• Record Label: Big Beat
  • Release Date: Jan 24, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 209 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 65 out of 209
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  1. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  2. Mar 19, 2019
    bem ok mesmo, é um classico do skrillex mas ele já teve eps/albums melhores
  3. May 2, 2017
    Its FANTASTCIC EP. I listened to him when I was still at school. Its Complextro, moombahcore, electronic rock , Dubstep, electro house, EDM, pop, trance, drum and bass, rap rock, experimental rock genres. It features collaborations with The Doors, Sirah, Wolfgang Gartner, 12th Planet, Kill the Noise and Ellie Goulding.
  4. Dec 22, 2016
    Not very good with the exception of "Breakin' a Sweat", and "Summit". Everything else is just all jumbled together in a non melodious way. It also just seems very simple.
  5. Aug 9, 2016
  6. Jun 4, 2016
    I think this album is very awesome . In this album I love Break'n a Sweet and Bangarand, I watched clip on Bangarang . I think this album most popular Skrillex album and Bangarang one of the most popular new songs and I think this album is very good and in this music album there are hits and Break'n a Sweet play in NFS Most Wanted 2012 . Amazing album . 9/10 .
  7. Aug 21, 2015
    Skrillex really established an original sound that is representative for this generation (whether you like it or not). Some songs on here are not as original, like 'The Devil's Den', which sounds like anything Skrillex would make combined with anything Wolfgang Gartner would make, also 'Right On Time' sounds like The Chemical Brothers' 'It Doesn't Matter' with some variations and a (I haveSkrillex really established an original sound that is representative for this generation (whether you like it or not). Some songs on here are not as original, like 'The Devil's Den', which sounds like anything Skrillex would make combined with anything Wolfgang Gartner would make, also 'Right On Time' sounds like The Chemical Brothers' 'It Doesn't Matter' with some variations and a (I have to admit) awesome synth melody at the ending, which reminds you how great Moore is at setting an eerie mood. As of the title track, that might become an EDM classic. Expand
  8. Jan 1, 2015
    Of course, this is insanity, just random weird sounds, but in the end, did it entertain you? That's all that matters. This is an awesome EP that just makes you shake. You know you love it.
  9. Jul 24, 2014
    The cool thing about this EP is that it has multple influences of different music genres. And as always he has the basics of electronics house music like cravy vocals hooks,breakdowns and,build-ups. But on some of his songs the catchy hooks aren't catchy but that doesn't stop the fun nature of songs like in Bangarang if you are not to notice that some of his songs sound original sometimes.The cool thing about this EP is that it has multple influences of different music genres. And as always he has the basics of electronics house music like cravy vocals hooks,breakdowns and,build-ups. But on some of his songs the catchy hooks aren't catchy but that doesn't stop the fun nature of songs like in Bangarang if you are not to notice that some of his songs sound original sometimes. All in all this album is a good one too check out. Expand
  10. Apr 21, 2014
    Little to no creativity and to be honest as much as I don't like most of skrillex's music his previous singles beat this out any day. Mostly annoying Voice choppy dubstep crap! By the way I am a huge fan of house so I myself am not discriminating the album for its sound!
  11. Apr 5, 2014
    Good song collection, Skrillex is a mastermind of brostep. The dubstep is well composed and I enhoyed the epic drops. It is also quite popular.
    Why so much hate for this album? It's relatively good!
  12. Mar 14, 2014
    The Bangarang EP is fun and wild, offering both fantastic melody hooks and edgy dubstep samples to appease a variety of electronic music listeners. There's plenty to enjoy here, it's just a shame that it's not a full-length album. The songs all sound like they belong on the same record yet none of them have any real resemblance with one another. Skrillex has talent and potential, butThe Bangarang EP is fun and wild, offering both fantastic melody hooks and edgy dubstep samples to appease a variety of electronic music listeners. There's plenty to enjoy here, it's just a shame that it's not a full-length album. The songs all sound like they belong on the same record yet none of them have any real resemblance with one another. Skrillex has talent and potential, but dubstep is an arena that is hard to master should a full album be in the future for this popular DJ. If you are trying to find an "in" to dubstep, Bangarang is probably one of the best doors to walk through. Expand
  13. Apr 22, 2013
    Skrilles can go catch in the ass with his gramma He doens't even deserves to be alive and he should die with a stick in his vagina because i know he has one He is a fuxking gay person and i hate him
  14. cfh
    Mar 24, 2013
    I honestly love this EP because, 1. I love Skrillex and dubstep in general 2. It is probably one of his best albums 3. Every single song is awesome in it, not like Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites where about 2 of the songs are good 4. Even people who do not like dubstep like the song Bangarang because it is a good song to play at dances.
