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  1. Aug 28, 2020
    Un album con muchas metaforas, es de los mejores que he escuchado en mi vida, muy recomendado
  2. Aug 28, 2020
    Un disco diferente si bien tiene hits, dentro del mismo se encuentra una haga más Oscura y profunda, letras muy inspiradoras que te incitan a quererte y amarte
  3. Aug 21, 2022
    If i had one word to describe this album i would definitely say sensational , well if i had two i would say Magnum Opus ! A standout in her discography, listening to these songs with headphones on is literally an EXPERIENCE.. my favourites are definitely heavy metal lover and government hooker and judas actually scratch that the whole damn album. The synths and electronic waves sound sooooIf i had one word to describe this album i would definitely say sensational , well if i had two i would say Magnum Opus ! A standout in her discography, listening to these songs with headphones on is literally an EXPERIENCE.. my favourites are definitely heavy metal lover and government hooker and judas actually scratch that the whole damn album. The synths and electronic waves sound soooo good paired with her strong vocals laikkk this is a masterpiece and i'm not just ass kissing Expand
  4. Aug 29, 2020
    MARAVILLA! Canciones pop sin necesidad de Remix. Rompieron las pistas de baile de todo el mundo y siguen haciéndolo!
  5. Oct 31, 2020
    Following up "The Fame Monster" is no easy task, but Lady Gaga did a very good job at keeping her winning streak going! Unfortunately, it didn't get the recognition it deserved at the time, but I feel in 10 years or so, it will be seen as the solid pop record it really is.

    "Judas" is one of my favorite Lady Gaga songs of all time, and same with "Marry The Night" and "Bloody Mary." The
    Following up "The Fame Monster" is no easy task, but Lady Gaga did a very good job at keeping her winning streak going! Unfortunately, it didn't get the recognition it deserved at the time, but I feel in 10 years or so, it will be seen as the solid pop record it really is.

    "Judas" is one of my favorite Lady Gaga songs of all time, and same with "Marry The Night" and "Bloody Mary." The bold choice of using fake German in "Scheiße" to coincide with its meaning was one that, in my opinion, paid off. "The Edge Of Glory" was never one of my personal favorites, but it is still extremely good nonetheless. The only ones that I didn't really like were primarily the bonus tracks. I wasn't a huge fan of Amen Fashion and I definitely preferred FOHL's demo, called "Earthquake (Then You'd Love Me)" over the final version, which kind of sounded like a Whitney Houston knockoff. I don't listen to "The Queen" often, but its meaning is beautiful, and as a Queen fan, I love the references in the lyrics. Lastly, "You And I" is probably Gaga's best piano ballad to date.

    Unsurprisingly for Gaga, the visuals were on point throughout the entire album and I loved all of the music videos. I know a lot of people criticized its religious themes when it came out, however, I quite like it. Also, another unpopular opinion—I love the motorcycle album cover.

    Favorite tracks: Judas, Marry The Night, Bloody Mary, Hair, You And I, Government Hooker, Americano, Scheiße
    Least favorite: Fashion Of His Love, Amen Fashion + Black Jesus, Heavy Metal Lover, The Queen
  6. May 23, 2011
    Whilst 'The Fame Monster' was more catchy, 'Born This Way' combines poetic lyrics, club-friendly beats, good vocals, and genuine heart to prove itself a winner in its own right.
  7. May 23, 2011
    Lady Gaga provides in this album a dark , intense , addicting melody. Seems like she puts all her efforts to turn this into a massive orchestra of feelings. Intense beats combined to good vocal performances and awesome choruses makes this album a guaranteed hit for the story of Gaga
  8. May 24, 2011
    "Born This Way" is AMAZING! It's pop-dance-techno-rock extravaganza! The album is a clever mix of 80 's inspired tracks + unique futuristic Gagaesque anthems. Truly, Gaga is the best thing that happened to pop music since Madonna!
  9. May 25, 2011
    A marvelous album filled with amazing records. Though its not the perfect pop album you would expect but it is definitely fun to listen and I simply love it.
