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Generally favorable reviews- based on 828 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 94 out of 828

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  1. ShawnJ
    Dec 10, 2004
    Eminem sounds careless on this album. He takes his talent and fame for granted now. It is like he put this album out just because of popular demand, not because he wanted to put another masterpiece under his belt. Em, don't make music if you don't want to because thats how you are rapping on this album. The beats are mediocre also. Dre could have been more impressive.
  2. Chris
    Jan 27, 2005
    The Beats were lukewarm and the lyrics were average at best. Is this the same Eminem that appered on the Slim Shady LP because that dude should stop buy. There are some good songs on here but there are stupid ones like "Little Toy Soldiers" which is stupidness at it's best. He attacks Ja Rule and at the same time he says you got to stop the hating. He did okay but come on.
  3. Daniel
    Feb 4, 2005
    This is By far Eminem has produced better stuff than encore. I only really enjoyed a few songs on there Like: Toy Soldiers, Mockingbird, Yellow Brick Road and Just Lose It. Eminem is a much better artist than what was shown on this CD. Maybe it has something to do with how busy he
  4. KingMachine
    Mar 2, 2006
    His worst album so far. Pretty good though.
  5. MartijnV.
    Nov 12, 2004
    I was quite disappointed by this one. A couple good/funny songs but there are some very bad ones on this one. And overal his lyrics are not that great.
  6. BobN
    Nov 12, 2004
    Though there are a few half-decent tracks on the album, it simply doesn't compare to the Eminem we knew and loved years ago. He just doesn't seem to have that energetic spark that he is known for, and it shows in his work. Being a fan of Eminem, I was excited when I heard he was coming out with a new album, but after listening to Encore, I feel that he shoud've stopped Though there are a few half-decent tracks on the album, it simply doesn't compare to the Eminem we knew and loved years ago. He just doesn't seem to have that energetic spark that he is known for, and it shows in his work. Being a fan of Eminem, I was excited when I heard he was coming out with a new album, but after listening to Encore, I feel that he shoud've stopped after the success of the Marshal Mathers LP. Expand
  7. MarkusS
    Nov 15, 2004
    This is not the eminem i really makes me mad because i know he could do way better....i was lookin for more out of this cd but it was a let down
  8. ----Stenners!!!
    Nov 18, 2004
    Nothing more then Average im afraid and it is deffinetly his weakest to date. Despite having a few great tracks it has too many half assed attempts to make is a good album.
  9. Amanda
    Nov 30, 2004
    songs lack any real substance and meaning.
  10. Bee
    Oct 17, 2005
    I loved this cd, when I first listened to it, but now I'm getting pretty sick of the goofy songs. However, I love the songs "Mosh" "Mockingbird" and "Never Enough". If Eminem hadn't been so mind-blowing in the past, I don't think people would see this album so badly, but compared to his older work, it really isn't that great. I am a devoted and passionate Em fan, I loved this cd, when I first listened to it, but now I'm getting pretty sick of the goofy songs. However, I love the songs "Mosh" "Mockingbird" and "Never Enough". If Eminem hadn't been so mind-blowing in the past, I don't think people would see this album so badly, but compared to his older work, it really isn't that great. I am a devoted and passionate Em fan, I'll always love him, but this album really wasn't that great, it was only average. I'm hoping he'll do better in the future. Expand
  11. RussellD.
    Sep 24, 2007
    I think the only reason I can tolerate this album is because I'm a fan. It took me 2 years to buy the album after I heard "Just Lose it", and its a disappointment, but its got a few good songs on there. I also think its funny how you can tell an eminem fans age by what their favorite album is. The younger they are, the more likely "The Eminem Show" is their favorite. See if I'm right...
  12. trevor
    Nov 13, 2004
    Not at all up to par for em, but still a decent album. Gets better after a few listens, but still comes off as a disappointment when compared to his previous works. Definately not as good as i had hoped...
