• Record Label: V2 / XL
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 283 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 283

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  1. PaulH
    Jul 3, 2005
    Not nearly Their best but still some great stuff here, I've been hooked on it for a while even though some of the tracks do seem unfinished.
  2. JuliusHemisphere
    Aug 11, 2005
    I wasn't convinced on GBMS until I saw them live last week. Truly powerful material.
  3. NseE
    Aug 13, 2005
    The White Stripes music has always been raw, stripped down and a sparse energetic affair. `Get behind me satan' is even more sparse; guitars are largely missing from the mix, compensated for by keyboards, marimba and lots of tambourine and it does make for a major difference. As arty and experimental as ever, they dabble into rock (the stomping, racing `Blue Orchid' sung in a The White Stripes music has always been raw, stripped down and a sparse energetic affair. `Get behind me satan' is even more sparse; guitars are largely missing from the mix, compensated for by keyboards, marimba and lots of tambourine and it does make for a major difference. As arty and experimental as ever, they dabble into rock (the stomping, racing `Blue Orchid' sung in a falsetto), blues (`Instant blues'), country (The upbeat tambourine stomp `Little Ghost'), `As ugly as I seem' is an acoustic ballad, and there's even what sounds almost hymnal, `I'm lonely (But I aint that lonely yet)'. `My doorbell' and `The denial twist' are excellent upbeat piano driven rockers, and Meg takes a turn on vocals on the very brief `Passive manipulation', but prize for most outstanding song has got to be `The nurse' featuring marimbas and sudden unexpected bursts of loud guitar and change in tempo. Brilliant! As usual, like nothing else out there today, the songs take a while to grow on you but another excellent release from Jack and Meg White. Expand
  4. sM
    Aug 7, 2005
    Not quite the masterpiece that was "Elephant" but a interesting and wonderfully weird alternative to their usual sound.
  5. salomey
    Sep 2, 2005
    great great great collection of tunes instantly make a way to your memory banks to never leave there great choice of sounds thoroughly enjoy it
  6. MarkS
    Sep 8, 2005
    Contender for CD of the year. It took me awhile to fathom why "Blue Orchid" belongs with the rest of the disc, nevertheless, their sound continues to grow, and Meg does her job just fine. She's the perfect ex-wife!
  7. MattD
    Feb 26, 2006
    some great new stuff on here, suprised me in a few different ways, mostly good, and while its not all gold and not the white stripe's best, in my opinion its still a solid cd
  8. DanielC
    Feb 7, 2006
    II just started liking this band, THIS CD IS AWESOME, you should get it if your a fan of White Stripes!!!!!
  9. HomieBB
    Jun 26, 2006
    this record now is classic, much better than "Elephant" The White Stripes are very talented and can plan blues, bluegrass, rock, all of those. This will definately be played on KSLX in 20 years.
  10. lowrykun
    Dec 14, 2005
    I hadn't really listened to the White Stripes before getting this album. The first time I listened to it I didn't really like it and didn't understand their popularity. The second time I liked it better. By the third time I went back and bought Elephant. Still - there are some tracks on this album that I really don't like. But the thing is that when the White Stripes I hadn't really listened to the White Stripes before getting this album. The first time I listened to it I didn't really like it and didn't understand their popularity. The second time I liked it better. By the third time I went back and bought Elephant. Still - there are some tracks on this album that I really don't like. But the thing is that when the White Stripes rock, they really rock. They are like a weird mix of Classic rock, Alternative Rock, and Minimalist Progressive Rock. Hard to describe. Expand
  11. AllisonN
    Dec 26, 2005
    I kind of liked this album, but not as much as the others, because it didn't rock as hard. But my mom really liked it, and she hates everything I like, so...
  12. marshallm
    Dec 3, 2005
    9.3 / A- it's an amazingly different album. its definately a must listen/buy. i loved " take, take, take" and "blue orchid". great stuff.