  15. Mar 24, 2013
    Some songs are catchy, but many sound like putting the background music of a pop song in a digital blender. Maybe dub step isnt' my thing, but this was a so-so album.
  16. Feb 26, 2013
    Honestly, dubstep is so awful. No music from this genre should even come out. Every single song is the exact same. There is absolutely no variety at all.
  17. Nov 12, 2012
    Pointless noise with no inspiration or meaning. Listening to it makes you die a little inside.
  18. Sep 28, 2012
    not the greatest EP, but i still like it, why is there all this hate? its got some high points, elie golding is in it for gods sake, also, good beat, good songs
  19. Aug 4, 2012
    Regardless of his sudden worldwide fame, Skrillex downgrades from Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites' unique take on the popular dubstep genre by turning it into (literally) random bleeps, bloops, blurps and vocal samples. Its two first tracks, "Right In" and "Bangarang", are driven by annoying vocal hooks and under-whelming bass drops. However, the EP begins to improve around its thirdRegardless of his sudden worldwide fame, Skrillex downgrades from Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites' unique take on the popular dubstep genre by turning it into (literally) random bleeps, bloops, blurps and vocal samples. Its two first tracks, "Right In" and "Bangarang", are driven by annoying vocal hooks and under-whelming bass drops. However, the EP begins to improve around its third track, thanks to a surprising yet wonderful collaboration with The Doors. The EP's concluding track, "Summit", begins to sound tedious after multiple vocal chops that feature non-specific lyrical content, however, it shines beautifully once English recording Ellie Goulding makes an entry with her soft, soprano vocals. Hopefully, Skrillex's next entry (whatever it may be) will show his true potential as an artist. Expand
  20. Jul 16, 2012
    With a clear lack of progression, Skrillex is delivering the same tricks all over again, and according to sales this is working out very well for the prince of Brostep. A lot of high pitched noise with lack of real bass, moving far away from the sound system roots of the genre. He has however improved his production skills slightly as the songs sound more polished.
  21. Jul 6, 2012
    There are a lot of great international artists that impacted the entire music charts in 2012. There's David Guetta, there's Kylie Minogue, there's Alex Claire who's his music was featured in a Internet Explorer 9 commercial. But Skrillrex delivers hard-knockin beats and a sensitive style of dance, techno, and more. Bangarang [EP] is one of the best albums of 2012 so far. From Mortal KombatThere are a lot of great international artists that impacted the entire music charts in 2012. There's David Guetta, there's Kylie Minogue, there's Alex Claire who's his music was featured in a Internet Explorer 9 commercial. But Skrillrex delivers hard-knockin beats and a sensitive style of dance, techno, and more. Bangarang [EP] is one of the best albums of 2012 so far. From Mortal Kombat to Lollipop Chainsaw, he also even had a score on Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. He's everywhere from movies to TV spots to video games. Great album, looking forward on the Electric Daisy Carnival Experience 2012 (in movie theaters). Expand
  22. May 29, 2012
    This EP helps to continue to establish Skrillex's brand which I can see either loving or hating. I think it's a very important thing for an artist, in as forgettable a genre as dubstep, to make a concrete sound identity for themselves. This EP, along with Scary Monsters helps to really create a solid sound base that is the Skrillex brand. That said, I love the sound.

    I did take a point
    This EP helps to continue to establish Skrillex's brand which I can see either loving or hating. I think it's a very important thing for an artist, in as forgettable a genre as dubstep, to make a concrete sound identity for themselves. This EP, along with Scary Monsters helps to really create a solid sound base that is the Skrillex brand. That said, I love the sound.

    I did take a point off for aesthetics. I'm not sure what it is about this EP, but something doesn't quite catch me like it did in Scary Monsters. I think it's because the general feeling of songs is a bit slower and more churning rather than up beat.
