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Universal acclaim- based on 247 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 247

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  1. MichaelE
    Jun 20, 2007
    Surprisingly decent. A definite improvement on the last two albums, at least in terms of consistency. It's not as self-consciously wacky as any of the previous records, but that may actually be a bad thing - Icky Thump occasionally strays into normality. No matter what, as somebody once said to me: "The Stripes may be good or they may be bad, but at least they play ROCK AND ROLL." Surprisingly decent. A definite improvement on the last two albums, at least in terms of consistency. It's not as self-consciously wacky as any of the previous records, but that may actually be a bad thing - Icky Thump occasionally strays into normality. No matter what, as somebody once said to me: "The Stripes may be good or they may be bad, but at least they play ROCK AND ROLL." What other currently popular band does that? Expand
  2. DaveJ
    Jun 19, 2007
    Listened to the album all week on the MTV website. I was slightly disappointed but the first 4 songs are great.
  3. Jun 28, 2012
    Solid final album from the blues rock duo. It's not got any songs that are complete magic, which is not something you would say about the 3 records previous to this, and that is where it loses out. It's a consistent record, mostly full of bluesy rock, typical ofwhat we've come to expect from Jack and Meg White. Opener and title track Icky Thump is by far the most interesting thing on it -Solid final album from the blues rock duo. It's not got any songs that are complete magic, which is not something you would say about the 3 records previous to this, and that is where it loses out. It's a consistent record, mostly full of bluesy rock, typical ofwhat we've come to expect from Jack and Meg White. Opener and title track Icky Thump is by far the most interesting thing on it - and by White Stripes standards could be classed as experimental. After that they play it safe for the most part. Bone Broke is the other standout track for me. Not the worst record you'll hear but Jack White has put his name to far superior records. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 39
  2. Negative: 1 out of 39
  1. This is a heavyweight album in every sense of the word.
  2. This is by far The White Stripes’ most peculiar record.
  3. Uncut
    A compellingly weird experience. [Jul 2007, p.92]