• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 10, 2003
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Universal acclaim- based on 647 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 13 out of 647

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  1. Mar 6, 2013
    I put this album as Radiohead's 4th best album and it is excellent. It has tons of songs which is rare on a Radiohead album. This is their darkest album in terms of tone and lyrics. It can get borderline uncomfortable on tracks like "Suck Young Blood", "Wolf at the Door", "Myxamatosis" but like all Radiohead albums, more and more listens offer revelations and satisfaction. HTTT hasI put this album as Radiohead's 4th best album and it is excellent. It has tons of songs which is rare on a Radiohead album. This is their darkest album in terms of tone and lyrics. It can get borderline uncomfortable on tracks like "Suck Young Blood", "Wolf at the Door", "Myxamatosis" but like all Radiohead albums, more and more listens offer revelations and satisfaction. HTTT has classic songs Go To Sleep, There There, 2 2 5, Sit Down. Stand Up) and true to form there is one absolute dud (Gloaming). This album isn't warm and inviting like earlier efforts and thats the point. Like the metal band Tool said once, "finding beauty in the dissonance". Expand
  2. Jul 24, 2014
    Here is my track by track, but first; this album is all the things that make Radiohead loveable channeled into one cohesive body of work, with great songs and a sound that is distinctly theirs. It would be one of their best, but the 56-minute runtime is not supported with enough variety to carry it through. It's still nice to see them so in their own, and though it may be a littleHere is my track by track, but first; this album is all the things that make Radiohead loveable channeled into one cohesive body of work, with great songs and a sound that is distinctly theirs. It would be one of their best, but the 56-minute runtime is not supported with enough variety to carry it through. It's still nice to see them so in their own, and though it may be a little self-indulgent for them, I can't help but love it. A significant chapter in their career. (Note: All track-by-track ratings are in context to the album; a 5 here might be a 4 elsewhere or vice versa.)
    2+2=5 (5/5)
    One of Radiohead's best openers to date, then slow-moving jazz-influenced number evolves into a paranoid punk rock anthem, then screeches to a halt.
    Sit Down, Stand Up (5/5)
    A haunting yet beautiful melody exhibits Thom Yorke's political paranoia; the instrumentation builds until the song is drowned out in a roar of white noise. Radiohead in their essence.
    Sail To The Moon (5/5)
    Another win for HTTT! the third in a masterful opening sequence this drifts along with the ease of a 50's ballad. The classical picking adds to the daydream effect, and it serves as the calm after the storm!
    Back Drifts (4/5)
    Though a little over-extended this song has killer bass, and the beat keeps the pulse of the song moving, even when it's broke the 4-minute mark. A little more variety would have been nice though...
    Go To Sleep (3.5/5)
    While it's rock feel fits well in the midst of an electronic wasteland, it's easily forgettable, and lacks the characteristics of the other songs. Not a disappointment just not a jackpot either!
    Where I End (4.5/5)
    A pick-me-up, this song represents the album's sound quite nicely. While not quite as spectacular as the opening three it's very pop, though quite dark, and it keeps the album moving.
    We Suck Young Blood (2.5/5)
    If Where I End kept the album moving, then this was a major road block, tripping it up with a ridiculously slow tempo, and a slightly repetitive structure. Elements of it have potential but as it's whole it's a bore.
    The Gloaming (5/5)
    I don't know why I like this song so much- it's the waterfall drip maybe, or it's the fact that it breathes life into the album after "WSYB". Though I may be over-rating it it flows well and it's a good side opener.
    There There (3.5/5)
    Often regarded as the album's best track I disagree, but believe it's a good catchy song. Not quite a 5, because I rarely feel the urge to play it, and it's a little too slow, but far from filler.
    I Will (4/5)
    I Will on it's own is far from a massive accomplishment. But when viewed as the intro to Drunken Punch-Up, as there is no break in between, it's brilliant and contributes to the album in mood and variety.
    Drunken Punch-up (5/5)
    And they're back. The album's building up steam before it ends and this jazz fusion pop-fest is no exception. It manages to be dark, complex and fun all at the same time.
