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Universal acclaim- based on 150 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 150

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  1. Apr 24, 2022
    Probably the best and most haunting album I’ve ever listened to. Breathe Me captured depression in a song. This album breaks you down and allows you to feel your feelings unapologetically. It’s honestly her best work.
  2. Mar 14, 2022
    I really enjoyed listening to this album and saved some of the songs . after years of its release the songs still stand out to me . Thank you Sia (:
  3. Dec 25, 2021
    Mi album favorito de Sia es simplemente hermoso y tiene sonidos bastante distintos
  4. Jul 27, 2021
    Truly an emotive experience, beautiful vocals paired with heart wrenching lyrics, what a well crafted piece of work.
  5. Jun 1, 2019
    Excellent album, from the beginning it catches you, the melodies are so melancholy ideal to raise your self-esteem for its lyric or stay like that in the rest of the album
  6. Feb 2, 2016
    Back to when Sia was an underrated composer, the album maybe is getting more attention now than when it deserved. The simple concept and wonderful songs made it with no doubt one of the best albums in music history.
  7. Dec 14, 2015
    Socorrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo album do pop, hinario, rei, patrao de todos. Sia, arrazou mulher! Lacrou, ficou shokk de monstro esse album
  8. Dec 12, 2015
    Este es uno de los mejores albumes de los 2000's, sus melodias y su profundidad son magnificas, a pesar de ser un poco dificil de comprender es muy relajante y lleno de meditacion.
  9. Sep 11, 2015
    ...When Sia recorded her first solo album since her collaborations with Zero 7, what we expect? Anyway, the result can be brilliant, awaking you from the most euphoric emotions. From the magical 'Rewrite' to the sad 'Breathe Me' to 'Sea Shells'.
  10. Dec 22, 2014
    Absolutely brilliant and original. This is one of her best,I totally recommend the bonus tracks: Broken Biscuit and Seashells they're unique and very smart by captivating all the attention to whoever listens them!!!
  11. Oct 14, 2014
    One of Sia's best albums. Beautiful instrumentals, and some thoughtful and occasionally moving lyrics. I can really relate to the message Sia is sending out on this album. Favorite track: Breathe Me
  12. Nov 19, 2013
    Whoa! I can only say that this album is simply amazing. Sia sounds very seductive and intriguing on "Numb" and "Breathe Me". And I can't even comprehend how one person can have as much talent as she does. What I can't comprehend even more is how is she not more popular?
  13. Sep 21, 2011
    Sia Furler's 3rd album "Colour the Small One" is a deeply emotional album where her talents as a lyricist truly shine through. Sounding miles different from her 1997 trip-hop laced debut, "OnlySee," or her 2001 follow-up, the acid jazz/hip-hop infused "Healing is Difficult," "Colour..." holds its own as an extremely personal, brutally honest album. Album opener "Rewrite" is in starkSia Furler's 3rd album "Colour the Small One" is a deeply emotional album where her talents as a lyricist truly shine through. Sounding miles different from her 1997 trip-hop laced debut, "OnlySee," or her 2001 follow-up, the acid jazz/hip-hop infused "Healing is Difficult," "Colour..." holds its own as an extremely personal, brutally honest album. Album opener "Rewrite" is in stark contrast to the tracks of "Healing...," with Sia painfully whispering dark lyrics. The track "Sunday" is a surprisingly optimistic and summery song with a wonderful chorus. Then comes the now iconic, emotional behemoth "Breathe Me." Little more can be said to try and describe this song other than slick perfection. Beck helped pen the following track "The Bully" where we finally realize that there is more to this talented woman than meets the eyes. "Sweet Potato," "Don't Bring Me Down," "Natale's Song," and "Butterflies" make up the core of this album, each with their own separate, powerful strengths and vulnerabilities. Radiohead-inspired "Moon," gospel-driven "The Church of What's Happening Now" and the painful "Numb" begin an appropriate wind-down of the album, when "Where I Belong," a loud, fast-paced, jazzy tune with belted-out lyrics seems to come out of the blue. But that's a good thing (it's a personal favorite). The theatrical "Broken Biscuit" and the down right bizarre, yet oddly addicting "Sea Shells" are included as two bonus tracks. Yet, despite their not being included on the original UK mastering, they do not disrupt the flow of the record Included after "Sea Shells" are two remixes of "Breathe Me" that aren't great and really do not fit. I would rather the b-sides "Lucky" and "So Bored" be included in their place. "Colour..." is one of my favorite albums, and in my opinion is Sia's strongest release. Needless to say, I highly recommend it. Expand
  14. Sep 22, 2010
    The song "Breathe Me" made me cry..Truly it did. Sia's voice is so soft and melodic and the arrangement of the album is stunning.. I am surprised that more people have heard of SIa. I was astonished when I heard the album and would not change a thing of it...Perfect album
  15. jong
    Apr 16, 2006
    A beautiful stab stab in the heart of the emotional. A warm comforting blanket of words and sounds that wrap you up and hold you in their arms like a vulnerable child.
  16. AnttiM
    Feb 15, 2006
    Could easilly have acchieved the maximum points if the production would have been thicker and more dense. The skilfully composed and performed pieces of music pass somewhat unnoticed due to the weaknesses of the producer.
  17. George
    Jan 29, 2006
    Easy to listen to but not a brilliant album, the production was disappointing with the tracks often disjointed and overall contour not clear. Breathe Me is definitely the standout track.
  18. AlanR
    Jan 20, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Billboard
    Sia's songs are quiet, intimate and melodic. [21 Jan 2006]
  2. Rather than mimicking and rehashing "Simple Things", she's found a warmth and depth of feeling that makes "Colour The Small One" the logical progression.
  3. 100
    An album that is as lovely as it is seductive.