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Universal acclaim- based on 285 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 14 out of 285

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  1. AndyB.
    Oct 10, 2008
    Cookie Mountain was an amazing album, but this is not just TVOTR's best work to date, but one of the complete, individual and well written I have heard in years. Best album I have heard all year by a long way. There will always be ratings like that of 'under the radar' but don't let that put you off. And to be honest who reads under the radar anyway.
  2. BriC
    Oct 15, 2008
    All you have to do is give it a little bit of time to sink in. When it does, the intricate music, addictive drum machines and lyrics THAT ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE will pull you in. Every song fits perfectly, the album soars to a height from the first song and stays there until the very last note of track eleven. Amazing. I love this album.
  3. WillC.
    Sep 22, 2008
    I would vote it a 10.1 if I could.
  4. HugoT
    Sep 25, 2008
    Seems, we're now listenign to something else entirely. For this New year the NEW TV on The Radio are like a New Batman in music. Komplex, great, thrilling and probably this years finest.
  5. ThunderousOlympian
    Sep 28, 2008
    Mostly I found TVOTR's other two records to be somewhat unpleasant to listen to, but Dear Science has forced me to finally jump on the's innovative but I also would feel comfortable playing it at a's like The Roots on an acid trip.
  6. UjnH.
    Sep 30, 2008
    I can't take the CD out of my Car Stereo... it's TOO good.
  7. TobyH
    Oct 4, 2009
    A great album, if a little irritating at times. Bursting with infectiously creative energy, the best tracks are Crying, Red Dress, Love Dog, and the horrendously-aggressive-but-scarily-catchy DLZ. TV On The Radio are much better when they go for excitement over contemplation (with the exception of Family Tree, the slow tracks, Stork & Owl and the overly-long Lover's Day, just dont A great album, if a little irritating at times. Bursting with infectiously creative energy, the best tracks are Crying, Red Dress, Love Dog, and the horrendously-aggressive-but-scarily-catchy DLZ. TV On The Radio are much better when they go for excitement over contemplation (with the exception of Family Tree, the slow tracks, Stork & Owl and the overly-long Lover's Day, just dont work for me). Anyway, well worth getting, mostly brilliant! Guaranteed to cheer you up! Expand
  8. Ollie
    Feb 6, 2009
    I love this album. Why? Because it sounds like nothing else; its fresh, deep and....blatantly insane-ly freakin' awesome. Theres never a time when i dont play any songs of it when i drive. There never will be a time. Genius.
  9. PBowen
    Oct 1, 2008
    Brooklyn rules and these guys are a big reason why.
  10. Mike
    Oct 1, 2008
    Good stuff. Cant wait to see them play live.
  11. MV
    Dec 1, 2008
    At the end of the day, it's all about different tastes. Another reviewer pointed out that TV has moved past the mowtown/industrial and into a sort of Talking Heads/ Bowie sort of vibe. And while some may view this (accurate) description as a negative thing - it couldn't be a more rewarding album to listen to. To say TV on the Radio have 'matured' would be wrong; they At the end of the day, it's all about different tastes. Another reviewer pointed out that TV has moved past the mowtown/industrial and into a sort of Talking Heads/ Bowie sort of vibe. And while some may view this (accurate) description as a negative thing - it couldn't be a more rewarding album to listen to. To say TV on the Radio have 'matured' would be wrong; they have evolved. 'Dear Science' is one of 2008s highlights. Expand
  12. Will
    Oct 24, 2008
    Surely destined to be a classic? By far and away the most exciting release of 2008, even if it has been a poor year for music.
