• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 25
  2. Negative: 2 out of 25
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  1. While Flowers is a bit more reserved in his solo outing, Flamingo still retains a bit the thematic charm of a typical Killers album.
  2. Flamingo will keep the fans from growing rabid while The Killers take a break, but if Flowers releases another solo album before reconvening with his colleagues, teeth might well be bared.
  3. Flamingo finds Brandon Flowers exploring big topics (love, religion, the complicated charm of his Las Vegas hometown) over even bigger arrangements.
  4. Flowers feverishly blows up the songs as if they're helium balloons bound for the stratosphere. Any sense of restraint - which, granted, has never been the Killers' specialty - is steamrolled by one bombastic chorus after another.
  5. Both Flowers and Flamingo are unmistakably colored by his Vegas origins, but his sound has been worn to a richer patina here.
  6. It's clear from Flamingo that Flowers accounts for the lion's share of talent in The Killers, and if they ever go on definite hiatus, their fans can look forward to more consistently good material in the form of Flowers' solo albums.
  7. By stepping out on his own while his main project is on the back burner, Flowers has set himself up to be scrutinized in a way that seems potentially disastrous. But to his credit, Flamingo succeeds more than it fails because he doesn't try to do anything beyond his skill set.
  8. If Flamingo sounds just like a Killers record, that's because it nearly was.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. Oct 3, 2010
    Brilliant album! All the songs are good. Where as most albums have a couple of songs that you just simply skip over this album doesn't. MyBrilliant album! All the songs are good. Where as most albums have a couple of songs that you just simply skip over this album doesn't. My favourite album at the moment and one of my favourite of all all time. Full Review »
  2. Aug 30, 2012
    The LP is varied and in an other, but also cool style than The Killers. Brandon Flowers experimentalizing with his first solo album and made aThe LP is varied and in an other, but also cool style than The Killers. Brandon Flowers experimentalizing with his first solo album and made a good one! Don't look at the critics - look at the user scores! It only has 3 really good songs, but the album itself is the great thing! It has two weak songs but it's just a interesting adventure to hear. Hopefully there'll be another solo album by Mr. Flowers or an album by The Killers which is as good as this. Could've been better but is great, anyways. Full Review »
  3. May 26, 2012
    This album sounds a lot like a Killers record, which is generally a good thing. Unfortunately, for me, the majority of the songs weren't veryThis album sounds a lot like a Killers record, which is generally a good thing. Unfortunately, for me, the majority of the songs weren't very memorable and half of the record sounds like the weaker tracks off of "Sam's Town". I would recommend this album to those who are fans of The Killers, but I wouldn't say this album is anything particularly special. Full Review »