
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jan 31, 2020
    While the songs on If I Am Only My Thoughts feel gradual and soft, the album nevertheless contains a form of passionate songwriting, catering to feelings of hopefulness and longing.
  2. Jan 31, 2020
    If I Am Only My Thoughts is the work of a band already at the top of their game, and anyone looking for music that wraps them in a warm blanket of intricate sound and a calming embrace of restrained emotion could do a whole lot worse.
  3. Jan 31, 2020
    The result is never less than amiable, but it also tends to slide past, like a pleasant daydream or an afternoon shadow.
  4. Jan 31, 2020
    An album that needs a bit more of its own personality, but it’s sung with the confidence of someone who thinks they’ve got it all figured out.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Mar 8, 2020
    If I Am Only My Thoughts is the second album released after 4 long years of producing their 2016 released self-titled debut album laid theIf I Am Only My Thoughts is the second album released after 4 long years of producing their 2016 released self-titled debut album laid the foundation for their unique sound that could be compared to a foggy dream and summer hazes which is what they further develop on here on the instrumentally diverse second album.

    The instrumentation in the opening tracks Visions, Only she knows inhibits a lot of dreamy low-fidelity style of producing that is executed very well throughout the album and constantly gives off a feeling of rocking and swaying in a boat within the large dreamscape that is Loving's instrumentation with synths and piano pulling you in like a tide and the subtle guitar that isn't over-dramatic all to be completed with the drums that are mastered and mixed extremely well for the albums overall tone.

    The album really makes use of all sorts of instruments and effects such as slide guitar which is something we're starting to see make a comeback in contemporary music is utilized beautifully within the some of the tracks such as the interlude "January" that has a lot of subtle percussion, piano, keys and its string orchestra that is gorgeously placed about three quarters of the way through the song, really setting the mood for the next song Lately in another time that has by far some of the best poetically written lyrics by far throughout the album.

    Although it has its tracks set at a high standard the obsession of keeping the albums tone in check similar to Kevin Shields starts to loom over and become more obvious within the first half of the album where a few tracks start to create a fog that becomes almost hypnotizing between tracks that are more flamboyant and are generally the highlights of the whole album but despite this it does deliver on creating the dreamscape it desires between the highlight tracks or in other words were the singles released upcoming to the albums announcement but despite that even the lower tracks have really good writing and composition like simple moon which isn't anything special but can still be appreciated for its overall sound and catchyness, which can be compared to some of Mac DeMarco's music that can be sang along to pretty easily at concerts.

    This record can be personified in the way of a carefully crafted mural for instance with each painting having its own unique stroke and colour to form one big image, even though each song may not differ in colour and create its own distinct personality which to some it apparently "Doesn't have" it definitely has its own shades to its depressing, tired and lethargic soundscape that is the mural it paints. This is by far the most Lo-Fi album made and definitely is the embodiment of its genre down to the marrow of its own bone.

    Listen to it, rep it, buy the record and watch their sets. A small band putting in this much effort deserves the appreciation and support.
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 29, 2020
    This album perfectly encapsulates the term psych-pop and should be treated rightfully as one of the best in its genre. With great lyrics theThis album perfectly encapsulates the term psych-pop and should be treated rightfully as one of the best in its genre. With great lyrics the minimalist instrumentals glow as if a dream in the background. The whole album seems to keep this theme of existential thought pondered in the most perfect of ways, not a single song pops out like it doesn't belong. The thought process shown in this record really changed the way I think about the way I think, which is a lot more than should be asked by a simple lo-fi, psych-pop album. Strongly recommend a listen Full Review »
  3. Apr 22, 2020
    If I Am Only My Thoughts has an overall sound that could be plucked from a vinyl out of the late 60s/early 70s while still sounding fresh. TheIf I Am Only My Thoughts has an overall sound that could be plucked from a vinyl out of the late 60s/early 70s while still sounding fresh. The only crime is that some of the songs are just too short. Regardless, it's a great album for a lazy Sunday listen. Full Review »