  13. JodieL
    Oct 26, 2008
    It still beggars belief that so many people give such high ratings to albums (not just this, any album), a rating of 10 should be reserved for one of the greatest album(s) you've ever listened to (I would only have 3 and own over 1000 albums). I have tried on numerous occasions to get into TV On The Radio, but alas every time I listen to one of their albums I get the feeling I could It still beggars belief that so many people give such high ratings to albums (not just this, any album), a rating of 10 should be reserved for one of the greatest album(s) you've ever listened to (I would only have 3 and own over 1000 albums). I have tried on numerous occasions to get into TV On The Radio, but alas every time I listen to one of their albums I get the feeling I could be listening to something in a similar genre that is so much better (like The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds). It's good, but it doesn't set the world on fire, some of the songs are incredibly weak in lyricism (as bastu said, "he's a what?, he's a what?, he's a newspaper man, and he gets his best ideas from a newspaper stand" come on be serious, love and dove also rhyme), even though the music is good that will never save an album. If you really want a good album spend your dough on. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago Spiritualized - Songs In A&E Joan As Police Woman - To Survive Portishead - Third. These are much superior albums. Expand
  14. Tab
    Oct 4, 2008
    Occasionally, when he isn't pulling the talk-singing style, his voice breaks into Prince's effeminate falsetto. Dark, electronic music with high production. The message is: "If you don't like this album then you're not worthy of it." And you know what? That just make me want to tell pretentious horseshit like this to fuck off.
  15. SeanP.
    Oct 7, 2008
    Siteh proves once more why he probably did deserve to be number 1 on NME's list.
  16. DarrylM.
    Oct 8, 2008
    "Dear Science, spends its 50 minutes in flux between several worlds, none of them particularly memorable." -Under The Radar Worst. Review. Ever. Look, I'm not expecting everyone to like this album, but, please, not memorable? The production is too elaborate, the voices too distinct, the structures too unconventional to not make it memorable. In my mind, this is a perfect, memorable album.
  17. bastu
    Oct 8, 2008
    Everyone seems to failed to have noticed that it has none of the intricacy, charm or, god forbid, personality that made all of their previous music so good. Beautiful layered vocals or sitek's oft hailed instrumentation, no bugger that... get a drum machine and sing "he's a what? he's a what? he's a newspaper man and he gets his best ideas from a newspaper stand". I Everyone seems to failed to have noticed that it has none of the intricacy, charm or, god forbid, personality that made all of their previous music so good. Beautiful layered vocals or sitek's oft hailed instrumentation, no bugger that... get a drum machine and sing "he's a what? he's a what? he's a newspaper man and he gets his best ideas from a newspaper stand". I despair. And who knows what's wrong with all you people claiming it's the best thing since sliced bread... Depressing. Expand
  18. C.O.J.
    Sep 24, 2008
    This record has me giddy. I actually look forward to the drive home now. Consider this a must buy.
  19. Jay
    Sep 25, 2008
    I agree with Alex's comments. Red Dress annoys me too, but I respect it, if that makes sense. The rest of the album is brilliant. Stand outs include Golden Age, Crying, Halfway Home, Shout Me Out, the Stork and Owl, and my personal favorite Family Tree is absolutely beautiful.
  20. Devn
    Sep 26, 2008
    Wonderful. This will be near the very top of my "best albums of the year" list, for sure, as it will be for many others. I've been a big fan of TV on the Radio for years, and I'm not in the least bit put off by the production values or the broadened songwriting on this album. They continue to strike an amazing balance between noise and pop sensibility, and the added polish only Wonderful. This will be near the very top of my "best albums of the year" list, for sure, as it will be for many others. I've been a big fan of TV on the Radio for years, and I'm not in the least bit put off by the production values or the broadened songwriting on this album. They continue to strike an amazing balance between noise and pop sensibility, and the added polish only lends listenability without detracting from that vision. Kudos! Expand
  21. YanK.
    Sep 27, 2008
    This is David Bowie's best album in decades. I don't know why he started calling himself "TV on the Radio," though.
