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  1. JuliaA
    Aug 20, 2006
    this is a great album among the releases of so called modern vintage and those post-thingy.many bands could make great rock-craft,but not many of them able to deliver it in eerie yet beautiful way without being cheesy.the lads surely knew how to make themselves stand out at the map of musical for those critiques who said it's crappy,I think they should spin the CD at least this is a great album among the releases of so called modern vintage and those post-thingy.many bands could make great rock-craft,but not many of them able to deliver it in eerie yet beautiful way without being cheesy.the lads surely knew how to make themselves stand out at the map of musical for those critiques who said it's crappy,I think they should spin the CD at least three more times to get the essence. Expand
  2. DWit
    Aug 20, 2006
    I love Absolution and Origin Of Symmetry but this album has crossed the line of grandiose and become lame. I still believe this is better than Showbiz but Muse can do better. I love the emotion that they evoke, even though it has become lame. That being said, this album isnt horrible and I still love Muse.
  3. DavidS
    Aug 17, 2006
    I've never been a fan of Muse. I've always considered them a Radiohead ripoff. My girlfriend pleaded with me to take a listen to this cd, and wow! It's nothing like their previous efforts. It oozes originality and creativity! Every song is gorgeous, layered and full of hooks. I guess I'll be eating crow for a while. I can't wait to catch them live at V Festival! I've never been a fan of Muse. I've always considered them a Radiohead ripoff. My girlfriend pleaded with me to take a listen to this cd, and wow! It's nothing like their previous efforts. It oozes originality and creativity! Every song is gorgeous, layered and full of hooks. I guess I'll be eating crow for a while. I can't wait to catch them live at V Festival! Muse, you've converted me! Collapse
  4. MichaelC
    Aug 16, 2006
    Best album of the year. Muse's musical sophistication is unparallelled. Knights of Cydonia is the most creative rock song of the past few years, and Assassin, Exo-Politics, Take A Bow, Starlight, and City of Delusion are all better, harder-hitting rock songs than anyone else is capable of producing. Phenomenonal musical and lyrical artistry that absolutely cannot be matched by any Best album of the year. Muse's musical sophistication is unparallelled. Knights of Cydonia is the most creative rock song of the past few years, and Assassin, Exo-Politics, Take A Bow, Starlight, and City of Delusion are all better, harder-hitting rock songs than anyone else is capable of producing. Phenomenonal musical and lyrical artistry that absolutely cannot be matched by any band outside of possibly Radiohead at their very,very best. Expand
  5. ConsequencesForVillainy
    Aug 16, 2006
    Imagine if the disappointed soul of OK Computer were able to gain access to a spaceship and, eventually, become disillusioned with this new frontier. Black Holes and Revelations is a swirling mass of concentrated arena tek-rock, mostly on point and embracing harmonies that have been popularized by bands like Queen. This is an album that starts off blistering (I would choose "Take A Bow" Imagine if the disappointed soul of OK Computer were able to gain access to a spaceship and, eventually, become disillusioned with this new frontier. Black Holes and Revelations is a swirling mass of concentrated arena tek-rock, mostly on point and embracing harmonies that have been popularized by bands like Queen. This is an album that starts off blistering (I would choose "Take A Bow" over TV on the Radio's " Wolf Like Me" for opening track of the year) segues into "Starlight" (ethereal, very Martin Gore/Alan Wilder Stuff), and explodes with "Supermassive Black Hole". The wildly corny "Knights of Cydonia" intro mars what prove to be Muse's best harmonies yet. Three or four outstanding tracks for those who like the genre - the rest are the usual filler you find on concept albums. Expand
  6. MattW
    Aug 10, 2006
    Musically, Wow! Its just the best band in the world. Its not quite Origin, but itwould be unfair to expect it to be. 1 criticism, no Hysteria or Stockholm Syndrome equivalent apart from Assassin, which still isnt that similar. So what though eh!
  7. loki
    Aug 1, 2006
    Not a bad album, but definately not their best. Self indulgent, but thats what we love about muse. Still a great album with one of the best endings (last 3 songs) in recent time.