    Myxomatosis (5/5)
    Also rocks. the album's over all slow tempo is sped up a little in a catchy and vibrant jam comparable to a track off THE BENDS, or Bodysnatchers off IN RAINBOWS.
    Scatterbrain (3/5)
    It's beautiful, and the lick would be heart-breaking, but it meanders, and the album would be just fine without it. WSYB & this could be removed to make an amazing and way shorter album.
    Wolf At The Door (5/5)
    Radiohead always have the best closers. Always. The abstract poetic lyrics, incredibly melodic chorus and almost hip-hop influenced verse serves to make a total masterstroke!
  3. Jul 15, 2015
    For my first review on albums, I picked one of my favourites: Hail To The Thief, by Radiohead. Its got some pretty good hits on there, one of my personal favourites being There There. A must-listen for rockers everywhere.
  4. ayeaye
    Mar 12, 2005
    simply an 8
  5. BrandonSstandsforinitial
    May 19, 2003
    Haunch. This is a great album, I wish they would go back to their pablo honey roots, but thats kinda hard after the awesome ok computer came out. Best song is 2+2=5
  6. AaronF
    Jun 11, 2003
    This album is good, not great, and definitely not revolutionary. There I said it. That's not to say it is bad, quite the contrary. Basically if you like Radiohead, you'll like this. Just some extra notes: -This album's blend of techno pieces and guitar songs is the best yet (Not that b-side feel you got from Amnesiac). -Speaking of the guitar songs, they are the worst songs This album is good, not great, and definitely not revolutionary. There I said it. That's not to say it is bad, quite the contrary. Basically if you like Radiohead, you'll like this. Just some extra notes: -This album's blend of techno pieces and guitar songs is the best yet (Not that b-side feel you got from Amnesiac). -Speaking of the guitar songs, they are the worst songs on this album, well some of them. Go To Sleep and Scatterbrain just don't really go anywhere. -Speaking of the techno pieces, they are the best songs on this album (for once), well some of them. Backdrifts is possibly the best beatbox Radiohead yet. -This album is the most Thom Yorke centered of them all. Remember how Kid A sounded like Radiohead even if it didn't sound like a rock band. Well some songs on this piece of plastic would not sound like Radiohead if it weren't for those seperation anxiety vocals. -This album features a LOT of piano or keyboard! Thanks for Reading!!! Expand
  7. BonzaC
    Jun 23, 2003
    A very good album, but there are a few fillers on this album.
  8. BrianC
    Nov 26, 2003
    It is an excellent album;however, I believe I became depressed as a result of listening to the album.
  9. JookydogX
    Jun 11, 2003
    You know, all artists are only as good as their last release. But it seems that, unlike any other band I've ever seen, Radiohead is entirely defined by what people THOUGHT of them at one time, and that's sad - for the band, for the fans, for the critics, etc. Radiohead makes music to please themselves - if you don't believe this assertion, check out their entire catalog and You know, all artists are only as good as their last release. But it seems that, unlike any other band I've ever seen, Radiohead is entirely defined by what people THOUGHT of them at one time, and that's sad - for the band, for the fans, for the critics, etc. Radiohead makes music to please themselves - if you don't believe this assertion, check out their entire catalog and how it is has changed. The reactions of others outside the band really don't matter to them all that much. And they deserve a lot of credit for that. On another note, no-one seems to be willing to stand back and listen to a new Radiohead release without forcing a comparison to either The Bends, OK Computer, or the Kid A/Amnesiac sessions. That's patently unfair to Hail to the Thief. If Radiohead had never existed before now (and therefore, none of its antecedents like Coldplay would have either) and then come along and released an album like HTTT, the critics would be raving, and it would be cool to say you were a fan. Another thing - how many of us fans - or critics - knew what to make of OK Computer when it first came out? It sure as hell wasn't The Bends, now, was it? Give Radiohead a break. And yourselves. Take this album at face value. Either you like it (like I do) or you don't. But don't judge them on their past. It's not fair to what is some truly good music. Expand
  10. Sam
    Oct 3, 2004