  22. DanL
    Sep 29, 2008
    I've found it hard to get into past albums from TV on the Radio, but Dear Science just grabbed my attention right from the start. There's much beauty and depth to be uncovered here. "Halfway House" is downright amazing, I love it more each time I hear it. "Crying", "Golden Age" and "DLZ" are a few of my other favorites on the album, but there's really not one stinker to be I've found it hard to get into past albums from TV on the Radio, but Dear Science just grabbed my attention right from the start. There's much beauty and depth to be uncovered here. "Halfway House" is downright amazing, I love it more each time I hear it. "Crying", "Golden Age" and "DLZ" are a few of my other favorites on the album, but there's really not one stinker to be found here. All killer, no filler... best album I've heard all year. Expand
  23. JonathanA
    Sep 29, 2008
    A fine album, impressive as a whole instead of relying on powerful singles though several songs are certainly single-worthy. This is a great example of how you develop and expand your band's style without turning to gimmicks or sacrificing what was good before. I don't think it's perfect, some of the lyrics are just mediocre imo, but the majority of this disc is awesome.
  24. JamesJ.
    Sep 29, 2008
    Really great album, consistently solid throughout. My second favorite of the year thus far, behind Bon Iver
  25. emilywilde
    Jan 9, 2009
    Jay, give it up you Too-cool-for-school hipster bitch. TV on the Radio's sound has definitely changed but that doesn't mean it isn't any good anymore. Clearly your jeans are too tight and your fauxhawk is affecting your ability to think.
  26. GLC
    Feb 4, 2009
    Cliffy B - the reason you can't listen to this album is because it's overcompressed. That's right - David Sitek decided to follow in the footsteps of "mainstream" bands and make his band physically unlistenable on any sort of half-decent sound system. Suffice to say, I will not be buying the next album without thorough research. I loved Cookie Mountain, but I won't Cliffy B - the reason you can't listen to this album is because it's overcompressed. That's right - David Sitek decided to follow in the footsteps of "mainstream" bands and make his band physically unlistenable on any sort of half-decent sound system. Suffice to say, I will not be buying the next album without thorough research. I loved Cookie Mountain, but I won't listen to another track from this crapfest again. Expand
  27. EvilEd
    Feb 6, 2009
    Another of those bands which are percieved to be cool and so people jump on the band wagon. Like Elbow the songs are ok but not brilliant. You will bore fro this album after a few listens.
  28. GaryC.
    Oct 11, 2008
    Sheer brilliance!
  29. RaphS
    Oct 18, 2008
    Good, if not great, album but certainly not music-defining, career-defining, genre-defining etc etc too much aping of talking heads, prince and others for it to be the best thing since sliced bread. more like a pitchfork-style 7.8
  30. MusicMaven
    Oct 2, 2008
    TV On The Radio bring their high-concept art-pop down to earth with a welcome infusion of danceable funk. It's both their best and most accessible work yet.
  31. NdukaA.
    Oct 4, 2008
    Just a f****g masterpiece. You want to dance and cry at the same time, but you mostly just sit there and listen, spellbound, mesmerized.
  32. TylerK.
    Oct 4, 2008
    Not quite Cookie Mountain, I don't want to say they phoned it in but some of these are very marginal sped up dance rock tunes. They need to return to the soulful ways of the past two. Having said that there are a few good tracks on here, Halfway Home and Family Tree are very moving
  33. ScottF.
    Oct 6, 2008
    Their previous albums were haunting and beautiful. This one adds fun.
  34. OwenL.
    Oct 7, 2008
    Beautifully constructed, this is the best album of the year, and a major step for the most inspired band of the decade. Kudos.
  35. AlexH.
    Sep 22, 2008
    Truly an amazing album. This is the first I have heard of them and they have a new fan.
  36. MannyB.
    Sep 23, 2008
    One word: brilliant.
  37. MaxM.
    Sep 23, 2008
    FINALLY. The New TVOTR album. Did they live up to the hype: obviously, yes. Their songs are sexy and the melody brings out a good Carpe Diem feeling. Dear Science reminds me of the Talking Heads.
  38. Aaron
    Sep 23, 2008
    They never cease to amaze. Red Dress is great to speed through town, blasting on your stereo with the windows down.
