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  1. May 23, 2011
    This is a really poor album. There are approximately 4 good songs out of 14 here. The rest are a bunch of club bangers that range from awful to just below mediocre. I just can't recommend this to anyone, and I don't see the hype.
  2. Jul 1, 2011
    This album sounds like the work of a follower and not a leader. Whereas The Fame and The Fame Monster were guilty pleasures, Born This Way is simply torture.
  3. Sep 10, 2011
    Most of the songs make no sence. "Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)", "Judas", "Bloody Mary"... Are these jokes? The only song which is really worth it to listen to is "Americano".
  4. Mar 19, 2012
    Very few noteworthy songs. The album is far too pretentious and fails to deliver the catchy dance anthems which fans and critics had come to love. The singles were far too simple, there are a few songs which save the album, Edge Of Glory + Scheisse for example. Worth a listen but don't buy into the hype.
  5. Mar 20, 2012
    This album is a mess and disappointing. I expected much more of Gaga, now I know that Lady Gaga is overrated. Songs like Judas, ScheiÃ
  6. Mar 28, 2012
    Mediocrity defined here. The Fame Monster was superb and the tour surrounding that release was stellar. This album is overrated. Aside from a handful of songs (Bloody Mary, Heavy Metal LOver, Government Hooker), the rest is very pretentious and try hard. What I hate the most is the way the lyrics are written - so condescending and 'omniscient (all-knowing)'. There is no song tat can beMediocrity defined here. The Fame Monster was superb and the tour surrounding that release was stellar. This album is overrated. Aside from a handful of songs (Bloody Mary, Heavy Metal LOver, Government Hooker), the rest is very pretentious and try hard. What I hate the most is the way the lyrics are written - so condescending and 'omniscient (all-knowing)'. There is no song tat can be honestly related to. I am so surprised at how below average this is after the brilliant Fame... Expand
  7. Feb 3, 2014
    In her violent dance / pop music, Lady Gaga never gives way to subtlety. "Born this way" is like a wrecking ball with monumental beats, disco chorus without any originality and empty and demagogic lyrics. Lady Gaga concept : or you love, or you hate, or you just don't give a damn about it; personally, that's my case.
  8. Jul 10, 2017
    Compared to Gaga's iconic debut and re-release which was the fantastic The Fame Monster, this album was quite a disappointment. The main pitfall for me was the fact that the proposed theme of Out and Proud became to prominent on the album. It is something that Gaga should be praised for in showing that there are different components in the terminology of love, but this album becomesCompared to Gaga's iconic debut and re-release which was the fantastic The Fame Monster, this album was quite a disappointment. The main pitfall for me was the fact that the proposed theme of Out and Proud became to prominent on the album. It is something that Gaga should be praised for in showing that there are different components in the terminology of love, but this album becomes repetitive and bland. Whereas The Fame Monster embraced the weird and whacky, this shows little improvement. This album has fallen into the Sophomore Slump. Expand
  9. Jun 30, 2021
    BAD specially after a huge great debut. It was still a success just because it was Lady Gaga at that time.
  10. May 23, 2011
    All the chorus' sound the same. Few great tracks. Some don't even cut mediocre. Too many similar themes - i'm sure the unicorn one is just an extension of Marry the Night. Judas and Government Hooker stand out amongst numerous 80's b-sides.
