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  1. Nov 11, 2013
    I'm thoroughly surprised at the quality brought before me, as I was originally turned off by the Arcee inspired art and overproduced nature of the first two singles. This just proves that (and I know it's hard to except) that I can be wrong, but at the end of the day folks (dare I end it on such an obvious note, ah what the hell) I was born this way.
  2. Sep 4, 2020
    Es aquí donde Lady Gaga alcanza su mayor y mejor expresión artística de su carrera, ni The Fame, ni The Fame Monster, este fue el disco de Gaga que SI impactó y dejó huella en la cultura pop.
  3. Dec 7, 2016
    It is and will remain one of the best and most important pop records of the decade. Apart from the odd head scratcher ('Highway Unicorn', 'The Queen', and the title track), every track is incredible in it's own way. This is pop's answer to hard-rock - taking pop and pushing it to it's ultimate limits. It didn't only confirm Lady Gaga's talent, it enhanced it.
  4. Oct 29, 2018
    This album is still my favourite album ever. Experimental, full of amazing vocals and songs. You can feel Bruce Springsteen and Whitney Houston's influence. The song that outshines the rest is Scheiße, but still, every song shines their own unique way.
  5. Aug 15, 2013
    My favorite CD from Lady Gaga. "Born This Way" is creative and different, and an icon in pop music. The best songs are "Americano", "Bloody Mary", and "Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)".
  6. Aug 10, 2014
    Born This Way came out in 2011 and it's still one of the most polarizing pop records in the '10s, Lady Gaga channels her inner Bruce Springsteen on an arena rocking scale, Queen on a campy scale, and Madonna on a musical scale and, well, everywhere else -- "Born This Way" comes close to being hailed as one of the greatest remixes of "Express Yourself" to date. But although herBorn This Way came out in 2011 and it's still one of the most polarizing pop records in the '10s, Lady Gaga channels her inner Bruce Springsteen on an arena rocking scale, Queen on a campy scale, and Madonna on a musical scale and, well, everywhere else -- "Born This Way" comes close to being hailed as one of the greatest remixes of "Express Yourself" to date. But although her gender-f***ing emulation might be her trademark, Lady Gaga certainly is an icon in her own right and has her own emulating pop stars to increase her impact in terms of influence in the mainstream music industry.

    Notably, BTW is musically, vocally, and conceptually about whatever the hell it wants to be: Gaga sings in French, Italian, Spanish, and faux-German gibberish -- she "Doesn't speak German, but [she] can if you'd like" -- to dance-pop gloss covered in influences of EDM, country, rock 'n' roll, heavy metal, and in "Americano"'s case, mariachi, while turning sex, race, religion, immigracy, and LGBT rights into 16 of the catchiest pop songs of the early '10s, whether any of it feels natural or not. And although there are times when she takes herself way too seriously ("I'm gonna marry the night/I'm not gonna cry anymore"), Gaga is also a songwriter of epically goofy proportions, spouting some very, very memorable lines: ("Fame hooker, prostitue wrench, vomits her mind"), ("I don't speak German/But I wish I could"), and the most grandiose of them all ("I want your whiskey mouth all over my blonde south").

    The highlights on BTW come from the latter end of the disc: "Heavy Metal Lovers" sure ain't metal on any musical level, but it has leather-stutted-gay-haus-dancing-in-the-dark-dirty house music down to an art; "Electric Chapel" is an ethereal electronic rock song that's more ABBA than ABBA's cover group A-Teens (who were one of my guiltiest pleasures ever, by the way); "You & I" features former Queen guitarist Brian May on the electric guitar that'll be the first and last country rock ballad dedicated to the state of Nebraska; and at last, "The Edge of Glory" is an '80s wannabe arena pop stomper that was written about the death of her grandfather in 2010, which not only shows off Mother Monster's vocal pipes, but it's also a highlight in the '00s' era of electronic music, topped by an unnecessary yet nonetheless epic saxophone solo from the late legend Clarence Clemons.

    In retrospective, Born This Way very well could have worked as a successor to her most recent ARTPOP, because it's the Gaga we fell in love with during the 21st century. It's compositional pretentious never fails to rival of the heart that Gaga injects into it. It's not a masterpiece more than it is an admirably cohesive pop collection of songs that show just how inspirational top 40 music can be. It's not as if we all have to like it -- it's drained of innovation on a technical scale and we're still waiting to meet Stefani Germanotta when she's not in make-up or meat dresses. But whether it's for her commandment on the dancefloor, her wild, Bjork-esque fashion choices, or her support for the LGBT community, you got to respect on some sort of level.
  7. May 29, 2020
    "Born This Way" might fall short of Gaga's previous projects but it brings forth a more mature, energetic, and fleshed out sound that fits well with her strong vocals.
  8. Apr 3, 2015
    This album really lies between The Fame and The Fame Monster. It's a good album with a positive message and great production. The only concern I have about Born This Way is that the music gets repetitive after a while. This album earns a B from me. Highlights: "Born This Way", "The Edge of Glory", "Government Hooker". Worst song: "You and I"
  9. Feb 1, 2023
    For many people this album may be controversial, not for me. Much better than Gaga's first album..
  10. May 28, 2012
    A Powerful Album!
    Unforgetable This Album Has Gotten Slammed Alot! I Have No Clue Why.. Its Simply Amazing
    Hair Should Be A Single!
  11. Jan 6, 2018
    Um belo álbum que nos trouxe tanta originalidade como nas faixas Fashion Of His Love, Bad Kids, Heavy Metal Lover, Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) entre outras.
    Gaga nunca desaponta ela é uma artista incrível, muito versátil até em seus estilos de vestir e músicas qualquer um que diz que ela não é original vai falhar ferozmente, Gaga é sim muito além de nosso tempo como foi Nina Hagen,
    Um belo álbum que nos trouxe tanta originalidade como nas faixas Fashion Of His Love, Bad Kids, Heavy Metal Lover, Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) entre outras.
    Gaga nunca desaponta ela é uma artista incrível, muito versátil até em seus estilos de vestir e músicas qualquer um que diz que ela não é original vai falhar ferozmente, Gaga é sim muito além de nosso tempo como foi Nina Hagen, David Bowie, Queen!
    Os estilos dos clipes foram impecáveis desde Born This Way até Marry The NIght, muito bem produzidos como a Turnê também que foi maravilhosa como se fosse o castelo de terror da Gaga, muito criativo.
    Sem falar que este álbum teve uma pegada bem pros anos 80, algo que jamais vi em qualquer artista muito original, claro que teve críticas ao BTW o single ser um pouco parecido com a da Madonna Express Yourself, sim um pouco parece não serei hipócrita em mentir não é? Mas mesmo assim continua uma faixa totalmente expressiva que faz os LGBTs e as pessoas que não sentem inclusivas na sociedade se sentirem bem e vêem que eles não estão sozinhos nessa!
    Não há como dizer que este não é um álbum autêntico, a maquiagem que é usada em quase todos os clipes desse álbum é mais original do que tudo que vi nessa indústria nos últimos 10 anos nada mais superou nem nos 8 anos depois, maquiagem simplesmente perfeita.