  13. Oct 13, 2010
    Probably the first Eminem album with a few choice cuts. Eminem ventures even further away from Slim Shady (the horrorcore-comedy style) and focuses more "Eminem" who is fierece, clever, and conscious of his surroundings. "Eminem" is just there to give it to you straight. Sure, he doesnt try to be ultimately perfect but the bottom line is, he's gonna give you all he's got. Despite thatProbably the first Eminem album with a few choice cuts. Eminem ventures even further away from Slim Shady (the horrorcore-comedy style) and focuses more "Eminem" who is fierece, clever, and conscious of his surroundings. "Eminem" is just there to give it to you straight. Sure, he doesnt try to be ultimately perfect but the bottom line is, he's gonna give you all he's got. Despite that notion, it seems he gave his all rather fell a tad flat. There is still a trace of humor "Rain Man" (although it seemed harsh with the Christopher Reeve reference, being that he passed away the month before the album came out), Big Weenie, & Just Lose It. The one humor based track thats sweet & sour is Ass Like That. The good part being that we see the rather unexpected yet very laughable humor of Eminem rather than "Slim Shady". The bad part is the subject matter is one in which one is not so used to hearing from Eminem which is one aspect of him that set him from other rappers. Encore is yet another step down from his previous project. Its an ok album, but may not click with most moderate listeners and fans. Expand
  14. Jun 23, 2011
    This is Eminem's worst album ever. It suffers from a steep drop off in lyrical quality after the song "Mosh." It's below average and some of the other songs are humorous (once) but Eminem doesn't really say much with the rest of the album. Pure filler. Skip this ****
  15. Sep 5, 2011
    A generally weird fifth outing for Slim Shady. This album seems to boast a last hurrah for the master of rhytmic wordplay, but most of the songs appear to be especially poor. Songs such as Puke, Big Weenie and Rain Man are bizarre, and his comical foreign accent seems to be cropping up more and more. The strong tracks are the singles including Like Toy Soldiers, Mockingbird, Ass Like ThatA generally weird fifth outing for Slim Shady. This album seems to boast a last hurrah for the master of rhytmic wordplay, but most of the songs appear to be especially poor. Songs such as Puke, Big Weenie and Rain Man are bizarre, and his comical foreign accent seems to be cropping up more and more. The strong tracks are the singles including Like Toy Soldiers, Mockingbird, Ass Like That and Just Lose It, the latter two still being extremely silly. Expand
  16. Feb 12, 2013
    This is not a bad album just mediocre, not up to eminem's standard. I'd say about half the tracks are good but about half of them are really poor like Rain Man, in my opinion his worse song. Though songs like never enough are what save this album.
  17. Jan 12, 2014
    He gets very experimental with this album, and though the lyricism is subpar, the album had some of his best beats at the time. Unfortunately, it is downplayed by certain flows and the lyricism is weak, though the wordplay is strong. The album also has it's down due to the fart and burp noises in songs like 'My 1st Single', though there are some jewels like 'Yellow Brick Road' and 'LikeHe gets very experimental with this album, and though the lyricism is subpar, the album had some of his best beats at the time. Unfortunately, it is downplayed by certain flows and the lyricism is weak, though the wordplay is strong. The album also has it's down due to the fart and burp noises in songs like 'My 1st Single', though there are some jewels like 'Yellow Brick Road' and 'Like Toy Soldiers'. Expand
  18. May 9, 2017
    Not really Em's best album. This album has some of his worst tracks of all time ( every track 7-12), but it also has some great tracks( Yellow Brick Road, Like Toy Soldiers, Mosh, Mockingbird, Encore). All in all, not a good sequel to The Eminem Show
  19. Jul 18, 2017
    it was okay.....................................................................................................................................................................
  20. Sep 11, 2020
    Has it's flaws but also got remarkable songs like Mosh,Like Toy Soldiers,Yellow Brick Road,Spend Some Time and Mockingbird.Not my favorite Eminem album but still a better choice than Revival.
