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  1. Pol
    Oct 19, 2004
    it is important to understand that music should not be judged on the intention, but on the results. the arcade fire aim for all things massive in scope, lyrically and musically. having a band of ten plus members of course ensures that the music will be "big." unfortunately the band undercut themselves with completely played out "dance" beats and a certain lack of originality that tends to it is important to understand that music should not be judged on the intention, but on the results. the arcade fire aim for all things massive in scope, lyrically and musically. having a band of ten plus members of course ensures that the music will be "big." unfortunately the band undercut themselves with completely played out "dance" beats and a certain lack of originality that tends to make them sound like modest mouse with 15 members. some very good songs in the mix but not the miracle it has been hailed as. Expand
  2. chrism
    Dec 24, 2004
    I haven't been this mesmerized and moved by an album since Interpol's "turn on the bright lights." Give this album a couple of listens before you make up your mind. It manages to be movingly poignant and celeberatory at the same time.
  3. ma
    Dec 24, 2004
    everybody calm down. thems some catchy tunes to be sure, but it doesnt exactly reinvent the wheel.
  4. PoliceDiscoLights
    Dec 3, 2004
    Hey, your old man should know, If you see a "shadow", something's there...
  5. micahg
    Oct 27, 2004
    I recommend everyone buy their six song EP which is fantastic, brilliant, amazing. The songs are so great they overcome poor production, quite a feat. I think this accounts for my low opinion of the CD. It is a huge disappointment. The magic and energy of the EP is gone. I guess for most people this album is their introduction to the band, but for me it is their disappointing sophomore I recommend everyone buy their six song EP which is fantastic, brilliant, amazing. The songs are so great they overcome poor production, quite a feat. I think this accounts for my low opinion of the CD. It is a huge disappointment. The magic and energy of the EP is gone. I guess for most people this album is their introduction to the band, but for me it is their disappointing sophomore release. I like the first song a lot but I think the rest is quite weak and frankly a few songs are unlistenable. If I had only heard this album I would think this was just another hype band but they also have a great live show. But this album is unlikely to break with large audiences with this album. Expand
  6. maxv
    Oct 3, 2004
    one of the best albums of the past few years. period.
  7. BrianJ
    Oct 7, 2004
    Some people will no doubt be turned off by all the press and acclaim this album is getting. Forget about the hype that this album is getting, this is really a wonderful record. Do yourself a favor and pick this one up.
  8. DCohen
    Sep 17, 2004
    Brilliant. Fucking brilliant
  9. TerrenceO
    Sep 18, 2004
    easily makes the top 5 of the year so far...
  10. TimD
    Sep 18, 2004
    A fantastic album begining to end. Great for emo kids and pretentious indie folk alike. Plus if yr. a Kate Bush fan you'll be hard pressed to find a more apealing album this year. Ta Da! The Best Indie rock album The Wrens "Meadowlands."
  11. JonathanV
    Sep 19, 2004
    Simply and completely wonderful. So explosive, gritty, enchanting and human. Its been sitting in my cd player on repeat for a couple days now.
  12. RyanM
    Sep 19, 2004
    Much like Neutral Milk Hotel's "Aeroplane Over The Sea", this cd almost brought me to tears. I haven't heard anything quite like this for as long as I can remember. Take the vocals of "yours truely" Connor Oberst, orchestra feel of Godspeed Your Black Emperor, add a touch of the Polyphonic Spree and you have the ingredients of The Arcade Fire. This is the album of the year, Much like Neutral Milk Hotel's "Aeroplane Over The Sea", this cd almost brought me to tears. I haven't heard anything quite like this for as long as I can remember. Take the vocals of "yours truely" Connor Oberst, orchestra feel of Godspeed Your Black Emperor, add a touch of the Polyphonic Spree and you have the ingredients of The Arcade Fire. This is the album of the year, ahead of The Fiery Furnaces, Franz Ferdinand and !!!... it is that good. Expand
  13. andy
    Sep 19, 2004
    holy sh** this is good!