    Para fechar quero dizer que é nota 8 sim pelo tom de destemida em Gaga de nunca ter medo de se expressar não importa o que os outros digam!!!
  12. May 25, 2020
    After hearing Lady Gaga's previous project 'The Fame Monster', I expected more from her sophomore album, but I can appreciate the art she's made with this project. This album succeeds mainly in its lyrical beauty. The songwriting for this record is superb and the issues mentioned on the album are so important to society and I enjoy seeing Gaga getting deep with pop music. I would've likedAfter hearing Lady Gaga's previous project 'The Fame Monster', I expected more from her sophomore album, but I can appreciate the art she's made with this project. This album succeeds mainly in its lyrical beauty. The songwriting for this record is superb and the issues mentioned on the album are so important to society and I enjoy seeing Gaga getting deep with pop music. I would've liked to see more variety when it came to the production of the album especially with one this long. I loved Gaga's raw vocal performance on this project as well. However, I just expected to score this project much higher, but I believe the score I have given it is well deserved and wouldn't be where it is without the spectacular songwriting.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. Marry the Night
    2. The Edge of Glory
    3. Born This Way
    4. You and I
    5. Judas
    6. Bloody Mary
    7. Hair
    8. Black Jesus + Amen Fashion
    9. Bad Kids
    10. Electric Chapel
    11. Fashion of His Love
    12. ScheiBe
    13. The Queen
    14. Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
    15. Heavy Metal Lover
    16. Government Hooker
    17. Americano
  13. Nov 21, 2015
    Writing a review 4 years later. If there's one thing at least everyone can agree on regarding this album, it is that for a pop album, it sounds NOTHING like any other pop album, both in 2011, before that and up till now. Lady Gaga is simply one hell of a songwriter and artiste. This album made such a grand statement in it's artistry I can confidently say it is her best work. First time IWriting a review 4 years later. If there's one thing at least everyone can agree on regarding this album, it is that for a pop album, it sounds NOTHING like any other pop album, both in 2011, before that and up till now. Lady Gaga is simply one hell of a songwriter and artiste. This album made such a grand statement in it's artistry I can confidently say it is her best work. First time I heard it, I heard lots of fillers. however, over time, i came to see what gaga was envisioning when writing these songs and arranging this album. 9/10 without a doubt (Previously 7/10) Expand
  14. Apr 7, 2018
    El mejor album de la cantante sin duda alguna, este album es de los mejores de su año
  15. Oct 7, 2017
    A Masterpiece album by Lady GaGa way Underrated from Critics 71%. Also have 2 Dumb idiots critics that gave negative reviews really? **** hard this masterpiece to okey 71%, Even if he's gave a mixed review we got maybe a 75% to 77% that really deserves more than 81% "Universal Acclaim"

    Full of Excellent singles 1-The Edge of Glory 2-Judas 3-Marry The Night 4-You And I & 5-Born This Way
    A Masterpiece album by Lady GaGa way Underrated from Critics 71%. Also have 2 Dumb idiots critics that gave negative reviews really? **** hard this masterpiece to okey 71%, Even if he's gave a mixed review we got maybe a 75% to 77% that really deserves more than 81% "Universal Acclaim"

    Full of Excellent singles 1-The Edge of Glory 2-Judas 3-Marry The Night 4-You And I & 5-Born This Way

    And other pretty gems that could also be great singles>>>>
    Hair >Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)> Heavy Metal Lover> Bad Kids> Scheiße> Electric Chapel> Bloody Mary & Government Hooker
  16. Dec 16, 2014
    The best of her album, all the songs are good, literally all, an album with quality and great vocals, the pop world needs more albums like this, so good I have no words to say about it.
    Highlights: Scheibe and Government Hooker
    Lows: Bloody Mary and Black Jesus Amen Fashion
  17. May 23, 2019
    Lady Gaga's "Magnum Opus". With the masterpiece that is ‘Born This Way’, Lady Gaga took her established formula and pushed it in new directions, proving that she was in it for the long haul. After the hypermassive success of the political yet empowering lead single, Gaga proved that 'Born This Way' was a turning point in her career. Exploring a variety of genres such as Electropop,Lady Gaga's "Magnum Opus". With the masterpiece that is ‘Born This Way’, Lady Gaga took her established formula and pushed it in new directions, proving that she was in it for the long haul. After the hypermassive success of the political yet empowering lead single, Gaga proved that 'Born This Way' was a turning point in her career. Exploring a variety of genres such as Electropop, Synth-pop, Rock, Euro-dance, Disco and Jazz and taking inspiration from politics, LGBT rights, music legends (Madonna, Whitney Houston, Queen ETC), Greek mythology, religion (biblical themes in 'Judas', 'Bloody Mary', "Black Jesus + Amen Fashion"), 80s and 90s club music and avante-garde dark fashion Gaga proved that this was indeed a turning point in her career, inspiring and changing lives of millions of fans around the world. This album is truly one of the best and most life changing albums of this century. Even in 2019, it's impact can still be seen on millions of fans, and even other artists albums. As I said earlier, this album pushed limits, exceeded expectations, and truly redefined pop. Thank you, Gaga. Expand
  18. Sep 2, 2020
    born this way es un buen álbum con un buen concepto. la temática religiosa que tienen algunos videos lo hace bueno y fresco, sin duda lady gaga sabía los riesgos de hacer algo así, y le salió realmente bien. con respecto al álbum algunas canciones se sienten que sobran o no tienen nada que hacer allí. mis canciones favoritas son bloody mary, judas, government hooker y americano
  19. Jan 6, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Born This Way é um bom álbum, mas não sei o porque desse endeusamento com ele. Com uma estrada longa (e, muitas vezes, cansativa) de 17 faixas, nem 10 conseguem ser realmente boas. Mas é uma boa pedida pra quem gosta de um pop com muitos sintetizadores.

    Pontos Altos: Judas, Hair, Born This Way
    Pontos Baixos: Bad Kids, Government Hooker, Heavy Metal Lover
  20. May 26, 2017
    The Best Pop Album Of The Year, The Best Lady GaGa Album, One of Best Pop Albums Of All Time. And Even Maybe One Of Best Albums Ever Made

    here Lady GaGa is on TOP OF THE GAME, in her best album yet, even if The Fame Monster were a studio album because who don't know is a EP!!! this album is even better for a while....

