• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Oct 11, 2011
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 311 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 26 out of 311
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  1. Dec 2, 2017
    when you wanna do more than you can actually bear....you never succeed. The result is confusion, over-the-top themes and lack of musical sanity, really.
  2. Dec 3, 2013
    The f*ck she's think she is doing? I don't know why critics love her so much... she stands for the Japanese culture like she's Japanese or something... I really don't know why of this. Look to my album "Bounty", have so many different meanings but its attend culture as universal, not the exaltation of a single one. You better stop being hypocritical, Björk, just a tip...
  3. Mar 6, 2013
    For some reason, the more Björk tries for avant garde cred, the more pedestrian her songwriting gets. Tuneless nothings and even cheesy ballads are just frosted with twinkly chimes and crackling sounds and multi-tracked vocals. Also features some of the most embarrassing lyrics of her career.
  4. Dec 18, 2012
    I heard much people talking about this Bjork's album and I finally decided to hear it. I was able to realise that this newest Bjork's CD is so bad. It seems that the songs don't have any rhythm at all and all sounds the same sh**. I don't really know how this album could be nominated for Grammys this year. I don't think that this album is the worst that I ever heard but it's definitely oneI heard much people talking about this Bjork's album and I finally decided to hear it. I was able to realise that this newest Bjork's CD is so bad. It seems that the songs don't have any rhythm at all and all sounds the same sh**. I don't really know how this album could be nominated for Grammys this year. I don't think that this album is the worst that I ever heard but it's definitely one of the most terrible albums that I ever had the misfortune to hear. Expand
  5. Nov 26, 2011
    How is this worse than "Volta"? "Volta" had about four semi-solid tunes, even if the rest was junk. Maybe everyone had overly high expectations for it because it directly succeeded the golden age of "Vespertine" and "Medulla"?

    Anyways, this "Biophilia," it's just a desert, there's nothing here. "Virus" would have been an acceptable B-side ten years ago, and there are fun percussion breaks
    How is this worse than "Volta"? "Volta" had about four semi-solid tunes, even if the rest was junk. Maybe everyone had overly high expectations for it because it directly succeeded the golden age of "Vespertine" and "Medulla"?

    Anyways, this "Biophilia," it's just a desert, there's nothing here. "Virus" would have been an acceptable B-side ten years ago, and there are fun percussion breaks in the latter half of "Sacrifice," but neither is sufficient to justify spending hard-earned scrilla on this album. On the whole, it reminds me of the meandering parts of Medulla that nobody likes. You know what I'm talking about, not "Submarine," but rather that tonal-less filler which should have been replaced with "Komid."

    Just don't buy this album. I dunno, go buy another copy of "Vespertine" or something if you want to support Bjork. Save yourself while you can!
  6. Nov 7, 2011
    Bjork has always been overrated from her first album up until this current release. I don't understand the hype. Her music is boring and weird for weirdness sake. Only hipsters and critics like her. Avoid this garbage.
  7. Oct 11, 2011
    Another stillborn album from Bjork, full of tuneless songs and gibberish lyrics that are hard to make out. It's a tad better than Volta, but she probably never will record anything really good.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. 90
    Biophilia is an excellent addition to her glorious discography.
  2. Nov 1, 2011
    Biophilia is a delicate and highly tactile treat, a unique gem of innovation (pipe organs driven by computers, the mallet-tickled gameleste) and gentle real soul whose breathy endearing heights Bjork hasn't touched in a minute.
  3. Oct 24, 2011
    Despite some flaws in its execution, Biophilia does succeed in pushing beyond the already established album-singles-videos model, and the creation of a digital experience to compliment the music feels like a natural progression in the way that music is packaged and consumed.