    I truly am a fan of radioheads amazing music. I love them. They are one of the few great rock bands of my generation (Wilco is far better). My only quibble with them is their whole image of anti-marketing and corporate-conglomerates. They seem to shy away from top 40 status, yet in the meantime there is a seemingly endless supply of different fan-sites on the internet. Why? I get this I truly am a fan of radioheads amazing music. I love them. They are one of the few great rock bands of my generation (Wilco is far better). My only quibble with them is their whole image of anti-marketing and corporate-conglomerates. They seem to shy away from top 40 status, yet in the meantime there is a seemingly endless supply of different fan-sites on the internet. Why? I get this weird feeling that radiohead (mostly Thom Yorke) is a really self-absorbed band of loonies, just basking in their glorious amounts of drooling fans and the money they shell out to buy Radioheads next album. But to be honest i just forget about all this and listen to Hail to the Thief or any of Radiohead's brilliant albums. they are great music makers and that's the bottom line. Buy this CD. Expand
  11. ArnoB
    Sep 18, 2005
    Radiohead looks fragile on this record (for a new Radiohead listener). It is a kind of in-between uncertainty between, on one hand, a more rock style (The Bends and Ok Comp ) and an experimental, gloomier, heartbreaking ambience (Kid A and Amnesiac). There is no great unity inside this album, as Radiohead, perhaps, just delivers its last performance and, thus, tries to do only what they Radiohead looks fragile on this record (for a new Radiohead listener). It is a kind of in-between uncertainty between, on one hand, a more rock style (The Bends and Ok Comp ) and an experimental, gloomier, heartbreaking ambience (Kid A and Amnesiac). There is no great unity inside this album, as Radiohead, perhaps, just delivers its last performance and, thus, tries to do only what they feel like, instead of striving to make something that sounds ''logical'' or harmonious in the whole. At the same time, though, this large variety of styles on the album assures a certain balance and shows a mature richness. Expand
  12. RickyS
    Oct 10, 2007
    Ok first off to negate Eric C, My Morning Jacket, Blonde Redhead, and Battles DO NOT sound like Radiohead. I just saw BR in concert and there are almost no similarities. Battles is just completely different. MMJ could be considered similar in ways, but really aren't. They are FAR more straightforward and country-esque. That being said, Hail to the Thief is a great album, but is Ok first off to negate Eric C, My Morning Jacket, Blonde Redhead, and Battles DO NOT sound like Radiohead. I just saw BR in concert and there are almost no similarities. Battles is just completely different. MMJ could be considered similar in ways, but really aren't. They are FAR more straightforward and country-esque. That being said, Hail to the Thief is a great album, but is nowhere near as good as The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A, or the just released In Rainbows (thank goodness). Hail has elements of all of the albums but not necessarily their strengths. Still worth many spins if you're a Radiohead fan, but if you're new to the game, DO NOT start with this album. You will regret it. Expand
  13. RoniS
    May 22, 2003
    The problem is, where the hell can you really go after Kid A and Amnesiac. There is no more room to progress. Radiohead has faced that paradox of being too good. With Hail, I finally thought i had a reason to hate Radiohead as the left-wing, American-hating extremists that they are (the album title mocks W). After the first two listens, I was laughing at this album. However, some of the The problem is, where the hell can you really go after Kid A and Amnesiac. There is no more room to progress. Radiohead has faced that paradox of being too good. With Hail, I finally thought i had a reason to hate Radiohead as the left-wing, American-hating extremists that they are (the album title mocks W). After the first two listens, I was laughing at this album. However, some of the songs grow on you. But if this wasn't Radiohead, the album wouldn't have got those extra listens and the benefit of the doubt. I rate it an 8 instead of a 7 just in case these songs aren't the final versions, and are improved upon in the final release. But it seems Radiohead is going downhill along with Blur. Expand
  14. BitBurn
    May 27, 2003
    Ok well. Mmh...What is that thing? It's an album! The new one from Radiohead!! Yeah yeah right. Music for the intellectual mind. Sounds for the soul. Simplicity. Complex, confusing?!! What am I saying. You see, my review fits the picture of this record!
