• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Mar 31, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
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  1. Apr 19, 2017
    Emperor of Sand, it seems, is a confident and timely step in the right direction. A balanced and well measured offering that might not revolutionise the heavy music landscape just yet, but positions them very well indeed for future greatness.
  2. Magnet
    Apr 14, 2017
    Emperor is solid, dexterously played hard rock from a band that used to crush listener skulls. [No. 141, p.59]
  3. 70
    Working again with producer Brendan O’Brien, Mastodon maintains their polished technical expertise. The album is clean but not scrubbed of feeling.
  4. Alternative Press
    Apr 6, 2017
    Mastodon prove they keep moving ahead with this rewarding album. [May 2017, p.80]
  5. Apr 3, 2017
    From the incendiary solos of “Word to the Wise” to the evocatively personal/universal lyrics (“The throne of maladies/ It’s right in front of me/ Your malignancy”), Emperor of Sand proves cathartic for the listener and, hopefully, for the band members as well.
  6. Apr 3, 2017
    Without fail, whenever a song on Emperor of Sand feels like it’s about to go overboard on the polish, the band takes it in a more jagged direction. Conversely, whenever a song runs close to rehashing Mastodon’s familiar bag of tricks, the band steps up its tastefulness and songcraft. The timing is so uncanny that you might not even notice.
  7. 90
    While Emperor of Sand is amongst their heaviest, proggiest material to date, it’s also the quartet at their most emotionally bare. Mastodon have dug deep into their darkest moments and have surfaced with one of the best albums of their career.
  8. Mar 31, 2017
    Unbelievably good and groundbreaking, even at a point in heavy metal history when every third band sounds more like Pink Floyd than Pantera.
  9. Mar 31, 2017
    Emperor Of Sand is both progressive and regressive, as Mastodon takes two different parts of its past and slaps them together. And while it occasionally works, more often than not Mastodon just sounds confused.
  10. Mar 31, 2017
    While it won’t fill the void left all those years ago in the mighty Leviathan’s wake and features a few gratingly saccharine moments, Emperor of Sand is full of passionate performances and serves as one of Mastodon’s most surprising and relatable releases yet
  11. Mar 30, 2017
    The first four tracks all follow a familiar template, with drummer Brann Dailor driving everything along at a breathless clip and big, alt-rock refrains that, as memorable as they are, exhibit little of Mastodon’s much-celebrated progressive instinct. But then things pick up.
  12. Mar 30, 2017
    Mostly, they find a middle ground that pays homage to the burly heft of Mastodon past and the heady rock they've always aspired to make.
  13. Kerrang!
    Mar 29, 2017
    A mature, provocative and at times genuinely beautiful piece of work. [1 Apr 2017, p.50]
  14. Mar 29, 2017
    In order to be true to themselves, Mastodon had to make Emperor of Sand at this time. There was no other option. As such, its urgency, sophistication, and emotional heft make it a necessary entry in their catalog.
  15. Mar 29, 2017
    Drawing as much from their past as well as their present, Mastodon refuse to go extinct just shy of two decades of music-making. Emperor of Sand is at once emotionally powerful and musically arresting.
  16. 80
    Mastodon have written the most personal album of their career, and in doing so perhaps their most pertinent too.
  17. Mar 29, 2017
    They have embraced mainstream success in the best way that would be possible, by sticking to a high concept and shredding their way through a heady, emotional backdrop while displaying their instrumental virtuosity amazingly.
  18. Mar 24, 2017
    With Emperor of Sand, Mastodon remains one of the most distinctive bands of its ilk, but like a beach that’s been combed over many times before, there’s precious little left to discover this time around.
  19. Mar 24, 2017
    Few bands out there twist metal into such bewildering, bewitching shapes, and--somehow--there’s little sign of their well running dry.
  20. 60
    There are passages of experimentation around this album’s edges, such as the post-nuclear drones of Roots Remain, and electronic effects that suggest prolonged exposure to mid-period Tangerine Dream. But Mastodon never really develop these intriguing tendencies.
  21. Uncut
    Mar 21, 2017
    The band maintain their impeccable standards for muscular riffage and structural sophistication while still making the occasional flourish that further confirms their shame-free allegiance to prog. [May 2017, p.35]
  22. Q Magazine
    Mar 21, 2017
    Show Yourself and Steambreather prove that its possible to perform challenging, complex material without being self-indulgent. [May 2017, p.108]
  23. Mojo
    Mar 21, 2017
    This is Mastodon rediscovering both their edge and their emotional resonance. [May 2017, p.96]
  24. Mar 21, 2017
    Converts of the group's mainstream exploits needn't fear: "Show Yourself" grooves on an indelible vocal hook, and grunge stomper "Steambreather" recalls another O'Brien collaborator, Stone Temple Pilots.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 76 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 76
  2. Negative: 6 out of 76
  1. Mar 31, 2017
    Emperor of Sand, no doubt, is Mastodon's most captive and emotional album yet. The melodies are dense, the riffs furious, epic refrains, deepEmperor of Sand, no doubt, is Mastodon's most captive and emotional album yet. The melodies are dense, the riffs furious, epic refrains, deep lyrics and stellar vocals, a perfect balance of melancholy beauty and euphoric apex. The ambiences of the songs are cinematographic, it feels like in the arid desert, or you come across a sandstorm and then plunge into a river of crystal clear water, although it is only a mirage. The choruses are the best already composed by the band, but despite containing a dense emotional level and an imbued melancholy, they manage to interact with more tense passages, full of anger and anguish, and even happy melodies that pass on a post-traumatic hope. It is a sum of elements that culminates in an epic and memorable work. Full Review »
  2. May 2, 2017
    Listening to this album, I definitely had a sense of pressure during this album. With the concept of Cancer being the main premise. MyListening to this album, I definitely had a sense of pressure during this album. With the concept of Cancer being the main premise. My favorite song has to be 'Andromeda' With that very Blood Mountain like riff during the bridge of the song. Overall, I think this would have to be one of my new favorites. And for sure something to keep me occupied as the pop storm blows by. Full Review »
  3. Apr 27, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Emperor of Sand is the 7th album by Mastodon, which tries to improve their convincing song-craft, which they have built since "The Hunter". As a fan of "Once more for the sun" I was excited to see if they could get it and improve their "new style" even more. Unhappy that this has not happened, the album is catchy and the abstract songwriting around the cancer-oriented album theme and technical instrumentals, make the album still solid and pleasant. The only problem I have with this album is that it feels worse than "Once More Around The Sun" cause of to edgy songs like "Show Yourself"
    Best Songs: Steambreather, Jaguar God, Word to the Wise
    Worst Songs:Show Yourself, Clandestiny
    Recommendations: I would recommend this Album defnetly for Fans of Mastodon and Metal and Rock listeners. its also a good get-into Album just like "The Hunter" and could even appeal to people who dont usually listen to Metal.
    Full Review »