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Universal acclaim- based on 511 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 511

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  1. Emily
    Aug 28, 2006
    Definitely their best album; however it wasn't love at first sight ;) map of problematique's probably the best song i've heard in a long, long time-love the samples used in it.
  2. Amelia
    Aug 31, 2006
    oh my god... brilliant - it hasn't left my cd player yet
  3. DavidC
    Sep 14, 2006
    This CD ranks right along with the last two Muse CD's as being one of the most addictive works of modern rock. One can play this music over and over and its continues to hit that cord in your brain where you look forward to the hearing it again and nothing else will do.
  4. RichR
    Sep 25, 2006
    I'd heard about these guys for a while, then I saw them at the Austin City Limits festiva last week, not really expecting much because, well, I'd simply never heard 'em. DANG! This band, especially the lead singer, is possessed! They lit up the moon! They are three, but they play as one. Not only that, they have great songs. I'd give this record a 15 if I could. Heck I'd heard about these guys for a while, then I saw them at the Austin City Limits festiva last week, not really expecting much because, well, I'd simply never heard 'em. DANG! This band, especially the lead singer, is possessed! They lit up the moon! They are three, but they play as one. Not only that, they have great songs. I'd give this record a 15 if I could. Heck yeah, there's some U2 in there, some Radiohead, but they're an insanely energetic and creative band in their own right, and they give the crowd their alll onstage. I love this band. I love this record. I give it a 15! Expand
  5. time
    Jan 2, 2007
    I agree with the British magazies. A epic, dazzling masterpiece. I guess us Americans don't like the brits getting all political and in our business but Muse keeps it from going to far. Don't listen to Spin. They put My Chemical Romance in their top 5 and they named the computer modem as album of the year in 2000. Rolling Stone is a joke. That's all I have to say about them.
  6. RickyD
    Feb 12, 2007
    This is not only one of the best albums of 2006, one of the decade instrumentally and lyrically brilliant, an album full of complete estatic emotion and power, it manages to touch on many subjects although it is mainly politically charged and it has a couple of positive tracks such as starlight and invincible, the highlights for me are 'take a bow' i like the way it builds and This is not only one of the best albums of 2006, one of the decade instrumentally and lyrically brilliant, an album full of complete estatic emotion and power, it manages to touch on many subjects although it is mainly politically charged and it has a couple of positive tracks such as starlight and invincible, the highlights for me are 'take a bow' i like the way it builds and explodes in your face and 'Knights of Cydonia' the fantastic prog feel with that amazing riff at the end. I saw them last year at wembley arena fantatsic, going to see them again at wembley stadium (90,000+ seater)they've sold out 2 nights there so you tell me a band who can do that are no good(to the people who slate them)then your mad. Expand
  7. ShengW
    Feb 14, 2007
    best album of the year
  8. AnaJ
    Apr 13, 2007
    I had to listen to the album a couple of times to really appreciate it, but it has become one of my favorites. Some feel that the lead singer is too passionate, but it just emphasizes the fact that he truly believes what he is singing. I suggest everyon give it several listens before passing judgement
  9. ScottW.
    Aug 19, 2007
    The best of 2006. Heavy music has to sound good for me to put up with it, and this dose it for me. I could listen to this whole albume from the start to finish and then some. You don't like harder music?Well it sucks to be you, in this case.
  10. MadelineH
    Aug 3, 2007
  11. MarkD.
    Mar 24, 2008
    Love em or hate em no one else today makes music this big and epic. It takes a special band to even think about writing this kind of music and when you realise that ther's a subtility and consistency lacking on their earlier records you have to admit that they've well and truly pulled it off this time.
  12. JustinK.
    Apr 7, 2008
    with Black Holes and Revelations, Muse have reinvented the meaning of the word "genre". Every song is different in its own respects, and almost every song is noteworthy. Only muse could make a song about a natural space phenomenon be so cool (supermassive blackhole).
  13. SteveO
    Jun 28, 2008
    It's good, but come on guys... It's Radiohead back in 1995 with "The Bends".
  14. FrancoisB.
    Jul 31, 2008
    MUSE is just the creators of masterpieces. Any retarded person that gives this album a bad rating is a sad case that should stick to its RAVE and DANCE music, boom-boom-boom-boom-boom. Muse has redefined the music industry with awesome, musical and captivating songs that is created by the musical master Matthew Bellamy and his mates
  15. DemetrioH.
    Aug 11, 2008
    This album is a truly majestic mix of harmony, soul and cutting edge rock n roll. Everything that Radiohead should have been.