  13. DaveF
    Jun 11, 2005
    The best Stripes yet. Their previous work was overrated; if mixed bags like Elephant can get 5 stars from Rolling Stone, Spoon's Kill the Moonlight deserved 7! Far from a half-assed work, most of GBMS is plain-and-simply brilliant. It's hampered (or helped, depending on one's 'indie' pretensions) by the analog equipment. The songs are so strong, it's a shame The best Stripes yet. Their previous work was overrated; if mixed bags like Elephant can get 5 stars from Rolling Stone, Spoon's Kill the Moonlight deserved 7! Far from a half-assed work, most of GBMS is plain-and-simply brilliant. It's hampered (or helped, depending on one's 'indie' pretensions) by the analog equipment. The songs are so strong, it's a shame that the production muffles them rather than bringing them out in full color. The Stripes are stars now Expand
  14. PeterT
    Jun 13, 2005
    It took a few listens, but I now think this album is even better than "Elephant". You will be disappointed if you're expecting another "Seven Nation Army" or "Ball and Biscuit", but this album is greater than the sum of its individual tracks. Where Elephant kind of faded out in it's second half, "Satan" continues to surprise and engage your interest until the mighty climax of It took a few listens, but I now think this album is even better than "Elephant". You will be disappointed if you're expecting another "Seven Nation Army" or "Ball and Biscuit", but this album is greater than the sum of its individual tracks. Where Elephant kind of faded out in it's second half, "Satan" continues to surprise and engage your interest until the mighty climax of "I'm Lonely (but I ain't that lonely yet)". In case you didn't already know it, this album proves that Jack White is a f**king genius. Expand
  15. LockneO
    Jun 16, 2005
    The White Stripes' latest album, "Get Behind me Satan", is unbelievably produced. Very good album! I wasn't expecting such a good album after "Elephant" was so successful, but this proves that the White Stripes should never be doubted.
  16. Amanda
    Jun 17, 2005
    I love this new album. The music and lyrics are so cool. It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. HaslynR
    Jun 19, 2005
    Simply Put--This is the best cd of 2005. It's a brilliant piece of work.
  18. mattl
    Jun 19, 2005
    Takes a couple listens to warm up too, then you are hooked
  19. blairt
    Jun 21, 2005
    "Get Behind Me Satan" is in my opinion,a very strong album. Example- Blue Orchid has one of the catchiest guitar riffs ever! Take, Take, Take is the sickest song besides Seven Nation Army.
  20. HarryH
    Jun 28, 2005
    Undoubtedly the Stripes' best album, and good to see them back on form after the blip that was Elephant. Better than De Stijl and White Blood Cells becuase of wittier lyrics and inventive textures - great work Jack!
  21. RichardS
    Jun 29, 2005
    GBMS is another step in the ever-evolving sound of the white stripes, but at the same time brings their career full circle with a stronger acknowledgement of their early country and western influences (see their self titled). I can't compare it to Elephant because its a completely different sounding album. Its like asking which is better, Sabbath's Paranoid or Cash's Live GBMS is another step in the ever-evolving sound of the white stripes, but at the same time brings their career full circle with a stronger acknowledgement of their early country and western influences (see their self titled). I can't compare it to Elephant because its a completely different sounding album. Its like asking which is better, Sabbath's Paranoid or Cash's Live at San Quentin. Maybe Jack White is able to recorrd an album in two weeks because he doesnt spend alot (or any) time on polishing the record up with fancy studio tricks, or in dirty Greenwhich Village bars wasting himself away like our friend Julian of Strokes fame. White is also the most talentyed song writer of our generation, and more than likely perfects his craft long before walking through the studio doors. Critics of this record should stop name-dropping (come on! the libertines?), get their noses out of the air, and let themselves enjoy a great rock record. Expand
  22. ClaytonC
    Aug 29, 2005
    I caught the Stripes live at Red Rocks, where they succeeded in blowing me away. There is no doubting the solidarity of GBMS. Jack and Meg show off there wide range of instrumental talent.
  23. CarlyD
    Sep 13, 2005
    This Album is purely amazing, every song just goes so well together, I have never heard anything like it, and I believe thats why I love it so much.
  24. WSFan
    Jan 24, 2006
    This album is incredible. Jack White is so musically talented and creative that he can create such a real effect to his music. The marimbas and piano were totally unexpected and amazing. There are some low points in the album however, and that's why I give it a measly 9. The only reasons I'm giving it a 9 is the fact that White Moon sucks. It's such a boring song. And This album is incredible. Jack White is so musically talented and creative that he can create such a real effect to his music. The marimbas and piano were totally unexpected and amazing. There are some low points in the album however, and that's why I give it a measly 9. The only reasons I'm giving it a 9 is the fact that White Moon sucks. It's such a boring song. And what's up with this random piece Passive Manipulation? Meg White shouldn't be able to sing in the band. MHO. But some of the great pieces on the album (soon to be classics!) are Blue Orchid, My Doorbell, Take Take Take, I'm Lonely, and The Nurse. Those are all great tunes that any music fan would enjoy. Fantastic album with possibly the best rock duo on Earth. I cannot (Repeat CANNOT) wait for their next big thing! It's gonna be good, and every White Stripes fan will expect that after this. Expand
  25. DeeR.
    Mar 19, 2006
    Amazing. Each of thier albums outdoes the last. Some fans of previous records won't enjoy it, but it will gain them new ones. Jack White is a master songwriter, and has re-invented his sound for this album, highlighting some of the subtleties that may have been harder to recognize in the harder material.