  14. Andy
    Sep 21, 2004
  15. EdwardT
    Sep 20, 2004
    its a ten hands down
  16. Greg
    Sep 22, 2004
    Crown this the best of 2004
  17. du&sku
    Sep 24, 2004
    Very, very good; it doesn't quite have the revolutionary feeling of Interpol's Turn on the Bright Lights, and isn't as subtly affecting as Broken Social Scene's You Forget It In People. However, musically it lends a quiet soul to the formula that hasn't really been heard before, which certainly sets them apart from the rest of the groups out there. Lyrically, it Very, very good; it doesn't quite have the revolutionary feeling of Interpol's Turn on the Bright Lights, and isn't as subtly affecting as Broken Social Scene's You Forget It In People. However, musically it lends a quiet soul to the formula that hasn't really been heard before, which certainly sets them apart from the rest of the groups out there. Lyrically, it tends to get awfully silly, with too many eyelid, vampire, and dying in the snow metaphors, though that isn't really a weakness. The bigger problem is that it hasn't been quite a grower; its first listen was far and away the best. Still, though, it makes the perfect christmas present of a record. Expand
  18. LawrenceP
    Sep 26, 2004
    The best LP of the year is also the most exciting.
  19. annaanna
    Jan 11, 2005
    a record for a century
  20. FredH
    Nov 1, 2005
    It's just about life, joy, sadness and hope.
  21. BenS
    Nov 21, 2005
    Rarely are albums so thrilling, original and intense, love it
  22. casimirp
    Nov 5, 2005
    Someday, singers will again be required to be able to sing. Meanwhile, this is at least not as irritating as Antony and the Johnsons.
  23. AliC
    Oct 19, 2005
    What a record. An extraordinary album about death and grief that is paradoxically uplifting and never for a moment indulgent. This is music of rare power, and an album that grows and grows and grows. Genius is not dead.
  24. JM
    Jan 21, 2005
    Wow, wow, wow! Saw this on so many 2004 top ten lists I had to check it out... Got it four days ago and haven't stopped listening yet... bot a bit addictive from the start and seems to be a big grower on top of that... Lots of twisted influences shine thru... I too hear bjork here, talking heads there, early opera Bowie here, spastic melodic pixies there, lots of Neutral Milk Hotel, Wow, wow, wow! Saw this on so many 2004 top ten lists I had to check it out... Got it four days ago and haven't stopped listening yet... bot a bit addictive from the start and seems to be a big grower on top of that... Lots of twisted influences shine thru... I too hear bjork here, talking heads there, early opera Bowie here, spastic melodic pixies there, lots of Neutral Milk Hotel, and good stuff everywhere... Now gotta get my wife sold so I can blast it at home and dance with my 3 year old... Get it! Expand
  25. IvarE
    Jan 20, 2005
    FInally something original is coming out of the indie scene without electronics in it. First time I heard this record, I was amazed. It kicks off with the brilliant songs neighborhood #1 and #2 which are the best tracks I've heard in a while. I love them. I love everyone of the up tempo songs, even though the sad and beautiful crown of love takes over the happy wave of superb FInally something original is coming out of the indie scene without electronics in it. First time I heard this record, I was amazed. It kicks off with the brilliant songs neighborhood #1 and #2 which are the best tracks I've heard in a while. I love them. I love everyone of the up tempo songs, even though the sad and beautiful crown of love takes over the happy wave of superb songwriting. there are some downfalls, but those also come around after some listenings. Can't wait for more material from this band. Expand
  26. RudigerS
    Jan 22, 2005
    Half is totally great. Half is totally boring. And I think you all know this.
  27. AnneL
    Jan 29, 2005
    The first album of 2004 to grab me by the collar with the very first song and keep me listening through the whole CD. The lyrics drag me back again and again; it's a dream world--those tunnels.
  28. ke
    Jan 29, 2005
    arcade fire yay!
  29. wakeup
    Oct 31, 2005
    This simply an amazing band. This album is great and their first album ( yes the one before funeral) is also a jem. Don't miss them!
  30. EffE
    Oct 6, 2005
    My favorite album in a while. I think Funeral is one of the best first album ever. A couple of songs are just ok (hence the 9), but most of them are amazing. Buy it ! And get their self-titled demo, there are good songs on it too.

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. If I were to have just heard the first half of the disc, I probably would have proclaimed it the best of the year as well.
  2. So long as we're unable or unwilling to fully recognize the healing aspect of embracing honest emotion in popular music, we will always approach the sincerity of an album like Funeral from a clinical distance. Still, that it's so easy to embrace this album's operatic proclamation of love and redemption speaks to the scope of The Arcade Fire's vision.
  3. Marred by indie-rock clichés and occasional over-effort, it remains frustrating.