  15. RachelM
    Aug 22, 2005
    No doubt this is Radiohead best album after OK and The Bends. It's not such a classic, though. It can never be when people expect them to be sounding like No Surprises forever. However, this record is unique in their career for its combination of alt rock songs with more Kid A-like songs. The result isn't a mess but a mature record. It's also true some tracks leave you a No doubt this is Radiohead best album after OK and The Bends. It's not such a classic, though. It can never be when people expect them to be sounding like No Surprises forever. However, this record is unique in their career for its combination of alt rock songs with more Kid A-like songs. The result isn't a mess but a mature record. It's also true some tracks leave you a bit cold (The Gloaming or Backdrifts), as Radiohead is better making perfect alt rock songs (2+2=5, Go To Sleep, There There, Scatterbrain) than trying to sound experimental (best try here is Myxomatosis). This is the worst thing I can say about the best band ever. All Radiohead records makes you feel (at least at some point) there's nothing higher. Expand
  16. omniQ
    Nov 14, 2006
    Just let the band take a stylistic breather. So they don't feel like pushing the envelope to the brink of breakage this time. Wait until their monstrously good LP7, but sit back and take a break with this one for now, please.
  17. richard
    Nov 15, 2008
    Radiohead sets the bar so high for themselves that it is difficult to rate their music. for most groups this would be considered their tour de force but for Radiohead, it comes off as just another fantastic album. With it they cement their place in history alongside Zeppelin and The Beatles. They past The Rolling Stones a long time ago.
  18. Oct 5, 2010
    A weaker effort than what they've done since Pablo Honey, but still a good Radiohead album. What really makes it weaker is how uneven the album is. About 2-3 tracks longer than a usual Radiohead album, there are a number of songs ("Backdrifts", "We Suck Young Blood", "Scatterbrain") that shouldn't have made the cut, but somehow managed to. I would sitll highly recommend it, though, becauseA weaker effort than what they've done since Pablo Honey, but still a good Radiohead album. What really makes it weaker is how uneven the album is. About 2-3 tracks longer than a usual Radiohead album, there are a number of songs ("Backdrifts", "We Suck Young Blood", "Scatterbrain") that shouldn't have made the cut, but somehow managed to. I would sitll highly recommend it, though, because it's still several notches above most of the "fridge buzz" out there. Expand
  19. Jun 1, 2011
    Hail To The Thief for the most part is a great album. The opener "2 + 2 = 5" is one of my favorite Radiohead songs. The only gripe I have about it is that some of the tracks sound like fillers. Not all of them, but just a few. Other than that, Hail To The Thief might be hard getting into if you're becoming a Radiohead fan, but it's a great album that doesn't quite top "Kid A" or "InHail To The Thief for the most part is a great album. The opener "2 + 2 = 5" is one of my favorite Radiohead songs. The only gripe I have about it is that some of the tracks sound like fillers. Not all of them, but just a few. Other than that, Hail To The Thief might be hard getting into if you're becoming a Radiohead fan, but it's a great album that doesn't quite top "Kid A" or "In Rainbows", but still a great jam. B+ Expand
  20. Jun 4, 2011
    Great record, there's just 1-2 tracks that take away from it's overall flow and may prompt a skip.
  21. Jul 11, 2011
    This album has some truly spectacular moments - Go to Sleep, 2+2=5, Sit Down Stand Up and A Punchup at a Wedding to name just a few, and is the typical Radiohead excellence. However, I cannot help but feel that a few tracks (such as We Suck Young Blood and I Will) would have been better as B-Sides. They extended the album beyond its lifespan and were not quite as strong. With a few removedThis album has some truly spectacular moments - Go to Sleep, 2+2=5, Sit Down Stand Up and A Punchup at a Wedding to name just a few, and is the typical Radiohead excellence. However, I cannot help but feel that a few tracks (such as We Suck Young Blood and I Will) would have been better as B-Sides. They extended the album beyond its lifespan and were not quite as strong. With a few removed tracks the album would have had such powerful impetus as to be unstoppable. Expand
  22. Apr 13, 2012
    Not quite up with their best work and probably 3 tracks too long but still a great album with some moments of absolute brilliance. After the excitement that came with it's predecessors, this was slightly anti climatic. There is something about the album that just gives it a gloomier than normal feel.It was great to hear Johnny Greenwood's guitar strongly involved for theNot quite up with their best work and probably 3 tracks too long but still a great album with some moments of absolute brilliance. After the excitement that came with it's predecessors, this was slightly anti climatic. There is something about the album that just gives it a gloomier than normal feel.It was great to hear Johnny Greenwood's guitar strongly involved for the majority of the album after it's bitpart on Kid A and Amnesiac. 2+2=5, There There and Myxamatosis were the highlights for me. Expand
  23. Jan 28, 2012
    Despite being another great album, one feels that something is missing. Possibly it's the lack of a greater beauty in music. But it's still amazing and great to hear it.
