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  1. May 23, 2011
    An amazing album! Yes, perhaps not the album of the decade, but comes close to pop album of the decade atleast! the songs are so different from the other mediocre stuff that is put out. I love it!
  2. May 23, 2011
    Simply a perfect album. There isn't a track on this record that is a misfire. I can't understand why it didn't get a better metascore. The album is probably the best of the decade. I haven't heard pop genius like this since MJ or Mad. It's INCREDIBLE!!!
  3. May 24, 2011
    One of the best pop albums that I heard and i am not joking! "Born This Way" offers something that not most of the pop albums deliver: Variety! If you like pop in all of his glory, this is your album.
  4. May 23, 2011
    Great album for old Gaga fans and for new ones too! Her music is now so much different so if you are fan who only likes "disco-pop" music you maybe won't like this. Born This Way's songs are heavy-rock-dance-electronic-trance mixtures and it works damn good :D For me this album is awesome! Almost every song could be big hit (Government Hooker, Marry The Night, Bad Kids, Heavy MetalGreat album for old Gaga fans and for new ones too! Her music is now so much different so if you are fan who only likes "disco-pop" music you maybe won't like this. Born This Way's songs are heavy-rock-dance-electronic-trance mixtures and it works damn good :D For me this album is awesome! Almost every song could be big hit (Government Hooker, Marry The Night, Bad Kids, Heavy Metal Lover...) Still some songs are kinda boring when there isn't that catchy melody which would make you listen it more and more after the first time. First when I heard album I thought it was good, but not great...Then I listened more those songs and fall in love! :D

    Buy, it's worth it.
  5. May 23, 2011
    Lady GaGa gave an exceptional album. It sounds so different in a good way from her previous work. The lyrics are so inspiring and themes like be yourself, betrayal, self esteem and identity is themes that are generation struggle for. The music is marvelous, it makes you dance or cry (i.e. The Edge of Glory). The GaGa phenomenon is the new type of reality and its characteristic boundlessLady GaGa gave an exceptional album. It sounds so different in a good way from her previous work. The lyrics are so inspiring and themes like be yourself, betrayal, self esteem and identity is themes that are generation struggle for. The music is marvelous, it makes you dance or cry (i.e. The Edge of Glory). The GaGa phenomenon is the new type of reality and its characteristic boundless freedom. Not only album of 2011 or the decade or anything else it is the album of our generation and it is definitely part of it since MJ, Madonna, Mariah Carey described and marked their generation and continue to be, "Born This Way" is excellency and the '10s a have a good start. Congratulations! Expand
  6. May 23, 2011
    The hype was worth it. Lady GaGa's Born This Way is a marvelous record. She sings her heart out in every song. Simply AMAZING! There are no stand-out tracks on the album, each and every song is great and could be a potential single. Weather she is singing about religion, love, fighting for equal rights or fighting for your own identity, she always makes sure that your going to beThe hype was worth it. Lady GaGa's Born This Way is a marvelous record. She sings her heart out in every song. Simply AMAZING! There are no stand-out tracks on the album, each and every song is great and could be a potential single. Weather she is singing about religion, love, fighting for equal rights or fighting for your own identity, she always makes sure that your going to be comfortable listening to it. Expand
  7. May 23, 2011
    Absolutely perfect. A beautiful and perfect album, thank you Gaga! Amazing, not boring, incredible, fantastic! The TRIUMPH of sounds! There isn't a track on this record that is a misfire.
  8. Oct 15, 2012
    My favorite album by Gaga! I love the different genres Gaga explores in this album, flaunting her musical diversity. There's not one song from the 17 tracks on this album that I DON'T like. Give it a listen, you won't regret it!
  9. Oct 15, 2012
    This album (though it was over-hyped before it came out) is fantastic. The production for most of the songs is similar, but they in no way sound the same. It's quite a versatile album in both sound and meaning actually. I have a feeling that in 10 years, people will look back and regret that they gave this album such little recognition. The fact that Born This Way has a lower userThis album (though it was over-hyped before it came out) is fantastic. The production for most of the songs is similar, but they in no way sound the same. It's quite a versatile album in both sound and meaning actually. I have a feeling that in 10 years, people will look back and regret that they gave this album such little recognition. The fact that Born This Way has a lower user score than her first two albums at the moment is unbelievable. This is a far more mature album, both lyrically and musically, yet perhaps even more fun and carefree in a sense. Expand
  10. Aug 31, 2016
    The best album of the decade and maybe of our millennium. Here we have what music is truly about; Rock, Pop, Country, etc, meeting each others in the best possible way. Gaga shows by those records how unlimited are her skills, and through a powerful voice and meaningful and personal lyrics we can clearly hear that. GOD SAVE THE GAGA!
  11. Mar 28, 2012
    A very good album with a wide range of rhythms, ranging from pop to rock stickier most representative, with nods towards electronics more delicious and juicy.
  12. Apr 3, 2012
    This is conceptually Gaga's best album yet. It fluids very well from start to finish. It's definitely something very different from Gaga's previous work, it's a bit more ambitious but in different areas. It's something you really don't see these days and I'm talking about the overall "dated" sound, almost all of the songs contain a bit more mature and confusing lyrics, it's just notThis is conceptually Gaga's best album yet. It fluids very well from start to finish. It's definitely something very different from Gaga's previous work, it's a bit more ambitious but in different areas. It's something you really don't see these days and I'm talking about the overall "dated" sound, almost all of the songs contain a bit more mature and confusing lyrics, it's just not something pop stars usually do. What I'm trying to say is "I want your love and I want your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance" is much more accessible and understandable than "I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment of truth. I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment with you" What does that even mean? Not saying that it's a bad song, 'cause is not at all, i'm saying that this isn't your typical 12 songs bubble gum carefree pop star album. It's something more risky and complicated to digest, a very good body of work. That being said... Can a pop star survive with an album like this? Specially these days when it's so easy to call a hit-maker to make you a 3 minutes fun ready-for-the-clubs smash. There is more commercial competition these days than other musicians had to deal even 10 years ago. But then again Lady Gaga seems committed in stay far away for the pop star stereotype. You can just tell she wants transcend in Pop Culture so while Born This Way is a more worked record it may fail in giving her longevity. She doesn't need more polarisation. I'm very excited and interested to hear her next album an artist like her has so much potential and she's more talented talented than her peers but sometimes hard work beats talented. It doesn't matter how good a song, a video, a album is, if nobody hears it, if nobody remembers it: then it's not worthy. Expand
  13. Apr 3, 2012
    Outstanding. She took a huge risk and it paid off. Gaga is truly ahead of her time artistically, don't be fooled by the people who say the title track sounds like express yourself because it sure as hell doesn't. It's utterly exceptional and has explored something more than just conventional pop and takes on a much deeper meaning, and not one that applies to more than just her fans. YouOutstanding. She took a huge risk and it paid off. Gaga is truly ahead of her time artistically, don't be fooled by the people who say the title track sounds like express yourself because it sure as hell doesn't. It's utterly exceptional and has explored something more than just conventional pop and takes on a much deeper meaning, and not one that applies to more than just her fans. You don't have to like it but you certainly have to listen to it. They are the kind of tracks that you can listen to everyday for a year and then one day you hear something new that makes you fall in love with them all over again. Both aurally and visually it has the power to make every other female star instantly look dated. Expand
  14. Oct 15, 2012
    I can see how this album would confuse many people. It has several tracks which bring back classic sounds, but it also, at the same time, has tracks that sound modern and tracks that sound like nothing that would ever be on the radio. Lady GaGa is brilliant in being able to master all of these sounds and using her vocal capabilities to make these tracks sound both complete and fresh. SheI can see how this album would confuse many people. It has several tracks which bring back classic sounds, but it also, at the same time, has tracks that sound modern and tracks that sound like nothing that would ever be on the radio. Lady GaGa is brilliant in being able to master all of these sounds and using her vocal capabilities to make these tracks sound both complete and fresh. She uses the sounds of the eighties in songs such as "Born This Way" and "Fashion Of His Love," but despite this, the songs sound very modern and would still sound good on radio today. Tracks such as "Bloody Mary" and "Heavy Metal Lover" would never be played on radio, but again, they sound great on this album of 2011. Lady GaGa knows what she is doing, and this album is definitely not a mistake, and it rises above the mediocre level of many of today's albums. Expand
  15. Jun 7, 2011
    If you're looking for familiar 'pop' territory, or hope to hear Gaga's 'Bad Romance 2', you're going to be **** outta luck. This is a completely different feel for the Lady. It's like New Wave had a love affair with Metal, & then had a three way with House & Euro Pop/Trance. It's funky at times, and others it's insanely exhilarating. She has created her own form of mainstream music. ThereIf you're looking for familiar 'pop' territory, or hope to hear Gaga's 'Bad Romance 2', you're going to be **** outta luck. This is a completely different feel for the Lady. It's like New Wave had a love affair with Metal, & then had a three way with House & Euro Pop/Trance. It's funky at times, and others it's insanely exhilarating. She has created her own form of mainstream music. There is at least one song on this record for EVERYONE. Each song sounds different than the last. It's a huge mess of radically different forms of music, while all still being 'pop'. It's a beautiful mess, to say the least. Expand
  16. Aug 29, 2011
    This album is amazing. All the songs are amazing. This album is as dark as the fame monster. Gaga proved that she can sing all the genres, no only pop. One of my favorites by far.
  17. Sep 4, 2011
    While I certainly enjoy Gaga's music as a whole, this album didn't blow me out of the water as much as 2008's 'The Fame'. While 'Born This Way' may be one of my all time favorite songs, and most likely my favorite Gaga song to date, and 'Edge of Glory', and 'You and I' were also great hits, I really can't say that I enjoyed the rest of the album as much as I thought I would. 'Americano'While I certainly enjoy Gaga's music as a whole, this album didn't blow me out of the water as much as 2008's 'The Fame'. While 'Born This Way' may be one of my all time favorite songs, and most likely my favorite Gaga song to date, and 'Edge of Glory', and 'You and I' were also great hits, I really can't say that I enjoyed the rest of the album as much as I thought I would. 'Americano' and 'Judas' in particular I find puzzling. Not bad, just... puzzling. Gaga really has such an amazing talent, but sometimes I just find myself completely torn as to whether she's a very eclectic genius, or a very talented lunatic. Perhaps both. Either way, Born This Way is at large a great album. Gaga fans must have it, but anyone else might stick to picking the tracks off iTunes. Expand
  18. Apr 4, 2012
    One of the biggest and most meanful album of all the time! This is not just for fun,this is for thinking! And the songs are great musically..The album is about breaking the boundries of social life,pop and art!!
  19. Apr 7, 2012
    The BEST Album of the history, Judas, Born This Way, Marry the Night, Hair, The Edge of Glory, Black Jesus, You and I, so perfect! GaGa is so perfect, my favorite album. No more questions, GaGa is the new queen.
  20. Oct 29, 2012
    AMAZING album. I know all the lyrics and the choruses are really catchy. Every song has a beautiful story or a strong self-empowering message. Truly one of the best pop albums of all times!
  21. Nov 5, 2013
    Como amo este album! es el mejor que he escuchado de Gaga, en este album fluyen muchas emociones al pasar por las canciones, sin duda un album epico que no pasa desapercibido! Good Job Gaga
  22. Dec 16, 2014
    The best of her album, all the songs are good, literally all, an album with quality and great vocals, the pop world needs more albums like this, so good I have no words to say about it.
    Highlights: Scheibe and Government Hooker
    Lows: Bloody Mary and Black Jesus Amen Fashion
  23. Oct 7, 2017
    A Masterpiece album by Lady GaGa way Underrated from Critics 71%. Also have 2 Dumb idiots critics that gave negative reviews really? **** hard this masterpiece to okey 71%, Even if he's gave a mixed review we got maybe a 75% to 77% that really deserves more than 81% "Universal Acclaim"