  23. May 6, 2012
    Skrillex is a peculiar artist. When I first listened to the Bangarang EP I didn't really like a single track. They all sounded a little lazy, familiar and frankly somewhat annoying. But somehow Skrillex knows how to make catchy tunes. I find myself minding my business when all of a sudden one of his melodies enters my brain and gets stuck. So now that some time has passed, I've actuallySkrillex is a peculiar artist. When I first listened to the Bangarang EP I didn't really like a single track. They all sounded a little lazy, familiar and frankly somewhat annoying. But somehow Skrillex knows how to make catchy tunes. I find myself minding my business when all of a sudden one of his melodies enters my brain and gets stuck. So now that some time has passed, I've actually come back to some of these tracks and come to like them a lot.
    Also, he knows how to make music that works on the dance floor, which is a quality that some of the possibly more skilled producers lack.
    That being said, there are still quite a few tracks on this EP that I don't care for at all. All in all not a spectacular EP but his ability to consistently produce some quality music is impressive.
    Good tracks: Right In, Kyoto and Summit.
  24. Apr 30, 2012
    It's just sad there's so many negative comments. People shouldn't hate Skrillex. He's the best DJ mixer around. Bangarang blew me off my seat when I heard it for the first time. If you rated this 2 or lower, listen to Bangarang twice and then say this was helpful.
  25. Apr 2, 2012
    Not as good as Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites, but a not-so-bad EP to keep us waiting for his first real album : Voltage. Key tracks : Bangarang (duh) and Kyoto. My favorites : The Devil's Den and Summit
  26. Mar 27, 2012
    Bangarang sure sounds like Skrillex dubstep. That's about as descriptive as one needs to get. Monotonous and monotonous and monotonous trip bang dubstep. If music has a heartbeat this is arrhythmia.
  27. Feb 20, 2012
    This is his worst EP. I hate Skrillex bcuz of this EP he doesnt deserve any award from this EP if he does then that means the people are just stupid.
  28. Feb 9, 2012
    WHAT?!!!!!!!!!! How are there so many negative reviews on here?!! Skrillex is a genius! He kills it track after track. The orchestral track was very random but come on Kyoto alone gives this album every right to a 10/10. Skrillex is the king of dubstep. He is an absolute genius and he always makes killer tracks. I don't care what anyone says. 10/10!
  29. Feb 8, 2012
    It may have a few catchy beats but it turns sort of annoying after a while. In my opinion, it's a little too overrated and I think the Recording Academy wasn't right about nominating him as Best New Artist, I mean, there were a lot more talented musicians in 2011.
  30. Feb 4, 2012
    Bangarang is a great EP. First of, i'm a huge Skrillex fan, he's what got me into dubstep in the first place. Now when you first hear the songs on the EP, you think "Skrillex has degraded to the point where I don't like him any more." But then when you hear the songs again & again & again, you start to love it. That's the sort of EP I like. Because, music has to have some replay-abilty, orBangarang is a great EP. First of, i'm a huge Skrillex fan, he's what got me into dubstep in the first place. Now when you first hear the songs on the EP, you think "Skrillex has degraded to the point where I don't like him any more." But then when you hear the songs again & again & again, you start to love it. That's the sort of EP I like. Because, music has to have some replay-abilty, or it's not good (at least in my opinion). Heck, I like it so much, I have physical thing! So if you dont like dubstep, this isn't going to make like it. But dubstep fans like me, will love over time. 9/10 Expand
  31. Jan 30, 2012
    Not terrible, but most certainly forgettable. How many artists get the chance to record a new song with the three surviving members of The Doors? One, as far as I know. Gratz on screwing that up, Skrillex. Can you possibly find a new pad setting? That sound was played out twenty years ago. We have computers and you have talent. Come up with something new and stop playing to the fads.