  26. ChrisU
    Apr 14, 2006
    This definitely a departure from their previous two records. Jack White is experimenting with the boundaries of his own songwriting, instead of the distortion through his amplifiers. I am a true White Stripes fan, and really loved the garage rock displayed in their self-titled album as well as De Stijl. So when I listened to this album, I didn't like it at first because I didn't This definitely a departure from their previous two records. Jack White is experimenting with the boundaries of his own songwriting, instead of the distortion through his amplifiers. I am a true White Stripes fan, and really loved the garage rock displayed in their self-titled album as well as De Stijl. So when I listened to this album, I didn't like it at first because I didn't know how to take it. Then, I listened to it again. And again. And after about the fourth spin I realized this is truly a remarkable record. Bravo to Jack White. It's obvious he said fuck all of the loud rock pretensions, and instead decided to take the White Stripes in a completely new direction. There are a couple of iffy songs here, but there are also some simplistic gems, such as "My Doorbell," "The Denial Twist," "Take, Take, Take," "I'm As Ugly As I Seem," "Red Rain," and the album's closer "I'm Lonely..." It's a breath of fresh, if unexpected, air. If you don't already have it, get this album. It will open your eyes. Expand
  27. KellyK
    Apr 22, 2006
    I'm a little late coming into the White Stripes butI have to say that I have not enjoyed anything new in a long time but for me this is refreshing. Jack and Meg are just so talented -I can't stop listening to it. I've even been turning my friends (or anyone that will listen) onto it. This Cd is just plaine FUN.
  28. AustinD
    Apr 23, 2006
    This is a great album. There is such a broad spectrum of music on this album. From the heaver stuff like Red Rain to bluesier stuff to (Believe it or not) even a countryish song. A great album and i love it.
  29. CreedB
    May 14, 2006
    This album is awsome just like all the others!!!!
  30. PaulK
    May 26, 2006
    First, to all the people who dislike raw Rock and Roll, I think you're missing a huge point here. Zeppelin I was recorded in 30 hours. Spontenaiety is the the secret to creativity; you must capture it at its height. The Stripes have always done this and to call doing the blues "copying a song" you have much to learn about the tradition and reality of modern music. So while the First, to all the people who dislike raw Rock and Roll, I think you're missing a huge point here. Zeppelin I was recorded in 30 hours. Spontenaiety is the the secret to creativity; you must capture it at its height. The Stripes have always done this and to call doing the blues "copying a song" you have much to learn about the tradition and reality of modern music. So while the Strokes are in the studio for years layering guitars and working on their oh so fab image, Jack White has produced great songs in and out of the stripes. This is a modern classic and if you don't get it, smoke some weed like you did for Dark Side of the Moon-- or maybe you didnt get that either. Expand
  31. aa
    Jul 22, 2006
    the most unique, progressive and greatest album in years. the white stripes are one of the all time greats and this album is a huge and important step not only in the progression of the band but of modern music its self. a true masterpiece
  32. BenD
    Apr 19, 2007
    I just want to listen to it over and over.
  33. ixata
    May 6, 2007
    thisis the first album of theirs' i bought.. at first listen, the album sux big tym. but then, i tried listening to it agn in hope of findin light, and it worked! every song holds it moment. my fav track is the denial twist
  34. jordanbond
    Sep 2, 2007
    This CD is amazing. It has influenced me so much. I keep listening to it again and again. Forever For Her is an superb song, as well as Take, Take, Take.
  35. Mars88
    Dec 14, 2006
    Amazing, stunning. original. the best album of 2005. and it still baffles me that people can hate the white stripes.
  36. GeorgeM
    Feb 14, 2007
  37. CaseyRDubya
    May 1, 2007
    Anybody heard their new single? It's amazing. I thought they broke up. But now their better than ever. All Jack White ever does is release something new every year. That's how musicians get a good reputation. To Jack it's all about the music and this is living proof.
  38. Oligami
    Sep 11, 2007
    A stratospheric achievement.
  39. JoeR
    Jan 25, 2007
    as a complete album, it is solid - it adds more range, and does it well. This band is a breath of fresh air in a world of over-produced garbage. i don't know who to like more, the black keys or the white stripes. both two man operations, both incredibly bad ass...

Universal acclaim - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. The New York Times
    It's an album so strong and so unexpected that it may change the way people hear all its predecessors. And that's just a start. Listen long enough, and this album might change the way you hear lots of other bands, too.
  2. A very strange album, which shreds the old White Stripes rulebook (no bass, just guitar and drums) and pushes into territories way beyond the blues and rock of their previous four records.
  3. A sidestep that’s as easy to admire as it is hard to love.