  11. Jun 30, 2011
    GAGA GAGA GAGA! I loved The Fame and for its fun dance beats and catchy hooks. Born This Way falls flat on both accounts sadly. I highly anticipated this album but upon listening several times, it falls flat. There's no sense of progression with this record. No sense of Lady Gaga. It almost feels impersonal. As if her only concern was upholding the facade that is her image. There is alsoGAGA GAGA GAGA! I loved The Fame and for its fun dance beats and catchy hooks. Born This Way falls flat on both accounts sadly. I highly anticipated this album but upon listening several times, it falls flat. There's no sense of progression with this record. No sense of Lady Gaga. It almost feels impersonal. As if her only concern was upholding the facade that is her image. There is also a sense of trying to please everyone but in affect she falls short of pleasing anyone except her most loyal fans, those who can't see beyond the crazy that is her image. She's so adamant about making a statement that she's neglecting the true essence of the music. Tracks like Born This Way and Edge of Glory are catchy enough after a few spins but other songs Government Hooker and Marry the Night fall flat. There's no innovation here. Better luck next time. Expand
  12. Oct 24, 2011
    The second studio album by Lady Gaga is as awful and cheap as the image on its cover. It is such a messy collection of overproduced dance routines that I cannot stop wondering how come so many people have fallen for it. Even if the songs start with some clever ideas (like Bloody Mary), they soon turn into unbearable generic nightmares. They say that she can sing. OMG but this is what oneThe second studio album by Lady Gaga is as awful and cheap as the image on its cover. It is such a messy collection of overproduced dance routines that I cannot stop wondering how come so many people have fallen for it. Even if the songs start with some clever ideas (like Bloody Mary), they soon turn into unbearable generic nightmares. They say that she can sing. OMG but this is what one expectes from a singer, dumbass. And all the cultural and societal allusions are as limited as the subjects Gaga touches on. And finally, there is nothing original about her: she just borrows from freaking everyone. Ask yourself a question: would you ever care about her if she hadnâ Expand
  13. Jan 27, 2012
    The songs are almost a recycling or reuse of Fame Monster. They do not sound as natural as before, are not spontaneous, some are saved, but give a headache continues. Lady GaGa has promised much but turned all the way to a kind of public.
  14. Mar 27, 2012
    I fail to see what the praise about. It's mediocre at best, and it comes across as pretentious, almost patronizing. Could barely sit through the album...I cannot stress enough how OVERDONE it is. Ugh. Was never a fan of Gaga before, certainly not one now.
  15. Oct 23, 2013
    definitely a slight disappointment, this record is all over the place and the rock-european pop crossover just feels wrong and overproduced. Lady gaga is a very capable vocalist but her vocals get drowned in the very uninspired production. Bloody Mary, government hooker and heavy metal lover are actually good-quality tracks, but the rest feels just like album-fillers...
  16. Jun 2, 2011
    Vocally, it was fine, but there is something in her voice that doesn't fit to the song. The song, lyrically, was really bad... it was horrible and disturbing. Although there was a message in it, it wasn't enough- vocally and musically- to bring it to life. Lady Gaga is a really good singer and I know she will bring something explosive to the music industry but this is not the song thatVocally, it was fine, but there is something in her voice that doesn't fit to the song. The song, lyrically, was really bad... it was horrible and disturbing. Although there was a message in it, it wasn't enough- vocally and musically- to bring it to life. Lady Gaga is a really good singer and I know she will bring something explosive to the music industry but this is not the song that blew me away. So disappointing...................... Expand
  17. May 23, 2011
    Disgusting... sick and boring, all the songs sound exactly the same... But for her freaking monsters, It will be "OMG the best album of the century"... they're too blind to see reality, hopefully I can see one or two wakening up... Thank God I've seen critics giving the reviews this disgusting album deserves... I'm not in love with Gaga, I won't ever be and this album SUCKS!
  18. May 24, 2011
    All the chorus' and underlying beats sound the same, cohesive, but the same. A lot of anticipation was built up for this album as she garnered it the "Album of the Decade"... Didn't live up to her own conceited hype. Oh yeah, and I thought Madonna released this album 20 years ago?
  19. May 25, 2011
    People say the bad critical reviews are from unprofessional critics but one thing you ought to know is that, if the reviews were unprofessional, metacritic won't summit it to their website !!! Facts !!!!
    Secondly, The silliness of hype, anticipation and mediocre never fails to astound.
    I listened to this album yesterday, i left it on replay the whole night while i was doing some work and
    People say the bad critical reviews are from unprofessional critics but one thing you ought to know is that, if the reviews were unprofessional, metacritic won't summit it to their website !!! Facts !!!!
    Secondly, The silliness of hype, anticipation and mediocre never fails to astound.
    I listened to this album yesterday, i left it on replay the whole night while i was doing some work and up till now am yet to understand the whole concept of the album. All the songs sounds exactly the same.
  20. MED
    Mar 28, 2012
    An album with so much potential completely spoiled by the insufferable pretense of the woman who made it. This is a cautionary tale of what happens to a megastar when they start believing their own hype.
  21. Aug 3, 2012
    Tired, repetitive, generic album. The only people who can enjoy this terrible album are her Little Monsters. The only song that keeps me from giving the album a zero is The Edge of Glory.
  22. Apr 26, 2013
    Horrible album. I did give it a 1/10 because Government Hooker is among the best songs she's ever done. Other than that, nothing else is really great (or even good).
