
Mixed or average reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 22
  2. Negative: 4 out of 22
  1. 'My Gun' is one of the best tracks Fifty's lent his name to; Adam Deitch and Eric Krasno's skilful production keeps the tension bubbling just below the surface with a muted hard rock guitar riff; 50's rhyme and flow is more varied and expressive than his usual monotone drawl.... The remainder of the album is as inconsistent as Fifty’s career to date.
  2. Though the album is good, for an artist of 50 Cent's caliber, it's not great.
  3. 60
    It's unfortunate that "Interscope Jackson" spends so much time here trying to ply believable tough talk--highlights arrive when Fiddy embraces his current, lavish lifestyle.
  4. He's still capable of cranking out a great single and the occasional clever verse, but he's yet to master the art of making a satisfying album rather than delivering a random assortment of demographic-pandering tracks.
  5. 50's new album is a blatant rehash--a bottom-line sequel that insults the same audience it mindlessly panders to.
  6. What's missing where these lame boasts exist in Curtis is the vulnerability of moments on The Massacre (especially 'A Baltimore Love Thing') or any of the rich narrative that graced his first album, not to mention any of the goofy, sing-along catchiness that previously made his singles chart events. Musically 50's collaborators don't feel like they've brought anything near their best to the table.
  7. 50 is back with his larger-than-life persona and even bigger Mack 11, remaking his classic first album for the second time, with tiresome results.
  8. Curtis doesn't sound like it was much fun to make, and it isn't much fun to listen to.
  9. Shooting people, no-strings-attached sex and being a millionaire has never sounded so boring.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 208 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 73 out of 208
  1. Oct 17, 2014
    Entertaining album. The production is phenomenal and 50 Cent has the finest producers on this album such as Dr. Dre and Timbaland. A lot ofEntertaining album. The production is phenomenal and 50 Cent has the finest producers on this album such as Dr. Dre and Timbaland. A lot of easy songs to like such as Get Money and Ayo Technology. This isn't Get Rich or Die Tryin' but can we really expect another album like that again? The closest song that is the old 50 is I'll still kill featuring Akon. One negative however is that there are too many guest features and we didn't hear enough of 50 Cent. But overall this album is something that everyone can have some fun with. Full Review »
  2. Jan 10, 2012
    I like this album but it wasnt as strong as his previous albums. But Curtis was a good ablum and i enjoy listening to it and it makes me wannaI like this album but it wasnt as strong as his previous albums. But Curtis was a good ablum and i enjoy listening to it and it makes me wanna like 50 more Full Review »
  3. JeremyW.
    Nov 27, 2007
    Definitely not as good as his previous albums, a few memorable tracks then lots of filler. Nothing new here.