are the heaviest songs on the album and the ones that stick closest to the band's metal sound from the previous albums. Although the former is definitely a hard-rock song. "Afterlife" manages to stick with you thanks to it's haunting orchestral music and pretty-deep meaning. "Scream" is solid but didn't really do much for me. It will appeal to those who like their music with a creepy tinge though. "Dear God" is one of their slow songs. I've never really been a fan of their slower songs, but it's far from their worst.

    It along with "Gunslinger" experiment with the country music in their instrumentals. I am not a country music fan in any way, but I have to say the songs aren't bad. They thankfully don't go fully into the genre so they still manage to stay at the very least listenable.

    For the songs that aren't singles the lyrics can get a bit banal. The themes they carry are presented in a slightly juvenile ways. They still sound great, but they aren't going to be mistaken for high-art.

    The exception to this is the song "A Little Piece of Heaven." It's another track that uses the orchestral sound and it tells a twisted story that is delightfully dark-humored. It's filled with wild imagination and creativity. It's hilarious in all the right ways. The track is a masterpiece and my personal favorite Avenged Sevenfold song.

    The experimentation here mostly pays off. Outside of a few issues and inconsistencies Avenged Sevenfold crafted a great hard-rock album. Some of the band's most memorable songs are here, although they are among a few forgettable ones. It might not be the sound that caused people to fall in live with the band before, but it can still satisfy fans. The album has brought new fans to them and can continue to do so.

    My total score for this self-titled album is an 8.7/10.
  12. Apr 27, 2013
    Dear God, Almost Easy, A Little Piece of Heaven, Critical Acclaim, Scream. My favorite Avenged Sevenfold songs are all there! The other albums are very good, but none beats this one.
  13. Dec 25, 2012
    Not the best A7X album, but still good. A bit less powerful then the previous albums though.
    Let's analize every track.