  39. BrandonT.
    Sep 23, 2008
    TVOTR made a record that feels like a condensed and more colorfull version of Return to Cookie Mountain. The songs act more as songs, but their is still a feeling of hysteria lurking behind the corner. It's just that now, whatever it is that's lurking is probably a little bi-polar and slighly less scary. The pop funk of "Crying" and "Red Dress" equate to two of the bands best TVOTR made a record that feels like a condensed and more colorfull version of Return to Cookie Mountain. The songs act more as songs, but their is still a feeling of hysteria lurking behind the corner. It's just that now, whatever it is that's lurking is probably a little bi-polar and slighly less scary. The pop funk of "Crying" and "Red Dress" equate to two of the bands best songs that actully fit into a known song structure. The whole record is consistent, and even when things slow down on tracks like "Family Tree" and "Stork and Owl", where most bands would lose steam, TVOTR is good enough musicall to make those parts compelling. It isn't a perfect album, but for this band to make a record that still sounds like them, is still of extremely high quality, and is as all-over-the-place as anything they have done, the fact that it's 50 plus minutes fly by at what seems like half the speed of RTCM indicates that this great band is improving, and could get even better. For now though, we'll bang Dear Science, - a record that runs fast, runs wild, and runs deep. Expand
  40. Mark
    Sep 23, 2008
    This thing is amazing. hands down my favorite album of the year.
  41. AlexM.
    Sep 23, 2008
    On their first official release in 2004, Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes, the band grew from the homestyle recording quality of OK Calculator. The songs' structures solidified, but the music stayed roughly the same (just with the added difference of a better recording). It's a very personal album. Their 2nd official release, Return to Cookie Mountain, sought a more mature On their first official release in 2004, Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes, the band grew from the homestyle recording quality of OK Calculator. The songs' structures solidified, but the music stayed roughly the same (just with the added difference of a better recording). It's a very personal album. Their 2nd official release, Return to Cookie Mountain, sought a more mature sound. It was also a much darker sounding album. They had money to do grade-A professional stuff and they did it. And it was fantastic. Dear Science, sounds like they took what was best about Desperate Youth and what was best about Return and combined the two into a professional and personal album. It's like they read my mind. I absolutely love strawberry jelly. But I also love peanut butter. I will occasionally eat one or the other by itself from time to time. But God bless the man who figured out that both go great together between two pieces of bread. This is what the band have done. They have mixed their peanut butter with their jelly and added the necessary bread to produce a very cohesive album. Expand
  42. Alex
    Sep 24, 2008
    Oh Finally something worth talking about this year...Great Album probably the best this year the only bad thing about this album is "Red Dress" (It doesn't fit in this album it just annoys me whenever it comes on) But everything else is awesome.
  43. VitoV.
    Sep 24, 2008
    As of now, the best record of this year.
  44. g
    Sep 24, 2008
    At a first listening it is their easier album..but also the most impressive.
  45. JamesS.
    Sep 24, 2008
    This is a truly excellent album, it fully holds up beneath of the weight of the expectations that Return to Cookie Mountain had laid out. TVotR continue their streak of stellar first tracks with the gorgeous Halfway Home, and follow up with a string of high points, particularly Red Dress and DLZ. Just beautiful all the way around.
  46. NoahK.
    Sep 24, 2008
    Brilliant. Even better than Return to Cookie Mountain. I simply don't understand how anyone can give this anything less than a 9.
  47. MattJ
    Sep 25, 2008
    Simply awesome, though theres nothing simple about the music. May take some a few listens. If your not impressed by this initially, give it a couple of go's. There a lot to take in the first couple of listens.
  48. DavidD.
    Sep 25, 2008
    Many layers of beauty and ideas with little sparks of references to other great music - after listening you feel like its not just an album you heard but a great weekend show you experienced with masses of humanity .
  49. TVRadio
    Sep 25, 2008
    Simply amazing. Every Track is spot on. This is how MGMT would sound like if they had some groove. the combination of rock, pop and electro never sounded better. A must have for the open minded.
  50. MichaelJ
    Sep 25, 2008
    It's alright, their most accessible yet least rewarding album. Consider me half-off the bandwagon.