    Lady GaGa is one of best artist acting now in music industry
  21. May 24, 2011
    This album is really good. I don't see how anybody could hate this album. How can anybody say this album was horrible. I know its different from her other two albums but it still keep the electro pop sound. This album gets more personal but still has dance tracks, Lady Gaga on this album shows that she can sing. I love Lady Gaga. The Fame and Fame Monster was amazing album. This isThis album is really good. I don't see how anybody could hate this album. How can anybody say this album was horrible. I know its different from her other two albums but it still keep the electro pop sound. This album gets more personal but still has dance tracks, Lady Gaga on this album shows that she can sing. I love Lady Gaga. The Fame and Fame Monster was amazing album. This is different from those two albums. I think this album is her best yet. At first i didn't like the direction she was going for this album. After listening to this album I became to love it. This is one of the best albums of the year so far. Gaga on this album show people that she can song. Her song writing for this album is really good. I do miss the old gaga but this gaga is cool also in my book. I like the style for this album. This album sounds like an 80s album and also 90's and today. This is an album that some gaga fans would love and some wouldn't. Some people didn't like the direction she went for this album, I understand. Like I stated before I didn't like the direction she was going for this album. This album has some dance tracks like The Edge of Glory. This song is Gaga best yet. Love that song. Some songs are dance songs but still have an electro pop sound to it like You And I. This might be Gaga best album. Right now this is her best album but all her albums gets the same same ratings for me which means all her album are tie to me. This is my favorite right now at the moment but all her albums are really good. I don't see how anybody could give this album a 4 and down. Expand
  22. May 7, 2016
    Best album of Lady Gaga. Every tack is wonderful. Rangin from LGBT based "Born In This Way" and "Americano" to soulful perfomance of "You and I" and "The Edge of Glory", this is what Lady Gaga is - an artist. Gaga's vocal delivery is worth praise. Ofcourse the "Madonna" factor is all over the album, especially "Born In This Way" - modern version of Madonna's hit "Express Yourself". ButBest album of Lady Gaga. Every tack is wonderful. Rangin from LGBT based "Born In This Way" and "Americano" to soulful perfomance of "You and I" and "The Edge of Glory", this is what Lady Gaga is - an artist. Gaga's vocal delivery is worth praise. Ofcourse the "Madonna" factor is all over the album, especially "Born In This Way" - modern version of Madonna's hit "Express Yourself". But Gaga still creates her own current. Also, the sentiment of the song "The Edge of Glory" is beautiful. There could'nt have been a better closing track. Moreover, This is how a Pop album should sound like. Expand
  23. Mar 19, 2021
    Prior to its release, Lady Gaga said that "Born This Way" would be the best album of her career and the best album of the century. It didn’t turn out to be her best album OR the album of the century but it’s a damn good pop album. With this album, she wanted to explore the sound of her second studio album "The Fame Monster" a bit more and in a more extreme way. They both share the samePrior to its release, Lady Gaga said that "Born This Way" would be the best album of her career and the best album of the century. It didn’t turn out to be her best album OR the album of the century but it’s a damn good pop album. With this album, she wanted to explore the sound of her second studio album "The Fame Monster" a bit more and in a more extreme way. They both share the same dark dance pop sound but "Born This Way" is even more experimental than its predecessor. A lot of the songs have an 80s synthpop sound but the album also incorporates elements of opera, mariachi, heavy metal, rock music, house and disco music. The album discusses themes such as sexuality, feminism, individualism, equality and freedom. I‘m just gonna point out the highlights of the album. "Judas", the scandalous second single of the album, is a pop gem with a heavy dubstep dance break. "Bloody Mary" is a masterpiece. One of the best and most experimental albums of Gaga's entire career. It features multiple religious references (as many songs on this album) and includes a Gregorian choir. Epic. "Heavy Metal Lover" is a breezy mid-tempo electropop and techno song. Gaga's background vocals are incredible on this song. I always felt like it’s amazing for the summer. "Government Hooker" is also a very experimental track and one of the best album tracks of her career. Gaga sings part of the song like an opera singer, a male voice sings with her and just the entire production is so different. The album's title track "Born This Way" does sound A LOT like Madonna's "Express Yourself" but it’s still an epic pop bop.

    "Born This Way" is an exciting, experimental pop album. The reason why I "only" give 8 stars is because some of the songs didn’t age well ("Scheiße", "Bad Kids"), it has quite a few fillers ("The Queen", "Americano") and it feels very overproduced at times. It’s not the album of the century but it’s a good one.

    Favorites: Heavy Metal Lover, Bloody Mary, Judas, Born This Way & Government Hooker
  24. Mar 24, 2013
    Every Song Is Amazing And Unique In It's Own Way! Almost Every Song Off The Album Could Be A Single! This Album Does Not Suck As Many Reviewers Stated... Possibly The Best Of 2011!
  25. Feb 28, 2017
    The bestest album by Gaga. Almost every song is perfect. My favourites are: Marry The Night, Hair, Heavy Metal Lover, You and I and The Edge of GLory. Easily the best album of 2011 and Gaga's best album!
  26. Jan 23, 2021
    This is easily a style-over-substance kind of project, but it has enough campy stylish fun to offer to be, not only a good album, but an iconic one for gay culture.
  27. Jun 20, 2017
    Marry the Night - 9
    Born This Way - 10
    Government Hooker - 9
    Judas - 10
    Americano - 8
    Hair - 10
    Scheiße - 9
    Bloody Mary - 9
    Bad Kids - 7
    Highway Unicorn (Road to Love) - 9
    Heavy Metal Lover - 10
    Electric Chapel - 9
    Yoü and I - 10
    The Edge of Glory - 9

    score: 9,1
  28. Mar 24, 2013
    I don't think anybody saw it coming when Lady Gaga changed her genre slightly to show of the amazing vocals that most people never thought she had in the first place. Her songwriting talent shone on this album as well. My one comment would be the use of auto tune that can be found on a few tracks. Other than that, the Grammy-nominated album was one of the best of 2011.
  29. Aug 30, 2019
    Amo demasiado este álbum!!! ❤ Hair y Heavy Metal Lover merecían ser single
  30. Nov 15, 2021
    Gaga has always been able to anchor her haughty conceptual undertakings with simple, catchy tunes, but with «Born This Way», the persona and the message are starting to bleed into the songs. It's not a good look. It lacks the overall quality of Robyn's «Body Talk» or the stand-out singles of Rihanna's «Loud», yet it's still packed with hooks, killer choruses and unexpected twists.
  31. Apr 8, 2022
    This album will transcend as a reference for future generations who seek a better world
  32. Apr 30, 2014
    It's good, and unique, and artistic, and good. But was there really a need to make such lyrics for Government Hooker? Was there a need to stray away from the inspiring, individualistic nature of the album itself? And the filler tracks were fillers.
  33. Nov 17, 2017
    An amazing album! Yes, perhaps not the album of the decade, but comes close to pop album of the decade at least! the songs are so different from the other mediocre stuff that is put out. I love it!
  34. Jun 20, 2011
    The most awaited album of 2011 has arrived! Though the top tracks like "Fashion Of His Love" and "Black Jesus + Amen Fashion" were only on the Special Edition, the album itself is worthy of the title of ALBUM OF 2011. It brings back the 80s vibe and saxophones are present throughout the album. The highlights of the album are "Hair", "SheiÃ
  35. Nov 14, 2013
    Born This Way was such a double-edged sword for Gaga. Things started out so well, with one of the biggest singles of her career and an amazing 2 million copies sold on the first day worldwide, including 1.1 million in the US alone. But then, things started going wrong. Polarising single choices, overexposure and too much weirdness all caused the album to die a slow death. By the time theBorn This Way was such a double-edged sword for Gaga. Things started out so well, with one of the biggest singles of her career and an amazing 2 million copies sold on the first day worldwide, including 1.1 million in the US alone. But then, things started going wrong. Polarising single choices, overexposure and too much weirdness all caused the album to die a slow death. By the time the tour began nearly a year after release, it was only the fans that cared anymore. Despite this, she managed to pull in a $181 million grossing world tour and had her final dates not been cancelled due to her hip injury (the icing on top of a terrible year), the tour would have been her second consecutive one to hit the $200 million mark. But the public still looks upon the album as a failure which is frankly baffling.
