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Universal acclaim- based on 433 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 18 out of 433
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  1. Jun 23, 2022
    The summer of 2011 was a great good times. That EP shows us that either Eminem or Royce are not going to giving up on their fans, showing us their skills at it's top level. Flow, punches etc — it is not just like an another EP, this more looks like a challenge between the two great mcs, showing nothing, but respect to each other.
  2. Sep 8, 2021
    Ehh, not a good album. It's okay. But I liked only 3 songs from here (Welcome 2 Hell, Above the Law and Fast Lane). Others were either average or bad.
  3. Jan 24, 2021
    One of the greatest albums in hip hop history. Not one single skip on this album, every song is incredible both musically and lyrically. If you have a problem with this album, I'm sorry to inform you that you are tone deaf.
  4. Sep 11, 2020
    This one might be the best album that Eminem ever released.I think it's way better than both D-12 albums.Wish it had more songs.
  5. Mar 24, 2020
    Bad Meets Evil never disappoints. Overall an Impressive album. Too bad it was pop-influnced and they missed a chance to make a classic hip-hop album for real. I hate to hear pop hooks on BME songs, man...
  6. Feb 10, 2020
    Its one of the the god damn best duo along side outkast if this album is an 8 for you I can see that but anything lower like a 3 god damn your opinion doesnt matter LOLE
  7. Jan 28, 2020
    I love pretty much everything about this album. He teams up with another awesome rapper and the songs are out of control
  8. Jan 23, 2020
    Insant classic. This is the best album of all time. Nothing can be better than this. This is the greatest piece of music.
  9. Nov 1, 2018
    Two fellas on the mic who work superbly with each other. The only song I disliked was 'Loud Noises' which, no matter how much I try to like it, always sounds horrible and well, crap. But everything else was great. 9/10
  10. Sep 21, 2018
    Bad Meets Evil, the coupling of Eminem and Royce Da 5"9 will go down as one of Hip Hop's greatest collaborations. Hell: The Sequel EP showcases how well the two artists work together. However, the depth of the EP is questionable. 'Fast Lane' and 'Lighters' are incredible tracks, and compliment both artists very well, but the rest of the album doesn't seem to be consistent with theBad Meets Evil, the coupling of Eminem and Royce Da 5"9 will go down as one of Hip Hop's greatest collaborations. Hell: The Sequel EP showcases how well the two artists work together. However, the depth of the EP is questionable. 'Fast Lane' and 'Lighters' are incredible tracks, and compliment both artists very well, but the rest of the album doesn't seem to be consistent with the aforementioned tracks.

    Despite this, the duo as atrists, and the hype that was created in the Hip Hop industry due to their forming, gives Hell: The Sequel EP a worthy 7/10.
  11. Dec 25, 2017
    Fast flows, but not choppy flows. Goofy, but not annoying. This EP is a great example of what Eminem is capable of when he has a great emcee like Royce by his side. Bad Meets Evil works great as a duo, it's just a shame we don't see more of this type of rapid, evil flowing from either of them as often.
  12. Jul 18, 2017
    good album.....................................................................................................................................................................
  13. Jul 29, 2016
    Great track nice good music good vocal favorite songs A Kiss and Fast Lane both are the personal best songs from the all I love Dre he sounds great in this and its fast paced.
  14. Jun 27, 2015
    I wasn't sure if I was going to like this album, I'm not sure why but I had doubts. After listening to it I can say that I really like this album. It's not as good as say TES but it's by far his best work since then. Royce is pretty damn great too.
  15. Apr 23, 2015
    Eminem and his old friend Royce da 59 reunite on that impressive album, a sequel from the bad meets evil song on Slim Shady LP. The lyrics are great, the beats are great, Em is great and Royce is great!
  16. Mar 22, 2015
    10/10 ................................................................................................................................................
  17. Mar 3, 2014
    Loved this EP, the lyrics and flow on every song was unique and felt original. Nearly 3 years after it's release, Hell: The Sequel still has you rewinding each track, trying to catch each punchline or reference. Production hasn't grown on me that much and still sounds a bit bland on some tracks. Wouldn't say no to a full length LP or another EP from Bad Meets Evil.
  18. Jan 16, 2014
    When was the last time two rappers at Eminem and Royce's level went head to head like this? Fast paced, raw, "oooo" and "aaaahhh" worthy lyrics, ridiculous flows. This album is awesome, even if it lacks a theme, it's a must-listen.
  19. Dec 24, 2013
    I love pretty much everything about this album. He teams up with another awesome rapper and the songs are out of control (in a good way) with all the lyrics and it just makes you feel bad@$$ when you're listening to them. This is definitely one of his best albums and I love everything about it!
  20. Nov 4, 2013
    Lyricism was good, flow was brilliant just a great album. I preferred it to Recovery. Both Royce and Eminem were very good in this album. My favourite were "welcome 2 hell" "fastlane" the reunion" "Echo" Overall a very good album from bad meets evil!
