• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: May 4, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. May 4, 2015
    If Metz's debut was unnerving in its most powerful moments, II is the rock equivalent of Wes Craven's Last House on the Left; just keep telling yourself, "It's only an album ... only an album .... only an album ..."
  2. 80
    II hits like a concussion grenade, and you'll revel in the damage long after the room's been cleared. [Jun 2015, p.96]
  3. May 7, 2015
    At just 25 minutes, these 10 tracks zip quick, but their aural, emotional weightiness demands compression.
  4. Apr 28, 2015
    It may take a few listens to soak in all the vitriol and venom, but it’s worth the effort.
  5. May 4, 2015
    II is an advert to be a whole new generation’s Sonic Youth or Nirvana and on this performance, you’d be foolish not to buy in.
  6. May 5, 2015
    Beautifully brutal weirdo punk.
  7. Jun 5, 2015
    It feels like they’ve found a way to channel attitude into songs that are more powerful and compelling.
  8. May 6, 2015
    It's a bleak listen, but there's something comforting about hearing three musicians playing punishing music as a complete unit, knowing there are few that could do it like them.
  9. Magnet
    Jun 4, 2015
    II is looser and fuzzier than its predecessor.... one of 2015's standout records. [No. 120, p.56]
  10. May 4, 2015
    II follows its predecessor’s footsteps to the T, acting less as an evolution and more as a sharp, acute continuation of what made that album such a force to be reckoned with.
  11. May 7, 2015
    By sticking so closely to the script laid out by their debut, II is the one thing punk rock should never be: careful.
  12. May 4, 2015
    II does find the band more often playing to their strengths than looking for ways to expand their horizons.
  13. 80
    Metz are at their most creative and their most liberal. II is one of the most in-your-face records you'll hear this year.
  14. May 18, 2015
    Singer-guitarist Alex Edkins flirts with full-on nihilism, but there are hooks hidden in the onslaught, and Edkins' fever-pitch angst never feels less than honest.
  15. May 5, 2015
    II, like the record that preceded it, is still a seasick and unyielding document of brutalist experimentation. But because the trio is willing to explore different avenues, there’s more corners to get lost in.
  16. Apr 28, 2015
    II does not attempt to reinvent the wheel, but instead just straps rockets onto both sides and lets it fly. And boy, how high it goes.
  17. May 5, 2015
    If that self-titled first outing was like picking at a scab, Metz’s second effort is equivalent to ripping off a Band-Aid. Either way, it’s still music to bleed to.
  18. 85
    With II, Metz have done more than enough to cement themselves as the new kings of transgressive hard rock, and that's a crown which is going to be difficult for anyone to wrestle from them.
  19. May 26, 2015
    On its primally satisfying second album, II, it plays with punk attitude, hardcore discipline and construction-site volume. That all adds up to a glorious rumble, and a fetishistic one as well.
  20. Apr 28, 2015
    II tweaks the Metz formula just enough to stand as an improvement over the band's excellent 2012 self-titled debut.
  21. Uncut
    Apr 29, 2015
    A record that comes on like a loving homage to the venerable Seattle label's gnarly rock of yore. [Jun 2015, p.80]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Jan 9, 2016
    Short review;

    METZ's sophomore album "II" is more or less the same as their self-titled debut record. If you enjoy heavy hard rock, with
    Short review;

    METZ's sophomore album "II" is more or less the same as their self-titled debut record.

    If you enjoy heavy hard rock, with some post-punk and grunge influence thrown into the mix, then you might have to give this record a shot.

    The instrumentation is on point. The vocals are still as raw and powerful as they always were. Plus, the band never overstays their visit, as the album is only around 30 minutes long.

    While METZ might be dwelling in their comfortzone for a bit too long, they still bring forth a string of banging songs on II.

    Fav Tracks: Acetate, The Swimmer, Nervous System
    Least Fav Tracks: I.O.U.
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