• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Aug 20, 2013

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
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  1. When listening to Doris, you're going to want to have lyrics nearby or else you're going to miss well over half of what's being said. It makes for an album that's hard to listen to without putting in some effort, but the results speak for themselves as Doris proves to be both a rewarding and engrossing listen, even if there are still a few kinks to be worked out.
  2. Aug 19, 2013
    Doris is unsettled, messy, and takes a bit to sort, but there are codes to crack and rich rewards to reap, so enter with an open mind and prepare to leave exhausted.
  3. Aug 27, 2013
    Many of the best rap records are monochromatically single-minded, but then the other half, embrace contradictions as a weapon, rage hiding insecurities, heartless satire shielding weakness, such as Earl’s hero, early period Slim Shady.
  4. Aug 20, 2013
    What follows is Doris, a slow (rarely rising above 70 bpm), introspective album where Earl Sweatshirt combats pressures when returning to a life of stardom after time spent at a Samoa-based boarding school for troubled youths. 

  5. Aug 26, 2013
    It’s the work of a talented rapper who takes palpable pleasure in the possibilities of language.
  6. Aug 22, 2013
    Earl Sweatshirt is telling truths rather than forging fantasy, and Doris is a disturbed and penetrating journey into the mind of the boy that came back from Samoa.
  7. Aug 27, 2013
    Earl’s skills are incontestable, but at times, it feels like he has nothing to prove. Doris could have resulted in one big shrug fest, if it weren’t for the ferocity in Earl’s bars--which is probably all the leverage he needs.
  8. Aug 19, 2013
    It’s a work as notable for its technical achievements as its nuanced themes, and that’s almost as impressive considering that so many artists lack in one or both of those fields.
  9. Aug 21, 2013
    Doris is miles ahead of 2010’s Earl, and on it, Earl surpasses nearly all of his contemporaries (save perhaps “King of New York” Kendrick Lamar, who is comparatively a grizzled veteran at 26).
  10. Aug 19, 2013
    Where he has yet to master the art of making complete songs (“Uncle Al” clocks in under a minute long) and his diction tends to lacks clarity, Earl paints pictures in a manner more poetic than just about all within his peer group.
  11. Aug 20, 2013
    Doris features instrumental interludes, expanded mid-song diversions and enough surprise to warrant repeated--obsessive--evaluation.
  12. Mojo
    Oct 11, 2013
    There are perhaps too many guests, but this unassuming talisman clearly prefers sharing his space. [Nov 2013, p.84]
  13. He doesn’t want to be a powerhouse rap star. Doris may alienate people looking for him to be that. For everyone else, this is a powerful record.
  14. Aug 22, 2013
    Despite all the gifted-beyond-his-years hype, that over-arching concerns still feel inextricably teenaged, albeit precociously so.
  15. Aug 19, 2013
    With Doris, Odd Future’s Odysseus is finally back and chasing the ghosts out of his head.
  16. Aug 23, 2013
    Doris represents one of the most innovative and important hip-hop releases of the year. Not just because of the charm and intrigue of Earl’s story but because of the immense and understated level of his talent for writing rhymes.
  17. Aug 20, 2013
    Though the narratives are harder to follow, and the refrains more verbose (or simply absent), this music is still full of youthful anger. The nature of it is simply more suitable for a recent-high-school-graduate-aged kid grappling with more knotty insecurities. It’s also probable that much of Earl’s younger audience has grown up with him, and will relate to this impressive record even more deeply than his first.
  18. 83
    Doris displays some of those growing pains, but it also delivers a uniquely impressive collection of vicious beats and lyrics that make Magna Carta...Holy Grail sound like Marky Mark.
  19. Nov 26, 2013
    Doris may not get the party started, but it's still an inspiring album.
  20. Aug 19, 2013
    His rhyme schemes are as complex as ever, and these resolutely unpop beats--sticky-icky sample collages from producers including Pharrell, RZA and himself--are an ideal canvas.
  21. Aug 19, 2013
    Earl may be one of the quieter voices on Doris, but his dense, evocative sensibility dominates the album both lyrically and musically, making for exciting confirmation that one of rap's most technically accomplished voices has also got his conceptual vision firmly in place.
  22. Aug 20, 2013
    He's struggling to reconcile the unease of his past with the confusion of his present, but Doris proves that Earl's future is secure.
  23. Aug 22, 2013
    This is knockabout punchline rap made into high art, a psychedelic visionquest to the taqueria on a skateboard.
  24. Aug 26, 2013
    His trademark reticence (both this and 2010's Earl begin with voices needling him to speak) means he gives away too many verses: the best tracks are him and him alone.
  25. Aug 23, 2013
    It's to Earl's credit that he's managed to make the music he wants to, even if it's more of a rapper's rap record than one of any major crossover appeal.
  26. Aug 21, 2013
    Doris hits a couple more high points when Earl flirts with horrorcore.
  27. Uncut
    Oct 10, 2013
    A joy to listen to. [Nov 2013, p.69]
  28. Aug 23, 2013
    It's obvious there's still plenty of room for some maturing (especially with the group's approach to women), but it's nice to at least see a little progress to go along with the stunning music.
  29. Aug 19, 2013
    It’s not always focused, and it’s not always perfect, but that’s what real freedom feels like.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 249 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 249
  1. Aug 20, 2013
    Earl Sweatshirt's Doris is by far the best hip hop album to be released this year and even one of the finest albums to be released this yearEarl Sweatshirt's Doris is by far the best hip hop album to be released this year and even one of the finest albums to be released this year as well. Earl's lyrical ability is more top notch than ever! With some of the best production from The Neptunes and RZA and special features from fellow Odd Future Members: Domo Genesis, Frank Ocean & Tyler, The Creator including Vince Staples, Mac Miller & Casey Veggies. Doris is definitely the album Earl fans have been waiting for and after listening will be begging for more and will forget Earl's debut in 2010. Full Review »
  2. Aug 20, 2013
    Overall, this is definitely one of the most boring albums I've listened to in a while. Earl dropped the ball hard. Throughout, he sounded likeOverall, this is definitely one of the most boring albums I've listened to in a while. Earl dropped the ball hard. Throughout, he sounded like he was bored or just woke up when he recorded the songs and he regularly got outperformed on songs by features. The production, however, is pretty good. Full Review »
  3. Aug 20, 2013
    Earl is definitely one of the more talented OF members, and this project shows why Earl got so much attention back in 2010. It's incredible toEarl is definitely one of the more talented OF members, and this project shows why Earl got so much attention back in 2010. It's incredible to hear Earl rapping, and at his age, it's scary to think about how good he can get when he's discovering new technical abilities. The production on the album is rather simple, but fits well with Earl's fast and complex rhyme schemes.

    It seems earl knows very well that he's great at rapping, as 'Doris' is very anti-hook-ish (is that a term?). Overall, this is an incredible project from a kid who isn't even allowed to legally purchase alcohol.

    Best tracks, imo: Burgundy, Sunday, Chum, Molasses, Whoa.
    Full Review »