  8. TomM
    Jul 31, 2006
    I was a little disappointed on the first listen, partly because the harmonics etc didn't seem as clever as previous albums (some of the melodies were slightly predictable). But it steadily grew on me to an addiction stretching to switching it onto 'repeat', and listening to the different components proved me wrong and made it apparent how much talent Muse have
  9. ElvenL
    Jul 31, 2006
    The Best Muse Album. In My Fave 5 Albums List
  10. LukasP
    Jul 31, 2006
    Album of the year!!!!!!!! I love them:-)
  11. lukyh
    Jul 31, 2006
    This should be the album of the year!!! provided that U do not take it too seriously. Thank God thay have changed their direction a bit...
  12. CrownL
    Jul 29, 2006
    Though it has a slightly more commercial feel to it then any of their previous work, it is still a masterpiece. I don't want to say if it's their best album to date, as i think their last three albums are all masterpieces in their own way, but this is certainly a great album. One of the things that really sets it apart is it's incredible variety. It has funky dance tunes Though it has a slightly more commercial feel to it then any of their previous work, it is still a masterpiece. I don't want to say if it's their best album to date, as i think their last three albums are all masterpieces in their own way, but this is certainly a great album. One of the things that really sets it apart is it's incredible variety. It has funky dance tunes (Supermassive Black Hole), Soft Ballads (A Soldiers Poem, Hoodoo), And epic anthems (Invinceble, City Of Delusion and of course Knights Of Cydonia). Overall it is a fantastic achievement that not only broadens Muse apeal, but also takes their music to another level. Expand
  13. PitchforkaretheworstsiteontheentireWeb
    Jul 27, 2006
    And what music has Pitchfork's critic produced lately that we can have a snide little listen to then? Really, Pitchfork reviewers, if you can't even acknowledge that this album is bursting with different styles and ideas, you're stone deaf. The sign of a worthless critic (oxymoron, I know) is one who's willing to destructively criticise without anything to back up And what music has Pitchfork's critic produced lately that we can have a snide little listen to then? Really, Pitchfork reviewers, if you can't even acknowledge that this album is bursting with different styles and ideas, you're stone deaf. The sign of a worthless critic (oxymoron, I know) is one who's willing to destructively criticise without anything to back up their opinions other than "because I don't like it". Expand
  14. S.S.M
    Jul 26, 2006
    In a playlist divoted tpo pussy week poprock or retro rock without fututre to play in its grand to see mure carve it up again. The want to glam it up, it could be worse, the is still another stella Muse effort IMO.
  15. R
    Jul 23, 2006
    Thanks to this album and people reviewing it, I've added 'grandiose' to my vocabulary. I'll have a look at now.
  16. markc
    Jul 23, 2006
    surely one of the best british rock albums ever
  17. LuisC
    Jul 23, 2006
    album of the year. prog, eclectic, powerfull, perfect!!!!!!!
  18. Matt
    Jul 21, 2006
    Definetly a grower... Has more consistency than Origin and more orignality than Absolution in places. Might even be better hmmm have to see what i think after 30 - 40 listens!!
  19. Meries
    Jul 21, 2006
    1 word: Sublime! Surpasses all my expectations
  20. AbnerW
    Jul 19, 2006
    A divergence from Absolution, but great nonetheless. Certainly the most interesting thing in music at this moment. All Hail the Epic!
  21. TravisA
    Jul 18, 2006
    To me this actually *does* seem like Absolution II--with a couple tracks in the beginning to stir up the variation (the single standing out the most in my mind as different-sounding), the rest of this is based on the same formula with not as stellar results.