  10. Jul 12, 2011
    This is one of those albums that only die-hard lady gaga fans will talk about. What they're talking about, though, are the aspects of this album that make it pleasant, addictive, retrospective, and quite honestly, beautiful. It's not like gaga's trying to get attention. She's only trying to part her talent from the campy and repetitive "talent" circulating in every radio channel. Her songsThis is one of those albums that only die-hard lady gaga fans will talk about. What they're talking about, though, are the aspects of this album that make it pleasant, addictive, retrospective, and quite honestly, beautiful. It's not like gaga's trying to get attention. She's only trying to part her talent from the campy and repetitive "talent" circulating in every radio channel. Her songs are individually rhythmic and melodic, with novel lyrics and messages. Her tunes are catchy and jumpy, with entertaining and somewhat nostalgic beats. Overall, this album is both an accomplishment worth future accolades AND a piece of modern art. Expand
  11. Jul 27, 2011
    This album is software proof that art still lives in pop music. Lady Gaga has understood something about artistic freedom and lyrical depth. Something that seemed to be missing from the album's descendant, "The Fame Monster". Where it may not be as much as a commercial success, this album shows a much more bolder, stronger, and emotional kind of delivery. Where at points it may feelThis album is software proof that art still lives in pop music. Lady Gaga has understood something about artistic freedom and lyrical depth. Something that seemed to be missing from the album's descendant, "The Fame Monster". Where it may not be as much as a commercial success, this album shows a much more bolder, stronger, and emotional kind of delivery. Where at points it may feel rushed, cheesy, and makes up for the artistry in the depth of the meaning of her music. Bringing together classical music, rock, pop, dance, jazz, and techno, Lady Gaga has made a true effort into creating something that is not mediocre. The religious imagery in "Born This Way" reminds us that art, faith, and music can all co-exist once again. And maybe Lady Gaga is the person to bring the three worlds back together. Expand
  12. Sep 14, 2011
    This album is just awesome, i loved it. Bloody Mary, Scheibe, Marry the Night, Hair and The Queen are certainly the best tracks, but all musics are great. I just didn't like Highway Unicorn too much, it has a bad song but Gaga's volcals are perfect in all tracks.
  13. Mar 25, 2012
    Great album. I'm not much into pop but something about Gaga makes me want to listen. To me, this is definitely her best album. She takes a more serious approach about standing up for yourself and knowing that everybody is the way they are on purpose. However, I don't really like all the religious songs. A little is fine, but songs like "Black Jesus - Amen Fashion" make me turn the volumeGreat album. I'm not much into pop but something about Gaga makes me want to listen. To me, this is definitely her best album. She takes a more serious approach about standing up for yourself and knowing that everybody is the way they are on purpose. However, I don't really like all the religious songs. A little is fine, but songs like "Black Jesus - Amen Fashion" make me turn the volume down. This aside, the album is full of great songs like the electric "Heavy Metal Lover" and the rebellious "Born This Way." Expand
  14. Dec 4, 2011
    The album features influences Heavy Metal, Disco, Glam Rock. The vocals are perfect, the lyrics are a challenge, the melody is incredible. Gaga has brought us something really good and different.
  15. May 20, 2021
    Love it! Its one of the best albums of all time. It changed my life forever
  16. Dec 21, 2013
    THIS is an album! I never tire of hearing him is so magical! In this era, Gaga spared no talent, performances and lives were perfect. Very proud of what she has become, how much she has matured in so little time, musically speaking. ILY!
  17. Sep 25, 2014
    The power anthem. Definitely one of Gaga' best album. You guys should really check it out. It helped me alot in my troubled times. I hope the album will do the same to you too!
  18. Sep 23, 2014
    this girl work so hard ... OMG THIS WORK IS AMAZING... Keep doin it gurl u know ull be the new Gaga... I love the way u ork keep working amazing work... You and I is the best :)
  19. Oct 19, 2016
    I mean this when I say this.... Born This Way is THE BEST pop album EVER released. Born This Way pushed limits, exceeded expectations, redefined pop, and also gave a voice those who didn't feel like they had a voice. This self-empowerment album is absolutely EVERYTHING. Born This Way, the title track, SHATTERED so many records, and for obvious reasons.... the song is absolutely stunning.I mean this when I say this.... Born This Way is THE BEST pop album EVER released. Born This Way pushed limits, exceeded expectations, redefined pop, and also gave a voice those who didn't feel like they had a voice. This self-empowerment album is absolutely EVERYTHING. Born This Way, the title track, SHATTERED so many records, and for obvious reasons.... the song is absolutely stunning. Other tracks worth noting include Judas, The Edge of Glory, Marry the Night, Heavy Metal Lover (a fan favorite), Bloody Mary, and Hair. This album is so amazing I could cry. No wonder it sold over 8 MILLION copies worldwide. Thank you Gaga for blessing us with this masterpiece, we will never get another album this good in our lifetimes. Expand
  20. Jun 9, 2017
    All the people have that wild part, the part of the mind that make bad things, and with this album that part feels free, you can feel the good and wild vibes, this is one of the best pop album. All the people have to hear this.
  21. Jul 6, 2018
    I really liked this album because Gaga proves that she has got originality and class, and i really appreciate the hard work behind this.
  22. Dec 21, 2018
    O melhor album dessa doida sério, músicas ÓTIMAS, sonoridade que não enche o saco apesar de ter 14 músicas.
  23. Aug 26, 2019
    Lady gaga did such an excellent job here! The album is magnificent and unique with a very special message for all.
  24. Sep 7, 2019
    Melhor álbum do universo apenas ícones podem apreciar todo o seu valor, bíblia contemporânea com hinos atemporais
  25. Nov 4, 2021

    Born this way is undoubtedly a watershed in gaga's career, by far her best... This album is so powerful and empowering, a milestone in pop culture and the world.

