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Mixed or average reviews- based on 190 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 84 out of 190
  2. Negative: 92 out of 190

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  1. Jan 17, 2019
    The cold sad tones of the North as Chad Kroeger would say. I'd say it just shows what they can do, and i like it a lot. It goes in some new directions compared to All the Right Reasons, and for the better. Listened to it just 500 times, and still loving it. i give it a 9/10.
  2. Dec 4, 2016
    If you're like me and had never really paid Nickelback much attention, I highly recommend you give this album a try as a starting point. It's an unashamed, loud and proud rock record. Mutt Lange worked his magic and helped Nickelback create a proper hard rock album. It makes no apologies for it's simplicity, and that's what makes it so great.
  3. Apr 6, 2016
    as musicians Nickelback has gotten a huge lash from both critics and fans of rock. cant say i blame them one bit. this album is like nickelbacks other works. it has one song that stands out that you can like while others simply make you feel disgusted at what you just heard. only a few songs i heard by this band do i like. other songs by them are just terrible due to poor writing andas musicians Nickelback has gotten a huge lash from both critics and fans of rock. cant say i blame them one bit. this album is like nickelbacks other works. it has one song that stands out that you can like while others simply make you feel disgusted at what you just heard. only a few songs i heard by this band do i like. other songs by them are just terrible due to poor writing and repetition of the riffs. Chad Kroeger either never had passion for song writing or just cant come with something enjoyable. Expand
  4. Aug 22, 2013
    No. This album is a simple no. Nickelback has been a stain on the music scene since their debut, and the fact that some people seem to think they're the best band Canada has to offer....look at these few bands: The Agonist, Evans Blue, Into Eternity, Kataklysm, Protest the Hero, and of course Rush. The TRUE greatest band from Canada. Sure, The Agonist, Into Eternity and Kataklysm are moreNo. This album is a simple no. Nickelback has been a stain on the music scene since their debut, and the fact that some people seem to think they're the best band Canada has to offer....look at these few bands: The Agonist, Evans Blue, Into Eternity, Kataklysm, Protest the Hero, and of course Rush. The TRUE greatest band from Canada. Sure, The Agonist, Into Eternity and Kataklysm are more towards the death metal/extreme metal side of music, but they're STILL better musically than Nickelback. And you can't compare Nickelback to Rush. Rush trumps them BAR NONE. Nickelback sucks, period. Expand
  5. Mar 24, 2013
    Nickelback sure showed they had what it takes to create a fantastic record. Tracks like "Gotta Be Somebody," "This Afternoon," "If Today Was Your Last Day" were all stand out tracks that made 2008 one of my favorite years in music.
  6. Dec 23, 2012
    meh, this album isnt as good as all the right reasons but its still pretty good. burn it to the ground is my favourite song, and if today was your last today is cool too
  7. Jun 19, 2012
    1 point for If Today Was Your Last Day, because other than that this release is one of the worst albums I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. Nickelback has redeemed themselves (sorta) with Here and Now, but that still doesn't excuse this album from sounding like a dance pop auto-tuned disaster.
  8. Jun 12, 2012
    Nickelback's new album, Dark Horse, is arguably one of their best yet. It houses over 10 tremendously good songs with purpose and with reason. The songs are all in a beautiful tempo and tone and the music sends a message, it is great if you are not feeling good, it cheers you up. Nickelback have always made music from their heart, and this is no different.
  9. May 31, 2012
    This is a proper rock and roll album. No over-production, just pure, powerful rock. From the tongue in cheek sex songs, the meaningful ballads and the hard rock speaker blowing songs this album is sure to wake you up time and time again.