  24. May 10, 2016
    Radiohead brings back their rock sensibilities for their 6th album. Though not as commercial as OK Computer or The Bends, Hail to The Thief offers fantastic melodies, piano fueled ballads and the lushness of Thom Yorke's voice. Download: We Suck Young Blood, 2+2=5, I Will, Sail to the Moon.
  25. Mar 4, 2023
    Radiohead hasn't released a single bad record and this is no exception. While the lows are low compared to their other records, they're still great. the Highs on the other hand are quite something different. From the soft and intimate emotionally invested "Scatterbrain" to the absolute deep paranoia and unsure madness in the "Wolf at the Door" chorus, this record manages to keep myRadiohead hasn't released a single bad record and this is no exception. While the lows are low compared to their other records, they're still great. the Highs on the other hand are quite something different. From the soft and intimate emotionally invested "Scatterbrain" to the absolute deep paranoia and unsure madness in the "Wolf at the Door" chorus, this record manages to keep my interest and the last side has to be my favorite from the entire Radiohead catalogue. Held down by it's unsure vision, the record does get a bit incoheisive at times like at the sudden IDM influenced "The Gloaming", Expand
  26. rodrigod
    May 20, 2003
    ultimately 'hail to the thief' is another disappointment from what is becoming a tired radiohead stable. the fresh electronica of 'kid a', elaborated on 'amnesiac' has failed to find the new inspiration the band claim to have. too many anonymous fillers, too little of heart they used to have.
  27. Andy
    Aug 22, 2006
    More of the same from them.
  28. WesleyF
    Aug 3, 2006
    The potential is all there, but sounds rather flat in places. Lacks the dynamics and cohesion of previous works. As an album it fails to live up to expectations, but the songs are there; I only wish they were executed with more spirit.
  29. May 16, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Radiohead's sixth record is sort of a return to form. A work in which guitars, bass, drums and a overall "normal-hearing" rock sound returns.. with of course the same unique tunes and originality typical of the british band. Thom Yorke gave the album a very heavy political feel, with songs like 2 + 2 = 5 that refer to George Orwell's 1984 or Knives Out. It's a good LP with some killer tracks like the 2 mentioned before or There There. I believe the only problem it has is that aside from few great gems, there aren't that many incredbile songs as other records like Ok Computer, The Bends or Kid A. It's a good album, but it feels like Radioheads did not gave 100% of their talent.. a feeling that instead is totally absent in the later and more mature work, In Rainbows. Expand
  30. Aug 29, 2019
    Yes [x42]. For some reason, I felt compelled to give this album another go (it wasn't the first time) and it clicked for some reason. While I still think that this album was in dire need of more interesting material, I really wouldn't consider all but a few songs to be bad.
    Favourites: 2+2=5, Go to Sleep, There, There
    Least Favourites: Backdrifts, The Gloaming, I Will
  31. Jun 4, 2022
    I truly have no strong feelings about this record. It was so dense and monotonous the songs blend into a forgettable mess . I genuinely can't remembered most of what I've heard. I don't think it's a bad record but that it's so standard for the bar they've set that my mind disregards it.
  32. May 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hail To The Thief is a very politically-charged album by Radiohead that ambitiously mixes aspects of experimental rock and electronic. Although I feel like the execution was not perfect and the project seems scattered at times, it still demonstrates a unique sonic landscape all throughout the album. In my opinion the opener to this project is one of their best of all time, 2+2=5. What an explosive way to start an album. And its closer, A Wolf At The Door, is excellent as well. The lyricism seems a bit cheesy at some parts, and the instrumentals especially closer to the middle of the album seem out-of-place sonically. However, this album is still a banging listen.