    this album saved my life!!
  26. Mar 27, 2020
    This album is timeless. Each song is so unique and this album is easily one of her defining bodies of work.
  27. May 6, 2020
    Even in 2020, this album is still sends a powerful message of inclusion, bravery, diversity, being free, all achieved through love of oneself and others. Highly recommend a listen into one of Lady Gaga's most eclectic albums.
  28. May 30, 2020
    Pra mim, o melhor álbum da gaga.
    Suas composições são o que a gaga consegue oferecer de melhor.
    Um álbum para curar as cicatrizes da comunidade lgbt.
    Um clássico moderno.
  29. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. BORN THIS WAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Expand
  30. Aug 28, 2020
    Mi disco favorito y a día de hoy insuperable. Uno de los mejores álbumes en general de la historia, si no el que más. Con eso lo digo todo
  31. Sep 10, 2020
    Theres a message behind every track on this record all positive messages to love ur self express urself and not be ashamed of who you are! Genious!!
  32. Aug 28, 2020
    I couldn't say how perfect is this, must be a word to say it but I can't find it yet
  33. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Una verdadera joya de inicio a fin, letras, música, sonidos, la voz de lady gaga, el disco es muy bueno y lo único malo es que el disco yermina. Expand
  34. Jul 5, 2022
    i love this album. All of her songs are great in this album and i love her eletro-dance musics.
  35. May 28, 2011
    Those who criticize that we the fans give it high scores because we're fans are just ignorant, we like her music so we gave her high scores, fan or not if you like the album then you high scores, its just that simple. I have to say I have my doubts at first because I'm surprised that she actually chose to go for the artist creative album this early in her career, at first I thought it wasThose who criticize that we the fans give it high scores because we're fans are just ignorant, we like her music so we gave her high scores, fan or not if you like the album then you high scores, its just that simple. I have to say I have my doubts at first because I'm surprised that she actually chose to go for the artist creative album this early in her career, at first I thought it was career suicide but after I heard Born This Way... I feel stupid for even doubting her. This album will not appeal for those wishing to listen to just pure top 40 radio songs, it's not a mainstream album by any pop definition. She's an artist that wishes to experiments and grow during her career, this album is the result. It's definitely not album of the decade by any chance, but it's definitely a great pop album. It strays far from her roots and at times she is trying to hard in this album to please any fans possible, but at least she tries. Most of it were awesome, themes ranging from self-empowerment, immigrants, appreciate life and others positive theme. It definitely have a more gothic lyrics in this album, the chorus of the whole album can be repetitive at times but it's only a minor problem. If you find yourself liking this album then I think you have no problem agreeing that for an 'artist creative' album, this is one damn good pop album. Expand
  36. May 24, 2011
    Another fantastic album from Lady Gaga. I can't believe there's no filler on this album. Her hard work really shows in this album, it's definitely ambitious record.
  37. May 23, 2011
    Absolutely perfect. A beautiful and perfect album, thank you Gaga! Amazing, not boring, incredible, fantastic! The TRIUMPH of sounds! There isn't a track on this record that is a misfire.
  38. May 23, 2011
    Pop music has a bad reputation: repetition, laziness, the lack of anything by the singer. Thankfully, artists like GaGa do exist. Producing a -highly- solid (and not all radio friendly) albums with masterful songs causing 'Born This Way' to nearly burst at the seams, it stands tribute that Pop music is a genre like any other, though highly infused with rock and electronic also. Most standPop music has a bad reputation: repetition, laziness, the lack of anything by the singer. Thankfully, artists like GaGa do exist. Producing a -highly- solid (and not all radio friendly) albums with masterful songs causing 'Born This Way' to nearly burst at the seams, it stands tribute that Pop music is a genre like any other, though highly infused with rock and electronic also. Most stand out tracks for me are 'Bloody Mary', 'Heavy Metal Lovers' and 'Government Hooker'. A must buy. Expand
  39. May 24, 2011
    Lady gaga returns to the music scene with her record-breaking album BORN THIS WAY, which contains a song for everyone! Every song is different and has something special about it. Gaga has managed to marry electronic music with her glam rock influences which adds a refreshing twist to her music style. The reigning pop queen abandons the typical electronic sound which was displayed in TheLady gaga returns to the music scene with her record-breaking album BORN THIS WAY, which contains a song for everyone! Every song is different and has something special about it. Gaga has managed to marry electronic music with her glam rock influences which adds a refreshing twist to her music style. The reigning pop queen abandons the typical electronic sound which was displayed in The Fame. In my opinion, this album will make The Fame's success seem like nothing, because the effervescent tracks on this album are timeless! Expand
  40. May 24, 2011
    Is not that bad at all... from all the new pop albums this is the best, is strong and dont sounds like a remixed album (Femme Fatale for example). who says it sounds the same must be deaf there are only about 3/17 songs that sounds KINDA the same. The Tiny Mix Tapes critic is so childish, reading that review I couldn't imagine what kind of "profesional" will make it's critic based in howIs not that bad at all... from all the new pop albums this is the best, is strong and dont sounds like a remixed album (Femme Fatale for example). who says it sounds the same must be deaf there are only about 3/17 songs that sounds KINDA the same. The Tiny Mix Tapes critic is so childish, reading that review I couldn't imagine what kind of "profesional" will make it's critic based in how much they hate or love lady gaga, EVERYTHING has two sides bad and good and if you are supoused to be a profesional you should take both sides, the final result maybe is a 40 0r 30 BUT you took both sides before.... THAT'S WHAT PROFESIONAL PEOPLE DO Tiny Mix Tapes review looks like a troll review that hate Lady GaGa. it loses a lot of credibility. Expand
  41. May 25, 2011
    Buen álbum francamente pense que iba a ser un mal album pero despues de escucharlo me di cuenta que es muy bueno , con este album Gaga me ha impresionado va por el camino correcto ...No es el album de la decada pero si es Un Muy buen album POP ..