  22. AndrewV
    Jul 18, 2006
    wanted to give 9.5 this album is absolutely astonishing. from the moment the first note is heard to the epic last track (one of my favs by the way) i have chills. The only thing is that it ends too soon, thus the 9.5
  23. Jules
    Jul 18, 2006
    I seem to be one of the few long term Muse fans that feels this latest is their best by some distance. I got into them with lonely obssession with Showbiz and have been more impressed with each new release. I am no automatic fanboy but I genuinely think they've got better with each release. Each one has been increasingly less earnest and more playful - this latest is a wonderful I seem to be one of the few long term Muse fans that feels this latest is their best by some distance. I got into them with lonely obssession with Showbiz and have been more impressed with each new release. I am no automatic fanboy but I genuinely think they've got better with each release. Each one has been increasingly less earnest and more playful - this latest is a wonderful carnival of sound that remains intense but has a new found love of life, less broodingly gothic. It is a great sci-fi western blockbuster with heart - if you want angular experimentalism go for TV on the Radio, if you want brooding introversion go for Thom Yorke, if you want to go to the big top for some intelligent, intense thrills, head for some black holes and revelations! Expand
  24. AM
    Jul 18, 2006
    This album is excellent. Were some of you expecting Absolution Part II or what?
  25. DrewF
    Jul 18, 2006
    Best album i've purchased in a long, long time. The best thing i can say is that there are no tracks that make me hit the skip-to-next-track button.
  26. MattD.
    Jul 18, 2006
    Gloriously grandiose, and unlike any album I've ever heard!
  27. ThomasR
    Jul 17, 2006
    I agree that this album is very different from their other albums... yet it still it unmistakingly sounds like Muse! They have managed to get inspired by a vast amount of bands and musical styles ,eg. Radiohead, System of a down, Flamenco, Prince and I even hear a faint of barbershop quertet in Poem of a soldier :-)! Just to name a few! And as no other band I have ever seen before they I agree that this album is very different from their other albums... yet it still it unmistakingly sounds like Muse! They have managed to get inspired by a vast amount of bands and musical styles ,eg. Radiohead, System of a down, Flamenco, Prince and I even hear a faint of barbershop quertet in Poem of a soldier :-)! Just to name a few! And as no other band I have ever seen before they have managed to pull it all together into a magnificent album that while sounding like nothing that Muse has ever made still manages to sound exactly like Muse... just more varied! Even though I loved the previous albums and was feel a little dissapointed that some of the magnificent riffs and insane crescendos of Bellamy are gone I still have to classify this album as epic. Anyway, I wouldn't want Muse to make the same mistake as Nickelback and Linkin Park, where every song and album sounds alike! Expand
  28. WillS
    Jul 17, 2006
    It is very hard to compare muse's different albums to each other as better or worse, but I must say that I think this album is amazing. I tend to think that the people giving it 2s and 3s just don't understand it or haven't listened to it in the right setting or maybe they were expecting something else and can't shake those expectations. The critics are also loving or It is very hard to compare muse's different albums to each other as better or worse, but I must say that I think this album is amazing. I tend to think that the people giving it 2s and 3s just don't understand it or haven't listened to it in the right setting or maybe they were expecting something else and can't shake those expectations. The critics are also loving or hating it. Way to go Muse. Expand
  29. UZiR
    Jul 17, 2006
    Absolution is nothing compared to this. nothing.
  30. TobyF
    Jul 17, 2006
    Even my non-Muse fan friends were humming the tunes after 1 listen.
  31. PatH
    Jul 16, 2006
    It just keeps getting better and better
  32. JaneP
    Jul 16, 2006
    Beauty, chaos, truth, and BRILLIANCE!
  33. S
    Jul 16, 2006
    Better than absolution and on par with showbiz, this album only fails to rival OOS owing to the fact that I want more piano in it. But with 5 classics (Knights of Cydonia, City Of Delusion, Exo-Politics, Map Of The Problematique and Take A Bow) and 5 very good songs (Assasin, Invincible, Hoodoo, Starlight And Supermassive Blackhole) with only Soldier's Poem acting as short and sweet Better than absolution and on par with showbiz, this album only fails to rival OOS owing to the fact that I want more piano in it. But with 5 classics (Knights of Cydonia, City Of Delusion, Exo-Politics, Map Of The Problematique and Take A Bow) and 5 very good songs (Assasin, Invincible, Hoodoo, Starlight And Supermassive Blackhole) with only Soldier's Poem acting as short and sweet filler, this is a stunning album and worth the wait. Certainly the album of 2006 so far. Expand
  34. Jo
    Jul 16, 2006
    Yes a 10 (actually a 9,5 really)... This album is a real grower, while I would have given it a 7 at first listen, a beauty like Hoodoo can only be discovered after listening 4- 5 times decently to it. Also Exo-Politics and Invincible are rel growers, now they're one of the standouts for me. Other favourites are the catchy though haunting Starlight, Knights of Cydonia and the cool Yes a 10 (actually a 9,5 really)... This album is a real grower, while I would have given it a 7 at first listen, a beauty like Hoodoo can only be discovered after listening 4- 5 times decently to it. Also Exo-Politics and Invincible are rel growers, now they're one of the standouts for me. Other favourites are the catchy though haunting Starlight, Knights of Cydonia and the cool anergy of Map of the Problematique. Even the -in my opinion- weaker tracks of the album are still very good (Take a Bow, Supermassive). A huge step forward with lots of experimentation that turned out to be very succesfull ! Fantastic, can't stop listening! Expand
  35. [Anonymous]
    Jul 16, 2006
    Utterly amazing. Muse consistantly exceeds expectations from albuk to the next, delivering the same calibre of spectacular musicianship and songsmithing that they always have.