  16. davidi
    Mar 11, 2009
    Great album, somehow it lacks of more guitar power. Assasin, kights of cydonia, take a bow the best.
  17. StephanieT
    Apr 28, 2009
    I think the Band is awesome... and need to come to ONTARIO more often!! but keep the work up and keep jamming!!
  18. DomW
    Aug 26, 2009
    Would love to give it a 10 but nothing is perfect is it? For some reason 'Map of the Problematique' brings me to tears of joy when I listen to it - almost like a biological reaction. Any band which can take me to such incredible soaring highs in a dead sober state must have some sort of magical alchemy. Can't wait for their next album.
  19. JimB
    Aug 3, 2009
    Absolutely amazing album, but I'm not surprised to see it get catcalls from the anti-prog brigade (Rolling Stone, Spin, etc).
  20. GeorgeR.
    Sep 13, 2009
    It's almost, ALMOST perfect. There are little things they've missed out and should have replaced, but I'd happily listen to this over and over again.
  21. JackG
    Oct 28, 2006
    I don't know how you can ask for more. I don't understand how someone can give them a zero either unless Matt Bellamy spit in his face. Map of the Problematique, Hoodoo, Knights of Cydonia, City of Delusion are enough to give any Muse fans enough to keep their hands full until their next album
  22. JulianG
    Jun 27, 2006
    After Absolution I never thought they could do it again. But...
  23. JonR
    Jul 11, 2006
    Best Muse Album?? Absolution may have the commercial success. Origin of Symmetry may have the underground vote. But my vote goes to Black Holes & Revelations!!! Much love to Knights of Cydonia, Supemassive, and Assassin.
  24. oriean
    Jul 12, 2006
    More crescendos and swells of emotion and musical tension than perhaps anything they've done in the past, and that's just in the first track alone. This is one of those classic albums that - love it or hate it - will surely be talked about for decades to come... which inevitably makes it a prime contender for best album of the year.
  25. JimmyB
    Jul 15, 2006
    Excellent stuff- from the very opening, you realize this is going to be something of massive proportions. Admittedly, Soldier's Poem is perhaps a little superfluous, and Invincible still hasn't convinced me, yet the rest of the album is of such high quality that it has to take a 9. The album that Absolution should have been.
  26. JaneP
    Jul 16, 2006
    Beauty, chaos, truth, and BRILLIANCE!
  27. DrewF
    Jul 18, 2006
    Best album i've purchased in a long, long time. The best thing i can say is that there are no tracks that make me hit the skip-to-next-track button.
  28. AbnerW
    Jul 19, 2006
    A divergence from Absolution, but great nonetheless. Certainly the most interesting thing in music at this moment. All Hail the Epic!
  29. R
    Jul 23, 2006
    Thanks to this album and people reviewing it, I've added 'grandiose' to my vocabulary. I'll have a look at now.
  30. ConsequencesForVillainy
    Aug 16, 2006
    Imagine if the disappointed soul of OK Computer were able to gain access to a spaceship and, eventually, become disillusioned with this new frontier. Black Holes and Revelations is a swirling mass of concentrated arena tek-rock, mostly on point and embracing harmonies that have been popularized by bands like Queen. This is an album that starts off blistering (I would choose "Take A Bow" Imagine if the disappointed soul of OK Computer were able to gain access to a spaceship and, eventually, become disillusioned with this new frontier. Black Holes and Revelations is a swirling mass of concentrated arena tek-rock, mostly on point and embracing harmonies that have been popularized by bands like Queen. This is an album that starts off blistering (I would choose "Take A Bow" over TV on the Radio's " Wolf Like Me" for opening track of the year) segues into "Starlight" (ethereal, very Martin Gore/Alan Wilder Stuff), and explodes with "Supermassive Black Hole". The wildly corny "Knights of Cydonia" intro mars what prove to be Muse's best harmonies yet. Three or four outstanding tracks for those who like the genre - the rest are the usual filler you find on concept albums. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 32
  2. Negative: 1 out of 32
  1. Entertaining and rabble-rousing, daft and deadly serious, it's a fantastic record, with almost limitless appeal.
  2. Under The Radar
    Black Holes and Revelations isn’t a perfect record but it’s a worthy addition to an already stellar catalog. [#14]
  3. It shouldn't work, but Bellamy's mania is so convincingly realised that even the most avowed Muse refusenik may have to finally concede defeat.