    Full of Excellent singles 1-The Edge of Glory 2-Judas 3-Marry The Night 4-You And I & 5-Born This Way
    A Masterpiece album by Lady GaGa way Underrated from Critics 71%. Also have 2 Dumb idiots critics that gave negative reviews really? **** hard this masterpiece to okey 71%, Even if he's gave a mixed review we got maybe a 75% to 77% that really deserves more than 81% "Universal Acclaim"

    Full of Excellent singles 1-The Edge of Glory 2-Judas 3-Marry The Night 4-You And I & 5-Born This Way

    And other pretty gems that could also be great singles>>>>
    Hair >Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)> Heavy Metal Lover> Bad Kids> Scheiße> Electric Chapel> Bloody Mary & Government Hooker
  24. Aug 30, 2019
    Amo demasiado este álbum!!! ❤ Hair y Heavy Metal Lover merecían ser single
  25. Jun 14, 2011
    I've got around 12-13 full play throughs now of the 23 track version of Born This Way and my score of 8 is in relation to her previous effort The Fame Monster. Born This Way is superb from start to finish and in terms of current pop records easily scores a 10. The creative difference between Lady Gaga and her fellow pop ladies, such as Rihanna, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Britney, etc, is soI've got around 12-13 full play throughs now of the 23 track version of Born This Way and my score of 8 is in relation to her previous effort The Fame Monster. Born This Way is superb from start to finish and in terms of current pop records easily scores a 10. The creative difference between Lady Gaga and her fellow pop ladies, such as Rihanna, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Britney, etc, is so enormous it's probably impossible to measure. However, Born This Way doesn't quite have the 'magic' that oozed out of The Fame Monster and for that this reviewer has to mark it down slightly, but fairly. Born This Way's identity lies mainly in it's thuding baseline that accompanies around 75% of the album... perfect for getting your 'dance on' or trying to set a personal best on the treadmill at the gym. The Fame Monster was a little more settled and had a fresher feel to it (probably because we hadn't had a pop presence like Lady Gaga for what seems like an eternity). Also, thus far, the choice of singles from Born This Way are certainly not the highlights of the album. Heavy Metal Lover, Electric Chapel, Scheisse, and especially Marry the Night, have all got 'hit' written all over them. To close, it sounds like im putting a bit of a downer on this exceptional album when in fact ive been raving about it to my peers and colleagues. But when all is said and done, and the dust has settled, it just doesn't have a Poker Face, or a Bad Romance to really sit it beside The Fame Monster. ps. "I want your whiskey mouth all over my blonde south"... god bless her Expand
  26. Jul 26, 2011
    This album is great from start to finish. I actually agree it is the album of the decade (2010-2011). I haven't heard an album I like more than this one, to be honest. Negative reviews for the album are completely ridiculous to me. Either the person does not like this genre of music or they have a biased opinion against Lady Gaga. Every song sounds completely different from the next withThis album is great from start to finish. I actually agree it is the album of the decade (2010-2011). I haven't heard an album I like more than this one, to be honest. Negative reviews for the album are completely ridiculous to me. Either the person does not like this genre of music or they have a biased opinion against Lady Gaga. Every song sounds completely different from the next with each containing the high production value and song writing you would expect from Gaga. The album's first half is more modern sounding dance tracks while the later half has more of a 80/90's and rock influence. Excellent! Expand
  27. Aug 12, 2011
    First at all, yes; Born This Way had very hype before the release and this is the worst thing that Lady Gaga made in this work.