  23. Nov 6, 2013
    This album is a hypocrisy. She needs to stop forcing be epic and come back as in The Fame and The Fame Monster. Born This Way is a great song, but the only. Judas was the worst single of her career. Ever.
  24. Oct 17, 2016
    Only Judas makes the score from the album goes down to 0. Stupid song that looks just exactly like Bad Romance, with poor lyrics and unnecessary polemic. She tried hard to do like Madonna, but she only proved to everyone the joke she really is.

    Born This Way, the lead single, is just another fail. It's annoying and copied by Express Yourself from Madonna. The other songs don't help.
    Only Judas makes the score from the album goes down to 0. Stupid song that looks just exactly like Bad Romance, with poor lyrics and unnecessary polemic. She tried hard to do like Madonna, but she only proved to everyone the joke she really is.

    Born This Way, the lead single, is just another fail. It's annoying and copied by Express Yourself from Madonna.

    The other songs don't help. All them try hard to be meaningful and to have a strong concept, but the lyrics are so stupid that you only can remember immature teenagers who think they are the biggest rebels on the planet.

    It deserves 1 because of Heavy Metal Lover and Bloody Mary, the rest of the album is toxic garbage.
  25. Jun 30, 2011
    This is an inconsistent mess. Really GaGa? This is NOT the "Album of the Decade" as she so claimed it would be. Only song that is good is The Edge of Glory
  26. Aug 1, 2011
    I've changed my mind. Definitely a 0
  27. May 24, 2011
    @ cliff55: tiny mix tapes giving this a zero does not mean they are unprofessional, their review was far well written than 70% of the other critics here.
  28. May 23, 2011
    While her vocals are a strong point, everything else is bland, repetitive, and unoriginal. Worst-written album of the year by far. Filled with cliche banalities that should make even the most dedicated little monster shudder.
  29. May 26, 2011
    LAME. just as the boring bimbo who released it.
  30. May 27, 2011
    This album is plain stupid. i don't know how can anyone love this album. i mean, it's overproduced and it's messy from the first song to the last one. she tried to bring across a message to young people to feel confident and to be yourselves, but literally failed on that. no one can relate to it just because it lacks emotion and originality. the hype she created about her new work and herThis album is plain stupid. i don't know how can anyone love this album. i mean, it's overproduced and it's messy from the first song to the last one. she tried to bring across a message to young people to feel confident and to be yourselves, but literally failed on that. no one can relate to it just because it lacks emotion and originality. the hype she created about her new work and her so-called art, actually backfired cause she can't deliver. it's obvious that she tries too hard. the stories are all similar, and what she came out with is an old electro-techno-pop-saxophone(really gaga?)-80's tune that sounds, well, cheesy. it's tacky and tasteless, it's all over the place. and it feels rather like a collection of rip off than an album of the decade. there's no stand out tracks nor there are highlights. her hardcore fans will love it and call it "master piece", "epic" "best album ever", but in the eyes and ears of everyday music followers and lovers this is pure rubbish. she won't get new fans, instead, she'll lose some of them. i mean, she lost one follower, and that one is me. i think that many people feel just like i do about her sophomore effort. if she only took more time to write and to generate some better ideas, i think it would sound much better and more fresh than this played out auto tune music. names to the songs are laughable. she uses many times the word 'tonight', 'fashion'. lazy songwriter much? I've noticed that the choruses sound the same and the song 'fashion of his love' sounds like Whitney's 'i wanna dance with somebody'. Awkward! i'm sorry but gaga will probably never have an album of the decade. Expand
  31. May 28, 2011
    i personally think that this album is absolutely ridiculous. from the names of the songs, that can easily come from a child, to the production, oh, i mean over-production, then from the poor songwriting and similarity with other popular songs to repetitive concept on the album. it's a wreck. a music disaster. a collection of dumb songs for deaf teenagers who blindly worship their idol toi personally think that this album is absolutely ridiculous. from the names of the songs, that can easily come from a child, to the production, oh, i mean over-production, then from the poor songwriting and similarity with other popular songs to repetitive concept on the album. it's a wreck. a music disaster. a collection of dumb songs for deaf teenagers who blindly worship their idol to the max. poor poor poor. it's not worth buying. actually it's not even worth free downloading. it's terrible. Expand
