
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Futures will most likely not be the sensation that Bleed American was -- it is too dark and inwardly focused for that -- but it shows a progression of sound and emotion that fans of the band should embrace.
  2. Alternative Press
    A beautiful example of what "heart-on-sleeve" music should be. [Nov 2004, p.148]
  3. Although not as immediate as "Jimmy Eat World," "Futures" will not disappoint fans.
  4. Blender
    [Frontman Jim] Adkins loosens the reins with darker themes and longer songs... but the guitars and harmonies have never been brighter. [Nov 2004, p.139]
  5. While it may still fall short of the high-water mark established with Clarity, Jimmy Eat World’s latest is still a strong contender for the best album of 2004.
  6. An inviting, maturing album that still shows enough vitality to still be classed as a good rock album.
  7. Futures goes back to the band's roots, sporting 11 sparkling gems that carefully balance balladry with bombast.
  8. Entertainment Weekly
    [Jimmy Eat World] has sacrificed some of the poppy immediacy of its previous album, instead reprising the expansive moodiness of the '99 cult fave Clarity. [22 Oct 2004, p.92]
  9. Los Angeles Times
    At times there's an almost U2-like expansiveness in lushly atmospheric settings ("Night Drive"), while "Pain" and the closing "23" have a classic power-ballad feel, without pandering to mainstream tastes. [31 Oct 2004]
  10. Futures is the sound of a band playing it safe.
  11. New Musical Express (NME)
    Another fine fusion of volcanic arena-rock and cherry-poppin' slow burners. [9 Oct 2004, p.56]
  12. Jimmy Eat World sound committed to establishing themselves as a great band, not just a great emo band.
  13. Spin
    Jimmy Eat World might still be stuck in "The Middle" a year from now, but this album's more thoughtful homestretch at least suggests the possibility of alternate futures. [Nov 2004, p.115]
  14. It sticks with what Jimmy Eat World have always done, but it sounds better than anything that preceded it.
  15. The album's radio-ready polish might strike some listeners as soulless, but it's really just a different kind of soul.
  16. Mixing maturity with a fixation with metal, there's an anthemic chorus to match every squiggly, air-guitar solo, and gentle harmonies play off grinding rhythms. It's the perfect combination for the ultimate pop-rock break-up album.
  17. Uncut
    A kind of Joshua Tree for the heavily pierced and mildly upset. [Dec 2004, p.140]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 62
  2. Negative: 3 out of 62
  1. Aug 5, 2010
    I think a great album can help you remember a particular moment in time. This album does that for me. I wasn't so keen on the album thatI think a great album can help you remember a particular moment in time. This album does that for me. I wasn't so keen on the album that followed, but I can still listen to Futures from start to finish and enjoy every song-- a very rare thing for me. Full Review »
  2. TypicalFratBrah
    Jan 10, 2005
    Oh, man! You have to check out this new masterpiece from Jimmy Eat World. Everytime I get into an argument with my parents or girlfriend, or Oh, man! You have to check out this new masterpiece from Jimmy Eat World. Everytime I get into an argument with my parents or girlfriend, or when I'm just having a bad day, I blast this CD. I enjoy how the cliche'-laden lyrics and forced sadness conveyed by the lead singer provide me with the immediate gratification that I seek. Fingers crossed for the new Hoobastank and Linkin Park albums, too! Full Review »
  3. Jan 4, 2020
    One of the best albums ever imo. Nothingwrong and night drive aren't the strongest songs however Polaris, Kill, Drugs or me and my favoriteOne of the best albums ever imo. Nothingwrong and night drive aren't the strongest songs however Polaris, Kill, Drugs or me and my favorite track of all time, 23 will hit hard. The opening/title track is powerful and stays consistently good. Overall, give this album a listen. It's spectacular Full Review »