    Favorite Tracks: 2+2=5, Sit Down/Stand Up, Sail To The Moon, There There, A Punch Up At A Wedding, Myxomatosis, A Wolf At The Door

    Least Favorite Tracks: Go To Sleep, The Gloaming, I Will
  33. SheldonR
    Jun 9, 2003
    I give it a six in radioheads catalog of cd's standards; Id give it a nine in modern music standards. This is a throwback cd for them. Its begs for commercial acceptance. Where is the personality of 'Kid A' or 'Ok Computer'? If they are going to fail I would at least like them to go down expressing something original. I really belive that this is the last even I give it a six in radioheads catalog of cd's standards; Id give it a nine in modern music standards. This is a throwback cd for them. Its begs for commercial acceptance. Where is the personality of 'Kid A' or 'Ok Computer'? If they are going to fail I would at least like them to go down expressing something original. I really belive that this is the last even half-assed rock album for Radiohead. And thats a good thing. Expand
  34. BrianMcC
    Mar 5, 2006
    Better than 'Pablo". Better than 'Kid A'. Great? No way. Worth getting? Maybe....only if you enjoy Radiohead's other efforts...especially Kid A. OK Computer has nothing to worry about...that recording remains their best and 'Hail' finishes way back in the race. Musically, it is nothing new.
  35. SebH
    Mar 27, 2009
    I've been listening to this on and off for 5 years and yet I still see it as their worst since Pablo Honey. Amnesiac was much better because it at least had Pyramid Song and Knives Out (two of their best ever). You might say that it's still a great album compared with everything else that's being churned out these days, but I can't agree with that either. It's not I've been listening to this on and off for 5 years and yet I still see it as their worst since Pablo Honey. Amnesiac was much better because it at least had Pyramid Song and Knives Out (two of their best ever). You might say that it's still a great album compared with everything else that's being churned out these days, but I can't agree with that either. It's not rousing, falls into large lapses of self-parody and is far too long to get through. Sonically, it's not textured to the same beautiful level of OK Computer or The Bends and is even at times unlistenable and overly experimental. There are a few great songs I have to admit - There There, 2+2=5, Where I End And You Begin and, of course, Go To Sleep. But otherwise it's passable at best. In Rainbows, OK Computer, Kid A and The Bends all kick this one's ass. Expand
  36. I'mSadBrandon
    Aug 7, 2003
    I love's them radiohead...but I'm very dissapointed with this ablum. It's starting to sound like, I don't know, maybe they're trying to put something out that might get some radioplay again. They're running out of (good) ideas and are starting to do a little bit of the sell out business.
  37. byDivineRight
    May 30, 2003
    This album seems to have two faces. One is based on more tradition instraments such as the piano and guitar while the other based mostly on computer beats. The computer based stuff is terrible. You sit there listening for the big payload and then the song ends. Monotone is the one word i can think to sum it up best. That and rubbish. The traditional stuff however is outstanding. 2+2=5 is This album seems to have two faces. One is based on more tradition instraments such as the piano and guitar while the other based mostly on computer beats. The computer based stuff is terrible. You sit there listening for the big payload and then the song ends. Monotone is the one word i can think to sum it up best. That and rubbish. The traditional stuff however is outstanding. 2+2=5 is one of a kind, sail to moon, scatterbrain, and my faviorite go to sleep are out of this world. If they would just cut out the electronic garbage and stick to what there good at they would have in me a new number 1 fan. But since have the songs are this new age electronic garbage half of a perfect mark is all i can give them. Expand
  38. RonG
    May 16, 2006
    A few electronic offerings, a few rock songs, a few slow ballads....the trouble is that although there is something for everyone, the album isn't really anything cohesive at all
  39. AidanK.
    Feb 29, 2008
    I feel this is the weekest radiohead record. Its frustrating that the first two tracks are the best ones and it has too many songs.
  40. LeoS
    Jan 29, 2004
    C'mon man! ANYBODY can evidently notice that there's SOMETHING (A LOT OF IT) missing. Turn the lights off and get ready to get depressed.
