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Universal acclaim- based on 169 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 10 out of 169

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  1. TimH
    Dec 2, 2004
    To the critics - open your mind or go fix that dripping tap that must be really irritating you. Absolutely beautiful to LISTEN to (quit thinking about it!)
  2. marianl
    Jan 8, 2005
    i really love this band and their music. it's about time to have a new refreshing sound in music. everything else was sounding the same. i wish this band everlasting success. bravo!!
  3. MikeR
    Mar 15, 2005
    I know It's only POP but I like it! No pose, no inide_morons actitude, only a good band. Critics must die.
  4. KillianD
    Jul 5, 2007
    10/10 This album is a spectacular album. Full Stop.
  5. Luis
    Nov 4, 2004
    I don´t need snobs in my life. A perfect *POP* album.
  6. MattS
    Oct 14, 2004
    Just sitting back and listening to it, it's sonically gorgeous. It's amazingly stripped down, the songs and the sound creates an illusion of depth that isn't in any way actually there.
  7. SteveS
    Jun 9, 2004
    My favorite CD of the year thus far - and totally unexpected as I feel the singles, while catchy, are derivative of Travis and Coldplay. That actual album has a more 80's sound to me, recalling groups like China Crisis and a little bit of Ultravox.
  8. Hannaj
    Jul 29, 2004
    I liked all songs of this album.
  9. MariaGC
    Aug 22, 2004
    A masterpiece. No words to explain such beautiful songs. Absolutely my favourite group after Tears For Fears. BRAVI KEANE!! :-)
  10. ChuckS
    Feb 9, 2005
    This is the best album this year by far
  11. JeremyM.
    Jul 25, 2005
    Well I have to say that at first I was skeptical about buying this album because of it's initial "soft, touchy-feely" impression. Having honestly listened to it over 30 times, this is one of the greatest albums I've ever heard. The tracks fit together seamlessly (which is DIFFERENT than sounding all the same), the vocals are supremely angelic and pitched perfectly, the Well I have to say that at first I was skeptical about buying this album because of it's initial "soft, touchy-feely" impression. Having honestly listened to it over 30 times, this is one of the greatest albums I've ever heard. The tracks fit together seamlessly (which is DIFFERENT than sounding all the same), the vocals are supremely angelic and pitched perfectly, the piano/keyboard add depth to the melodies, and the drums complete the unique Keane sound. That's right, unique. Just because they come from the same country and have the same soft approach as Coldplay doesn't mean they should be dumbly labeled as a rip-off. Keane has no guitars whatsoever or even the same theme of their music. Keane is more about heartbreak and other problems with love than anything else, something present but not prevalent on Coldplay albums. And how many rock bands from America play the exact same instruments and sing about the same stuff in the same way? Surely they're not all said to be rip-offs of one another. This is a great, melodic album that sings with great passion and fantastic lyrics. They in fact won Songwriters of the Year in the UK recently. So stop with all that hater talk and listen to this album with an open mind. Expand
  12. huddy
    Mar 15, 2006
    in my opinion the best CD of the year, extremely heart felt and such effort from the band. Amazing from beginning to end!
  13. andread
    Jul 30, 2006
    the greatest album ¡¡¡¡¡ come one guys keep on bringing us those lovely and pasionate songs . thank you very much
  14. NeilR.
    Oct 25, 2007
    An awesome first album. Every song is wonderfully melodic and beautifully produced. The guy's voice is fantastic, and the arrangements are original. The piano is especially strong. Track 6 is breathtaking.
  15. tristant
    Mar 18, 2007
    Listen to me!!!!!!!! This is REAL music!!! Melody, depth, emotion and the best voice in music in tom chaplin!!! So put down all your stupid reviews, because those who review cant do!!!forget about all your sickly overhyped british shit bands and pick up a copy of KEANE and discover what real music is!!! GENIUS!!!!!
  16. JhonnyM
    Jun 14, 2004
    Best Album EVER!
  17. artform
    Jun 28, 2004
    Am I the only one with ears? This band is great! They play their hearts, and out comes Hopes and Fears. It's a 10 from me. I love the singer's voice. I love the sound of their music, that's it.
  18. keano
    Jul 16, 2004
    My score for this album says it all.
  19. ashleighb
    Aug 6, 2004
    Keane: Hopes amd Fears is the best album i hav eva heard!! they are just amazing, and i am now completely in love with tom chaplin!! his voice is so passionate a pure, it makes my spine shiver and tingle all ova!!! i love keane so much!!
  20. MarkP
    May 23, 2005
    Love this album. Amazingly beautiful. Have been listening to it constantly since seeing them on Saturday Night live. That voice just left me spellbound. Seeing them at Radio City in a couple weeks. Not often a new band grips me the way this one did.
  21. VinceF
    Jun 21, 2005
    This is my favorite album for the last year and it will be for a long time again. Each song is truly, and deeply beatiful...
  22. TomM
    Jul 2, 2005
    The best album ive ever heard, Keane r genius's, da critic review score is totally rong
  23. G.M.D.K.
    Jul 25, 2005
    A triumph of poetry,melodies,and lyrical emotion.A satisfying debut of a band that should have deserved the CD treatement long time ago.A catchy and breezy album.My favorite song from the band must be "Everybody's changing". A must buy!
  24. DH
    Jun 25, 2006
    This is about as good an album of pop/rock music I have ever heard. A masterpiece, Chaplin has a great voice and unlike so many frontmen I can actually make out the words he is singing. Lyrically it can be vague, but thats actually a good thing since music should be a work of art and up for several different interpretations. Music that relies on a great voice, piano/keyboards, and drums. This is about as good an album of pop/rock music I have ever heard. A masterpiece, Chaplin has a great voice and unlike so many frontmen I can actually make out the words he is singing. Lyrically it can be vague, but thats actually a good thing since music should be a work of art and up for several different interpretations. Music that relies on a great voice, piano/keyboards, and drums. Its a refreshing change with a great sound. Expand
  25. JimH
    May 3, 2008
    This cd is honestly amazing. I am very critical when it comes to music etc, But, like others have said here, this cd is the best I have heard in years. Great songs, vocals, and the songs stay with you when you have heard them. I can not remember when I liked a band as much as Keane. It feels great!!!!!
  26. MarkC
    Aug 23, 2004
    Brilliant. Gorgeous. Amazing. The best album of 2004, without a doubt.
  27. Lorae
    Nov 2, 2005
    My favorite album this year. Start to finish I can't get sick of it. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
  28. claireiellec
    Mar 27, 2005
    i love this band it rockz well i like tom chaplin
  29. scottc
    Jul 14, 2005
    Breathtaking. Vocals remind me of Rufus Wainright. Piano is gorgeous. Fills my heart with joy.
  30. MatthewK
    Sep 11, 2005
    Love it, I love the band and there music is wonderfull, a big ten.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 18
  2. Negative: 3 out of 18
  1. The 11 tracks on Hopes And Fears have an almost complete lack of soul and even distinction between one another.
  2. There isn't much variety on the disc, which many will find a bit thin after repeated spins, but there's no doubting the band's clean, confident sound.
  3. Mojo
    Somewhere Only We Know is one of 2004's loveliest tunes, and while nothing else on their debut album quite matches this apogee of woebegone non-energy, there's plenty to keep the eyes welling up. [Jun 2004, p.116]