    So, why is the album looked upon so negatively? Because I think it's brilliant. Gaga really showed her diversity with this mesmerising body of work that has shades of light and dark, positivity and sadness. We get uplifting tracks about acceptance with Born This Way, Bad Kids, Hair, ScheiBe and Highway Unicorn. We get sexy songs like Government Hooker and Heavy Metal Lover. We get dark, spooky songs with Bloody Mary and Electric Chapel. We get religious commentary with Judas and Fashion Of His Love. We get deeply personal songs for Gaga in the form of Marry The Night, The Queen, Black Jesus/Amen Fashion and You And I. And we get the astonishing power ballad tour de force that is The Edge Of Glory. It's hard to find a pop album is deep, diverse and personal as this. It should be a pop classic but unfortunately will likely by filed under "under-rated diamond in the rough." I hope it hasn't ended Gaga's career for good because it's evident from this album that she has so much more to give.
  36. Sep 9, 2020
    Born This Way has all the electro-sleaze beats and Eurodisco chorus chants that made her the Fame Monster. But the big surprise is the way Gaga pillages the Bon Jovi, Pat Benatar and Eddie Money records of her childhood. In the 1980s, radio was full of tormented Catholic kids, from Madonna to Springsteen. Gaga clearly grew up on that stuff. She doesn’t just give her Springsteen homage “TheBorn This Way has all the electro-sleaze beats and Eurodisco chorus chants that made her the Fame Monster. But the big surprise is the way Gaga pillages the Bon Jovi, Pat Benatar and Eddie Money records of her childhood. In the 1980s, radio was full of tormented Catholic kids, from Madonna to Springsteen. Gaga clearly grew up on that stuff. She doesn’t just give her Springsteen homage “The Edge of Glory” a sax solo – she gets Clarence Clemons himself to play it.
    All over Born This Way, she takes on the big topics dear to her heart: sex, religion, muscle cars, her hair. She sings in French, German, Spanish and whatever language wants to claim “punk-tious.” She seduces men, women, deities and dead presidents. (“Put your hands on me/John F. Kennedy” – hey, it rhymes.) And in “Heavy Metal Lover,” Gaga purrs the immortal pickup line “I want your whiskey mouth/All over my blond south.”
  37. Aug 6, 2019
    Um álbum representativo, trazendo o que há de melhor na Gaga. Um dos mais icônicos e memoráveis álbuns do pop.
  38. May 22, 2019
    Uma ode ao diferente, Born This Way é uma obra-prima sobre auto-aceitação e empoderamento
  39. Sep 1, 2015
    An amazing whirlwind of an album that's hinted with 80's dancepop and rock cheese with a true and deep connection hidden below the surface. It will take you to church, take your virginity and get you drunk all at the same time. Such an amazing album by the Queen, Lady Gaga.
  40. Mar 27, 2020
    It's very powerful body of work discussing many controversial topics or just love. It's visuals are very good, and my most favorite song of all-time comes from this album - "The Edge of Glory".
  41. Aug 4, 2011
    Born This Way is an album by a great musician blending and experimenting the sound of all her musical inspirations. Born This Way is too long for a single disc album and it sounds unfocused because you are confused if her direction is techno or pop rock. The use of religious names is getting offensive, she should get rid of it. The blend of electro-disco and pop rock in songs such as HairBorn This Way is an album by a great musician blending and experimenting the sound of all her musical inspirations. Born This Way is too long for a single disc album and it sounds unfocused because you are confused if her direction is techno or pop rock. The use of religious names is getting offensive, she should get rid of it. The blend of electro-disco and pop rock in songs such as Hair and Bad Kids is awkward. The unnecessary remakes or versions of Express Yourself is not needed and makes the album sound unoriginal. Overall, Born This Way is a solid pop album together with her first two albums. Expand
  42. Jun 20, 2014
    O melhor album da Gaga e O MELHOR ALBUM QUE JÁ OUVI,a Gaga traz músicas sombrias,felizes e dançantes,ela consegue celebrar a aceitação de todas as formas possíveis,ela te lembra o lado negro de ser você e o lado arco-íris.
    Pena que não levou 1 Grammyzinho.
  43. Dec 24, 2017
    Personally my favourite album of her. It's kinda dark and I love it. I wish she'll make another album like this.
  44. Sep 20, 2019
    This is kind of albums that can save your life. Born This Way is really one of the best albums ever. It contains club hits, ballads and just strong songs. Many genres from electronic pop to opera. Gaga deserves the name of new Queen of Pop.
  45. Nov 7, 2020
    Oh my god! Born this way is fantastic! It feels so fresh in 2020 despite the years. Amazing job Gaga.
  46. Mar 19, 2021
    This isn't up to The Fame or The Fame Monster. But both of those keep growing, and with its mad momentum and nutty thematics, this one could too--despite being laid down on tour trailed by 28 semis.
  47. Nov 16, 2020
    a pop QUEEN. best pop album of the decade. the LGBTQIA messages. the anthems of self love self worth bravery courage. ALL ART. POP ART. Iconic POP CLASSIC
  48. May 23, 2011
    14 EARWORMS. Her music has totally evolved and the diversity of this monster provides music for everyone. It's a brave and proper step and though it is clear that this is not (yet) "album of the decade", only time will tell. Just settle yourself for the biggest pop rollercoaster ride Gaga has ever conceived. A masterpiece.
  49. Jan 28, 2023
    This is album is so good. It’s the pop bible. There is a reason why this album saved so many people. Gaga did an amazing job on this. Even Bloody Mary finally got it’s moment 12 years after the release. Legend.
  50. Dec 17, 2014
    Durante la era Born This Way, Gaga re-invento los estándares de la música pop desde sus bases con melodías pegajosas, memorables y cantos llenos de energía.
  51. May 25, 2016
    Not going to lie, this album is Gaga's best album to date. The title track is one of the most empowering and one of the best songs of this generation and in my opinion it will become the 'Like a Virgin' of our generation however the message is very different. All the singles from this album DESERVED to be singles and so Gaga did justice to the singles and to the album as a whole. VeryNot going to lie, this album is Gaga's best album to date. The title track is one of the most empowering and one of the best songs of this generation and in my opinion it will become the 'Like a Virgin' of our generation however the message is very different. All the singles from this album DESERVED to be singles and so Gaga did justice to the singles and to the album as a whole. Very proud of this album and will definitely be one of my favorites of all time. Although Gaga did disappoint us with ARTPOP considering it one of her worst album despite all the hype around it!! Expand
  52. Nov 20, 2021
    Embora não seja o melhor trabalho de Gaga, Born This Way carrega um valor cultural importantíssimo para a comunidade lgbtqiap+.