  51. MikeC
    Sep 26, 2008
    Utterly brilliant
  52. JohnB.
    Sep 26, 2008
    Another kick ass album from TV on the Radio
  53. CarlF
    Sep 26, 2008
    Really great album. Much more accesible than their previous album, but not in a bad way. They have succeeded in following "Return To Cookie Mountain". Key tracks: All of them
  54. DerekS
    Sep 26, 2008
    Brilliant, and very accessible for a TVOTR album.
  55. AlexL.
    Sep 26, 2008
    Incredible. TV on the Radio went above and beyond on this album. I didn't really enjoy it through the first listen... but it's one of those albums you'll have seeping into your brain and be dying to get out of work so you can listen to its smooth melodies. I'm hooked.
  56. BobN.
    Sep 27, 2008
    Return to Cookie Mountain was a great CD. Wolf Like Me is one of my favorite songs of all time-it simply rocks, with a deep emotional base. Nonetheless, I couldn't listen to it with others-they hated the off key screaming. This CD, Dear Science is better. Still different, still TVOTR, but more accessible. The only song I dislike is Golden Age. Every other song is fantastic. Most Return to Cookie Mountain was a great CD. Wolf Like Me is one of my favorite songs of all time-it simply rocks, with a deep emotional base. Nonetheless, I couldn't listen to it with others-they hated the off key screaming. This CD, Dear Science is better. Still different, still TVOTR, but more accessible. The only song I dislike is Golden Age. Every other song is fantastic. Most folks hail bands that go out of their way to be different as great artists, even though the crap they throw together is not soothing to the ears or intrinsically decent. Sadly, many TVOTR fans do just this. Dear Science is a truly good CD. Go out and buy it now, you will not regret it. Expand
  57. Matias
    Sep 27, 2008
    Most solid album by TVOTR so far. Great stuff.
  58. ChrisJ.
    Sep 27, 2008
    Pure tv for the ears. i like the down-tempo stuff best.
  59. OllieG.
    Sep 27, 2008
    Nearly had a seizure about 8 times upon first listen. Incredibel album - dare I say their best work to date? I thinks so!
  60. CurtisH.
    Sep 28, 2008
    The best album this year, hands down.
  61. DK
    Sep 28, 2008
    Best album since In Rainbows. Big step forward from RTCM. And that was a great album. An essential recording, imo.
  62. LamyChopin
    Sep 28, 2008
    Funk yeah.
  63. DerekJ.
    Sep 29, 2008
    Ridiculously good. One of my favorites of 2008. Play loud.
  64. JoeS.
    Sep 29, 2008
    Not bad, but I was disappointment by this new one (especially after all the gushing reviews). It's like they equalized all the peaks and valleys of Return To Cookie Mountain. Nothing that doesn't work like in the last one, but also nothing that soars as high as in the last one either.
  65. LexieM
    Jan 13, 2009
    This album is amazingly fresh, blending the latest musical experiments with tried and true themes. I love it's references to the best of the '80s, and how they invent new musical moments. A real gem.
  66. SeanP
    Jan 18, 2009
    OH NO. This album is approachable. Its terrifying. I usually listen to music that alienate my friends and makes them feel inferior to my great skills of being able to surf the fucking internet and pick music that sounds to fucking artsy to be true. But now there are Raps and Dance music (although done amazingly well with a great overarching theme). What kind of shit is this? And I cant OH NO. This album is approachable. Its terrifying. I usually listen to music that alienate my friends and makes them feel inferior to my great skills of being able to surf the fucking internet and pick music that sounds to fucking artsy to be true. But now there are Raps and Dance music (although done amazingly well with a great overarching theme). What kind of shit is this? And I cant believe a bunch of unpaid reviewers on this site are just handing out tens. I mean the people here are ridiculous. Thinking this album is one of the greats. Them and their damn opinions. Now I'm going to list a bunch of albums that have nothing to do with this C.D. so that my opinion becomes validated. How about its a great C.D. that captures our time in America perfectly without feeling depressing. We are in a bad time. Its good to hear someone capture our feelings perfectly. God forbid we dance into dark times and not bitch. Expand
  67. ScottW.
    Apr 30, 2009
    One of the best constructed rock albums of the 2000s. TV On The Radio's best so far. Its artsy but still very much good rock. The band has fun with the songs, yet keeps them coming with a experimental freshness that very few bands can pull off.