    The first time that you listen the album is totally "creep" and even you felt disappointed. But two more times is enough to see the magnificence of Born This Way. All the records are different, the variety is the point of this album and this is GOOD. The other
    First at all, yes; Born This Way had very hype before the release and this is the worst thing that Lady Gaga made in this work.

    The first time that you listen the album is totally "creep" and even you felt disappointed. But two more times is enough to see the magnificence of Born This Way.

    All the records are different, the variety is the point of this album and this is GOOD. The other point is that sound totally different that others pop album releases in this year. Also Born This Way show the very good and strong vocal attitude of Gaga.
    I love so much this work, and I think that much better than The Fame and only slightly below The Fame Monster.

    The best songs on the album are Born This Way (strange the first time but much better in time, people that disappointed Gaga like this song, this is the test), The Edge of Glory (the best song of Gaga ever, even better than Speechless. Very heavy to say) and finally Hair (a powerfull record).
    An the other songs that can be single are, Marry the Night, Scheibe, Bloody Mary, Yoü and I and Heavy Metal Lover.

    All them amazing.

    PD: People that said Just Dance is the better Gaga's song have no idea of music.
  28. Sep 19, 2011
  29. Apr 3, 2012
    Very good album! I like it very much, especially ''Americano'', ScheiBe, ''Fashion Of His Love'' and ''You And I''. I really like it!. I can't wait for Gaga's next album!!
  30. Mar 26, 2012
    Born This Way is definitely Gaga's darkest album. It has a lot of gems such as "Marry the Night", "ScheiÃ
  31. Apr 29, 2012
    Compare Lady Gaga's career to the Bible, 'The Fame' being Christmas (birth), 'The Fame Monster' being Easter (resurrection, but nobody died) and 'Born This Way' being The Second Coming. This album is so important, so grand, so good, so well made and so meaningful to millions it really is Biblical.
  32. May 19, 2012
    Wonderful! There are som many gems on this album, and some of them are the ones I didn't expect to love, they just snuck up on me. Many of the singles seems to be my least favourites at this point: they are easily learned but also easily forgotten. Some of the songs can last fresh longer: I never grow bored with Heavy Metal Lover or Electric Chapel, where as Born This Way felt a bit oldWonderful! There are som many gems on this album, and some of them are the ones I didn't expect to love, they just snuck up on me. Many of the singles seems to be my least favourites at this point: they are easily learned but also easily forgotten. Some of the songs can last fresh longer: I never grow bored with Heavy Metal Lover or Electric Chapel, where as Born This Way felt a bit old already when released. Expand
  33. May 28, 2012
    A Powerful Album!
    Unforgetable This Album Has Gotten Slammed Alot! I Have No Clue Why.. Its Simply Amazing
    Hair Should Be A Single!
  34. Jun 26, 2012
    A formidable effort by Lady Gaga. While the hype of the "Greatest Album Of The Decade" may not prove to be true, Gaga produced a rock-thrilled album where each song is brought to perfection.

    Songs that stood out for me were Edge Of Glory, Marry The Night, and Bloody Mary, while Bad Kids seemed a bit out of place. Nonetheless, some songs come over a bit too overproduced, however the
    A formidable effort by Lady Gaga. While the hype of the "Greatest Album Of The Decade" may not prove to be true, Gaga produced a rock-thrilled album where each song is brought to perfection.

    Songs that stood out for me were Edge Of Glory, Marry The Night, and Bloody Mary, while Bad Kids seemed a bit out of place.
    Nonetheless, some songs come over a bit too overproduced, however the album's shining moments cloud over anything.

