• Record Label: PIAS
  • Release Date: May 20, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. May 8, 2014
    Without boundaries but with form, experimental and noisy but always totally listenable, III is one hell of a record. Psychedelic, maybe. Fantastic, most definitely.
  2. Jul 1, 2014
    While III is certainly weird, it’s also rather wonderful.
  3. May 27, 2014
    The songs on III encompass majestic processionals, droney space rock, whipsaw distorted funk and songs in which it’s best simply to hang on for the ride.
  4. May 19, 2014
    Moving gracefully between stretched-out and melancholic space rock sprawl and frothing explosions of psych rock power, Bo Ningen display complete control of their seemingly unhinged muse, creating an always colorful album that travels a spectrum of sounds based on other planets as well as the depths of the band's collective nervous system.
  5. May 16, 2014
    It's tempting to assume that the box--call it psychedelic rock, acid punk or what you may--is their base of operations, but it's really not that simple. Bo Ningen will take your labels and whirl their chaotic vortex right through it, leaving splinters and eviscerated expectations in their wake.
  6. May 12, 2014
    Whatever the hell Bo Ningen are doing, and somehow it feels almost so natural it’s instinctive or involuntary to them, they’re doing it very, very, well.
  7. 80
    It’s such an confrontational piece of work that you need to mentally prepare prior to the needle hitting the groove. Once it does though, you are dragged into Bo Ningen’s world, a place where the fusion of rhythm fighting against musical aggression has never sounded so thrilling.
  8. May 8, 2014
    It's a thrilling ride.
  9. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 18, 2014
    It's a perfect kind of insanity, and it gets the old adrenalin pumping nicely. [Summer 2014, p.91]
  10. 70
    Bo Ningen have become more approachable without losing the ferocity and anything-goes attitude that made them so exciting in the first place.
  11. Uncut
    May 8, 2014
    With III, they shift their intense focus on '70s motorik rock, psychedelia and heavy drone to admit furious post-punk, industrio-dub grooves and the odd open space, [Jun 2014, p.72]
  12. Under The Radar
    Jun 6, 2014
    It's crazy-sounding stuff, but these self-described "acid punks" might appeal to readers with a taste for the weird. [Jun/Jul 2014, p.84]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. May 25, 2014
    BBNG3 is this band's first album using 100% of their own material. Because of this BBNG really had to focus and make sure that they make goodBBNG3 is this band's first album using 100% of their own material. Because of this BBNG really had to focus and make sure that they make good songs for this album. That being said, you don't really feel the energy on this thing cause they aren't kids jammin out to covers anymore. These guys definitely sound more serious and the production on this thing can't be any better. I just wish that there were more jammin solo's and fun like there was with bbng1 and 2.

    7.1/10 for me. All the songs are good, but don't have as much energy as the previous albums. I would recommend it to any fan of hip-hop/electronic/jazz
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