  68. krishans
    May 12, 2009
    Been listening to this for almost 6 moths now. Everyday. Still not bored. Maybe never will be.
  69. Michael
    May 28, 2009
    The critical babble heaped upon Dear Science is concerning, as it is certainly not the absolute best album of 2008, as many will tell you. Almost by default, it has attained this status. If you have enough critics and fans plumping it their top 25 or 50 of the year, of course it will end up it the top ten of that list. If you look at the overly positive critic reviews, they actually The critical babble heaped upon Dear Science is concerning, as it is certainly not the absolute best album of 2008, as many will tell you. Almost by default, it has attained this status. If you have enough critics and fans plumping it their top 25 or 50 of the year, of course it will end up it the top ten of that list. If you look at the overly positive critic reviews, they actually don't make any sense! Greatness is measured in the music itself, not because someone tells you it is. There was beauty abound in TV on the Radio's previous work. In Dear Science, the band's trademark atmosphere is all but lost to anonymous/annoying beats and over-reaching lyrics. But the greatest criticism I have for this album is its indifference. The band never sticks its neck out on Dear Science in search for something potentially great. But as I said earlier, much worse than the actual album is the generally very poor critiquing of it. Oh well. Expand
  70. DJDJ
    May 6, 2009
    GLC what the heck are you tliking about!!! this is one of the best albums of the last 10 years. OVERCOMPRESSED,CRAPFEST!!! the production shimers and the songs are perfect. If you dont want to listen to this then don't, but I most certainly will be.
  71. MingV
    Sep 11, 2009
    In my definition, music is all about to erupt emotions but not to engulf us in thoughts. If the reverse is true then I'll consider this album to be great. What it lacks is any truly emotional tune-ups at any moment. A little bit of dullness and a lot of turgidity, to sum up.
  72. myrrhman
    Nov 1, 2008
    This album is an identity crisis. Crying is the only song that hints at what the album could have been, but Red Dress and Family Tree are so embarrassing and faceless. Dancing Any band could have written those songs, and even though I think Lover's Day is one of the better tracks, it still lacks what the band is about is filled with unnecessary pomp to compensate for it's This album is an identity crisis. Crying is the only song that hints at what the album could have been, but Red Dress and Family Tree are so embarrassing and faceless. Dancing Any band could have written those songs, and even though I think Lover's Day is one of the better tracks, it still lacks what the band is about is filled with unnecessary pomp to compensate for it's shallowness. Not to mention Dancing Choose is a trainwreck of a song. Expand
  73. MarkS.
    Oct 16, 2008
    Accelerate through to the next revolution on some excelllent laser beaming R&R Bohemian blues for our tour through troubled times.
  74. CliffyB
    Dec 17, 2008
    Two words: pure GARBAGE. I'm sorry, I really loved (exactly) three tunes off of "Return to Cookie Mountain", so I was looking forward to at least, oh, maybe ONE song that I could play with some volume without being embarrassed. I bought this, popped it into my CD player, and resisted the temptation to hit FAST FORWARD a good 15 seconds into every song. I forced myself to listen to Two words: pure GARBAGE. I'm sorry, I really loved (exactly) three tunes off of "Return to Cookie Mountain", so I was looking forward to at least, oh, maybe ONE song that I could play with some volume without being embarrassed. I bought this, popped it into my CD player, and resisted the temptation to hit FAST FORWARD a good 15 seconds into every song. I forced myself to listen to this festering squirrel turd of an album and now I want my wasted life back! TV on the Radio needs to either lay off the drugs, or switch to another form of intoxication, because these songs make me physically ill! Expand