  10. Nov 30, 2011
    I'll start off by saing that, yes, I'm a longtime Nickelback fan. Right, now that 80% of the readers have left, let's get on with it. Dark Horse is a classic Nickelback album - there's no point in pretending that it's wildly different to their previous efforts, because it isn't. Although the instrumentation is less gritty than on the last few records, the basic lyrical themes and coreI'll start off by saing that, yes, I'm a longtime Nickelback fan. Right, now that 80% of the readers have left, let's get on with it. Dark Horse is a classic Nickelback album - there's no point in pretending that it's wildly different to their previous efforts, because it isn't. Although the instrumentation is less gritty than on the last few records, the basic lyrical themes and core musical elements remain largely unchanged. What were you expecting? Nickelback has always been relatively formulaic in their music, and they're not about to change. That's no reason to not like what they produce, and this is more polished than their previous albums, and with the possible exception of All the Right Reasons, their best effort so far. Don't expect musical inspiration from this record - but what it does, it does very well indeed. Expand
  11. Nov 21, 2011
    nickleback are down and dirty with dark horse from loving when there's something in your mouth to hanging out this afternoon and everything in between easily one of there greatest albums
  12. Oct 18, 2011
    "Dark Horse" es un album revuelto, dificil de digerir y muy complicado en cuanto a su complejidad, sin alma ni sentido lirico ni de sonido en ninguna de las pistas, puedo decir que es el trabajo mas flojo de Nickelback en toda su larga carrera de vagos trabajos, no se sintio su innecesaria necesidad de innovar tanto como en este album puesto que suena como una serie de lados b desechados"Dark Horse" es un album revuelto, dificil de digerir y muy complicado en cuanto a su complejidad, sin alma ni sentido lirico ni de sonido en ninguna de las pistas, puedo decir que es el trabajo mas flojo de Nickelback en toda su larga carrera de vagos trabajos, no se sintio su innecesaria necesidad de innovar tanto como en este album puesto que suena como una serie de lados b desechados de anteriores malos o mixtos albumes de "Rock?" es el nombre del genero musical que merece este album. Expand
  13. Sep 29, 2011
    I used to love and come up with excuses for why I loved Nickelback. Until Dark Horse came along; offensive, lazy, stupid and hypocritical (How do you go from a magnum opus like "Never Again" to garbage like "Something In your Mouth" and "Shakin Hands"?!), Dark Horse is a shoe in for worst Album of the new Millenna. Let me reitorate, I've seen Nickelback live and loved all of their albumsI used to love and come up with excuses for why I loved Nickelback. Until Dark Horse came along; offensive, lazy, stupid and hypocritical (How do you go from a magnum opus like "Never Again" to garbage like "Something In your Mouth" and "Shakin Hands"?!), Dark Horse is a shoe in for worst Album of the new Millenna. Let me reitorate, I've seen Nickelback live and loved all of their albums until Dark Horse. Dark Horse has effectively ruined a band for both fans and die hard fans alike. Expand
  14. Jun 26, 2011
    This album is a joke. With each song sounding the same as the next, it is clear that Nickelback ran out of ideas long ago (if they ever had any to begin with).
  15. May 16, 2011
    Kurt is turning in his grave :( 1 mark because they chose an amazing band to imitate badly. Shocking. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  16. Mar 7, 2011
    This is in my opinion this is one of Nickelback's best CD yet, while they still have some lame tracks, it will still hold your attention if your into the band.
  17. Oct 24, 2010
    Nickelback rocks out to a powerful song, â
  18. Sep 20, 2010
    An album full of fun and relatability. It entertains right from the beginning, mixing up uplifting songs then toning back down to emotional expressions.
  19. Aug 18, 2010
    Nickleback has killed Rock. Only ONE song is catchy, but the rest is crap! WARRNING: Do not listen to this "rock album". This album should join in "The Worst Collection of Albums In History" with this album being No. 1
  20. philj
    Nov 13, 2009
    Right i know, i know why do i give Nickelback the most hatest band in the world a 9 for this album. Well i'll tell you now i aint a fan, i work for the music industary and have no interest in this band. but when I heard this album it was like where's the party? I think people just give bad reviews for this band cos they are so successful. The song are very catchy and i did watch Right i know, i know why do i give Nickelback the most hatest band in the world a 9 for this album. Well i'll tell you now i aint a fan, i work for the music industary and have no interest in this band. but when I heard this album it was like where's the party? I think people just give bad reviews for this band cos they are so successful. The song are very catchy and i did watch a DVD of a live performace and yes they do talk dirty but from an adults point of view with out a child they were very funny and the music and the pyro were very good. like i said I don't like the band but this is a great album! Expand
  21. DimondR
    Nov 9, 2009
    All I can say is that I feel raped. The lead singer has violated me and I want my computer space back because I obviously would never buy this crap so I pirated it. CANADA! I CAN DO THAT LEGALLY! My oh my. I would rather listen to Aqua as my wedding song than ever having to listen to this crap ever again.
  22. SamuelL
    Nov 6, 2009
    I've heard better musicianship from a deathcore band.
  23. JordanK
    Oct 1, 2009
    Horrible album. I've never liked nickelback. If you want to listen to real music, listen to Tool or Breaking Benjamin. Most mainstream sucks. And Nickelback is no exception. If you're going to make a "new album", at least change some of the lyrics up...a big disgrace to rock...