  21. Oct 3, 2020
    Cet album m'a laissé indifférent. Y'a certaines p'tites pépites (Mockingbird, Like Toy Soldiers), mais globalement c'est bof, voir mauvais (My 1st Single). Écoutable, mais dispensable. 6/10
  22. Oct 2, 2021
    Underwhelming and bland album that took too long to make. I understand Eminem had issues with addiction during album recording, but surely it doesn't take that long to make a sub-par album like this. Some highlights include the features with 50 Cent and Dr. Dre which have good lyrics. The Eminem Show was a lot better than Encore.
  23. Apr 6, 2023
    Half of the songs are decent at worst and fire at best, while the rest are just plain terrible. I know Eminem's drug addiction and the release of Straight from the Lab really destroyed this album, but even then, what was he thinking?
  24. MartinS
    Jun 19, 2006
    Eminem was pretty good. 50 Cent, however, stunk up the joint. This album was pretty spotty, sans a few songs. Just my opinion, though, as it probably is in the minority.
  25. EdwardH
    Sep 11, 2007
    Man I'm all even of diz album by Em it haz bad songz but it has a few dat stand out. Like "Monkingbird" and "Toy Soldiers" Koz I'm a sucka for dat reel pheelin' songz y'all know dat 4 reel! But hopefully he comez bak wit sumthin' special lata on wheneva his ready 2 drop a hit album again. I'll come bak as a fan when he makes an awesome ass album again like Man I'm all even of diz album by Em it haz bad songz but it has a few dat stand out. Like "Monkingbird" and "Toy Soldiers" Koz I'm a sucka for dat reel pheelin' songz y'all know dat 4 reel! But hopefully he comez bak wit sumthin' special lata on wheneva his ready 2 drop a hit album again. I'll come bak as a fan when he makes an awesome ass album again like tha Awesome Eminem Show. But till den I'm undeceive on Em at tha moment. Expand
  26. MD
    Nov 15, 2004
    Very dissapointing cd. He says it the best on "Like toy soldiers", "...There?s a certain line, you just don?t cross it/ and he crossed it/ I heard him say Hailie?s name on a song and I just lost it/ It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay Z and Nas shit/ And even though the battle was won I feel like we lost it/ I spent so much energy on it, honestly I?m exhausted..." This cd has Very dissapointing cd. He says it the best on "Like toy soldiers", "...There?s a certain line, you just don?t cross it/ and he crossed it/ I heard him say Hailie?s name on a song and I just lost it/ It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay Z and Nas shit/ And even though the battle was won I feel like we lost it/ I spent so much energy on it, honestly I?m exhausted..." This cd has no creativity and it shows no advancement beyond 2 songs (like toy soldiers, mockingbird). Everthing else is very contrived and just plain silly. He is using a formula and great rap artists or groups dont(outkast, public enemy, jay-z, nas, tupac, biggie, epmd etc. etc.). Could you ever imagine Jay-Z saying Big Weenie??? Or tupac having farts and throw up on songs??? honestly, he should have shelved the whole project and started over i.e. Usher. I recommend you get a burned copy of the cd cuz its not worth buying. Hopefully this is his ugly duckling stage when nobody likes him, buts lets hope there is a swan coming. Expand
  27. BrockR
    Nov 12, 2004
    Cheeky, and uninteresting at first glance. The album has gems in the few and far between but nothing compared to the Diamonds this rough white boy put out in the past. Instead of trying to spot the weakest song one of his albums such as the Marshall Mathers LP where nearly every song is a masterpiece that could make any rappers career, instead on Encore Hummingbird was teh only song to Cheeky, and uninteresting at first glance. The album has gems in the few and far between but nothing compared to the Diamonds this rough white boy put out in the past. Instead of trying to spot the weakest song one of his albums such as the Marshall Mathers LP where nearly every song is a masterpiece that could make any rappers career, instead on Encore Hummingbird was teh only song to seem to have real meaning to eminem. I whole heartily agree that he simply sounds tired. Maybe its time to take a name Em try again later when your better rested. Expand
  28. BitBurn
    Nov 15, 2004
    All this guy does is bitch bitch bitch and once again "Encore" is all about some more bitchin'!! This time it's annoying though. Same ol' recipe. EM is running out of inspiration and he's tired. However, production is very good and and make sure you have a good pair of sub-woofer ;-)
