• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 12, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. With no edge to the songwriting and with such spit-polished, tasteful production, Continuum just doesn't convince as a heady, soulful rock album or as Mayer's creative quantum leap forward.
  2. He calmly circles the same career themes with the same warmed-over, palatable guitar weavings: girls are scary, girls are sad, getting older is weird, home is nice.
  3. In the end Continuum feels like little-more than the self-indulgent effort of a possibly-peaked pop star.
  4. Paste Magazine
    A couple songs on Continuum do hint at what Mayer is capable of if he can shed his perfectionist skin and get to the quick of his emotions. [Nov 2006, p.76]
  5. Uncut
    Only on the superb, slow-burning "Gravity" does he really sound like himself. [Nov 2006, p.119]
  6. Q Magazine
    Ultimately, this is dour stuff reminiscent of a yogic Sting. [Dec 2006, p.138]
  7. It's still hard to tell if he's a bluesman in a soft-rocker's body or vice versa, and "Continuum" is the sound of him trying to figure it out too.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 164 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 164
  1. Feb 2, 2014
    This is John Mayer in the zone. This is where he lives. This is the kind of music he should be making for the rest of his career. I knowThis is John Mayer in the zone. This is where he lives. This is the kind of music he should be making for the rest of his career. I know artists hate to be pigeon-holed, but there is nobody else making this stuff. If he doesn't, who will?! This is an amazing blend of pop and blues. Most people, for whatever reason, can't sit through a blues record. Mayer makes the blues accessible. This is an all-time Top 10 record in my opinion. Full Review »
  2. Aug 4, 2023
    This album is Mayer's masterpiece. The writing and lyrics still the most mature he ever wroten, the album was produced by the masterThis album is Mayer's masterpiece. The writing and lyrics still the most mature he ever wroten, the album was produced by the master craftsmanship Steve Jordan, the instrumentals sound incredible and resounds the mellow of the post peak success from mayer, especially the song 'Gravity'. For every electric guitar student, this album is a 'must listen' on your studies, heavilly influenced by blues (being complimented by the owns of Mr. BB King and Clapton) and a bit driven by Alicia Key's soul albuns. Great guitar riffs at "Belief" and "Slow Dancing" in what Mayer shows why he's not just a pop artist with a pretty face and famous girlfriends, but a guitar virtuoso, on the likes of SRV and Jimi Hendrix, which studied at Berkeley University. Full Review »
  3. Apr 25, 2023
    I think this album is a perfect and cohesive experience with some of the most beautiful songwriting i have ever seen. The messages he givesI think this album is a perfect and cohesive experience with some of the most beautiful songwriting i have ever seen. The messages he gives are personal and emotional and so are the melodies.
    I think this project is highly overhated and to me it has connected immediately. I think this is one of the best blues / soft rock albums
    Full Review »