  53. Nov 2, 2018
    Born This Way is much more experimental than its predecessors and for the most part it pays off well with very distinct and memorable songs. Favourites include Born This Way, Judas, The Edge of Glory, Hair, Heavy Metal Lover and Highway Unicorn
  54. Aug 11, 2011
    This album's great, but there's really only four songs you truly need from it: "Judas", "Born This Way", "Electric Chapel", and "Edge of Glory". Otherwise, it's just the usual Gaga fill-in we saw in THE FAME MONSTER.
  55. Sep 23, 2014
    This album is so different of everything that Gaga did and it's awesome. She can sing Rock/Jazz/Pop. She is a singer, She is a true Artist. And I'm very proud =)
  56. May 9, 2021
    One of the albums of the decade. I love that Lady Gaga is different from the other pop girlies. My favorite is The Edge Of Glory. TO GOD AND THE GAYS!!!
  57. Dec 18, 2022
    I listened to this album for the first time when I was 7 I just felt that it was written for me. All the times that I cried listening this album . Literally my favorite Lady Gaga album/era . I love every track of this álbum .Hair is my favorite song from the album! In my opinion, Born This Way is not just an album, it is a work of art, a totally conceptual lifestyle. Born This Way Era willI listened to this album for the first time when I was 7 I just felt that it was written for me. All the times that I cried listening this album . Literally my favorite Lady Gaga album/era . I love every track of this álbum .Hair is my favorite song from the album! In my opinion, Born This Way is not just an album, it is a work of art, a totally conceptual lifestyle. Born This Way Era will forever have a special place in my heart. Expand
  58. May 23, 2011
    Amazing album. Other than Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) which is horrible, every track is unique and has something to offer. The album includes everything and even the ones who did not enjoy her previous work will find something they like.
    Government Hooker, Judas, Marry The Night, The Edge Of Glory, You and I
  59. Jul 27, 2011
    Track By Track- Marry the Night- hot and amazing. Very well done. Born This Way- an OK song certainly not her best. Government Hooker- cool name but it is insane. I don't get it. Judas- I love it! One of her best songs yet. Sure it might be just a remix of Bad Romance but who the hell cares? Americano-worst song. ever. it sucks. that is all i'm gonna say. Hair- i love it so much! it superTrack By Track- Marry the Night- hot and amazing. Very well done. Born This Way- an OK song certainly not her best. Government Hooker- cool name but it is insane. I don't get it. Judas- I love it! One of her best songs yet. Sure it might be just a remix of Bad Romance but who the hell cares? Americano-worst song. ever. it sucks. that is all i'm gonna say. Hair- i love it so much! it super cute and everything. It is very nice. Scheisse- a German electropop song that talks about **** Cool. Bloody Mary- my second favorite song in the album. Slow but cool. Bad Kids- in the top 3 of the best songs in this album. Loveable. Highway Unicorn- stupid much? Heavy Metal Lover- idiotic. Electric Chapel-weirdly amazing? You and I- Cool. Sounds Amazing. The Edge of Glory- best GaGa SONG YET. Expand
  60. Nov 4, 2016
    Although I am a fan of Lady Gaga, but I want to vote honestly. I love this album, it is here that I discovered this singer and I think that it is great. But with this I do not completely agree. Evaluation of 10 can only get a great album. And in the great album should be 80% of the great songs. It was only 20% and it Born This Way, Marry The Night, The Edge Of Glory.
  61. Aug 16, 2017
    Pop, rock y un poco de electrónica es la combinación que se utilizo para crear esta gran biblia, Gaga nos demuestra que llego para quedarse, sin duda nos demostró que ella puede superarse sin problema alguno.
  62. May 27, 2011
    ThisThis Album Is Overall Good.. Below Is A Track Listing And A Score Out Of 10-
    Marry The Night 10/10, Born This Way 10/10, Government Hooker 8/10, Judas 8/10, Americano 2/10, Hair 8/10, ScheiÃ
  63. Sep 16, 2014
    A good album but not as good as The Fame Monster. There is a good variety of tracks on the album. For me the best tracks are Marry the Night, Scheiße and Edge of Glory. Overall there are more decent tracks than awesome tracks but it is still worth your and my money.
  64. Jun 15, 2019
    When the dust settles, this will easily be remembered as one of the best releases from 2011. It's a really good pop rock/dance pop mixture of songs. I really enjoyed it when it was released and some songs really stood the test of time. I like the 80's/90's revival that it brought.
  65. Jun 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 1.- MARRY THE NIGHT.- Un pop bastante mas up que lo que ha hecho hasta ahora. Una fusión perfecta de su teatralidad con el pop agresivo que la caracteriza. TOP
    2.- BORN THIS WAY.- MONUMENTAL PRIMER SENCILLO. Sónicamente bastante similar al anterior track y ambas dan un sonido nuevo muy distinto a la era The Fame. Una mezcla de Pop Dance con una pizca de rock. Producción musical bastante detallada. El ultimo coro es toda una experiencia. De mis favoritas en toda la carrera de Gaga. TOP
    3.- GOVERNMENT HOOKER.- TEATRALIDAD a flor de piel. Se fusiona muy bien con el sonido del álbum. Liricamente mucho mas atrevida que anteriores tracks pero aporta mucho con la sensación de la libertad de expresión que tiene el album. No es para nada mala, de hecho bastante divertida pero no es algo que escucharía siempre. De todos modos tiene mucho potencial. TOP
    4.- JUDAS.- Sigue la línea de los anteriores tracks, un pop up - tempo con mucha personalidad, sin dejar de lado esa escencia rockera rebelde del álbum. Muy buena lírica. De las canciones que mejor camufla la teatralidad de Gaga. El coro me parece un poco plano pero no llega a ser malo. Buena opción como sencillo. TOP
    5.- AMERICANO.- Volvemos con todo a lo teatral. Guitarras, suena a una fiesta italiana. La mezcla de idiomas, UN ESPECTÁCULO para el oído! ME ENCANTA! Y lo mejor es que sigue con la linea musical del álbum. Me hubiera gustado que fuera sencillo solo para presenciar todo el show que monta musicalmente. TOP
    6.- HAIR.- Un comienzo bastante suave. Me daba la impresión de que me iba a aburrir pero vuelve espectacular mente a la linea pop agresiva del álbum con un bonus de energía. De hecho me sorprende! Tiene mucho potencial como sencillo. TOP
    7.- SCHEIBE.- PERSONALIDAD SOBRE TODO. Muy de club. Deja un poco atrás la escencia rock y teatralidad pero la suplanta con una melodía muy glamorosa. La melodía del coro en mi opinion le resta un poco esa escencia de espectaculo pero en general ME ENCANTA. TOP
    8.- BLOODY MARY.- Vuelve la teatralidad y esa escencia rock rebelde osada. Deja un poco atrás el Pop up-tempo pero para la octava canción llega a ser necesario. Hasta ahora vamos super bien con la cohesividad.
