
Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Although Young's compositions on Chrome Dreams II aren't quite up to the quality planned for the first volume, the 10 songs at least have some of the shape and gravity if not the epic dimension of his classics written decades ago.
  2. Young was right to close with 'The Way,' a gloriously simplistic salvation song backed by a children's chorus that deserves to become his 'Give Peace a Chance.' But beyond that it's miss-or-hit.
  3. Just when the listener starts reflecting on Young's waning abilities, two songs arrive that suggest the fire is far from out.
  4. It's a return to a time when Young albums felt like ingenious mixtapes--where Crazy Horse tracks, Stray Gators tracks, and duets with Linda Rondstadt intermingled without being jarring in the least.
  5. Anyone looking for another 'Hurricane' will be disappointed--but, for sheer eclecticism, the record hits a number of highs.
  6. Instead of having to suffer the middling albums for years before some sort of payoff, you get a nice mixture here, and thankfully the ratio is reversed in favor of the solid material.
  7. A collection that’s muddled but peppered with gems.
  8. Young uncorks his storied one-two punch, mounting a pair of sweeping, detailed social narratives while ripping away at the guitar strings, laying his psyche bare. Long may he rave.
  9. Though having one good trick in the bag keeps him from becoming a mere oldies jukebox like so many other 40-year rock vets, the sampler platter of Chrome Dreams II suggests his renowned versatility, by comparison to its cult-classic ancestor, ain't what it used to be.
  10. While Chrome Dreams II was clearly modeled after his more "classic" sounding work, it finds Young sounding like little more than a knockoff of his former self.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. ToddW.
    Oct 25, 2007
    Every time Neil Young releases a new album I wait in excited anticipation for...what? I don't know if my disappointment is a Every time Neil Young releases a new album I wait in excited anticipation for...what? I don't know if my disappointment is a manifestation of age, both his and mine, or the fact that Neil simply hasn't put out a decent album since 'Sleeps with Angels.' This album sounds like the cover looks. Hoary, dusty, and tired in hues of gray. I know he's an icon who has earned some slack, but it is alarming that his latter day musical offerings should seem so, well, insignificant for someone of his talent and stature. Maybe I'm expecting too much from him. Maybe he has finally rusted. Full Review »
  2. HughC.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Best NY album for many a year. Great riffs & Neil's voice is on top form. Songs aren't all as strong as they maybe should be but Best NY album for many a year. Great riffs & Neil's voice is on top form. Songs aren't all as strong as they maybe should be but the overall package is very good! Full Review »