• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 28, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 39
  2. Negative: 5 out of 39
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  1. Jul 27, 2017
    It leaves you yearning for an album that would have expanded the mature melodicism of those three tracks [“Electric Blue,” “Put Your Money on Me” and “We Don’t Deserve Love”]. Instead, their presence magnifies the smarmy, sophomoric awfulness of everything else here.
  2. 30
    Everything Now feels like everything's dead as it lacks any sort of freshness or intrigue.
  3. Jul 31, 2017
    The sourness of their newfound perspective might be one thing if the music sounded any good, but doesn’t. Arcade Fire have re-committed to running away from their once sky-scraping stadium sound, further experimenting with the island sounds and disco grooves that bloated 2013’s Reflektor.
  4. Jul 27, 2017
    Everything Now isn’t so much a misstep as a faceplant, hitting every wrong note with the same precision they hit every right one on Funeral. It’s a compositional mess, somehow both gratuitously moralising and morally repugnant, duller than watching already-dry paint.
  5. Aug 4, 2017
    The only thing Arcade Fire’s Everything Now is about is Arcade Fire, which is its most pernicious and pathetic quality. Arcade Fire are no longer Orpheus and Eurydice, lovers doomed to tragedy; now they are Narcissus, the Greek hunter who lost the will to live after staring at his own reflection in a pond for too long. They ask their listeners to participate in this cynicism as they grasp so falsely at explanations for why “we” are like this.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 355 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 56 out of 355
  1. Jul 28, 2017
    Electric Blue, We Don’t Deserve Love, and Put Your Money on Me are great but unfortunately they’re not only great, they’re the only goodElectric Blue, We Don’t Deserve Love, and Put Your Money on Me are great but unfortunately they’re not only great, they’re the only good things here. There’s so much filler it ruins everything. The tracks between Creature Comfort and Electric Blue are just embarrassing. Good God Da*n is just as bad as the worst on here and then the other two are great then we have an outro that is just as much filler as the intro comes in and it circles back around. I didn’t like Everything Now f rom the start and it’s an even worse centerpiece for the concept here. It’s just bad and a mess. I’d ordinarily give this less than a 3, but those 3 tracks I liked are amazing. Don’t give into the hype. This band went downhill, fast and I even loved Reflektor.

    Peter Pan and Chemistry are also among the worst songs this band has written. They’re a mess. The former has a nice flow but is ruined by electronics and Chemistry sounds like the theme song from a lame 70’s game show.

    Infinite Content(s) strangely have the best instrumentation here, but considering they’re filler and bring no content to the album, they warrant no replay value so therefore the listener is left with no other choice but to write them off as well. Where is the Arcade Fire I used to love? This is just bad and lazy.

    Disappointment of the year.
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 28, 2017
    You may not like it.
    You may think it's a departure from everything they've done.
    The funk is real, the disco influence is real, the rock is
    You may not like it.
    You may think it's a departure from everything they've done.
    The funk is real, the disco influence is real, the rock is real.

    Arcade Fire has set out to make THE dance rock album, and they've soared.
    Full Review »
  3. Jul 28, 2017
    good record but not as good as expected from AF. This one is clearly far behind the others albums from the band. Everything now, Creaturesgood record but not as good as expected from AF. This one is clearly far behind the others albums from the band. Everything now, Creatures confort, infinite content, put your money on me and we don't deserve love are really goods but it's not enough to make a great record. I think AF loose their selves by doing this album in different places with different people, they lost the magic of AF. Full Review »