  36. JimmyB
    Jul 15, 2006
    Excellent stuff- from the very opening, you realize this is going to be something of massive proportions. Admittedly, Soldier's Poem is perhaps a little superfluous, and Invincible still hasn't convinced me, yet the rest of the album is of such high quality that it has to take a 9. The album that Absolution should have been.
  37. JohnA
    Jul 15, 2006
    In one word, ESPECTACULAR.
  38. MarcoG
    Jul 15, 2006
    Those who claim that this album is nothing short of spectacular don't know anything about music. Easily the best album of the year.
  39. Mark
    Jul 15, 2006
    Wow!!! I definately didn't expect Muse to put out the best album of the year. I absolutely love Absolution, but this far exceeds that album in size and scope. Every song fits in perfectly where it was placed. Every note is played with such intensity and meaning. The fact that this album rocks so hard and with so much meaning absolutely blows me away. The crushing crescendo that is Wow!!! I definately didn't expect Muse to put out the best album of the year. I absolutely love Absolution, but this far exceeds that album in size and scope. Every song fits in perfectly where it was placed. Every note is played with such intensity and meaning. The fact that this album rocks so hard and with so much meaning absolutely blows me away. The crushing crescendo that is Knights of Cydonia is absolutely without a doubt the best song I've heard so far this century. Definately pick this one up. Hell, pick up a copy for a friend too. Expand
  40. TomK
    Jul 14, 2006
    Brilliant from start to finish. Not only my favorite Muse album but my favorite music album ever. Impressive stuff.
  41. Kvan
    Jul 13, 2006
    Muse's newest album fails to live up to its two predecessors. However, that isn't saying that its not a good album. It's starts off fairly week with the first track, Take A Bow. Gets going with the next three tracks, but then sputters with Soldiers Poem and Invincible. By the end of the disk, Muse pulls out all the stops with Knights of Cyndonia. Overall this album has more Muse's newest album fails to live up to its two predecessors. However, that isn't saying that its not a good album. It's starts off fairly week with the first track, Take A Bow. Gets going with the next three tracks, but then sputters with Soldiers Poem and Invincible. By the end of the disk, Muse pulls out all the stops with Knights of Cyndonia. Overall this album has more hits than misses. But the duality of this album is highly annoying, hense the 7/10. Expand
  42. UserX
    Jul 13, 2006
    Pretty goddamn awesome.
  43. scottyy
    Jul 12, 2006
    not bad but couldv'e been a whole lot better..Thought Absolution was hard to top in such short notice but I believe they have yet to make their best album which is saying alot..Sooner or later every band comes full circle and back to their roots (abstract) art punk prog rock; to make their masterpiece...
  44. oriean
    Jul 12, 2006
    More crescendos and swells of emotion and musical tension than perhaps anything they've done in the past, and that's just in the first track alone. This is one of those classic albums that - love it or hate it - will surely be talked about for decades to come... which inevitably makes it a prime contender for best album of the year.