    9.- BLACK JESUS + AMEN FASHION.- Se mimetiza muy bien con el anterior track. Un pop un poco mas tranquilo pero mucho más glamoroso. Liricamente bastante entretenido. No es mi favorita pero dentro del album suena bien.
    10.- BAD KIDS.- Vuelve el aire rock rebelde pero de una forma muy sutil. Tengo un poco de problema con los coros, me parece que matan un poco la cancion. No es mi favorita pero dentro del album suena bien.
    11.- FASHION OF HIS LOVE.- Un aire un poco mas tranquilo. La melodia me gusta muchisimo! suena bastante pop de los 90's un poco Whitney - Mariah. ME ENCANTA! TOP
    12.- HIGHWAY UNICORN.- De nuevo deja un poco de lado ese aire rock al principio pero lo recupera un poco en los versos. No es mi favorita pero no llega a ser mala. NEXT
    13.- HEAVY METAL LOVER.- EL SONIDO! Suena a un pop muy imponente. Pudo haber sido un poco mas corta, llega a ser un poco cansadora. Sin embargo es un perfecto aporte dentro del disco.
    14.- ELECTRIC CHAPEL.- Retoma la escencia rock. Como cancion no es muy recordable. No es una mala cancion pero no aporta mucho. Muy buena para ser relleno pero no triunfaria fuera del album.
    15.- THE QUEEN.- Lo más pop rock del album, no aporta nada al disco. Lo unico que rescato es la desaceleración del final. pero llegan a ser como dos canciones distintas en una. Esta si puedo considerarla relleno. NEXT
    16.- YOU AND I.- La mezcla perfecta de balada rock y country. Definitivamente va a mi top 3 del album. Sónicamente tal ves suena bastante distinto al sonido pop up tempo del album pero llega a ser el aire fresco que necesitaba el album luego de 15 tracks. ME ENCANTA! TOP
    17.- THE EDGE OF GLORY.- Excelente clausura del album. Engloba un poco de rudeza con el pop up tempo. Al principio no me gustó como sencillo pero creo que es una cancion con mucho potencial. Sigue perfectamente la linea de Born This Way

    EN GENERAL: Un trabajo mucho mas cohesivo que los anteriores. Falla un poco en la elección de sencillos y en la longitud del album. Pudieron descartar un par de canciones. Sin embargo en cuanto a produccion, denota una evolucion enorme desde The Fame y deja al album sin tener nada que envidiar a ningun otro. Mantiene la escencia pop agresivo de Gaga con un toque de glamour, mientras da el espectaculo que la caracteriza. En general un buen album
  66. Jan 7, 2013
    Being a Pop Singer is never just about the voice. It's about the whole package and how his / her image is presented for the public's consumption. In an age of rampant piracy and declining album sales, Gaga is one of the most versatile. She embraced controversy like a blanket, communicating with her fans through social media. Born This Way is more of a product than an artist's expression,Being a Pop Singer is never just about the voice. It's about the whole package and how his / her image is presented for the public's consumption. In an age of rampant piracy and declining album sales, Gaga is one of the most versatile. She embraced controversy like a blanket, communicating with her fans through social media. Born This Way is more of a product than an artist's expression, but that's fine by me. It's slickly produced and Gaga has a natural talent of knowing what melody that's catchy and which hot 'topical' buttons to press. Like it or not, she is here to stay and one of the finest Pop Singer in the market today. Expand
  67. Mar 26, 2012
    I prefer "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster" because for me that was the real Lady gaga...... However this is a good album, good sounds and good lyrics. The best songs are The edge of glory, heavy metal lover, born this way, you and i, marry the night and Bloody Mary. Good album but this is not the "new Thriller" or the best album of the future 10 years. Only in 2011 there are a lot ofI prefer "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster" because for me that was the real Lady gaga...... However this is a good album, good sounds and good lyrics. The best songs are The edge of glory, heavy metal lover, born this way, you and i, marry the night and Bloody Mary. Good album but this is not the "new Thriller" or the best album of the future 10 years. Only in 2011 there are a lot of albums better than this and also "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster" are better than this. I like it and i like her, but i don't like when some artists say that their album will be the greatest in the world. ( sorry for my English ) Expand
  68. Mar 9, 2013
    Gaga transformed every fail, every good thing in a unique album, lots of people say that is repetitive. When I listened to this for the first time, it was looking repetitive, but after I found the lyrics, and keep on listening, I treated every song different, with distinct ways.
  69. Mar 28, 2015
    This creation evokes specific time periods. The production was all intentional, but it didn't sound like what any other pop star was doing, or has done. The vocals, if you analyze them more closely, are also produced in a very intentional way (in part to evoke, again, a certain time period, and in part to be louder, more harsh, and more direct), The production is just fine and techniquesThis creation evokes specific time periods. The production was all intentional, but it didn't sound like what any other pop star was doing, or has done. The vocals, if you analyze them more closely, are also produced in a very intentional way (in part to evoke, again, a certain time period, and in part to be louder, more harsh, and more direct), The production is just fine and techniques and sounds have not substantially changed since its creation. It is unique in its soundscape and it is a necessary step in her musical progression. with Rock and hilarious ballads moments this Pop album it's another dark record that founds itself attached to the very best 80's inspired-production. Expand
  70. Nov 24, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference...
  71. Dec 26, 2019
    Es el Album de la década es el Album que marco muchas vidas y toda una generación
  72. Aug 3, 2012
    Lady Gaga focused on quantity over quality, which caused a few bad fillers to make the album (Bad Kids/Americano), but there are some really great songs, like Judas, Marry the Night, and Edge of Glory. I would have preferred her to focus less on the "be yourself" message, and instead just focus on the music, since the better songs on the album are the once that aren't all preachy. ThereLady Gaga focused on quantity over quality, which caused a few bad fillers to make the album (Bad Kids/Americano), but there are some really great songs, like Judas, Marry the Night, and Edge of Glory. I would have preferred her to focus less on the "be yourself" message, and instead just focus on the music, since the better songs on the album are the once that aren't all preachy. There are some great songs though. This could make an excellent album if a few songs were removed. There's something for everyone on Born This Way. Expand
  73. Oct 13, 2013
    Lady gaga explora nuevos sonidos fuertes desde el rock, hasta pequeñas partes de opera, una verdadera artista que se dedica a revolucionarse musicalmente, a buscar sonidos extraños y arriesgarse en crear un fantastico album.
