
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. 80
    Heidecker has been releasing music for the past eight years in various forms, but it’s a blast to see him strike out on his own and create an album that is sharp, insightful, and often hysterical.
  2. May 19, 2016
    Heidecker’s still a little green as a singer. He’s not bad at all--quite pleasant, actually--but throughout In Glendale, he sounds unsure of himself, never going full vibrato or exhibiting the same commitment as his Laurel Canyon forefathers.
  3. May 19, 2016
    As always, In Glendale is a lot of fun, especially for fans who are prepared to smile in recognition at these songs rather than laugh at them.
  4. May 20, 2016
    Like the rest of his comedy oeuvre, Heidecker pulls no punches. In Glendale arrives as a fully formed beast, equal parts parody and confession of our universal lameness.
  5. May 19, 2016
    So while In Glendale is not groundbreaking, revolutionary or gut busting levels of funny, it still provides a humorous, pleasant and suitably mundane peek into the life of a man who has long established himself as a champion of surreal strangeness.
  6. Jun 29, 2016
    Heidecker's voice isn't the greatest thing you've ever heard, but it is passable and radio-friendly. It is too bad most of this album is just skippable.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Jun 17, 2016
    Heidecker has shown his musical chops in bits of some of the comedy shows he's created with Eric Wareheim, and in two phenomenal records withHeidecker has shown his musical chops in bits of some of the comedy shows he's created with Eric Wareheim, and in two phenomenal records with Davin Wood (as Heidecker & Wood). However, just about all of his music so far has seemed to me to be created with comedy as one of the top priorities. This solo album has its funny moments and songs, but it's a serious album with seriously good music. I'd recommend it to anybody who likes well-written, well-crafted songs in the style of Warren Zevon or similar storytelling songwriter. Full Review »