  24. VinceG
    Sep 23, 2009
    its a damn shame Nickelback are decent enough musicians, because they're using up perfectly good blue collar rock riffs to back up some of the most unoriginal, bland and just plain moronic lyrics anyone has ever written. dont get me wrong kids, sex and drugs are fun, but artists with street cred find ways express their lust for women and drugs in a somewhat intelligent fashion. oh its a damn shame Nickelback are decent enough musicians, because they're using up perfectly good blue collar rock riffs to back up some of the most unoriginal, bland and just plain moronic lyrics anyone has ever written. dont get me wrong kids, sex and drugs are fun, but artists with street cred find ways express their lust for women and drugs in a somewhat intelligent fashion. oh and by the way, the first guy on the list here wants bands that don't suck to offer up? Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker, Pearl Jam, Sublime, Led Zeppelin. look em up, its what real music sounds like. better singing voice than chad kroger? Dallas Green, Arethra Franklin, Gord Downie, Mariah Carey, Chris Cornell. Expand
  25. TreyN
    Sep 1, 2009
    Best album they have put out....what amazes me is that so many people dis this, and every other cd, but never offer up a "real artist" to listen to so we can all have a stomping parade on them, mainly because their callow souls cannot take anyone dogging their musical taste, or "lack there-of". If a song sounds the same, they all complain. What do you want....a rock song followed by a Best album they have put out....what amazes me is that so many people dis this, and every other cd, but never offer up a "real artist" to listen to so we can all have a stomping parade on them, mainly because their callow souls cannot take anyone dogging their musical taste, or "lack there-of". If a song sounds the same, they all complain. What do you want....a rock song followed by a piano song, followed by Celtic music, followed by a rap song? Shame on a band to "explore" topics such as sex, drugs, etc, I mean, all artists talk about it, but it is only bad if a mainstream artist does (rolling my eyes)! You would be hard pressed to find any musical act that has not at 1 point or time talked about sex and drugs, unless you are listening to Opera, Classical, Celtic, or Christian! Get a grip and come up with some better excuses to bash Nickelback! Name someone with a better singing voice than Kroger....Cobain, lol!!! I am a singer, and his range is hard to match, but it is pretty easy to sing the candy a$$ songs of so called "artists" that get rave reviews. The people that bash this cd are the same people that wear short sleeved shirts over long sleeved shirts over short sleeved shirts.......grow up and get out of high school! Expand
  26. CharlieM
    Jul 26, 2009
    Crap from a band who could do much better. I saw them in concert in harford and made the mistake of taking my 12 yr old. It was the biggest porno show (dildos,filthy talk etc attempt at stand up comedy i ever saw...But at least they played 7 or 8 songs....just so disappointed.
  27. VanessaF
    Jun 10, 2009
    People should be ashamed to give this a high rating. Also, big LOL at the person saying Nickelback is for "normal" people. I'd like to think I'm a "normal" person, I just have the intelligence to discern utter crap from decent music. There's music I don't like and won't listen to, but can respect. This is just pure garbage, through and trhough. Every Nickelback People should be ashamed to give this a high rating. Also, big LOL at the person saying Nickelback is for "normal" people. I'd like to think I'm a "normal" person, I just have the intelligence to discern utter crap from decent music. There's music I don't like and won't listen to, but can respect. This is just pure garbage, through and trhough. Every Nickelback song sounds exactly the same. It's even been proven on many websites by playing 2 different songs out of the left and right speaker. This band is one of the biggest plagues on music, and makes me utterly embarrassed to know they are Canadian as well. Do us all a favour and go back to Alberta and STAY THERE. Expand
  28. CCRocks
    Jun 5, 2009
    Ok, maybe not one of the best albums of all time, but hey given the mediocre post grunge/alt rock offerings in today's music market it's not that bad. Yes the songs are pretty repetitive, but look at bands like Slayer who have rehashed the same old crap since the mid 80's. Stop whining and take it for what it is!! Chad may be the king of cheese, yes he writes some Ok, maybe not one of the best albums of all time, but hey given the mediocre post grunge/alt rock offerings in today's music market it's not that bad. Yes the songs are pretty repetitive, but look at bands like Slayer who have rehashed the same old crap since the mid 80's. Stop whining and take it for what it is!! Chad may be the king of cheese, yes he writes some irritatingly catchy tunes, but if you don't like it go check out some some o' that euro beat dance crap. Expand
  29. MikeF.
    Apr 25, 2009
    I think the real problem is, just sheer repetitive boring music. And i know im not the first to say it. But the themes they explore in this album like sex, and drugs and stuff have been explored by other and better bands and have been expressed with far greater artistic merit. I think Chad and his band of meat head musicians need to pack it up and hang their guitars up for the sake of humanity.
  30. MikkT
    Apr 3, 2009
    Perfect album for fans, radiolisteners, and for critics to get their teeth into.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 5 out of 15
  1. The band's Beavis- like embrace of rock & roll debauchery is a sort of marvel of low art.
  2. Lange keeps things rolling--and to his credit, Chad Kroeger gratifyingly comes off as more of a regular guy than a rock star.
  3. The hilarious, parodic single 'Rockstar' excepted, Nickelback's music reaffirms every sex-and-stupidity cliche hard rock can offer.