  74. Oct 22, 2016
    1. Marry The Night 5/5
    2. Born This Way 5/5
    3. Government Hooker 4/5
    4. Judas 5/5
    5. Americano 3/5
    6. Hair 5/5
    7. Scheiße 5/5
    8. Bloody Mary 5/5
    9. Black Jesus + Amen Fashion 4/5
    10. Bad Kids 4/5
    11. Fashion Of His Love 5/5
    12. Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) 5/5
    13. Heavy Metal Lover 5/5
    14. Electric Chapel 4/5
    15. The Queen 5/5
    16. Yoü And I 4/5
    17. The Edge Of Glory 5/5
  75. Apr 19, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I thought it used to be Gaga's best album, though that wasn't the case when i gave it a listen. Some songs are just un-listenable, some are bland and some sound like songs off the same album... Expand
  76. Aug 28, 2020
    Este es el mejor album en la carrera de lady gaga hasta la fecha, la producción,me recuerda mi niñez
  77. Dec 15, 2012
    Lady Gaga is not one of the best artists in the world, but this album was a good surprise. Gaga is a powerful and brilliantly original pop performer and some songs of Born This Way are very good. For me the biggest triumph of the album is You And I, a simply stunning pop rock song. Songs like Born This Way and The Edge Of Glory are very good as well, but I think that Lady Gaga wastesLady Gaga is not one of the best artists in the world, but this album was a good surprise. Gaga is a powerful and brilliantly original pop performer and some songs of Born This Way are very good. For me the biggest triumph of the album is You And I, a simply stunning pop rock song. Songs like Born This Way and The Edge Of Glory are very good as well, but I think that Lady Gaga wastes sometimes her talent and her beautiful voice in obvious and uninteresting pop songs. Born This Way is in my counts, the 3rd best album of the year. Expand
  78. Jun 10, 2015
    magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent
  79. May 8, 2016
    This is really brave step for Lady Gaga, this album is really experimental. This album is quite dark with few masterpieces in it. Sadly that the best songs in this album is underrated. Many songs just feels that doesn't fit on this album like you and i, fashion of his love and americano these songs just seems to bright for this album.
  80. Jul 3, 2019
    This is a very good album, not at the level of the fame monster. but one of the best album of the decade, the tracks are amazing, a good lyric and gorgeous vocal created an amazing work. You won't be disappointed.
  81. Apr 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Su mejor álbum !! Amo este álbum, es perfección, y sin ninguna colaboración Expand
  82. Oct 24, 2022
    There hasn't been an album as impactful as this yet and there probably never will be one. this album changed everything.
  83. Aug 1, 2011
    This is a great album .the only thing we have to do is just to listen it . Gaga has a fabulous voice and in these months we are witnessing it in different television programs around the world France, Japan, Italy, United States.The acoustic versions are doing is showing how talented as a singer Beyonce has already said a few days ago: lady gaga is a talent west unico.kanye said Born thisThis is a great album .the only thing we have to do is just to listen it . Gaga has a fabulous voice and in these months we are witnessing it in different television programs around the world France, Japan, Italy, United States.The acoustic versions are doing is showing how talented as a singer Beyonce has already said a few days ago: lady gaga is a talent west unico.kanye said Born this way deserves a note outstanding. Adele also said he loves Gaga. Be constructive and not to hate people either jealousy or something else and by that I mean the Tiny Mix Tapes criticism . Collapse
  84. Aug 23, 2011
    They say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Well, imitation is the root of pop culture. Gaga has been able to mold past works and genres into a modernized pop masterpiece in the way Madonna did back in her peak. This album will be remembered not only for it's unique presence in our current mainstream scene but for the amazing visuals shes presented with the album publicly. FromThey say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Well, imitation is the root of pop culture. Gaga has been able to mold past works and genres into a modernized pop masterpiece in the way Madonna did back in her peak. This album will be remembered not only for it's unique presence in our current mainstream scene but for the amazing visuals shes presented with the album publicly. From the alien-esque Marilyn Manson inspired prosthetics from her Born This Way music video to the Biblical imagery of her Youtube hit Judas. I'm sure the cherry on top will happen when her worldwide tour kicks off in support of this album. This album is a melting pot of new-wave, hair-metal, club beats, dance-pop, and rock'n'roll. She's come a long way from the faux-plastic pop of The Fame and if she keeps pushing her creativity I know she'll make a huge mark in music history. Expand
  85. Feb 5, 2012
    Lady Gaga really did an amazing job promoting this album. The amount of hype created made this one of the highest-selling albums in 2011. However, and I don't really like saying this since I'm a fan of hers, this album wasn't as great as The Fame or The Fame Monster -which I actually consider her best work to date-. Anyway, it was a good album, with great production -Gaga, Garibay, RedOneLady Gaga really did an amazing job promoting this album. The amount of hype created made this one of the highest-selling albums in 2011. However, and I don't really like saying this since I'm a fan of hers, this album wasn't as great as The Fame or The Fame Monster -which I actually consider her best work to date-. Anyway, it was a good album, with great production -Gaga, Garibay, RedOne and Blair are really amazing musicians and their creativity has no limits. Most of the songs were very well done with very deep lyrical content which maybe only her fans get to know (e.g. Judas) and amazing beats.
    Interscope made a risky move with this album by not concentrating on the singles sales (not a lot of single material) but on the album sales, but thanks to all the promotion this album had, they could achieve this.
  86. Nov 5, 2013
    Como amo este album! es el mejor que he escuchado de Gaga, en este album fluyen muchas emociones al pasar por las canciones, sin duda un album epico que no pasa desapercibido! Good Job Gaga
  87. Nov 4, 2015
    Album of the decade, right? This album and so great that in my design and one of the biggest and best albums of the decade. The album is encouraging and has a lot of bravery and consequently a lot of criticism of religion. This makes it is large, it means that taca the nail on the head of thousands of religious, encourages young people to take risks and find himself. Talk about love,Album of the decade, right? This album and so great that in my design and one of the biggest and best albums of the decade. The album is encouraging and has a lot of bravery and consequently a lot of criticism of religion. This makes it is large, it means that taca the nail on the head of thousands of religious, encourages young people to take risks and find himself. Talk about love, acceptance to seem cliché, but for this album which is far from being an ordinary album. Very personal and at the same time it goes to people feeling that millions of people go every day for, days, months, years, decades. The sound and lyrics are of an exceptional quality music with elements of the band Queen and saxophones make this more masjestoso album. This album came world almost called "classic was born." Album with various influences, the best possible, that opens the album for example is a hymn of the 90 decade in the 2000s, has music inspired by the euro pop, has electric guitar whole chills you, you punk, has religious symbolism, speaks of Latino immigrants in the US. There is no right word to name this album. Born This Way is the album of the decade when referring to Pop / Punk / Rock / Art / Feelings. Expand
  88. May 31, 2011
    Born This Way will more than likely be a masterpiece for die-hard GaGa fans. For everyone else, it'll just be a recommendation. It is certainly more different than any other pop album of 2011, for sure. Another shiny aspect of Born This Way is that it sounds like a remastered blast from the '80s. The standout tracks are "Electric Chapel" and "The Edge of Glory", which definitely drawBorn This Way will more than likely be a masterpiece for die-hard GaGa fans. For everyone else, it'll just be a recommendation. It is certainly more different than any other pop album of 2011, for sure. Another shiny aspect of Born This Way is that it sounds like a remastered blast from the '80s. The standout tracks are "Electric Chapel" and "The Edge of Glory", which definitely draw influence from '80s dance pop and europop. However, one of its weakest tracks are "Judas", which is basically a rewritten version of "Bad Romance", both having the same tone and meaning. Expand
  89. Jul 27, 2020
    Esse albúm salvou vidas, é magnífico, potente, poderoso, eletrônico, para as pistas, para os clubes e acima de tudo pra comunidade LGBTQIA+!