  32. May 30, 2011
    There are way too many cheesy moments for me on this album. And not good cheesy either. Its like she thought too hard to be cheesy. Melodies that remind me of a bad Cher or Celine Dion rip off (forget Madonna comparisons, i hear the cheesiness of Cher - and not even as good as Cher). Another thing that bothers me is that she shouts a little too much now when she sings.. Please Gaga, stopThere are way too many cheesy moments for me on this album. And not good cheesy either. Its like she thought too hard to be cheesy. Melodies that remind me of a bad Cher or Celine Dion rip off (forget Madonna comparisons, i hear the cheesiness of Cher - and not even as good as Cher). Another thing that bothers me is that she shouts a little too much now when she sings.. Please Gaga, stop shouting. Your voice isn't that bad, you don't need to "shout sing". And too much "awwwwwing". Seriously, it ruins so many of her songs, the little tricks she has to do on every single song. I cannot believe she called this the "album of the decade"... it is a mess. Terrible lyrics as well. Expand
  33. Jun 14, 2011
    While her first album was enjoyable, this effort seems... well, like no effort was put into it. The songs are generic and the shock factor is hardly shocking. The lyrics are so bad that in some instances, they derail a song that features a decent melody. If she spent more time being a singer and less time shocking the world with her odd-ball presence, this album would undoubtedly be a gem.While her first album was enjoyable, this effort seems... well, like no effort was put into it. The songs are generic and the shock factor is hardly shocking. The lyrics are so bad that in some instances, they derail a song that features a decent melody. If she spent more time being a singer and less time shocking the world with her odd-ball presence, this album would undoubtedly be a gem. Unfortunately it is not, thus showing where her focus truly lies. Expand
  34. Jun 19, 2011
    Lady Gaga the one-hit wonder. This girl is the luckiest celebrity of all times i swear because she's the most overrated. Well, its good to be overrated rather than being underpaid but this is a trash material(Already disposed mine...Thank God it was only 99cent)
  35. Jun 17, 2011
    Album of the decade? More like Epic Fail of the decade. Like her first two studio efforts, this record is nothing but a collection of pandering clichés and rehashed, derivative music that attempts to lay claim to substance by championing a completely plastic "love yourself, be yourself" movement. The truth is that it is as devoid of substance as the cheesy album cover andAlbum of the decade? More like Epic Fail of the decade. Like her first two studio efforts, this record is nothing but a collection of pandering clichés and rehashed, derivative music that attempts to lay claim to substance by championing a completely plastic "love yourself, be yourself" movement. The truth is that it is as devoid of substance as the cheesy album cover and simply reeks of desperation, insincerity and misplaced confidence bordering on egomania. Expand
  36. Jun 30, 2011
    Its not memorable in the slightest to me. Outside of Bloody Mary and a few other key tracks there is nothing that makes me wan to listen to this album more than one week at most. She peaked with The Fame Monster!
  37. Jun 29, 2011
    Uh wtf is this gaga? were you the one that came up with the fame?? Doesn't seem like it anymore, trash musi is what this is, sorry, not a monster anymore 'til you come up with something good again.
  38. Jun 29, 2011
    Uh wtf is this gaga? were you the one that came up with the fame?? Doesn't seem like it anymore, trash musi is what this is, sorry, not a monster anymore 'til you come up with something good again.
  39. HFK
    Jul 13, 2011
    The Fame was a masterpiece. The Fame Monster was a disappointment. And Born This Way is absolutely terrible. The worst album i've ever heard. It's all crap. She thinks that if she wears crazy stuff and release an album with weird songs, she's brilliant. I prefer beyoncé and even Britney Spears above this
  40. Aug 19, 2011
    What a let-down... GaGa said this was going to be the 'Album of the Decade.' Well it is FAR from that. Only song that is good is 'The Edge of Glory.' I think GaGa tried too hard with this record.
  41. Sep 10, 2011
    Born this Way is not the greatest album of all the times and to be honest I heard better songs and music. Born this Way is a bad copy of Madonna's "Express Yourself".
  42. Sep 15, 2011
    This person has no talent.. her songs are recycled and changed... If you can't hear it then your just a moron for buying all her songs when they are the same. This person is the most over rated popstar ever and doesn't deserve to be in the charts.
    Advice to Lady Gaga, produce better music.