    Definitely worth a listen to, or even to put on repeat, and I am looking forward to listening to her next album.
  35. Aug 4, 2012
    An excellent album, although on the whole I feel it's a bit weaker than The Fame Monster. There are some songs that get tiring to listen to too often - Highway Unicorn and Bad Kids are almost TOO full of happy pop "be yourself" vibes, and Government Hooker's beat is so dirty that it can only be tolerated in small doses. This is more than balanced out by the absolutely incredible Marry TheAn excellent album, although on the whole I feel it's a bit weaker than The Fame Monster. There are some songs that get tiring to listen to too often - Highway Unicorn and Bad Kids are almost TOO full of happy pop "be yourself" vibes, and Government Hooker's beat is so dirty that it can only be tolerated in small doses. This is more than balanced out by the absolutely incredible Marry The Night, Electric Chapel, and Scheisse - Marry The Night may be the only one of those to get any single play, but they're all beautiful examples of what Lady Gaga is capable of. The rest of the album isn't a slouch either. The sounds have more variety than The Fame Monster while still having a consistant euro-inspired feel to the dancey tracks, and a whole lot of Gaga's soul on the more emotional tracks. Expand
  36. Apr 21, 2014
    When Gaga is not singing her heart out in this album, she is singing beautiful, relatable poems in form of a Pop song. Born This Way is not only lenghty and Pop Fantastico, but it is also Gaga's best album yet.
    Just look at the love Gaga gives to its little monsters with this album. Songs like "Born This Way", "Hair", "Bad Kids", "You & I" and "The Edge of Glory" offer a connection with
    When Gaga is not singing her heart out in this album, she is singing beautiful, relatable poems in form of a Pop song. Born This Way is not only lenghty and Pop Fantastico, but it is also Gaga's best album yet.
    Just look at the love Gaga gives to its little monsters with this album. Songs like "Born This Way", "Hair", "Bad Kids", "You & I" and "The Edge of Glory" offer a connection with the artist no other pop albums out there can do. The best of the bunch are definitely "The Edge of Glory", with its 80s Nostalgia fusion of techno and pop, "Hair", with its profund lyrics, and "Bloody Mary", with its soft rythm and mesmerizing beats. The rest of the songs are also very good (Except "Heavy Metal Lover", which is avoidable). There are some similar songs that ring familiarity, like "Americano" (Alejandro) or "Judas" (A sicker "Bad Romance") but the overall experience is so gratifying. If you love Gaga, go buy this album right now. It takes everything you love about "The Fame Monster", extends it, makes it darker, more personal and more poetic, and with Gaga's signature weirdness you will not have a bad time ever.
  37. Dec 15, 2013
    Lady Gaga´s best album to date (including Artpop). Crazy production, lots of good and different songs, her best recorded vocals to date. And that so much needed 80s throwback music was needing in this era where superficial stuff sadly shines the most on radio. With this one she proved she is really above her pop peers on every front and became an albums artist, unlike her way less talentedLady Gaga´s best album to date (including Artpop). Crazy production, lots of good and different songs, her best recorded vocals to date. And that so much needed 80s throwback music was needing in this era where superficial stuff sadly shines the most on radio. With this one she proved she is really above her pop peers on every front and became an albums artist, unlike her way less talented competition (Katy Perry, Rihanna, Milye Cyrus and the likes). Amazing album. A little bit over produced but kind of epic. Expand
  38. Jun 15, 2013
    Now I know I might be a little late to the party but better late than never. So what can I say about Born This, especially with a two year perspective now? I can tell it is one of, if not the best album I've heard in my life. From Marry the Night to The Edge of Glory the energy does not let up. Her vocals are stronger than they ever have been, and the culmination of her past experiencesNow I know I might be a little late to the party but better late than never. So what can I say about Born This, especially with a two year perspective now? I can tell it is one of, if not the best album I've heard in my life. From Marry the Night to The Edge of Glory the energy does not let up. Her vocals are stronger than they ever have been, and the culmination of her past experiences along with new ideas (both sonically and thematically) along with new producers breeds her most mature album to date. Some lyrics are cheesy and at times the production takes you back to a time of nostalgia, but that's what it's all about. It's inspired by the 80's for a reason, this was Gaga's childhood, her birth moments, of course an album with such a title will be inspired by the things that inspired her as a child. Fans across the globe have responded to the messages contained within these songs and have responded with strength and hope at the new found belief within themselves to accomplish anything. For many people, this is war cry album. We will not be confined to what society thinks of us, we are our own destiny. Even now, 2 years later, I can still listen to the whole thing straight through and feel that passion within me that the album lends along with it's ability to sound just as fresh as the day I got it. Don't let the negativity surrounding the comparisons made by those out of jealous and bitterness deter you from giving this album an open-minded chance. It is a beautiful collection of music, one that will certainly more appreciation in the years to come. Expand
  39. Oct 8, 2013
    Amazing, Strange but very good, The lyrics and the message of the whole album is incredible, the sounds are so diferent and wear but so so amazing. I can't say anymore, it's excelent, exceptional, I can't say perfect beacuse it isn't but it comes near.
  40. Oct 27, 2016
    Born this Way is incredible! Not a single dull track on the cd. A bit different from her earlier all-dance tracks, but still, very upbeat, with many more dance tracks. There is more depth to these tunes, but they are all still very catchy. I purchased the album the day it was released. Other than the singles that have been released off this album, Bloody Mary, Heavy Metal Lover, andBorn this Way is incredible! Not a single dull track on the cd. A bit different from her earlier all-dance tracks, but still, very upbeat, with many more dance tracks. There is more depth to these tunes, but they are all still very catchy. I purchased the album the day it was released. Other than the singles that have been released off this album, Bloody Mary, Heavy Metal Lover, and Electric Chapel are my favorite tracks. Amazing stuff! Expand
  41. Apr 30, 2014
    It's good, and unique, and artistic, and good. But was there really a need to make such lyrics for Government Hooker? Was there a need to stray away from the inspiring, individualistic nature of the album itself? And the filler tracks were fillers.
  42. May 25, 2016
    Not going to lie, this album is Gaga's best album to date. The title track is one of the most empowering and one of the best songs of this generation and in my opinion it will become the 'Like a Virgin' of our generation however the message is very different. All the singles from this album DESERVED to be singles and so Gaga did justice to the singles and to the album as a whole. VeryNot going to lie, this album is Gaga's best album to date. The title track is one of the most empowering and one of the best songs of this generation and in my opinion it will become the 'Like a Virgin' of our generation however the message is very different. All the singles from this album DESERVED to be singles and so Gaga did justice to the singles and to the album as a whole. Very proud of this album and will definitely be one of my favorites of all time. Although Gaga did disappoint us with ARTPOP considering it one of her worst album despite all the hype around it!! Expand
  43. Aug 15, 2017
    the record is so great, i love the way she makes something different from the other things, but i think there are so many fillers that could be descarted
  44. Oct 19, 2016
    I mean this when I say this.... Born This Way is THE BEST pop album EVER released. Born This Way pushed limits, exceeded expectations, redefined pop, and also gave a voice those who didn't feel like they had a voice. This self-empowerment album is absolutely EVERYTHING. Born This Way, the title track, SHATTERED so many records, and for obvious reasons.... the song is absolutely stunning.I mean this when I say this.... Born This Way is THE BEST pop album EVER released. Born This Way pushed limits, exceeded expectations, redefined pop, and also gave a voice those who didn't feel like they had a voice. This self-empowerment album is absolutely EVERYTHING. Born This Way, the title track, SHATTERED so many records, and for obvious reasons.... the song is absolutely stunning. Other tracks worth noting include Judas, The Edge of Glory, Marry the Night, Heavy Metal Lover (a fan favorite), Bloody Mary, and Hair. This album is so amazing I could cry. No wonder it sold over 8 MILLION copies worldwide. Thank you Gaga for blessing us with this masterpiece, we will never get another album this good in our lifetimes. Expand
  45. Oct 20, 2016
    Born This Way was way ahead of its time. She released this at the peak of her career, which was as bold a move as it was genius. Standout tracks include Marry The Night, Government Hooker, Judas, Bloody Mary, Black Jesus + Amen Fashion, Heavy Metal Lover, Electric Chapel, The Queen, You And I, and The Edge of Glory.
  46. Nov 4, 2016
    Although I am a fan of Lady Gaga, but I want to vote honestly. I love this album, it is here that I discovered this singer and I think that it is great. But with this I do not completely agree. Evaluation of 10 can only get a great album. And in the great album should be 80% of the great songs. It was only 20% and it Born This Way, Marry The Night, The Edge Of Glory.
  47. Feb 4, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. este album es demasiado bueno contiene letras buenas ritmos buenos sin dudad la reina del pop
  48. Jun 16, 2017
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  49. Mar 27, 2020
    It's very powerful body of work discussing many controversial topics or just love. It's visuals are very good, and my most favorite song of all-time comes from this album - "The Edge of Glory".
  50. May 27, 2011
    Extraordinary album. So deformed, intense, powerful and strange as the same Lady Gaga. It is a work of authorship, a masterpiece full of unforgettable songs with memories of the seventies and eighties passed through the filter cool. Lady Gaga promised a masterpiece ... and she did when everyone doubted I could do at 25 years. This album is indispensable for any lover of music and basic inExtraordinary album. So deformed, intense, powerful and strange as the same Lady Gaga. It is a work of authorship, a masterpiece full of unforgettable songs with memories of the seventies and eighties passed through the filter cool. Lady Gaga promised a masterpiece ... and she did when everyone doubted I could do at 25 years. This album is indispensable for any lover of music and basic in contemporary pop. Lady Gaga is a genius. And this album is one of the many reasons for this truth. Expand
  51. May 28, 2011
    This Album is much different then her two previous works. There really are no bubblegum pop tracks like there was on "The Fame" and the only song reminiscent of "Monster" is the track "Judas" for its Bad Romance-esque style. Everything else about the music on this album is different. Which is an improvement since it shows Gaga's versatility in different styles of music. The messages areThis Album is much different then her two previous works. There really are no bubblegum pop tracks like there was on "The Fame" and the only song reminiscent of "Monster" is the track "Judas" for its Bad Romance-esque style. Everything else about the music on this album is different. Which is an improvement since it shows Gaga's versatility in different styles of music. The messages are also deeper than they were in her other works, also a good thing, and makes this album culturally relevant. The album is full of anthems, so if that is your thing you will love it. Some people don't like this album for the fact that it's not like "The Fame" but "Born This Way" truly shows the growth and maturity of Lady Gaga's Writing ability that was absent on "The Fame." A great Album overall. Recomended Tracks: Government Hooker, Americano, SheiBe, Bloody Marry, Electric Chapel, and You and I. Collapse
  52. Jun 11, 2011
    "Oops.... Lady Gaga do it again". She can sing, she can write... she can all! Although some songs sound polluted, over half the album and get over it shows the potential of voice. Is undoubtedly one of the albums of the year ... do not expect any "Fame Monster, " but here we have another great job
  53. Apr 2, 2012
    This is the most meaningfull album she has out this far. She believes in it, so do her little monsters. Broke a World record with Born This Way, fastest selling single in Itunes history, a title , she will have for a very, very long time.
  54. May 28, 2011
    Wonderfu, Awesome, amazing, can not find words to describe this cd. Great songs, deep lyrics, this album is in a higher degree, much better than her previous ones. Simply a masterpiece
  55. May 29, 2011
    This album definitely lives up to the hype: With massive promo wormldwide, 'Born This Way' was the most anticipated album in years. I believe Lady Gaga has done the impossible by actually making true what she had promised. Best songs:

    Heavy Metal Lover
    Born This Way
    Judas Marry The Night
    Black Jesus / Amen Fashion
    Highway Unicorn
    Electric Chapel


    The Queen
    Fashion of His Love
  56. Feb 25, 2015
    Gaga is an easy target for haters. She is an outspoken woman who sticks up for a community whom many in this country would deem worthy of nothing. She has no problem telling you that she is a talented musician and that she makes good music, so she can come across as full of herself. And yes, she does take much influence from pop icons of the past, especially Madonna. All of these factorsGaga is an easy target for haters. She is an outspoken woman who sticks up for a community whom many in this country would deem worthy of nothing. She has no problem telling you that she is a talented musician and that she makes good music, so she can come across as full of herself. And yes, she does take much influence from pop icons of the past, especially Madonna. All of these factors cause many to just dismiss her all together, and the hype that the media and Gaga herself have generated leading up to the release of "Born This Way" may have actually caused a backlash against her more than anything else. So why I am discussing all of these things instead of the music itself? Mainly to point out all of the things that have come in the way of the music itself, which, in the case of "Born This Way," is almost uniformly fabulous. Gaga took several decades of popular music, filtered it through her unique point of view, and made her magnum opus. I believe it is the exact album she wanted to make, and that type of artistic integrity is hard to find in pop music today. "Marry the Night" gets the album off to a rocking, rousing start, building up to its climatic ending which is pure dance-pop nirvana. "Born This Way," the hit first single, does indeed take major influence from Madonna's recordings of the late 80s/early 90s. Its like she took "Express Yourself" and "Vogue," compressed them, and then shot them out of a laser gun. Its a thrilling sound with beautiful lyrics, totally deserving of its six-week reign on top of the U.S. charts. "Judas" takes large influence from both "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance," and while I don't personally think its up to the level of those two hits, its still very memorable with its biblically-based lyrics. "Hair" is one of my personal favorites; its a beautiful, heart-wrenching dance-rock ballad, kissed with a saxophone, for anyone and everyone who feels less than "normal." "The Edge of Glory" sounds in a similar vein, cranking up everything to a euphoric explosion. Its pure cheese, but its very tasty. Expand
  57. Aug 6, 2011
    Lady Gaga's progression as an artist is truly astounding; take a listen to her debut, The Fame, and then to the tracks on Born This Way, and not only will you find her voice has improved (and lost its addiction to auto tuning), but the complexity and ingenuity of each track has increased as well. It may not be as polished and dark as The Fame Monster (and it seems most would agree GagaLady Gaga's progression as an artist is truly astounding; take a listen to her debut, The Fame, and then to the tracks on Born This Way, and not only will you find her voice has improved (and lost its addiction to auto tuning), but the complexity and ingenuity of each track has increased as well. It may not be as polished and dark as The Fame Monster (and it seems most would agree Gaga works better in a darker setting), but Born This Way certainly stands on its own as a fantastic pop and dance album. Its only flaw exists in its inconsistencies; aside from the occasional drab three minutes ("Highway Unicorn" and "Hair," both of which suffer from messy production), each track brings its own blood to the album. Gaga and her producers give a little something for everyone. "Scheià Expand
  58. Nov 5, 2011
    Born This Way is a Pop masterpiece that breaks through many societal barriers. The albums if filled with tracks that vary in musical content- songs like "You and I", "The Edge of Glory", and "The Queen" add a more mature sound to this Pop icon. Tracks like "Americano", "Government Hooker", "Bloody Mary", "Electric Chapel", "Black Jesus", and the three tracks previously mentioned travelBorn This Way is a Pop masterpiece that breaks through many societal barriers. The albums if filled with tracks that vary in musical content- songs like "You and I", "The Edge of Glory", and "The Queen" add a more mature sound to this Pop icon. Tracks like "Americano", "Government Hooker", "Bloody Mary", "Electric Chapel", "Black Jesus", and the three tracks previously mentioned travel beyond today's standard Pop vibes- they add something new to the realm of the Pop industry. And to tie this with a golden knot, some tracks like "Judas" "Bloody Mary" and "The Queen" have complex lyrics that prove that Gaga is more than just some pop Princess writing about love. Expand
  59. Dec 4, 2011
    The album features influences Heavy Metal, Disco, Glam Rock. The vocals are perfect, the lyrics are a challenge, the melody is incredible. Gaga has brought us something really good and different.
  60. Mar 23, 2012
    Pretentious, yes. Innovative, no. Different and unapologetic yet pushing buttons and standing on it's own platform. YES. 'Born This Way' may have been an overhyped piece of overproduced music coming with your side of gaga sounding like a preachy incomplete transformer, but it does stick to it's theme and does what only a few other albums have been able to do this year. Stray away from thePretentious, yes. Innovative, no. Different and unapologetic yet pushing buttons and standing on it's own platform. YES. 'Born This Way' may have been an overhyped piece of overproduced music coming with your side of gaga sounding like a preachy incomplete transformer, but it does stick to it's theme and does what only a few other albums have been able to do this year. Stray away from the trend. The album has it's gems [Marry The Night, Government Hooker, Hair, Bloody Mary] and it has it downfalls [Judas, Americano, **** Black Jesus]. All in all, it's pop music in many different forms. It's appealing to all audiences especially with it's central theme of freedom, however the message along with a lot of the music get's lost. Still one of the best pop albums of the last 5 years I must say. Expand
  61. May 27, 2011
    Overall, I enjoyed the journey through the album. I think 'Marry the Night' and 'The Edge of Glory' were the perfect songs to begin and end it, respectively. In between the two, there were definitely more standout tracks than there were forgettable ones. A few songs from the album including, 'Black Jesus + Amen Fashion' and 'Fashion of His Love' probably could have been left out of theOverall, I enjoyed the journey through the album. I think 'Marry the Night' and 'The Edge of Glory' were the perfect songs to begin and end it, respectively. In between the two, there were definitely more standout tracks than there were forgettable ones. A few songs from the album including, 'Black Jesus + Amen Fashion' and 'Fashion of His Love' probably could have been left out of the bonus track version without losing the integrity of the album. But that being said, her vocals soared in multiple songs, whether it be operatic, disco, or Eighties sounding.

    Lyrically, it was refreshing to not hear about being in a club, getting drunk, or partying of which the Billboard Hot 100 has a lot (not putting a negative connotation on them of course, just saying). They were empowering, personal, and personable lyrics. Sure, there were some weak tracks, but the journey through the album is something that contemporary pop albums lack sometimes.
  62. May 27, 2011
    Born This Way is an amazing record full of meaning, quality and variety. If you wanna raise your self-esteem you should listen this album. The songs are not as catchy as the previous ones but they will grown on you after every time you listen to them.

