• Record Label: SQE
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. May 23, 2014
    Every element dances on the verge of clipping or glitching, and The Faint's brand of controlled chaos holds the album together like a corset.
  2. Magnet
    May 19, 2014
    A comeback triumph that exchanges the desiccated roboticism of its predecessor for the vital, maniac, seductively imperfect epic exuberance. [No. 109, p.55]
  3. May 1, 2014
    The Faint have come back in from the cold with the release of Doom Abuse, and frankly it's like they never went away.
  4. 90
    The Faint have finally hit upon the idea of letting all of those varying sounds simply collapse in on one another, only to arrive at an album that sounds the most like them, even if we’ve never quite heard it before.
  5. Uncut
    Apr 28, 2014
    Its hard-edged synth-punk is grittier and harsher this time around, perhaps their best collection since 2001's Danse Macabre.
  6. Apr 15, 2014
    It’s a fun album, an album that the world is better for having, but hardly something you hope other musicians hear and emulate.
  7. Apr 9, 2014
    The lyrical content is the same paranoid, anti-establishment apocalypse they’ve been writing since Dance Macabre, and while the music is a shift back to the grime that was absent from Fasciinatiion, it’s still The Faint holding to their new wave revival.
  8. Apr 8, 2014
    Whether agitated or brooding, Doom Abuse is a pointed reminder that The Faint is most comfortable when things are slightly askew.
  9. Alternative Press
    Apr 7, 2014
    Doom Abuse is great, if only as a reminder of how good Blank-Wave Arcade was way, way back in 1999. [May 2014, p.91]
  10. Apr 7, 2014
    Doom Abuse is most enjoyable when its superficial slapstick is at its most pronounced, which is most of the time.
  11. Apr 7, 2014
    Equal parts whimsical and despondent, it's Disintegration-era Cure wearing an Imagine Dragons hoodie that's trying to have an LCD Soundsystem, "All My Friends" moment, and while the Faint don't quite pull it off, they're all the better for trying.
  12. Apr 7, 2014
    Doom Abuse is a cathartic slap in the face from a band that sounds completely revitalized after its multi-year slumber.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 2 out of 3
  1. Apr 28, 2014
    I just have to say that I love The Faint...but this album is easily their worst. Granted there are a few good tracks, but the rest of theI just have to say that I love The Faint...but this album is easily their worst. Granted there are a few good tracks, but the rest of the album is filled with songs that seem incredibly half-assed...like they named the track before they wrote it and just shouted the title over and over. There are a few select tracks on this album that I believe illustrate the progression that the band was looking to conquer with this album such as: Evil Voices and Damage Control. Overall, I am very disappointed with this album, The Faint has been one of my favorite bands for a long time and this album was a huge let down. Full Review »