  21. Aug 1, 2013
    Some of this songs are showing Eminem and Royce da 5'9 being complete jerks and then in the song "Take From Me" they want them to sympathize with us. In "Above The Law" the chorus talks about the rich and the poor. Which has nothing to do with what they rap. "Lighters", "A Kiss" and "Echo" are really good songs. It really feels like it gets competitive between Eminem and Royce, with whoSome of this songs are showing Eminem and Royce da 5'9 being complete jerks and then in the song "Take From Me" they want them to sympathize with us. In "Above The Law" the chorus talks about the rich and the poor. Which has nothing to do with what they rap. "Lighters", "A Kiss" and "Echo" are really good songs. It really feels like it gets competitive between Eminem and Royce, with who can rap harder and faster, which is always appreciated, there's not a lyrical competition because Eminem writes all of the lyrics, but regardless, you should give this EP a try. Expand
  22. Mar 7, 2013
    Eminem and Royce donn't find what many fans look for, its mostly a mess of uneediness and overplayed songs.
  23. Dec 26, 2012
    Eminem is undoubtably back. Hell: The Sequel is his best work since The Eminem Show back in 2002. The EP is very good, both lyrically and in content. No longer is Eminem ranting and raging through every song (there are still a few, Above the Law and Echo for example) but he has finally seemed to put something into this album that has been lacking in his last 3: variety. There are seriousEminem is undoubtably back. Hell: The Sequel is his best work since The Eminem Show back in 2002. The EP is very good, both lyrically and in content. No longer is Eminem ranting and raging through every song (there are still a few, Above the Law and Echo for example) but he has finally seemed to put something into this album that has been lacking in his last 3: variety. There are serious introspective songs (Lighters, Take From Me), funny songs (A Kiss, Fast Lane), angry rants (Welcome 2 Hell, Above the Law) and the violent whore-bashing "The Reunion". Royce's rapping abilities are up there with some of the best in the game currently and he is one of the few rappers who is able to keep up with Em lyrically, even outperforming him in a few songs. There are a few weak tracks on the album (Lighters, Above the Law, Loud Noises) but apart from that, this is a very good EP. Standout tracks: Welcome 2 Hell, Fast Lane, I'm On Everything & Take From Me. Expand
  24. Aug 9, 2012
    Some songs are so unbelievably off-beat, I couldn't hear to that **** Other songs like the singles "Fast Lane" or "Lighters" are very good rapped and also the highlights of the album. The residual album is disappointing rubbish. A million of swear words and some songs, where they're only grumble about women or fans. Other songs don't have choruses, which are extremely important for me. Poor album.
  25. Jun 6, 2012
    Lighters Is Amazing!
    Overall His Best Album In Years! MASSIVE STEP UP!
  26. Jun 5, 2012
    With a fresh face in the "Hip-Hop Duo" field, Bad Meets Evil provides a brilliant reunion between a lyrical genius and a blast from the past. This EP has wonderful beats along with clever, thoughtful wordplay to get me exited for their first full-length LP.
  27. Feb 23, 2012
    This EP gives me hope that Hip-Hop is being revived along with ppl like Tech N9ne, Kanye & more. I thought it was going to be average EP but once i got to the 3rd song i was like this EP is impossible to suck
  28. Feb 8, 2012
    Dope! So happy Em and Royce squashed the stupid beef and ended up making this. It is kind of short but they rap fast enough in the 9 songs that they say more clever stuff than a normal rap artist with an album of 15 songs or more. A Kiss, I'm on Everything, and Welcome 2 Hell are so sick.
  29. Jan 5, 2012
    This was the only real American rap album of 2011 successful enough to reach the UK at least. the worlds biggest rappers; Jay-Z, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Drake etc. did all release albums during this year, but none were 'proper' rap albums. Jay and Kanye used so many samples it became annoying quickly. Lil Wayne recycles lyrics and relies on that unique voice of his to sound good, and DrakeThis was the only real American rap album of 2011 successful enough to reach the UK at least. the worlds biggest rappers; Jay-Z, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Drake etc. did all release albums during this year, but none were 'proper' rap albums. Jay and Kanye used so many samples it became annoying quickly. Lil Wayne recycles lyrics and relies on that unique voice of his to sound good, and Drake never has been a solid rapper. Eminem and Royce da 5'9 show the world rap music isn't dead on this by delivering endless hard lyrics and killer punchlines. they also do it over - in comparison to Jay and Kanye at least - simple beats that allow there flow to become the focus of the record. Also what is impressing for me to see, is Royce holding his own on the record throughout all the songs with Eminem, a man who made a living out of jumping on other peoples songs and murdering them. this album is about two rappers, rapping. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Aug 4, 2011
    If you've ever found yourself pouring over the lyrics to a Eminem or Royce song, trying to break down each metaphor and punchline, you'll eat Hell up.
  2. Jun 30, 2011
    This is a labor of love Eminem clearly made for himself and an old friend who unleashed his inner beast. As he does on seemingly every album, Eminem makes noise here about retiring; for the first time in forever, that actually seems like a bad idea.
  3. Jun 28, 2011
    The duo's sinister raps are as shockingly impressive as they are morally disturbing.