    Songs review: Marry The Night: 10/10 Born This Way: 10/10 Government Hooker: 7/10 Judas: 9/10 Americano: 6/10 Hair: 8/10
    Born This Way is an amazing record full of meaning, quality and variety. If you wanna raise your self-esteem you should listen this album. The songs are not as catchy as the previous ones but they will grown on you after every time you listen to them.

    Songs review:

    Marry The Night: 10/10
    Born This Way: 10/10
    Government Hooker: 7/10
    Judas: 9/10
    Americano: 6/10
    Hair: 8/10
    Scheisse: 9/10
    Bloody Mary: 10/10
    Bad Kids: 9/10
    Highway Unicorn: 8/10
    Heavy Metal Lover: 8/10
    Electric Chapel: 10/10
    Yoü & I: 10/10
    The Edge Of Glory: 10/10
  63. Jun 1, 2011
    thought pjharvey would have made it, but nah, BORN this WAY, is the album of the year 2011. so far... i'm absolutely in love with every song, well 2 or 3 off, but they are on the deluxe edition anyway.
    Heavy metal Lover and Passion of his Love: GREAT songS!!!!!!
  64. May 28, 2011
    The album is filled with diverse sounds that many people may not have heard in their lives. although all songs were great and felt they were engineered to run together in an endless loop, I felt highly uncomfortable while listening to some Of the songs. This is a great album, but the departure from her fame era music just felt wrong.
  65. May 27, 2011
    This album is perfect, this album makes the fans feel like superstars and thats why its just so amazing. My favorite tracks are Bloody Mary(its so odd, but it makes it unique) and Black Jesus+Amen Fashion.
  66. May 27, 2011
    Was she really born this way!?

    What a massive 2 years. From the nervous girl who sat with Jonathan Ross on his sofa to the meat wearing music master! She has gone from strength to strength and more eccentric by the album. â
  67. May 29, 2011
    TFM left Gaga with a very hard act to follow, not to mention she did kinda blow her own trumpet stating this album was going to be the greatest pop record of the decade (!)

    BTW is having a fairly rough time with critics (and may I just say, typically the older ones finding it a little harder to grasp), IMO unfairly so. Reading many reviews, it almost seems like there is a fear of how much
    TFM left Gaga with a very hard act to follow, not to mention she did kinda blow her own trumpet stating this album was going to be the greatest pop record of the decade (!)

    BTW is having a fairly rough time with critics (and may I just say, typically the older ones finding it a little harder to grasp), IMO unfairly so. Reading many reviews, it almost seems like there is a fear of how much influence and power Gaga is getting, so some are coming down hard in an attempt to burst her bubble.

    The album is genuinely catchy, intoxicatingly so even! Its very rare for me to actually listen to an album through and honestly not wish a track or two didnt exist, I absolutely love every single track on BTW!

    Also Id like to note that many reviewers feel obliged to point out the similarities of the title track and some point blank calling Gaga a fake and a rip off. If you watch the video to the track, about 20 seconds from the end she stares into the camera with the iconic Madge teeth - it all seems very deliberate to me! Even the some of the most harshest critics dont deny Gaga has talent, so why on earth would she resort to plagiarism after 1 album! The track BTW clearly has its similarities to Express yourself, as far as I can see it was a very obvious nod to Madonna - not an attempt to rip anything off.

    BTW will get many many plays, honestly not been as taken with an album in a very very long time. Congrats Gaga
  68. Oct 20, 2011
    Born This Way isn't the biggest pop album Gaga thinks it to be. However, from the opening church bells of "Marry the Night" to the dramatic finale of "The Edge of Glory", it is definitely one of the strangest and most experimental albums a mainstream artist has released in years. Its mixture of dance-pop and a hundred other musical genres (including rock n' roll, electropop, heavy metal,Born This Way isn't the biggest pop album Gaga thinks it to be. However, from the opening church bells of "Marry the Night" to the dramatic finale of "The Edge of Glory", it is definitely one of the strangest and most experimental albums a mainstream artist has released in years. Its mixture of dance-pop and a hundred other musical genres (including rock n' roll, electropop, heavy metal, Latin pop, etc.) and Gaga's grandiose voice make it worth giving her a chance. Expand
  69. Aug 14, 2011
    Gaga gives us awesome songs in her new album. In my opinion, even though some songs are irrelevant and skipped, %80 are being listened and ADORED. Some of her songs are electronic, some are pop, some are heavy-pop, some are rock but none of them falls apart when it comes to concept and general feeling. I'm definitely not disappointed.
  70. Aug 29, 2011
    Lady Gaga is a genius. She writes her own stuff, does a lot of her own synth work, and works her ass off for her fans. Can't get any better than Gaga.
  71. Nov 21, 2011
    The album of the decade. Every song stands out by itself. The album is a piece of art that should be heard as a whole. Lady Gaga has amazing vocals and shows it in the record.
  72. May 4, 2012
    Lady Gaga's second attempt to a full-length album is extraordinary powerful, unique and interesting. "Born This Way" is a prayer to self-loving, tolerance and not being afraid of you really are, with a hint of glitter from the 80s while partying with heavy metal lovers. I believe it to be a stepping stone for future artists, a stimulus to try something new and different.
  73. Jul 3, 2012
    Was a very enjoyable album! all the songs are catchy but arn't very special or memorable, however all the singles are brilliant (Excluding marry the night) and throw gaga and pop into new territory especially the track you and i, The reason im so fond of gaga is she sounds very pop, but at the same time she is completely separated from artist such as rhianna and Katy perry.. her musicWas a very enjoyable album! all the songs are catchy but arn't very special or memorable, however all the singles are brilliant (Excluding marry the night) and throw gaga and pop into new territory especially the track you and i, The reason im so fond of gaga is she sounds very pop, but at the same time she is completely separated from artist such as rhianna and Katy perry.. her music just seems more real.