  45. MattA
    Jul 12, 2006
    I love this album... It fits well with their library and is welcome in my book. Gotta love Starlight, Exo-politics, and Supermassive Black Hole
  46. NickP
    Jul 12, 2006
    The album is distinctively Muse, but it sounds overdeveloped. It is as if the band attempted to make the ablum too great by micro managing the melodies. The result is a series of complexly orchistrated songs that nowhere near rival the previous three albums.Have been a hardcore Muse fan and while the album will be listened to, it is still dissappointing. Badly wanted and expected to give The album is distinctively Muse, but it sounds overdeveloped. It is as if the band attempted to make the ablum too great by micro managing the melodies. The result is a series of complexly orchistrated songs that nowhere near rival the previous three albums.Have been a hardcore Muse fan and while the album will be listened to, it is still dissappointing. Badly wanted and expected to give the album a 10... Expand
  47. ethanc
    Jul 12, 2006
    a great album from start to end rivaled only by absolution
  48. PeterC
    Jul 11, 2006
    This album gets better the more you listen to it. Personally, I feel that Absolution has stronger melodies and much stronger choruses, but that is besides the point. City of Delusion and Map of the Problematique are very good. Supermassive is a catchy pop song and Knights of Cydonia is strangely good. In fact a lot of the album makes me smile, not necesssarily because I love it, but This album gets better the more you listen to it. Personally, I feel that Absolution has stronger melodies and much stronger choruses, but that is besides the point. City of Delusion and Map of the Problematique are very good. Supermassive is a catchy pop song and Knights of Cydonia is strangely good. In fact a lot of the album makes me smile, not necesssarily because I love it, but because I genuinely find some of the melodies funny...Starlight's keyboards being the best example. The album does not have a brilliant flow like Absolution but does have its good moments. All in all, good, but I really wanted to give the new Muse album 10/10, unfortunately its not good enough. What sums it up for me is, when I bought Origin of Symetery I stopped listening to Showbiz, when I bought Absolution I stopped listening to Origin of Symetery. When I bought Black Holes and Revelations I put on Absolution again. The new new album is not entirely a backwards step, maybe I just expected a tiny bit too much. Its not my fault Muse set their standards so high on their previous three albums. I want to give 8.5/10 but the drop down wont allow me to so 8 it is for this album. Expand
  49. JonR
    Jul 11, 2006
    Best Muse Album?? Absolution may have the commercial success. Origin of Symmetry may have the underground vote. But my vote goes to Black Holes & Revelations!!! Much love to Knights of Cydonia, Supemassive, and Assassin.
  50. luiss
    Jul 11, 2006
    listen this album...till the end...amazing with new influences...
  51. Alix
    Jul 11, 2006
    This album is an amazing piece of museness! Every song is unique and completely loveable! It's a perfect example of why I tell people they should bow down before muse! XD
  52. RobertJ
    Jul 11, 2006
    Think what it must have been like when say Seargent Pepper, Dark Side of The Moon or Led Zep 4 were first released and you were in at the birth of that rare thing, a classic album. I was there for The Joshua Tree and Definetly Mayve and this is proably the third such classic album Iv'e been priveledged enough to be in at the start for. Well this is one of those masterpieces which Think what it must have been like when say Seargent Pepper, Dark Side of The Moon or Led Zep 4 were first released and you were in at the birth of that rare thing, a classic album. I was there for The Joshua Tree and Definetly Mayve and this is proably the third such classic album Iv'e been priveledged enough to be in at the start for. Well this is one of those masterpieces which will join that company of those other unreputed classics. It really is that good. Iv'e never noticed Muse before or been a fan but this is simply breathtaking. A must buy. Expand
  53. OobahJoobah
    Jul 11, 2006
    The music on this album is of a high quality, and the only thing stopping it getting a 10 from me are the lyrics, which are pretty dire. however, matt has always written pretty dire lyrics, and if you're clever you just choose to ignore them. But even then, muse can be commended to a certain extent for their lyrics. For despite being poetically disabled, muse come out with some of The music on this album is of a high quality, and the only thing stopping it getting a 10 from me are the lyrics, which are pretty dire. however, matt has always written pretty dire lyrics, and if you're clever you just choose to ignore them. But even then, muse can be commended to a certain extent for their lyrics. For despite being poetically disabled, muse come out with some of the most audacious statements...showing that they truly have no fear. However, i want their next record to be wholly instrumental, because in the case of muse, the music speaks louder and says more than anything matt has ever written. Expand
  54. StewartP
    Jul 10, 2006
    As spoken by the musican himself, Matthew Bellamy, this is their best album to date. Of course the previous albums are classics, but so will this album a few years down the road. Muse have only grown and the shows in the album with Matt's matureing voice, diverse guitar antics, Dom's inriched drumming, and Chris's killer bass. heres to the greatest live band of our generation.