  90. Aug 29, 2020
    Is the best album ever. Album of millennium. I dont need to say anything more.
  91. Nov 17, 2021
    Born This Way Special Edition Album Scores
    1. Marry the Night 10/10
    2. Born This Way 10/10 3. Government Hooker 10/10 4. Judas 10/10 5. Americano 10/10 6. Hair 10/10 7. Schieße 10/10 8. Bloody Mary10/10 9.Black Jesus + Amen Fashion 10/10 10. Bad Kids 9/10 11. Fashion Of His Love 10/10 12. Highway Unicorn Road to Love 7/10 13. Heavy Metal Lover 10/10 14. Electric Chapel 7/10 15. The Queen
    Born This Way Special Edition Album Scores
    1. Marry the Night 10/10
    2. Born This Way 10/10
    3. Government Hooker 10/10
    4. Judas 10/10
    5. Americano 10/10
    6. Hair 10/10
    7. Schieße 10/10
    8. Bloody Mary10/10
    9.Black Jesus + Amen Fashion 10/10
    10. Bad Kids 9/10
    11. Fashion Of His Love 10/10
    12. Highway Unicorn Road to Love 7/10
    13. Heavy Metal Lover 10/10
    14. Electric Chapel 7/10
    15. The Queen 6/10
    16. Yoü and I 3/10
    17. The Edge of Glory 10/10
  92. Nov 12, 2013
    The good in Born This Way heavily outweighs the bad. The songs are fun, and Lady Gaga cranks out some catchy melodies and solid beats. Gaga also branches out and experiments with genres and styles. Sometimes it really works, sometimes it doesn't. Some songs are forgettable and become victims of generic pop trends. Standout tracks are "Marry the Night", "You and I", "Edge of Glory", andThe good in Born This Way heavily outweighs the bad. The songs are fun, and Lady Gaga cranks out some catchy melodies and solid beats. Gaga also branches out and experiments with genres and styles. Sometimes it really works, sometimes it doesn't. Some songs are forgettable and become victims of generic pop trends. Standout tracks are "Marry the Night", "You and I", "Edge of Glory", and possibly "Hair". "Judas" and "Born This Way" are the 'controversial' tracks, but they both serve as enjoyable, catchy dance tunes with a little bit of a message. Gaga's voice is definitely a strong asset, and it accompanies the rich synths and melodies very well.

    I'm writing this after having also listened to her new ARTPOP album, which was disappointing. Hopefully her next projects follow in the footsteps of Born This Way, as Born This Way shows musical growth and maturity. Not perfect, a little underwhelming or generic at times, but definitely a step in the right direction I believe.
  93. Oct 8, 2013
    Amazing, Strange but very good, The lyrics and the message of the whole album is incredible, the sounds are so diferent and wear but so so amazing. I can't say anymore, it's excelent, exceptional, I can't say perfect beacuse it isn't but it comes near.
  94. Nov 3, 2013
    De verdad pienso que es uno de los discos más menospreciados de esta nueva era.
    BTW es el epítome en el momento de la globalización. Aquí se reúnen grandes sonidos y géneros al rededor del pop.
    La voz de Gaga está en su mejor momento. Es variado, lleno de momentos grandes... en ningún instante de da un respiro. Y de eso se trata, de cantar a todo volumen las letras. Es el album más
    De verdad pienso que es uno de los discos más menospreciados de esta nueva era.
    BTW es el epítome en el momento de la globalización. Aquí se reúnen grandes sonidos y géneros al rededor del pop.
    La voz de Gaga está en su mejor momento. Es variado, lleno de momentos grandes... en ningún instante de da un respiro. Y de eso se trata, de cantar a todo volumen las letras.
    Es el album más emblemático de los últimos años.
  95. Feb 2, 2018
    "Born This Way" consolidated Lady Gaga's career as the most powerful pop singer on Earth in 2011. She mentions a lot of problems the youth goes through nowadays and praises differences claiming that we're all beautiful in our own way and I couldn't agree more with these beliefs.
  96. Jan 10, 2020
    Perfeito e aclamado sempre inovando o conceito a verdadeira rainha do pop amo demais
  97. May 24, 2011
    Pop, Electro, Dubstep, Dance, Country... This is what you'll find in Born This Way. Dance while thinking, this is what Gaga is trying to say in this album. Is it the pop album of the decade, as Akon said? Maybe... after all, the decade just started. But, it is the best pop release since Justin Timberlake's Futuresex/Lovesound. Hits? Marry The Night, Americano, Hair, The Edge Of Glory andPop, Electro, Dubstep, Dance, Country... This is what you'll find in Born This Way. Dance while thinking, this is what Gaga is trying to say in this album. Is it the pop album of the decade, as Akon said? Maybe... after all, the decade just started. But, it is the best pop release since Justin Timberlake's Futuresex/Lovesound. Hits? Marry The Night, Americano, Hair, The Edge Of Glory and of course, Born This Way and Judas. I feel you'll hear about Born This Way for a whole year for sure. Expand
  98. Oct 20, 2011
    Born This Way isn't the biggest pop album Gaga thinks it to be. However, from the opening church bells of "Marry the Night" to the dramatic finale of "The Edge of Glory", it is definitely one of the strangest and most experimental albums a mainstream artist has released in years. Its mixture of dance-pop and a hundred other musical genres (including rock n' roll, electropop, heavy metal,Born This Way isn't the biggest pop album Gaga thinks it to be. However, from the opening church bells of "Marry the Night" to the dramatic finale of "The Edge of Glory", it is definitely one of the strangest and most experimental albums a mainstream artist has released in years. Its mixture of dance-pop and a hundred other musical genres (including rock n' roll, electropop, heavy metal, Latin pop, etc.) and Gaga's grandiose voice make it worth giving her a chance. Expand
  99. Apr 29, 2012
    Compare Lady Gaga's career to the Bible, 'The Fame' being Christmas (birth), 'The Fame Monster' being Easter (resurrection, but nobody died) and 'Born This Way' being The Second Coming. This album is so important, so grand, so good, so well made and so meaningful to millions it really is Biblical.
  100. May 4, 2012
    Lady Gaga's second attempt to a full-length album is extraordinary powerful, unique and interesting. "Born This Way" is a prayer to self-loving, tolerance and not being afraid of you really are, with a hint of glitter from the 80s while partying with heavy metal lovers. I believe it to be a stepping stone for future artists, a stimulus to try something new and different.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Sep 25, 2014
    Lady Gaga promised her fans (perhaps a tad prematurely) that her new album would be the greatest of the decade. But even if the next nine years bring something better, we're unlikely to hear anything bigger than Born This Way.
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 8, 2011
    Born This Way feels like the first proper Lady Gaga album. [Aug. 2011, p. 114]
  3. Jul 6, 2011
    Gaga has always been able to anchor her haughty conceptual undertakings with simple, catchy tunes, but with Born This Way, the persona and the message are starting to bleed into the songs. It's not a good look.