    Overall the album is fun and compared to the pop around today the album is a saviour to pop music.
  74. Oct 15, 2012
    I love it!! While some of the songs are not good, a lot of them are. My favorites are The Edge of Glory and Sheibe. I love this album so much!! And it brings new sounds to the scene!!
  75. Jul 18, 2011
    Compared to the previous two albums, and the hype up to this one it is a real let down. This album unlike "The Fame" (2008), and "The Fame Monster" (2009) it acutally has songs that need burned. The first album, and second realeses both saw the entire album having good really songs. This is something you won't find on "Born This Way" (2011)! Songs that should be burnt, and have not made itCompared to the previous two albums, and the hype up to this one it is a real let down. This album unlike "The Fame" (2008), and "The Fame Monster" (2009) it acutally has songs that need burned. The first album, and second realeses both saw the entire album having good really songs. This is something you won't find on "Born This Way" (2011)! Songs that should be burnt, and have not made it on the album include "Black Jesus + Amen Fashion", and "SheiBe". While it has others that are just decent like "The Queen", "Electric Chaple", "Fashion Of His Love", "Government Hooker", and more. While the standout tracks include "Born This Way", "Americano", "Bad Kids", "You And I", "The Edge Of Glory", "Hair", "Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)", "Heavy Metal Lover", and my personal favorite Lady Gaga song of all time "Judas". However it has equally good and bad moments, when it's good, it is phenominal! Expand
  76. Aug 1, 2011
    This is a great album .the only thing we have to do is just to listen it . Gaga has a fabulous voice and in these months we are witnessing it in different television programs around the world France, Japan, Italy, United States.The acoustic versions are doing is showing how talented as a singer Beyonce has already said a few days ago: lady gaga is a talent west unico.kanye said Born thisThis is a great album .the only thing we have to do is just to listen it . Gaga has a fabulous voice and in these months we are witnessing it in different television programs around the world France, Japan, Italy, United States.The acoustic versions are doing is showing how talented as a singer Beyonce has already said a few days ago: lady gaga is a talent west unico.kanye said Born this way deserves a note outstanding. Adele also said he loves Gaga. Be constructive and not to hate people either jealousy or something else and by that I mean the Tiny Mix Tapes criticism . Expand
  77. Jun 11, 2011
    While not Gaga's best work, this is a great album on its own merits featuring some groovy beats and sensational (and controversial) lyrics. And probably one of the best pop albums released this year.
  78. May 27, 2011
    Lady GaGa aka Pop Queen 2011, may have taken a giant leap away from her previous album , The Fame, towards the music of Far East Movement, she still manages to make some outstanding music. From the thumping Dance Songs 'Judas', 'Marry the Night' and 'SchieBe' to the soft delicate 'You and I' GaGa aims to please, and Succeeds.
  79. Jun 20, 2011
    The most awaited album of 2011 has arrived! Though the top tracks like "Fashion Of His Love" and "Black Jesus + Amen Fashion" were only on the Special Edition, the album itself is worthy of the title of ALBUM OF 2011. It brings back the 80s vibe and saxophones are present throughout the album. The highlights of the album are "Hair", "SheiÃ
  80. May 23, 2011
    Solid stuff, if a little much at times. Gaga has definitely reached a new plateu of music; artful, odd, powerful and unique. Some songs are a bit samey; Government Hooker, Bad Kids and The Queen didn't seem too groundbreaking or inspired upon first glance, and the album's weakest track is probably Highway Unicorn (Fashion Of His Love), which is literally all over the place. But it getsSolid stuff, if a little much at times. Gaga has definitely reached a new plateu of music; artful, odd, powerful and unique. Some songs are a bit samey; Government Hooker, Bad Kids and The Queen didn't seem too groundbreaking or inspired upon first glance, and the album's weakest track is probably Highway Unicorn (Fashion Of His Love), which is literally all over the place. But it gets better; Marry The Night is a catchy and solid opener, both Americano and Scheià Expand
  81. Oct 25, 2011
    Hell yes, this is an album that sould be listed among the best of this year!!!This album is totally different from her previous album, and that's what artists should do!!!Explore new ground and find new ideas that will bring you ear-orgasm, and Gaga surely delivers that at the maximum point!Every song is a highlight on its own in this album, an album that breaks music boundaries the wayHell yes, this is an album that sould be listed among the best of this year!!!This album is totally different from her previous album, and that's what artists should do!!!Explore new ground and find new ideas that will bring you ear-orgasm, and Gaga surely delivers that at the maximum point!Every song is a highlight on its own in this album, an album that breaks music boundaries the way only Gaga can do!!! Expand
  82. May 29, 2011
    Other than "Born This Way", which is way too similar to Madonna's 1989 single "Express Yourself", every song is fantastic. "Judas" and "The Edge of Glory" are brilliant.
  83. May 23, 2011
    14 EARWORMS. Her music has totally evolved and the diversity of this monster provides music for everyone. It's a brave and proper step and though it is clear that this is not (yet) "album of the decade", only time will tell. Just settle yourself for the biggest pop rollercoaster ride Gaga has ever conceived. A masterpiece.
  84. May 23, 2011
    A very strong effort. It goes in a lot of different directions. Gaga is clearly still trying to harness her creativity, and she's getting there slowly but surely. The sheer amount of new music here - over 70 minutes with the bonus tracks - is impressive, and there are no filler tracks. She misses the mark a couple times (Bad Kids, Hair), but she scores many more times (Marry The Night,A very strong effort. It goes in a lot of different directions. Gaga is clearly still trying to harness her creativity, and she's getting there slowly but surely. The sheer amount of new music here - over 70 minutes with the bonus tracks - is impressive, and there are no filler tracks. She misses the mark a couple times (Bad Kids, Hair), but she scores many more times (Marry The Night, Government Hooker, Americano, Scheibe, Electric Chapel). Highly recommend for any pop/dance music fan. Expand
  85. May 28, 2011
    Those who criticize that we the fans give it high scores because we're fans are just ignorant, we like her music so we gave her high scores, fan or not if you like the album then you high scores, its just that simple. I have to say I have my doubts at first because I'm surprised that she actually chose to go for the artist creative album this early in her career, at first I thought it wasThose who criticize that we the fans give it high scores because we're fans are just ignorant, we like her music so we gave her high scores, fan or not if you like the album then you high scores, its just that simple. I have to say I have my doubts at first because I'm surprised that she actually chose to go for the artist creative album this early in her career, at first I thought it was career suicide but after I heard Born This Way... I feel stupid for even doubting her. This album will not appeal for those wishing to listen to just pure top 40 radio songs, it's not a mainstream album by any pop definition. She's an artist that wishes to experiments and grow during her career, this album is the result. It's definitely not album of the decade by any chance, but it's definitely a great pop album. It strays far from her roots and at times she is trying to hard in this album to please any fans possible, but at least she tries. Most of it were awesome, themes ranging from self-empowerment, immigrants, appreciate life and others positive theme. It definitely have a more gothic lyrics in this album, the chorus of the whole album can be repetitive at times but it's only a minor problem. If you find yourself liking this album then I think you have no problem agreeing that for an 'artist creative' album, this is one damn good pop album. Expand
  86. May 23, 2011
    The sound of the whole album is very coherent, although some lyrics maybe not. For the campaign of this album, it's just massive! It's literally everywhere, and that might a factor that drives some new fans away since they are just done with all the promos, posters and ads that are everywhere they look. For the songs, they are very good. Lyrics might be cheesy, but it's pop, it's supposedThe sound of the whole album is very coherent, although some lyrics maybe not. For the campaign of this album, it's just massive! It's literally everywhere, and that might a factor that drives some new fans away since they are just done with all the promos, posters and ads that are everywhere they look. For the songs, they are very good. Lyrics might be cheesy, but it's pop, it's supposed to be that way. This album has a very clear rock-influenced. My order of favorites: You and I, Edge of Glory, Hair, Judas, Scheisse, Americano, Government Hooker, Heavy Metal Lover, Bloody Mary, Born This Way, Bad Kids, Marry the Night, Highway Unicorn (Road to Love), Electric Chapel, Fashion of His Love, Black Jesus Amen Fashion, The Queen. Expand
  87. May 25, 2011
    Amazing, different, new, interesting, unique, strong, sexy, exceptional, brilliant, gorgeous ... The album of the decade, lady gaga did it again, will be a great success...congratulations, and keep listening...will not be disappointed.
  88. May 24, 2011