  41. Nov 15, 2011
    Unfortunately, for the longest, it's also the weakest Radiohead record. Also, the fact, after this album, that the band say they were not being political is almost laughable. This albums saving grace is track one, and then 5 of the last 6 songs, the middle just sounds hopelessly pointless. Good if you want an overview of the Radiohead 'sound,' pretty poor if you're already a fan.
  42. May 14, 2022
    the vocal is not good enough. The whole album is not better than mediocre. Unfortunately disappointing.
  43. Feb 27, 2023
    Compared to all of the Radiohead albums I've listened to so far this one had no songs that wow'd me.
  44. KiheoT
    Oct 22, 2003
    Dark, mediocre and downright whiny- Thom Yorke at his worst. I agree a few listens improves the album but it doesn't hang together like Kid A or Amnesiac. Painfull to listen to all the way through
  45. Entasmiquity
    Jun 15, 2003
    If Radiohead recorded feedback from their oldest amp, burned it to disc, and called it Kid B, the critics would hail the new work's sublime textures and daring use of dissonance. Kid A was an amusing diversion from the norm, but Amnesiac sounded rote, and Hail is no different. I would offer a track-by-track review, but little distinguishes the songs from one another or from the If Radiohead recorded feedback from their oldest amp, burned it to disc, and called it Kid B, the critics would hail the new work's sublime textures and daring use of dissonance. Kid A was an amusing diversion from the norm, but Amnesiac sounded rote, and Hail is no different. I would offer a track-by-track review, but little distinguishes the songs from one another or from the tracks on the past two albums. Expand
  46. Aug 5, 2011
    I discovered radiohead with the famous piano-driven "Karma Police". I then read a lot of great reviews for them so I decided to start from the begining. The first three albums are great, especially OK computer. However, I was very surprised with Kid A. I hated it. So I decided to go for "Hail to the thief" as it was said to be a sort of return to their origins. Well, that is not true.I discovered radiohead with the famous piano-driven "Karma Police". I then read a lot of great reviews for them so I decided to start from the begining. The first three albums are great, especially OK computer. However, I was very surprised with Kid A. I hated it. So I decided to go for "Hail to the thief" as it was said to be a sort of return to their origins. Well, that is not true. Still electronic, the only good songs are the first three and the last two, maybe the third one being the only great one. It's sad to see how this band has gone down so much whilst the press still praise them and laugh at muse's debut album saying it is radiohead (now they have changed them after seeing their fame) when it only draws some inspiration from the opening tracks of the marvelous OK computer. As radiohead have stopped doing that music it is fair for muse or coldplay to expand from that style. Collapse
  47. M.O.
    Aug 5, 2003
    Disappointing and far the worst radiohead album yet.
  48. jamesc
    Mar 10, 2005
    i have been a radiohead fan from the start, i thought there was enough good material on the previous 2 albums to justify their release but this is very poor! because it is so strange , people seem afraid to criticise, but being a fan i have tried to let it grow but to no avail. i will say however, it takes more than a bad album to ruin a great bands reputation. if ya wanna geet into i have been a radiohead fan from the start, i thought there was enough good material on the previous 2 albums to justify their release but this is very poor! because it is so strange , people seem afraid to criticise, but being a fan i have tried to let it grow but to no avail. i will say however, it takes more than a bad album to ruin a great bands reputation. if ya wanna geet into radiohead, focus on the earlier stuff, forget this one! Expand
  49. lewisc
    Apr 24, 2006
  50. boo
    Jan 28, 2006
    pablo honey is way better. this music isn't rock like i thought it would be.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Q Magazine
    As admirable as Radiohead's quest ongoing quest to ignore expectations, tear up the manual and proudly rebel against the limitations of 4/4 time seems, some of Hail To The Thief comes dangerously close to being all experimentalism and precious little substance. [Jul 2003, p.98]
  2. Of course it's political, and of course it continues to merge electronic experimentation with more familiar rock structures; but it employs all those debate-igniting props simply to further the band's more pressing agenda: to tirelessly explore beauty's terrible fragility.
  3. Hail to the Thief is overloaded with miraculous sounds.