    Critical Acclaim
  14. Jun 21, 2012
    These guys are, and always will be, very good. This album definitely did have a different style, but it was still very good. I can't see why you wouldn't like it. Avenged Sevenfold rocks.
  15. Jun 12, 2012
    This may not be a good review if you're looking to see the ups and downs about this band, because I only have GREAT things to say about this band! I love this band so much, great lyrics, awesome instrumental and lovable guys! I love their older stuff, like the Sounding the Seventh Trumpet and Waking the Fallen album! I love Avenged Sevenfold!
  16. Apr 21, 2012
    I don't understand the hate from the critics, this album is amazing. Yes it's a different sound from City of Evil, but it's a cleaner sound (City of Evil is a mess, I'm sorry but it's true. Just listen to Beast and the Harlot closely). Melodically, it's great and Synyster Gates/Zacky Vengeance's dueling guitars sound great. M. Shadows' vocals are better than ever and The Rev'sI don't understand the hate from the critics, this album is amazing. Yes it's a different sound from City of Evil, but it's a cleaner sound (City of Evil is a mess, I'm sorry but it's true. Just listen to Beast and the Harlot closely). Melodically, it's great and Synyster Gates/Zacky Vengeance's dueling guitars sound great. M. Shadows' vocals are better than ever and The Rev's passion-filled voice adds a new dimension to a7x's sound. Highlights of the album are anything the Rev sings on and the underrated song "Lost". Expand
  17. Apr 11, 2012
    Yes, this album may suffer from some themes of corny unoriginality, such as religious and hellish overtones, but it is a rather good listen, with many emotional songs that are good to listen to, especially if you are going through some awful times. I also like the fact that Avenged Sevenfold are actually brave enough to experiment with so many of their songs. This one has many gems,Yes, this album may suffer from some themes of corny unoriginality, such as religious and hellish overtones, but it is a rather good listen, with many emotional songs that are good to listen to, especially if you are going through some awful times. I also like the fact that Avenged Sevenfold are actually brave enough to experiment with so many of their songs. This one has many gems, "Critical Acclaim" is a good song about the many different faults of America in politics, "Almost Easy" is a good song for grieving over loved ones, or over anything in general. "Scream" isn't particularly that good of song, but it does have a nice guitar solo in it; "Afterlife" and "Gunslinger" are two very emotional songs that are my album favorites on this album. "Unbound (The Wild Ride)" is a nice ballad that involves shrieking piano rifts mixed in with guitar solos. "Brompton Cocktail" and "Lost" are not really my most appreciated, but are okay listens. "A Little Piece Of Heaven" has a very absolutely stupid and pointless meaning, but you can appreciate it for M. Shadows' nice vocal work, and the Broadway instruments nicely mixed within, but it is a rather ugly and perverted listen. Finally, "Dear God" is a country style ballad that is actually a nice emotional song, because it is not a country song, it only has country elements in it. Overall, this album is a good one, because of Avenged Sevenfold's will to experiment. They do however stray from their own genre a little bit too much, which is the album's main flaw. Expand
  18. Jan 8, 2012
    I honestly do not understand how anyone can rate this under 10! If you didn't enjoy this you have no soul!
    A little piece of heaven is definitely the best song of the century!
  19. Sep 3, 2011
    This Self Titled album is an explosion of everything Avenged Sevenfold with Awesome Tracks Like Gunslinger Critical Acclaim Scream and Afterlife this is an album that Is worth Checking out for fans of the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal music. Amd in a Comment Unrelated to the music this album is somewhat overshadowed by The Newer Avenged Songs its Underrated but its defintalty worth listing to
  20. Jul 28, 2011
    Jesus Christ!!! what the hell is up with all the haters and the **** score??? you people must be more interested in queer ass music like tao cruiz or justin beiber. man screw all of you who gave this a bad review!! this band and album must be too badass for you!
  21. Apr 13, 2011
    The best band ever!There music must be heard by eveyone.A7X never dissapoints when they release there music.If you like rock or metal youll love A7X.Their guitar solos are really amazing.
  22. Feb 19, 2011
    While not as good as the excellent City of Evil it's a great album in it's own right. the best songs on show here are "A Little Piece Of Heaven" "Scream" & "Afterlife" Not that the albums inconsistent. Definitely worth a listen
  23. Nov 27, 2010
    Definitely a different feel then there last album, Avenged has fully turned over the leaf they started with waking the fallen. With every album following Sounding the Seventh trumpet, Shadows has incorporated more and more melodic singing. Where Waking the Fallen was 50/50 and City of Evil was 75/25 this album has just about completely done away with the heavy screaming of songs past.Definitely a different feel then there last album, Avenged has fully turned over the leaf they started with waking the fallen. With every album following Sounding the Seventh trumpet, Shadows has incorporated more and more melodic singing. Where Waking the Fallen was 50/50 and City of Evil was 75/25 this album has just about completely done away with the heavy screaming of songs past. Not that that's a bad thing its just a different sound to hardcore fans. Many have trashed them for it but I see it as a brilliant career choice. Death Metal is a dying genre. You can call it selling out if you want but I actually think this gives them much more potential creativity and fan base. You cant fault them for enjoying playing in front of 10,000 fans compared to 200. Bands evolve over times and this album is proof A7X has as well. And the crazy solos and rediculous drumming is still there. Listen to the Afterlife solo and tell me thats not epic. Hate if you want but by incorporating a more catchy style to their still insanely talented skill probably added at least 3-4 chart topping albums to their future. Expand
  24. Aug 19, 2010
    While not a terrible album it certainly could have been a lot stronger. But these fanboys getting butt-hurt over the critics are just simply deluded.
  25. TeresaH
    Jun 3, 2009
    Alright...I've heard quite enough of all the critics! for F.UK. sakes...honestly...could you play, or write the music....didn't think so....just because you're jealous...sorry but the truth suck...and a7x doesn't.
  26. LissaG
    Apr 25, 2009
    Even though the album was way different than the previous ones it still has good songs that make you want to hear over and over again. I personally think that A7X gets better with every album they put out.
  27. joer
    Apr 16, 2009
    ok f*ck everyone who is critizing a7x they are the best heavy metal band out right now! They sound better than they ever did just because their not screaming like they used to dont make them worse. Their new self titled cd is the shit the best cd out now. Their lyrics are f*ckn great very original and the one of the best i heard.So kiss my ass to anyone who is cutting them down calling ok f*ck everyone who is critizing a7x they are the best heavy metal band out right now! They sound better than they ever did just because their not screaming like they used to dont make them worse. Their new self titled cd is the shit the best cd out now. Their lyrics are f*ckn great very original and the one of the best i heard.So kiss my ass to anyone who is cutting them down calling them soft and shit f*ck u their makn the money u are not doin shit b*tches! Expand
  28. JeanaH
    Dec 30, 2008
    Everyone is saying they are being very unoriginal, but I disagree. I have yet to see a band that made music or albums similar to this. It's like a new age heavy metal meeting punk rock. The solos are wicked, the vocals are better than what any of you dickwads could ever try, and the drums are very intense. They pulled it off, so get over it. I'd like to see any of you who are Everyone is saying they are being very unoriginal, but I disagree. I have yet to see a band that made music or albums similar to this. It's like a new age heavy metal meeting punk rock. The solos are wicked, the vocals are better than what any of you dickwads could ever try, and the drums are very intense. They pulled it off, so get over it. I'd like to see any of you who are being total idiots about it try and attempt this. Expand
  29. MIstyM
    Dec 26, 2008
    I give this album 2 thumbs up! I can't believe how many people hate this cd. Just because this cd isn't as "metal" as the last album, doesn't mean that it's not as good.
  30. HugoP
    Dec 23, 2008
    Great album! I prefer City of evil tough. Only gave it a 7 because i believe there are greater albuns and bands to fill the higher values. Although not that heavy, it`s a fantastic album!!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. Blender
    While straying from metal's path, they uphold its legacy of conservative politics. [Nov 2007, p.148]
  2. Spin
    With tighter, mercifully shorter songs, like the Slayer-meets-slash trasher 'Almost Easy,' they're now defiling America's youth with more substance than style. [Nov 2007, p.114]
  3. Q Magazine
    Their anthem-filled fourth album's brazen swagger may prove irresistible. [Nov 2007, p.137]