  42. May 27, 2011
    Was she really born this way!?

    What a massive 2 years. From the nervous girl who sat with Jonathan Ross on his sofa to the meat wearing music master! She has gone from strength to strength and more eccentric by the album. â
  43. Jun 11, 2011
    "Oops.... Lady Gaga do it again". She can sing, she can write... she can all! Although some songs sound polluted, over half the album and get over it shows the potential of voice. Is undoubtedly one of the albums of the year ... do not expect any "Fame Monster, " but here we have another great job
  44. Jun 12, 2011
    Its good to see that Gaga put away the meat dress and the fake hair pieces and actually made a decent album. Already hearing the songs 'Born This Way' and 'Judas' Gaga could deferentially pass off as Madonna. The album already has this feel to it that it just wants to be played in a night club on a buy one get one free booze night. Its nothing more than a collection of club tunes for aIts good to see that Gaga put away the meat dress and the fake hair pieces and actually made a decent album. Already hearing the songs 'Born This Way' and 'Judas' Gaga could deferentially pass off as Madonna. The album already has this feel to it that it just wants to be played in a night club on a buy one get one free booze night. Its nothing more than a collection of club tunes for a fickle audience. Then Gaga released 'Edge Of Glory' and after two or three listens the song begins to shake off the bad representation of the two songs prior. Its catchy (but with a staying power) Its not going to be that single everyone liked but then it got over played so now everyone hates it. The Album has some good tracks on it. 'Hair' had this 80's Kate Bush meets electronic dance pop and 'Bloody Mary' has an amazing dark, slow but harsh sound to it. Overall the album is quite good possibly better than Fame maybe just as good as The Fame Monster but its a good album. 7/10 Expand
  45. Jun 26, 2011
    I have played this album numerous times without skipping a track.This is one of the most diverse albums with interesting lyrics and the dance beats are out of this world.Her vocals are pure without interference from auto tune which makes it very real.Each track is different,mostly 80s influence.Such diversity in an album is a rare find these days.Overall,it is better than the Fame & theI have played this album numerous times without skipping a track.This is one of the most diverse albums with interesting lyrics and the dance beats are out of this world.Her vocals are pure without interference from auto tune which makes it very real.Each track is different,mostly 80s influence.Such diversity in an album is a rare find these days.Overall,it is better than the Fame & the Fame Monster and vocally it is her best yet. Expand
  46. Jul 5, 2011
    It's pop music at it's finest and definitely Gaga's best record to date. Standout tracks include Americano, ScheiÃ
  47. Aug 14, 2011
    Gaga gives us awesome songs in her new album. In my opinion, even though some songs are irrelevant and skipped, %80 are being listened and ADORED. Some of her songs are electronic, some are pop, some are heavy-pop, some are rock but none of them falls apart when it comes to concept and general feeling. I'm definitely not disappointed.
  48. Dec 13, 2011
    I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga "the persona", but I simply can't deny - the woman makes great pop music. you can really tell she put her all into this album. I keep finding tracks that I previously didn't pay attention to that I'll give a chance and end up loving (i.e "Heavy Metal Lover").