  75. MatthewA.
    Sep 22, 2008
    This is a 10. Return to Cookie Mountain was easier to admire than it was to love: in other words, I found myself acknowledging that the album was impressive more than I found myself actually wanting to listen to it. Dear Science completely changes that. I think production is a big thing. It is much more inviting and, dare I say it, accessible here than it was on their previous albums. This is a 10. Return to Cookie Mountain was easier to admire than it was to love: in other words, I found myself acknowledging that the album was impressive more than I found myself actually wanting to listen to it. Dear Science completely changes that. I think production is a big thing. It is much more inviting and, dare I say it, accessible here than it was on their previous albums. This does not hinder their creativity in the slightest-it just increases the chance that your girlfriend might actually be open to listening to it. By far the best album so far this year (edging out Elbow and Neon Neon's also excellent albums). Expand
  76. GregB.
    Sep 23, 2008
    Album of the year. Hands down. Killer music with killer melodies and spectacular vocals.
  77. Homer
    Sep 23, 2008
    it´s a good record but Return to Cookie Mountain is much better.
  78. ChK
    Sep 23, 2008
    Well, I think it's best album I've hard recently.
  79. MusaS.
    Sep 23, 2008
    Possibly the best album of the year from Halfway Home to Lovers Day i couldn't put my headphones down.The also astounding feat is that this is a black indie rock band,which i yet to ever see.
  80. GeoffG.
    Sep 23, 2008
    Thoroughly enjoyed this release. Their sound has transcended into a slower and spacier feel, with less emphasis on the lead singer's howling vocals and more on catchy instrumental riffs. This CD is as if Skeletal Lamping had a three way with Apologies to the Queen Mary and In Ghost Colours, and nobody knows who the father is. Very enjoyable stuff which I would suggest to anyone and Thoroughly enjoyed this release. Their sound has transcended into a slower and spacier feel, with less emphasis on the lead singer's howling vocals and more on catchy instrumental riffs. This CD is as if Skeletal Lamping had a three way with Apologies to the Queen Mary and In Ghost Colours, and nobody knows who the father is. Very enjoyable stuff which I would suggest to anyone and everyone. This is music, people. Expand
  81. WesM.
    Sep 23, 2008
    Disarmingly accessible, Dear Science is 11 great songs with 5 relatively uneven (but still really good) bonus tracks. Highly recommended!
  82. EdwardS.
    Sep 24, 2008
    An absolute gem. The growth,creativity and Intelligence of TV on the Radio is a refreshing breath of air. Album of the year.
  83. DonnieB.
    Sep 24, 2008
    Very solid album, each song reveals new layers each time you listen. Better every time through.
  84. JBones
    Sep 24, 2008
    Just when I thought they could not top Return To Cookie Mountain, they do it with ease.
  85. DavidM
    Sep 24, 2008
    I think TVOTR is the band of this decade. They are one of very few bands making new, fresh, original, unique, Now music. Dear Science is full of ideas, rhytms, harmonies, all at least interesting and at best thrilling and transcendant. They're clearly not trying to make million selling pop singles , yet this album is appealing and enjoyable in it's own strange way. I can't I think TVOTR is the band of this decade. They are one of very few bands making new, fresh, original, unique, Now music. Dear Science is full of ideas, rhytms, harmonies, all at least interesting and at best thrilling and transcendant. They're clearly not trying to make million selling pop singles , yet this album is appealing and enjoyable in it's own strange way. I can't stop listening to it. Expand
  86. [Anonymous]
    Sep 24, 2008
    Fun and awesome. Ive found more to enjoy here than on Return to Cookie Mtn.
  87. LawrenceP
    Sep 24, 2008
    It's pop music with soul and brains!
  88. FrancescoP.
    Sep 25, 2008
    Solid album, different that RTQM with an overall slower, mellower pace with a few fast and frantic tracks. Less noise and the multivocal choruses are absent(shamefully) instead we found cleaner guitars, but still a great great album. One of the best albums of the year so far next to Bon Iver.