  29. Jul 21, 2011
    Encore is a dichotomous album. It is half rap and half pop. Half of the tracks on the album are strong, and half of the tracks are weak. Half of the songs are serious and half of the songs seem like they were written by a 12 year old. After three successful studio albums, Eminem had room to be complacent. There are profound songs which dig deep into Eminem's personal life and giveEncore is a dichotomous album. It is half rap and half pop. Half of the tracks on the album are strong, and half of the tracks are weak. Half of the songs are serious and half of the songs seem like they were written by a 12 year old. After three successful studio albums, Eminem had room to be complacent. There are profound songs which dig deep into Eminem's personal life and give great insight on what it is like to be in Eminem's position: Mockingbird, Like Toy Soldiers, and Yellow Brick Road. The bonus tracks, We As Americans and I Love You More, are also among the best tracks of the album. He explores his childhood of being a white person in a predominant black neighborhood, his love experiences after his divorce with Kim, his relationship with his daughters, his political views on the Bush Administration, and his involvement in the feuds of the hiphop industry. Other songs such as Puke, Crazy In Love, Just Lose It, and Evil Deeds are certainly much closer to pop than the hardcore rap he was known for, but they are still catchy and fun to listen to. This album has very strong production values, some coming from Dr. Dre, though some of the greatest beats Eminem used were wasted on terrible lyrics, which seem to have been scribbled down with little thought to them and they were just stringed together with words that rhymed with each other. A prime example: "Why do they make Yoo Hoo / Kikkity ka ka poo poo". Eminem in this album was unable to distinguish funny from silly. In the song Ass Like That, it was an entire song about a hand puppet. The track My First Single has a beat which makes the random filler lyrics barely audible. Rain Man, as Eminem admitted at the end of the song, is a song about nothing. Big Weenie, an intended diss against Benzino, has a disjointed flow and humiliates himself with childish insults such as "you look like a frog" and "your breath stinks". This album is not flawed because it was fundamentally wrong. It had potential to be much better than its predecessor. Overall, the album is mixed. It shows the best of Eminem and the worst of Eminem. It can be a good experience as long as you do not expect it to be as serious and hardcore as The Eminem Show. Expand
  30. Mar 8, 2021
    This is the most inconsistent Eminem project I've ever heard. Usually when listening to an Eminem album, there's at worst 1 song that I'm not a fan of... but this album is an exception. The following songs My 1st Single, Rain Man, Big Weenie and Ass Like That were completely unlistenable, and whilst nowhere near as bad, I wasn't a fan of Evil Deeds, Puke and Just Lose It. The Majority ofThis is the most inconsistent Eminem project I've ever heard. Usually when listening to an Eminem album, there's at worst 1 song that I'm not a fan of... but this album is an exception. The following songs My 1st Single, Rain Man, Big Weenie and Ass Like That were completely unlistenable, and whilst nowhere near as bad, I wasn't a fan of Evil Deeds, Puke and Just Lose It. The Majority of them are obnoxious sound wise and they range from childish to nonsensical content wise.

    However, despite some of the most dreadful and obnoxious songs Eminem has ever released showing up here, there are Brilliant tracks in the form of Yellow Brick Road, Like Toy Soldiers, Mosh, Encore and We As Americans. But even the best songs have to suffer from drugged up Eminem's antics, I don't know why this came to be but thank god we live in a reality where Eminem beat his addiction, this would've been a sad finale to his career.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 26
  2. Negative: 3 out of 26
  1. "Encore" is almost willfully uneven: it includes some of the most exhilarating songs Eminem has ever recorded, alongside some of the most inert. [15 Nov 2004]
  2. For the most part, Encore's strained, vaguely sad, regressive wackiness makes a lucid and compelling argument that Eminem should retire Slim Shady and let the real, serious Marshall Mathers stand up and be heard.
  3. Encore is a fourth fascinating record from Eminem, but it's also easily his weakest and, in many ways, tamest album to date.