  49. Mar 23, 2012
    Pretentious, yes. Innovative, no. Different and unapologetic yet pushing buttons and standing on it's own platform. YES. 'Born This Way' may have been an overhyped piece of overproduced music coming with your side of gaga sounding like a preachy incomplete transformer, but it does stick to it's theme and does what only a few other albums have been able to do this year. Stray away from thePretentious, yes. Innovative, no. Different and unapologetic yet pushing buttons and standing on it's own platform. YES. 'Born This Way' may have been an overhyped piece of overproduced music coming with your side of gaga sounding like a preachy incomplete transformer, but it does stick to it's theme and does what only a few other albums have been able to do this year. Stray away from the trend. The album has it's gems [Marry The Night, Government Hooker, Hair, Bloody Mary] and it has it downfalls [Judas, Americano, **** Black Jesus]. All in all, it's pop music in many different forms. It's appealing to all audiences especially with it's central theme of freedom, however the message along with a lot of the music get's lost. Still one of the best pop albums of the last 5 years I must say. Expand
  50. Feb 2, 2012
    Honestly, it's a phenomenal album. Packed with self-appreciation anthems, Born This Way doesn't disappoint. Tracks like 'Americano', where Gaga is singing in Spanish and 'Scheisse' where Gaga features lyrics in German- and faux-German- while singing a feminist anthem are where Lady Gaga truly shows off her musical talents and capabilities. From the opening track 'Marry the Night' (which isHonestly, it's a phenomenal album. Packed with self-appreciation anthems, Born This Way doesn't disappoint. Tracks like 'Americano', where Gaga is singing in Spanish and 'Scheisse' where Gaga features lyrics in German- and faux-German- while singing a feminist anthem are where Lady Gaga truly shows off her musical talents and capabilities. From the opening track 'Marry the Night' (which is about Gaga's love for her home city New York) through to the final track 'The Edge of Glory' (about her grandfathers death), the album doesn't fail to disappoint. In my opinion, the strongest tracks are 'Bloody Mary' and the weakest is 'Electric Chapel'. Expand
  51. Jan 24, 2013
    This is an amazing album. yeah the sound is different for Lady Gaga but the songs are really really great. it does not sound like the other generic **** out there at the moment. this album may not be to ever bodies liking, especially if you LOVED her other albums, but trust me, its great just give it some time. Stand out tracks: Marry the Night, Born this Way, Scheibe, Judas, Hair, theThis is an amazing album. yeah the sound is different for Lady Gaga but the songs are really really great. it does not sound like the other generic **** out there at the moment. this album may not be to ever bodies liking, especially if you LOVED her other albums, but trust me, its great just give it some time. Stand out tracks: Marry the Night, Born this Way, Scheibe, Judas, Hair, the end of Glory, You and I, Government Hooker, Highway Unicorn, Bad Kids! such a good over all album and the concert is absolulty AMAZINGGGG! Expand
  52. Mar 17, 2013
    Wow! It was easy to only put on the great songs on The Fame Monster. But here with Born This Way, Lady Gaga managed to have a full-length album with almost only monumental pop records. Unlike her previous album, here we can really feel what is the Lady Gaga style in the music and the lyrics. Born This Way is one of the greatest album in modern pop music. The only thing that it misses is aWow! It was easy to only put on the great songs on The Fame Monster. But here with Born This Way, Lady Gaga managed to have a full-length album with almost only monumental pop records. Unlike her previous album, here we can really feel what is the Lady Gaga style in the music and the lyrics. Born This Way is one of the greatest album in modern pop music. The only thing that it misses is a ballade and some calm and relaxing songs. Born This Way is a little bit too much energetic, it should have contained one or several breaks. Expand
  53. Jun 15, 2013
    Now I know I might be a little late to the party but better late than never. So what can I say about Born This, especially with a two year perspective now? I can tell it is one of, if not the best album I've heard in my life. From Marry the Night to The Edge of Glory the energy does not let up. Her vocals are stronger than they ever have been, and the culmination of her past experiencesNow I know I might be a little late to the party but better late than never. So what can I say about Born This, especially with a two year perspective now? I can tell it is one of, if not the best album I've heard in my life. From Marry the Night to The Edge of Glory the energy does not let up. Her vocals are stronger than they ever have been, and the culmination of her past experiences along with new ideas (both sonically and thematically) along with new producers breeds her most mature album to date. Some lyrics are cheesy and at times the production takes you back to a time of nostalgia, but that's what it's all about. It's inspired by the 80's for a reason, this was Gaga's childhood, her birth moments, of course an album with such a title will be inspired by the things that inspired her as a child. Fans across the globe have responded to the messages contained within these songs and have responded with strength and hope at the new found belief within themselves to accomplish anything. For many people, this is war cry album. We will not be confined to what society thinks of us, we are our own destiny. Even now, 2 years later, I can still listen to the whole thing straight through and feel that passion within me that the album lends along with it's ability to sound just as fresh as the day I got it. Don't let the negativity surrounding the comparisons made by those out of jealous and bitterness deter you from giving this album an open-minded chance. It is a beautiful collection of music, one that will certainly more appreciation in the years to come. Expand
  54. Oct 24, 2016
    This is Lady Gaga's best album and only gets better with time. She came up with a new and fantastic concept and is still discussed and relevant to this day. Truly an album that proved she's staying here FOREVER.
  55. Jan 12, 2014
    Wonderful self-empowerment album!Born This Way song itself proved that even music can make you feel stronger and be more tolerant!Really amazing vocals!
  56. Sep 23, 2014
    Gaga is peeerrrrrrr-feeeect yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas gaga yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss you sound soooooo goooooooooooooooooooood!
  57. Sep 23, 2014
    This will be the anthem of a generation. I just can't describe how perfect this album is, from the first lyric to the last beat. This makes Little Monsters proud.