  55. borgy
    Jul 10, 2006
    This could possibly be their best album, It's spacey, Every song sounds completely different... Muse have just gotten better and better i didnt even think they could top "Absolution".
  56. JeffN
    Jul 10, 2006
    I don't want to say that all the people who rate this album poorly have bad taste in music... but all the people who rate this album poorly have bad taste in music.
  57. LizR
    Jul 10, 2006
    I have been following Muse's career since Showbiz, and I am thrilled beyond words with Black Holes and Revelations. They are stunning musicians and this album is a keen and unusual creative leap. Muse is the rare group that combines passion with superb musicianship, and catchy hooks. Their time changes are worthy of Led Zeppelin, and their feedback worthy of Sonic Youth. This is the I have been following Muse's career since Showbiz, and I am thrilled beyond words with Black Holes and Revelations. They are stunning musicians and this album is a keen and unusual creative leap. Muse is the rare group that combines passion with superb musicianship, and catchy hooks. Their time changes are worthy of Led Zeppelin, and their feedback worthy of Sonic Youth. This is the best record I have heard all year. Expand
  58. NickM
    Jul 10, 2006
    this album is simply amazing, i dont even know how to describe it, MUSE is solidly placed as one of the most outstanding band of this, or any generation, and i cant wait to see them live again, this time July 30th, rock on boys, rock ON!
  59. StephenC
    Jul 10, 2006
    This album is truly fantastic, and stands out as Muse's finest work yet. It actually feels like a "very best of", simply because of the huge range of sounds and styles encompassed onto one flawless disc. There's the classic Muse we all know and adore, underlined in the multi-staged "Invincible" with a huge tapping solo, but there's definitely a new direction in tracks like This album is truly fantastic, and stands out as Muse's finest work yet. It actually feels like a "very best of", simply because of the huge range of sounds and styles encompassed onto one flawless disc. There's the classic Muse we all know and adore, underlined in the multi-staged "Invincible" with a huge tapping solo, but there's definitely a new direction in tracks like "Hoodoo" and "City Of Delusion" - Flamenco space rock the order of the day! From the melodic acoustics of the quite magnificent "Soldiers Poem" to the epic horse-back rampage that is "Knights Of Cydonia", Muse have done it again. This will please the die hard Muse fans, but is diverse and stunning enough to attract a whole new following. Top bombing. Expand
  60. NegativeCreep
    Jul 10, 2006
    this is something extraordinary... it´s a bit more pop, but I´m not ashamed from this kind of pop...
  61. mioR
    Jul 10, 2006
    Amazing, but not utterly amazing. Muse have done it again, they'e put out yet ANOTHER epic and beautiful album. Black Holes and Revelations gets a 9 for me, but its not better than OoS and Absolution
  62. GeorgeF
    Jul 10, 2006
    It's their most complete record. It's not perfect, but almost, and therefore it's one of the best records I've listened this year by far. It's epic, it's funny, it's catchy and it's sophisticated. Outstanding.
  63. FelipeP
    Jul 10, 2006
    Fantastic Album! Muse come back with threir most pretencious ans acessible album for everyboy. Fantastic group, beautiful songs. Knigts of Cydonia is Probally one of the best tracks of Muse. They are on the way!
  64. StevenW
    Jul 10, 2006
    Has anyone noticed the fact that Matthew's lyrics are getting worse? Compared to Origin Of Symmetry, their masterpiece in my opinion, the lyrics are a bit shallow. Still, it's a great cd and Muse show that they are still capable of surprising us with stunning songs.
  65. RonanH
    Jul 10, 2006
    Don't pay any heed to what Pitchfork says. The best album Muse have ever made. And also one of the albums of the year. Every song is a highlight.