  32. Jan 29, 2012
    Honestly, i like over half of the songs on the ep and i feel its just something to keep me busy till his full album comes out. The tunes are catchy and i feel that all of them are all unique and don't sound much like his previous work
  33. Jan 28, 2012
    Bangarang is a great EP, especially if your into electronic. Keeping that in mind, Skrillex fails to produce new sounds that aren't easily computer generated, but it's really personal preference with his style. What makes this EP special, is that Skrillex tries to vary his usually filthy tracks, with cleaner tracks such as Breakin' A Sweat, and especially Summit with Ellie Goulding. ThereBangarang is a great EP, especially if your into electronic. Keeping that in mind, Skrillex fails to produce new sounds that aren't easily computer generated, but it's really personal preference with his style. What makes this EP special, is that Skrillex tries to vary his usually filthy tracks, with cleaner tracks such as Breakin' A Sweat, and especially Summit with Ellie Goulding. There is much room for improvement, but if Skrill continues with his filthy computer tracks, he'll sellout in no time. Expand
  34. Jan 27, 2012
    Skrillex has to be commended in some areas. For one he introduced Dubstep to the mainstream and has made a solid EP, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprits, in most regards he has helped Dubstep. Up to this point he has made okay songs and overshadowed excellent Dubstep and D&B bands such as Flux Pavilion and NERO. This album however should shove him off his high pedestal and make room with farSkrillex has to be commended in some areas. For one he introduced Dubstep to the mainstream and has made a solid EP, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprits, in most regards he has helped Dubstep. Up to this point he has made okay songs and overshadowed excellent Dubstep and D&B bands such as Flux Pavilion and NERO. This album however should shove him off his high pedestal and make room with far more talented underground acts. While he has talent rehashing the same song for every single track on the album is not Dubstep, like he for some reason thinks it is, itâ Expand
  35. Jan 26, 2012
    This is terrible. Honestly, you have to try hard to annoy me in this genre, and this EP is loaded with poorly done, obnoxious tracks, with awful samples. Include all of the rehashed bass lines we've all heard before, and you have a short, and horrible album. You think Skrillex would improve after achieving sudo popularity, but instead he has degraded. Sad to see.

    If you want to bump
    This is terrible. Honestly, you have to try hard to annoy me in this genre, and this EP is loaded with poorly done, obnoxious tracks, with awful samples. Include all of the rehashed bass lines we've all heard before, and you have a short, and horrible album. You think Skrillex would improve after achieving sudo popularity, but instead he has degraded. Sad to see.

    If you want to bump some good fast paced dubstep, look up Acid Wolfpack - Coyote Kisses That song is 1000x better than anything on Bangarang. Last thing I want to say is that the actual Bangarang song is decent. It's worth a listen.
  36. Jan 26, 2012
    Im not sure why people hate on Skrillex so much. His hair? His retarded old band? Who cares? His music is some of the craziest stuff I've ever heard and very impressive. Not the best album I've ever heard but I'll definitely be jamming out to it for a while and more deserving of a 2.7 user score.
  37. Jan 25, 2012
    Hasn't progressed in any way, its just the same old formula with more silly noise than before. Skrillex really is stagnating he should mix it up a bit.
  38. Jan 25, 2012
    Is he even trying anymore? We have heard all of these songs before from either his previous albums or others. Kyoto is just Ruffneck Bass but with a few words changed. How did he go from being one of the best Dubstep artists out there to making this crap?
  39. Jan 24, 2012
    As far as Dubstep goes, it's great. Good fun! Matches if not goes past what other artists of the same fame level are doing these days. I really don't give it a 10, I'm just trying to balance the score out. Overall I'd say 4/5.
  40. Jan 24, 2012
    Skrillex is just rehashing the basslines we've heard over the past couple of years from dubstep artists everywhere. Why doesn't he take a leaf out of SBTRKT or Rustie's book and look to take dubstep somewhere it's never been before?
  41. Jan 24, 2012
    I guess the main problem I have with Bangarang, is that it sounds exactly the same as the other songs we heard from Skrillex in 2011. There is nothing new, nothing is changed. For example, we heard Kyoto way waaaaaay back in april. The only difference is that back then, it was called Ruffneck. Also, the drops! Sometimes I don't even know the drop has happened, but I realise it after aI guess the main problem I have with Bangarang, is that it sounds exactly the same as the other songs we heard from Skrillex in 2011. There is nothing new, nothing is changed. For example, we heard Kyoto way waaaaaay back in april. The only difference is that back then, it was called Ruffneck. Also, the drops! Sometimes I don't even know the drop has happened, but I realise it after a minute or something. So yeah, this EP is nothing new, nothing spectacular, it just happened. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. 40
    Bangarang, a stopgap EP ahead of his debut album later in the year, still fails to confirm whether his unashamed populism is deeply naive or profoundly cynical.
  2. This is a pop record because its shamelessly hedonistic barrage of proven dancefloor tricks will obviously be more fun at home than in a club.
  3. Jan 25, 2012
    Bangarang is a disappointingly formulaic affair which hints for the first time that the wheels may soon slowly begin to fall off.