  58. Apr 2, 2020
    Amazing, spectacular. This album is unique and inspiring. Vocally exquisite, glam and artistic.
  59. Oct 20, 2016
    Born This Way was way ahead of its time. She released this at the peak of her career, which was as bold a move as it was genius. Standout tracks include Marry The Night, Government Hooker, Judas, Bloody Mary, Black Jesus + Amen Fashion, Heavy Metal Lover, Electric Chapel, The Queen, You And I, and The Edge of Glory.
  60. Apr 11, 2017
    Não esperava menos da RAINHA DO POP NÉ MORES. Crazy dance-syth album! so fun at parties. great lyrics, even better musicality. this album combined with her high energy stage shows result in one successful artist.
  61. Aug 23, 2019
    Born This Way is the best album ever!!!!!!!!!!
    Gaga is a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  62. Jan 11, 2020
    Everything changes since Born This Way released, the voice of gaga inspires everyone who fighting for their rights, sure it is not the album of the decade, but the ALBUM OF 21ST CENTURY. Absolutely perfect!
  63. Jun 2, 2020
    Born This Way was a victim of poor promotion at a time when the GP was willing to eat up anything Gaga was serving; thus, being able to grab a #10 with Judas despite it having only 3 days of tracking and Edge of Glory debuting at #3 as a promo single. Gaga told a more personal story on her longest LP mixing dark and complex lyrics and song structure with dancehall-thumping beats andBorn This Way was a victim of poor promotion at a time when the GP was willing to eat up anything Gaga was serving; thus, being able to grab a #10 with Judas despite it having only 3 days of tracking and Edge of Glory debuting at #3 as a promo single. Gaga told a more personal story on her longest LP mixing dark and complex lyrics and song structure with dancehall-thumping beats and instrumentals inspired by rock, metal, and country.

    BTW preached inner and outer love and acceptance, and the tracks take you through those journeys beginning with Marry the Night, a chaotic blend of ballad, rock anthem, and dance classic that discusses the rage she felt after being dropped by her first label. A much less 'Fame'-era sounding song, MTN would've been an acclaimed lead single that previewed her evolved sound much more than Born This Way, which could've followed as the 2nd single and still broken records.

    Edge of Glory, the most underrated song of Gaga's discography, was denied its rightful place atop the Charts by being rush-released as a promo single after Judas began to plummet. The most rock-influenced of the 3 songs mentioned, it featured emotional and grandiose lyrics and a trumpet bridge and outro that still soared as a summer 2012 hit, if not as big as it could've been.

    MTN > BTW > EOG released between Jan and May would have given Gaga fans and critics a taste of the experimental yet familiarly catchy work of art that was the Born This Way album. Three #1 smashes would've allowed her to show off tracks like Scheisse, Government Hooker, and/or Heavy Metal Lover to close out the era, with the country-rock 'You & I' mixed in as a late-summer classic.
  64. Aug 31, 2020
    O melhor álbum não tem, ótima mensagem, inspirou e inspira muitos jovens ❤️
  65. Aug 28, 2020
    Try to top this. exactly, you can't. This is pure Lady Gaga, omfg i love her so much.
  66. May 29, 2020
    This is the epitome of dance electronic synth pop music! A true masterpiece all and all..No words!
  67. Aug 28, 2020
    Este álbum me salvo la vida, todo un símbolo de empoderamiento en la cultura pop
  68. Jan 9, 2021
    Born this way is a disarmingly great album. I love the production ad I can say it is my personal favorite of hers
  69. Mar 4, 2023
    Singular! A síntese de uma artista em sua mais pura autencidade! Estranho! Massivo! Brilhante!
  70. May 28, 2011
    Wonderfu, Awesome, amazing, can not find words to describe this cd. Great songs, deep lyrics, this album is in a higher degree, much better than her previous ones. Simply a masterpiece
  71. May 23, 2011
    The hype was worth it. Lady GaGa's Born This Way is a marvelous record. She sings her heart out in every song. Simply AMAZING! There are no stand-out tracks on the album, each and every song is great and could be a potential single. Weather she is singing about religion, love, fighting for equal rights or fighting for your own identity, she always makes sure that your going to beThe hype was worth it. Lady GaGa's Born This Way is a marvelous record. She sings her heart out in every song. Simply AMAZING! There are no stand-out tracks on the album, each and every song is great and could be a potential single. Weather she is singing about religion, love, fighting for equal rights or fighting for your own identity, she always makes sure that your going to be comfortable listening to it. Expand
  72. May 28, 2011
    The album is filled with diverse sounds that many people may not have heard in their lives. although all songs were great and felt they were engineered to run together in an endless loop, I felt highly uncomfortable while listening to some Of the songs. This is a great album, but the departure from her fame era music just felt wrong.
