• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Apr 22, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. The music is clever and catchy enough to give it merit for repeated listens. Buy the DVD first to get the full story and then pick this up for road trip sing-alongs.
  2. The lyrics hold their own as comedy poetry, and the album as a whole is stuffed with feel-good laughs.
  3. 70
    Fans of the TV show will have heard versions of almost all these songs before. The problem is, they've also seen these songs before.
  4. The result is an album that is every bit as engaging as ear-candy as humor.
  5. Flight of the Conchords ultimately succeeds apart from its parent television show because it’s a modest comedy album.
  6. The 15 tracks presented are a perfect addition to any iPod and would certainly serve well as background music to any hipster wannabe party you throw.
  7. The only thing missing, really, is the visual context. That's a big piece of some of these songs--it is a TV show, after all--but even so, Flight of the Conchords the album is a thorough, and thoroughly entertaining, overview of Flight of the Conchords the band.
  8. The album does have its duds--like 'The Prince of Parties' and 'Boom'--but a cut like 'The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room)' makes the album entirely worthwhile.
  9. Somehow, even after you know all the punchlines, the tunes are solid enough to still bear pressing ‘repeat’.
  10. Lends itself to numerous repeat listens and laughs.
  11. This album will make your life considerably better.
  12. This is top-flight stuff, and not just because I needed to glancingly reference the band’s name before signing off.
  13. In other words: Sure they're funny, but are these songs supposed to be any good? Surprisingly, yes.
  14. If you’re not spending your days gnawing on your sofa pillows waiting for the new season of their program to premiere, Flight of the Conchords will probably appease you no questions asked.
  15. Pulling off the high-wire act of musical comedy this well deserves an unabashed kudos.
  16. Q Magazine
    Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement are indeed funny, but over the course of an album they're musical enough to withstand repeated plays. [June 2008, p.138]
  17. Overall, Flight of the Conchords created a well-rounded, original, and entertaining album filled with classic songs from their hit show.
  18. Best of all, the Conchords never force their hand, frequently letting bizarre sonic references and awkward lyrical fumbles serve as unspoken punchlines.
  19. This album is a nice collection of songs for our fans.
  20. 80
    It's safe to say this is the most endlessly playable comedy album of the new millennium. [May 2008, p.95]
  21. Under The Radar
    Many songs play out like shared "private" jokes but succeed all the time. [Spring 2008, p.75]
  22. Urb
    This long player is an ecstatic thrill ride through a world of comic minutia to tide FOTC's cult fan base over until their second season resumes after HBO's typical year and a half gap. [May/June 2008, p.92]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 32 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 32
  2. Negative: 1 out of 32
  1. PeterK
    Aug 17, 2009
    Stunningly original understated ironic musical parody that lampoons the two musicians in a band that are the biggest social losers since Stunningly original understated ironic musical parody that lampoons the two musicians in a band that are the biggest social losers since Charlie Brown came on the scene 50 years ago! Full Review »
  2. May 26, 2019
    I just have fourteen words to say about Flight of the Conchords: Absolute Brilliance
  3. ArchibaldC
    Sep 25, 2008
    It's a good album, but anybody who's familiar with the band's live act (especially their HBO special) should realize that It's a good album, but anybody who's familiar with the band's live act (especially their HBO special) should realize that FOTC's comedy comes not from funny references but their perfect comic timing. They've sacrificed much of the awesome awkwardness of their live act for slick production, which kills much of the humor, like a funny stand-up comedian forced into a merely decent sitcom. Fans of the show will like it, but both the show and album suffer from this overproduction. Full Review »