    "Born This Way" is a very great album. It sound strange but very good. It shows us another side of Lady Gaga, more powerful and better. "Blood Mary" , "The edge of glory" is the best song of this album. I love it. I love Lady Gaga.(10.0)
  89. May 24, 2011
    This album is really good. I don't see how anybody could hate this album. How can anybody say this album was horrible. I know its different from her other two albums but it still keep the electro pop sound. This album gets more personal but still has dance tracks, Lady Gaga on this album shows that she can sing. I love Lady Gaga. The Fame and Fame Monster was amazing album. This isThis album is really good. I don't see how anybody could hate this album. How can anybody say this album was horrible. I know its different from her other two albums but it still keep the electro pop sound. This album gets more personal but still has dance tracks, Lady Gaga on this album shows that she can sing. I love Lady Gaga. The Fame and Fame Monster was amazing album. This is different from those two albums. I think this album is her best yet. At first i didn't like the direction she was going for this album. After listening to this album I became to love it. This is one of the best albums of the year so far. Gaga on this album show people that she can song. Her song writing for this album is really good. I do miss the old gaga but this gaga is cool also in my book. I like the style for this album. This album sounds like an 80s album and also 90's and today. This is an album that some gaga fans would love and some wouldn't. Some people didn't like the direction she went for this album, I understand. Like I stated before I didn't like the direction she was going for this album. This album has some dance tracks like The Edge of Glory. This song is Gaga best yet. Love that song. Some songs are dance songs but still have an electro pop sound to it like You And I. This might be Gaga best album. Right now this is her best album but all her albums gets the same same ratings for me which means all her album are tie to me. This is my favorite right now at the moment but all her albums are really good. I don't see how anybody could give this album a 4 and down. Expand
  90. Oct 28, 2011
    The best album I've ever heard! Mother Monster has totally overcome herself! THE ALBUM OF THE DECADE. is the anthem of our generation and I will always remeber I WAS BORN THIS WAY! so congratulations, Gaga you did it!
  91. May 23, 2011
    Most definitely gaga's best work to date. I'm so sick of albums being hyped up to the point where they aren't enjoyable anymore. I was starting to doubt the greatness of 'Born This Way' until i actually heard it. It is truly beautiful! Very big variety while staying with Gaga's signature sound. I cannot choose any favorite(s) tracks because all songs are equally good. very consistent. IMost definitely gaga's best work to date. I'm so sick of albums being hyped up to the point where they aren't enjoyable anymore. I was starting to doubt the greatness of 'Born This Way' until i actually heard it. It is truly beautiful! Very big variety while staying with Gaga's signature sound. I cannot choose any favorite(s) tracks because all songs are equally good. very consistent. I LOVE GAGA AND I WAS BORN THIS WAY. Expand
  92. May 23, 2011
    This album truly shows how Gaga really can sing her ass off. She may censor the word in her songs, but the content is all from the heart. "The Edge of Glory" might just be the best pop song of the year, and "You and I" may be her best example of versatility. "Shiesse", "Judas", "Born This Way", "Government Hooker", "Marry the Night", and "Americano" also show that she still has the abilityThis album truly shows how Gaga really can sing her ass off. She may censor the word in her songs, but the content is all from the heart. "The Edge of Glory" might just be the best pop song of the year, and "You and I" may be her best example of versatility. "Shiesse", "Judas", "Born This Way", "Government Hooker", "Marry the Night", and "Americano" also show that she still has the ability to create a club banging hit. Overall a great album, and definitely worth the hype Expand
  93. May 23, 2011
    She certainly is a Heavy Metal Lover. This is the best album of 2011 so far! i love lady gaga she deserves to take over the world with tunes this awe-inspiring!
  94. May 23, 2011
    Wonderful Album. My favorite songs are Government Hooker, Born This Way, Judas, Hair, The edge of glory. Every song is perfect. Just can't stop replay.
  95. May 23, 2011
    If you're looking for a secondary Bad Romance or Just Dance, this album is not your cup of tea. This album shows the maturity of Lady Gaga. Born This Way is her finest work to date, and it nearly lived up to the hype that Gaga made it out to be. The Album Of The Decade? Maybe. The Album Of The Year? Sure. Either way, this goes to show that Gaga is here to stay.
  96. May 23, 2011
    17 Songs, 17 great Pop Tracks... in this album you can find an amount of ideas that could be enough for 5 albums by any other pop singer. And then you have a real singer. If you have to hear talking about a record for one year and a half, that's exactly what you want to listen to.
  97. May 23, 2011
    Born this Way is a stunning pop album that I will be listening for a long time. What's funny is after the first listen, this was not my reaction. To put it bluntly, I was underwhelmed. There were good songs, but none seemed as catchy or defining as "Just Dance" or "Bad Romance." The album also felt kind of jumbled and random. After several more listens, not only did every song grow on meBorn this Way is a stunning pop album that I will be listening for a long time. What's funny is after the first listen, this was not my reaction. To put it bluntly, I was underwhelmed. There were good songs, but none seemed as catchy or defining as "Just Dance" or "Bad Romance." The album also felt kind of jumbled and random. After several more listens, not only did every song grow on me but the songs also felt more connected. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time to realize what Gaga is actually trying to say or do. Basically this album is part reflective and part self empowerment for her fans. Gaga is basically looking at her life, what she rejoices (religion... Judas, Black Jesus + Amen Fashion... plus plenty more have more subtle undertones of religion.) and what she has learned. At first it was almost jarring how much Gaga has changed. Wasn't this the artist whose debut album was a sexy commentary on Fame and it's consequences? Listen closely, and you'll realize she is still commenting on fame, but she is extending her message further. The more I think about it, the more impressed I am with her. Still, the album isn't perfect. "Judas" while catchy is a pretty weak and generic song (though it does have an interesting message... nothing groundbreaking though.) I've warmed up to "Hair" but it's still not the greatest. "Born this way" grew on me in a big way, but I wish the lyrics would have been more like the sexy, juicy and more subtle lyrics from "The Fame." These are not songs I hate, I don't think I hate any of Gaga's songs, she is just capable of better as evidenced by the rest of her album. "Government Hooker," "Schiebe" "Bloody Mary," "Americano," "Electric Chapel," "You and I," and "The Edge of Glory" are the stand out tracks from this album ("Black Jesus + Amen Fashion" is my favorite of the three additional tracks from the deluxe version, though all are good.) All and all this is a darker and weirder turn for Gaga, and I appreciate the effort. I'm tired of all this fluffy pop crap on the radio. If you are a dance music fan... you will love this album! Expand
  98. May 23, 2011
    I can't say any word except FANTASTIC!!!!!!!, keep it up Gaga......!!!!!
    every songs are addicting and gave me an eargasm I luv this album more than her previous album
  99. May 24, 2011
    Born This Way is a spectacular album. It's been decades since a pop album of this caliber has been released. In some ways, it feels very familiar and retro. At the same time though, it feels totally fresh and almost alien at times. Elements of different genres and influences from decades past come together in unique ways to create songs that defy categorization. Electric Chapel is a sweet,Born This Way is a spectacular album. It's been decades since a pop album of this caliber has been released. In some ways, it feels very familiar and retro. At the same time though, it feels totally fresh and almost alien at times. Elements of different genres and influences from decades past come together in unique ways to create songs that defy categorization. Electric Chapel is a sweet, mellow pop track with 80s rock/metal instrumentals. Bloody Mary is a spooky cool mid-tempo electro ballad told from the perspective of the ghost of Mary Magdalene. Sheisse sounds like an early 90s concept of a "futuristic" song, with bizarre screams and faux-German chants mixed with a great beat and one hell of a chorus. The Edge Of Glory sounds like one of the best 80s power ballads of all time. It just took an extra 25 years to be written. All in all, this is one of the most memorable, eclectic, catchy, and frenetic pop albums in recent memory. It's a must-have for any pop fan. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Sep 25, 2014
    Lady Gaga promised her fans (perhaps a tad prematurely) that her new album would be the greatest of the decade. But even if the next nine years bring something better, we're unlikely to hear anything bigger than Born This Way.
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 8, 2011
    Born This Way feels like the first proper Lady Gaga album. [Aug. 2011, p. 114]
  3. Jul 6, 2011
    Gaga has always been able to anchor her haughty conceptual undertakings with simple, catchy tunes, but with Born This Way, the persona and the message are starting to bleed into the songs. It's not a good look.