  73. May 23, 2011
    Lady GaGa gave an exceptional album. It sounds so different in a good way from her previous work. The lyrics are so inspiring and themes like be yourself, betrayal, self esteem and identity is themes that are generation struggle for. The music is marvelous, it makes you dance or cry (i.e. The Edge of Glory). The GaGa phenomenon is the new type of reality and its characteristic boundlessLady GaGa gave an exceptional album. It sounds so different in a good way from her previous work. The lyrics are so inspiring and themes like be yourself, betrayal, self esteem and identity is themes that are generation struggle for. The music is marvelous, it makes you dance or cry (i.e. The Edge of Glory). The GaGa phenomenon is the new type of reality and its characteristic boundless freedom. Not only album of 2011 or the decade or anything else it is the album of our generation and it is definitely part of it since MJ, Madonna, Mariah Carey described and marked their generation and continue to be, "Born This Way" is excellency and the '10s a have a good start. Congratulations! Collapse
  74. May 25, 2011
    Lyrically, it is not genius, even cheesy sometimes but I can assure you I enjoyed listening to the album, she improved her singing and she's proving it with her strong vocal performances in Bloody Mary, Electric Chapel & The Edge Of Glory. this is a must-listen
  75. Oct 28, 2011
    The best album I've ever heard! Mother Monster has totally overcome herself! THE ALBUM OF THE DECADE. is the anthem of our generation and I will always remeber I WAS BORN THIS WAY! so congratulations, Gaga you did it!
  76. May 23, 2011
    This album truly shows how Gaga really can sing her ass off. She may censor the word in her songs, but the content is all from the heart. "The Edge of Glory" might just be the best pop song of the year, and "You and I" may be her best example of versatility. "Shiesse", "Judas", "Born This Way", "Government Hooker", "Marry the Night", and "Americano" also show that she still has the abilityThis album truly shows how Gaga really can sing her ass off. She may censor the word in her songs, but the content is all from the heart. "The Edge of Glory" might just be the best pop song of the year, and "You and I" may be her best example of versatility. "Shiesse", "Judas", "Born This Way", "Government Hooker", "Marry the Night", and "Americano" also show that she still has the ability to create a club banging hit. Overall a great album, and definitely worth the hype Expand
  77. Vic
    May 31, 2011
    This album differs from previous Gaga's albums, but it's not worse and I guess not better. It's just different. There are no stand-out songs but every song is fun, cool and easy to listen. It's a totally commercial album that was made in a highly professional style! Not a lot of musicians can actually do something like that nowadays! It's a solid album and it leaves only positive emotions!
  78. Jun 30, 2011
    Born This Way is a moment of celebration for Pop. I cannot believe that it got a zero , well you must be crazy not to laugh at their "sophomore" - ridiculous review. But lets respect every opinion. So , to me Born This Way is huge. Its a landmark record for Gaga. It features 234 identities. She is a hooker , she is Bloody Mary , she is Mary Magdalene , she is a bad kid , a heavy metalBorn This Way is a moment of celebration for Pop. I cannot believe that it got a zero , well you must be crazy not to laugh at their "sophomore" - ridiculous review. But lets respect every opinion. So , to me Born This Way is huge. Its a landmark record for Gaga. It features 234 identities. She is a hooker , she is Bloody Mary , she is Mary Magdalene , she is a bad kid , a heavy metal lover. Plus her vocals havent ever been better. I wont take time to speak about each song seperatelly ,since it's clear I love them all.This album is epic. No other pop album is a bit close to its magnitude and for that reason I gave it a ten instead of a nine. Its so refreshing , and thank God , its like the saviour of pop [mainly mainstream] music. Every damn song sounds like a masterpiece. Whether certain reviewers or not like it , I for one ,will invest on it and say that it will add some more Grammy Awards to Gaga's collection .. Don't get me wrong , I always loved and still love Adele but have it not been for her voice "21" would be ,and is, mediocre and it fails to match the first good half of the album . But "21" like "Born This Way" both indicate some true ,sincere work in the pop sphere. Expand
  79. Jul 26, 2011
    This album is great from start to finish. I actually agree it is the album of the decade (2010-2011). I haven't heard an album I like more than this one, to be honest. Negative reviews for the album are completely ridiculous to me. Either the person does not like this genre of music or they have a biased opinion against Lady Gaga. Every song sounds completely different from the next withThis album is great from start to finish. I actually agree it is the album of the decade (2010-2011). I haven't heard an album I like more than this one, to be honest. Negative reviews for the album are completely ridiculous to me. Either the person does not like this genre of music or they have a biased opinion against Lady Gaga. Every song sounds completely different from the next with each containing the high production value and song writing you would expect from Gaga. The album's first half is more modern sounding dance tracks while the later half has more of a 80/90's and rock influence. Excellent! Expand
  80. Aug 6, 2011
    Lady Gaga's progression as an artist is truly astounding; take a listen to her debut, The Fame, and then to the tracks on Born This Way, and not only will you find her voice has improved (and lost its addiction to auto tuning), but the complexity and ingenuity of each track has increased as well. It may not be as polished and dark as The Fame Monster (and it seems most would agree GagaLady Gaga's progression as an artist is truly astounding; take a listen to her debut, The Fame, and then to the tracks on Born This Way, and not only will you find her voice has improved (and lost its addiction to auto tuning), but the complexity and ingenuity of each track has increased as well. It may not be as polished and dark as The Fame Monster (and it seems most would agree Gaga works better in a darker setting), but Born This Way certainly stands on its own as a fantastic pop and dance album. Its only flaw exists in its inconsistencies; aside from the occasional drab three minutes ("Highway Unicorn" and "Hair," both of which suffer from messy production), each track brings its own blood to the album. Gaga and her producers give a little something for everyone. "Scheià Expand
  81. Apr 3, 2012
    Very good album! I like it very much, especially ''Americano'', ScheiBe, ''Fashion Of His Love'' and ''You And I''. I really like it!. I can't wait for Gaga's next album!!