  43. Oct 8, 2011
    This album is a mess. Only very few songs represent the real Gaga. You and I is probably the best song she has ever written. Lady Gaga should keep quiet and start doing something worthy of her talent.
  44. Nov 19, 2011
    This album is absolutely trash. Lady Gaga tries to "innovative" and "original", but I have heard it all before. She is just so over the top and she tries to do this in her music, but it comes out looking like a child doing anything to get your attention In ending this album contributes nothing to music and Lady Gaga is a very, very cheap version of Madonna.
  45. Nov 23, 2011
    the worst album in the year. Stupid. I don't understand how can anyone like this album. It is not the album decade. It's like listen to the same track in the whole cd
  46. Dec 16, 2011
    liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! TRAVA FEIA
  47. Mar 27, 2012
    This album is one of those shocking-to-be-shocking albums, I literally can't tell the difference between the songs and almost every chorus begins with an "I'm"! I'm gonna marry the night, I'm on the edge of glory, I'm beautiful in my way, I'm just a holy fool.... She's become such an ego maniac, the songs are loud, lyrics are plain stupid, it's nothing but a big mess!
  48. Mar 26, 2012
    Born This Way is probably one of the worst albums of 2011. As a fan of Gaga's previous works, I must say this is a horrible offering. Her songs are too preachy, and the album is way too boring. The first two tracks are by far the worst part of the entire album, with Marry the Night being the most boring song of the year and the title track being incredibly preachy and, if you don't mind meBorn This Way is probably one of the worst albums of 2011. As a fan of Gaga's previous works, I must say this is a horrible offering. Her songs are too preachy, and the album is way too boring. The first two tracks are by far the worst part of the entire album, with Marry the Night being the most boring song of the year and the title track being incredibly preachy and, if you don't mind me saying, it sounds similar to an 80s song by another pop artist. The only good thing about this album is Bloody Mary (and yes, it's bloody brilliant), but it doesn't save the album from being an utter disaster. The Fame Monster was amazing, but I have no idea what she was thinking here. Better luck next time, Gaga Expand
  49. Mar 30, 2012
    I think my score says it all! One of the most over-hyped artists of our times with nothing new to offer or contribute... Unlike the one she's supposedly following in footsteps of (I'm referring to the original one here, Madonna) who always pushed boundaries with some agenda right from the beginning of her career, Lady Gaga seems to be doing the same thing over and over again, along withI think my score says it all! One of the most over-hyped artists of our times with nothing new to offer or contribute... Unlike the one she's supposedly following in footsteps of (I'm referring to the original one here, Madonna) who always pushed boundaries with some agenda right from the beginning of her career, Lady Gaga seems to be doing the same thing over and over again, along with the weird looking outfits. Expand
  50. Jul 4, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is easily one of the worst pop albums ever it's beyond boring and all songs sound the same Lady Gaga has lost this album is so bad in one word awful Expand
  51. Dec 16, 2020
    Esse foi o ultimo suspiro do auge dela, a era começou copiando Express Yourself da Madonna e foi se afundando se declarando amor ao demonio em Judas, merecia ser queimada que nem as bruxas.
  52. May 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the worst things I've heard in my entire life. All the tracks sound the same, the production is a mess and Lady Gaga's vocals are not on point here. Expand
  53. May 25, 2020
    Não gostei do álbum, ele não inspira, é chato é uma porcaria. Por isso foi vendido a 0,99
  54. Jun 11, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maior artista viva e posso provar! Lady Gaga aclamada na música, moda e cinema. Expand
  55. Aug 29, 2020
    A julgar pela capa horrível já era de esperar que fosse ruim, mas não imaginava o quanto. A faixa título é uma cópia descarada de Express Yourself da Madonna!
  56. Dec 12, 2020
    i like some of the songs but i hate seeing white gay people happy gross ew
  57. Apr 13, 2023
    so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Sep 25, 2014
    Lady Gaga promised her fans (perhaps a tad prematurely) that her new album would be the greatest of the decade. But even if the next nine years bring something better, we're unlikely to hear anything bigger than Born This Way.
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 8, 2011
    Born This Way feels like the first proper Lady Gaga album. [Aug. 2011, p. 114]
  3. Jul 6, 2011
    Gaga has always been able to anchor her haughty conceptual undertakings with simple, catchy tunes, but with Born This Way, the persona and the message are starting to bleed into the songs. It's not a good look.