  66. PaulF
    Jul 10, 2006
    After listening to their hugely dissapointing third album (absolution), I didn't have high expectations for this one. How I was wrong. This is definatley miles better than absolution and sits right up there with origin of symmetry. BH&R has you gripped from the fantastic stadium filler 'Take a Bow' to the fantastic 'Knights of Cydonia' (the guitar riff at the end After listening to their hugely dissapointing third album (absolution), I didn't have high expectations for this one. How I was wrong. This is definatley miles better than absolution and sits right up there with origin of symmetry. BH&R has you gripped from the fantastic stadium filler 'Take a Bow' to the fantastic 'Knights of Cydonia' (the guitar riff at the end of this song is particularly worth a mention). It's so good to hear them back to their best. Expand
  67. AndyM
    Jul 10, 2006
    I felt Muse had reached the end of the road with Absolution. Whatever the merits of that argument, this is a stunning blow to those critics who have dismissed them as Indie music's answer to The Scissor Sisters. Six or seven truly standout tracks, each utterly different to the other. Quite amazing.
  68. ThomasB
    Jul 10, 2006
    Muse's best album to date, featuring some of Matt Bellamy's best musical ideas.
  69. DomG
    Jul 10, 2006
    Absolutely brilliant album. Cannot stop listening to it, the best of 2006.
  70. JohnM
    Jul 10, 2006
    One of favourite bands. Rocked Shepherds Bush last week. Interesting album. Great melodies. Good beat. Some pretty shoddy lyrics. But who cares? The Muse train has just left the station and probably left a good number of the fair-weather fans on the platform.
  71. LakeT
    Jul 5, 2006
    Words can't describe how good this album is. Flawless, full of energy. Likely to be the best album of the year and one of the best of this century.
  72. MatthewC
    Jul 5, 2006
    Amazing! their best album. Assassin is my fav muse song of all time!
  73. MarkL
    Jul 5, 2006
    I hadn't paid much attention to Muse in the past, but this is just incredible. The first 3 tracks are an amazing opening to an album that doesn't stop giving, reaching its peak at Knights of Cydonia. Surely they can't improve on this.
  74. I.Lynch
    Jul 4, 2006
    This is a pretty good album but I am a little disapointed. I was expecting more of a rock album than a prog album. But this record basically shows you the best and worst about Muse. They've made some amazing songs (Starlight, Knights of Cydonia) and some fairly average ones (Hoodoo, Take a bow). It doesnt come together as an album quite like Absolution did,but it still deserves a This is a pretty good album but I am a little disapointed. I was expecting more of a rock album than a prog album. But this record basically shows you the best and worst about Muse. They've made some amazing songs (Starlight, Knights of Cydonia) and some fairly average ones (Hoodoo, Take a bow). It doesnt come together as an album quite like Absolution did,but it still deserves a place in Muse's awsome catalouge. Expand
  75. AnthonyN
    Jul 2, 2006
    This is probably Muse's best overall record. It has plenty of bangin' tracks much like Origin of Symmetry did but I feel like they've matured to have their own sound, another step pass Absolution, where they get rid of their Radiohead-mimicing past. Exo-Politics is fantastic.
  76. AndyH
    Jun 30, 2006
    Don't judge it straightaway. Besides some obvious standouts it didn't blow me away until the third listen. If you like Muse, you'll love this. They are going to be awesome live!!!
  77. JulianG
    Jun 27, 2006
    After Absolution I never thought they could do it again. But...
  78. RSkells
    Jun 27, 2006
    Its outstanding. Muse have been able to fit a range of subject matter and stylistic diversity into this album. one of the best albums of the year.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 32
  2. Negative: 1 out of 32
  1. Entertaining and rabble-rousing, daft and deadly serious, it's a fantastic record, with almost limitless appeal.
  2. Under The Radar
    Black Holes and Revelations isn’t a perfect record but it’s a worthy addition to an already stellar catalog. [#14]
  3. It shouldn't work, but Bellamy's mania is so convincingly realised that even the most avowed Muse refusenik may have to finally concede defeat.