  82. Apr 2, 2012
    This is the most meaningfull album she has out this far. She believes in it, so do her little monsters. Broke a World record with Born This Way, fastest selling single in Itunes history, a title , she will have for a very, very long time.
  83. Dec 5, 2012
    Obviously it's not the best album of the decade, best Gaga's album but it's realoly good anyways. This is incrible because she shows hard that powerful voice. There's a similar sound in Hair/The Edge Of Glory but both are great and the meesage that this songs try bring to us
  84. Jan 16, 2013
    The best of the year 2011- 2012 is just perfect, something never seen before, something innovative, new & unique. Lady Gaga as always surprising us with music that no one would imagine could exist.
  85. Apr 10, 2013
    What a masterpiece we have into this amazing album. This album has so great musics, i can listen to this all day. And the songs are very ecletic, it has until Spanish songs lol. Bloody Mary is the best!!
  86. Feb 1, 2015
    This album is her's masterpiece. Her magnum opus. Born this way has lyrics extremely well wrote and lady gaga's vocals just makes everything even better. instrumentals are great and mixed with the vocals perfectly. Lady gaga just stayed it
  87. Oct 23, 2015
    11/10 to be honest. She called it the album of the decade and it truly has become that. Right up there with 1989 and 21, this album will be looked at as Gaga's first major artistic evolution.
  88. Oct 19, 2016
    Simplesmente perfeito. Lady Gaga vem com músicas de amor próprio e aceitação. A melodia é incrível as letras superam as expectativas. Destaque para Marry The Night, The Edge Of Glory, Born This Way e Yoü And I. Um dos melhores álbuns que já ouvi em toda minha vida.
  89. Jun 10, 2017
    -Within its pretension to die of the glory, it is a brilliant production to be empowered and don´t be a drag. The album that secularized pop music ...
  90. Sep 22, 2017
    este álbum es la viva representación de una mujer que no piensa en ella, sino en sus fans y les da el apoyo que sabe que quieren y necesitan, esto es el amor que una madre le puede dar a un hijo
  91. Aug 11, 2019
    Simply incredible, this is the only adjective can be used to describe the work of Lady Gaga in any area in which she is working. Flawless!! Amazing.
  92. Mar 26, 2020
    Amazing, each song is a trip to a chaotic world where we all would like to rock, it is an endless number of dark trails that make you vibrate with emotion, one of the best of the decade without a doubt
  93. Aug 27, 2020
    ART, el mejor disco, explora varios géneros, buenos instrumentales, buenos vocales

  94. May 28, 2020
    This album saves my life in 2011, this open my mind, and i accept myself as who am i. I love you lady gaga for this! Thanks.
  95. May 29, 2020
    The best album of Gaga!
    The art cover, the message!!
    No words for this album!!!
  96. Jun 3, 2020
    One of Gaga's best and most solid pieces of work to date. Born This Way shattered records and will forever be one of the most iconic albums in pop history.
  97. Aug 28, 2020
    One of the Bibles of Pop in music history... Every single song has its tone and it uniqueness. Pure Pop in its perfection. Nothing else to say
  98. Aug 29, 2020
    Born this way é maravilhosa. Em 2011 eu passei o ano inteiro escutando esse álbum.
  99. Aug 21, 2022
    In my personal opinion this is her magnum opus. This album is just peak Gaga and still sounds pretty fresh today
  100. Apr 13, 2021
    I love this album it's **** amazing you can listen to it hundreds of times and you will never get tired

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Sep 25, 2014
    Lady Gaga promised her fans (perhaps a tad prematurely) that her new album would be the greatest of the decade. But even if the next nine years bring something better, we're unlikely to hear anything bigger than Born This Way.
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 8, 2011
    Born This Way feels like the first proper Lady Gaga album. [Aug. 2011, p. 114]
  3. Jul 6, 2011
    Gaga has always been able to anchor her haughty conceptual undertakings with simple, catchy tunes, but with Born This Way, the persona and the message are starting to bleed into the songs. It's not a good look.