  89. MarcosV.
    Sep 25, 2008
    Hands down, the best of the year. I don't need to listen to any other record. The waiting for this album worth a lot.
  90. David
    Sep 25, 2008
    Yes yes. This is great on the very first listen, im loving it-
  91. JamesF.
    Sep 25, 2008
    Far and away the best album of 2008. Puts everything else to shame. "DLZ" is absolutely sublime.
  92. ErichF.
    Sep 25, 2008
    This album should reinstill your faith in not only the music industry and life in general. If it does not you are soulless. TVOTR proves genius in their ability to seamlessly meld intellectually driven art rock with pop sensibility. Their Musicianship shines in EVERY track. Only good things will come of this band.
  93. JonasM.
    Sep 25, 2008
    Only a couple tracks grabbed me at first, but I was kind of expecting that as RTCM was the same for me. Each of the 7 or 8 times I've spun it so far has revealed a track or moment it turns out I love. Would not be a bit surprised if Dear Science, like this band's previous outing, slowly sneaks it's way into being my very favorite record of the year when all is said and Only a couple tracks grabbed me at first, but I was kind of expecting that as RTCM was the same for me. Each of the 7 or 8 times I've spun it so far has revealed a track or moment it turns out I love. Would not be a bit surprised if Dear Science, like this band's previous outing, slowly sneaks it's way into being my very favorite record of the year when all is said and done. 'Halfway Home' and 'DLZ' are fist-pounders and 'Love Dog' has just about brought me to tears. Expand
  94. PabloG.
    Sep 26, 2008
    Superlative! new and refresh.
  95. Dan
    Sep 26, 2008
    Wow...that's all I can say. It's been years since an album has completely blew me away like this. EASILY the #1 album of the year.
  96. AndrewD.
    Sep 26, 2008
    Its not perfect, but its the best album of the year, and i think thats enough to warrant a 10.
  97. Mr.Sherwood
    Sep 27, 2008
    Look, in the lanscape of great albums, is this GNR Appetite, the first Boston record, or even Neutral Milk's Aeroplane? Well, no. Will it have any lasting influence on new artists a decade from now? Doubt it. However, it is the perfect record for our times. Wildly accessible, yet pushing the boundaries of the mainstream. Too smart to cross-over? Probably, but it could. "Crying" is Look, in the lanscape of great albums, is this GNR Appetite, the first Boston record, or even Neutral Milk's Aeroplane? Well, no. Will it have any lasting influence on new artists a decade from now? Doubt it. However, it is the perfect record for our times. Wildly accessible, yet pushing the boundaries of the mainstream. Too smart to cross-over? Probably, but it could. "Crying" is better than any Timbaland-produced song that has been on pop or urban radio in the memorable past. And it more wierdly funky than Beck at his best. This record is an incredible sum of its many influences than something that is going to influence further on, but god bless em for it. My hat is off to TVotR. May they keep making records as enjoyable as this for a really really long time. Expand
  98. SamwiseG.
    Sep 28, 2008
    TV on the Radio Lite: for people who thought "Wolf Like Me" was the best track on Return to Cookie Mountain. Mediocre at best.
  99. DanD.
    Sep 28, 2008
    Amazing! Captures many moods. Some of the remixes are a bit much but with just the originals in mind its the best album I've heard in a long time...
  100. drunkenstepdaddad
    Sep 29, 2008
    Get out and catch tvotr's live show - expect to have a good time.

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. There’s a sense of purpose here, of direction and clarity, shafts of accessibility that relegate the din to the background without ever compromising the potentially hostile underbelly of the band’s core sound.
  2. 90
    Throughout Dear Science, TV on the Radio--which includes the rhythm section of bassist Gerard Smith and drummer Jaleel Bunton--flesh out Adebimpe's and Malone's ruminations with relentlessly inventive arrangements that make even familiar sentiments seem fresh.
  3. On Dear Science, TVOTR finds a more traditional consistency, transmuting that dirty experimentalism into a lush cleanliness that eases--rather than hurls--its songs into the art-making ether.