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  1. ZachJ.
    Nov 9, 2007
    maybe rolling stone has never heard "roygbiv" from the boards of canada's 1998 release "Music has the right to children" before they heard the song "all i need". i guess 9 years is long enough that when radiohead uses the same beat it doesn't sound like any other band on earth. boards of canada = other worldly
  2. EdwardM.
    Oct 19, 2007
  3. TheRimRider
    Nov 9, 2007
    For those very few musically backward people who just dont get them, you're really missing out on probably the best band since the Beatles. There have been other great albums by Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Led Zepplin, Nirvana etc. but In Rainbows has reaffirmed that they were not just a great band with a two year magical peak (96, 97). If your frustrated trying to decipher For those very few musically backward people who just dont get them, you're really missing out on probably the best band since the Beatles. There have been other great albums by Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Led Zepplin, Nirvana etc. but In Rainbows has reaffirmed that they were not just a great band with a two year magical peak (96, 97). If your frustrated trying to decipher Yorke's lyrics youre missing the point. Be carried away by his vocals and the music instead. Far and beyond anything anyone else has done for decades. Expand
  4. kriss
    Oct 21, 2007
    Well I'm going to be honest, I've listened to this about four times already and I'm not really digging it. I don't know if it is because this is a "grower" or whatnot (I love OK COMPUTER, but I'm not a hardcore Radiohead fan), but this being a Radiohead record I'd more than to listen to it a few more times, but this being the best record of the year and all Well I'm going to be honest, I've listened to this about four times already and I'm not really digging it. I don't know if it is because this is a "grower" or whatnot (I love OK COMPUTER, but I'm not a hardcore Radiohead fan), but this being a Radiohead record I'd more than to listen to it a few more times, but this being the best record of the year and all those 10s and 9s I see, I have to disagree with, though oddly enough I still say "Person Pitch" is the best thing to happen this year. Expand
  5. MyOpinion
    Oct 21, 2007
    Well like others on this review, I love it. Every negative review on here bashes not only the album, but also the people who liked it. Something is wrong with the hundreds of people who gave it good reviews, and the 4 who gave it bad reviews know music. I don't think so. This album grips you from the very beginning and keeps you interested through out. Better than OKC? I think it may Well like others on this review, I love it. Every negative review on here bashes not only the album, but also the people who liked it. Something is wrong with the hundreds of people who gave it good reviews, and the 4 who gave it bad reviews know music. I don't think so. This album grips you from the very beginning and keeps you interested through out. Better than OKC? I think it may be too early to tell for me. I'm going to wait for the second half on Dec 3rd to make that decision. IT IS right there with the quality of tunes we have always got from Radiohead. Greatest album of all time, na, But that is just my opinion, and if another person says it is, I will respect that view. Expand
  6. dj=riv
    Dec 12, 2007
    5 out of 5 for the means, plus 4 out of 5 for my first few impressions, plus so very much respect and thanks from me equals 7/10?
  7. CameronD.
    Dec 16, 2007
    They continue to keep my attention.
  8. conrada.
    Oct 22, 2007
    astonishing album. they seem to touch on almost every type of musical genre while delivering an emotional yet powerful record. the band is at its best. his voice is incredible. they get better and better.
  9. lawrenceh.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Not bad, overhyped though. Aren't these songs outtakes from REM's Automatic for the People, recycled through laptop wizardry?
  10. GiuseppeM.
    Oct 22, 2007
    simply the beauty!!! This is a perfect landscape of all our souls. Thank you, Radiohead !!!
  11. SonnyW.
    Oct 22, 2007
    I agree with everyone who gave this album a 10. It's a Classic in my world (and those of my friends, family colleagues and acquaintances) - a REAL record by a REAL band. I think the music speaks for itself and any music lover who keeps their mind open and gives it the attention it deserves will be rewarded with a positive experience. I just don't know how they keep doing it.
  12. GarrettR
    Oct 22, 2007
    Not a rotten song in the batch--all songs are stripped of their illustrious excess leaving Yorke's voice to create the intimacy and fright not heard in the band in some ten years.
  13. GabiorA.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Radiohead prove further that they can release anything to critical acclaim with this collection of elevator tunes and indie electronic college crap pop. Even if you argue that maybe this music just isn't for me just look at the lyrics to see the lack of effort here. Every positive user review is hysterically identical "haven't creamed my pants this bad since OK Computer." Either Radiohead prove further that they can release anything to critical acclaim with this collection of elevator tunes and indie electronic college crap pop. Even if you argue that maybe this music just isn't for me just look at the lyrics to see the lack of effort here. Every positive user review is hysterically identical "haven't creamed my pants this bad since OK Computer." Either way, fanboys will be fanboys. Expand
  14. DavidT.
    Oct 22, 2007
    OK... Jonathan H? I have no idea where you're coming from... There must be at least one track you liked? No? Ok. For me, this is definitely a grower, just like every other Radiohead album. I can't believe these guys manage to come up with so much fantastic material! The opening few moments of the album are reminiscent of the Thom Yorke solo album (Another fantastic "grower") but OK... Jonathan H? I have no idea where you're coming from... There must be at least one track you liked? No? Ok. For me, this is definitely a grower, just like every other Radiohead album. I can't believe these guys manage to come up with so much fantastic material! The opening few moments of the album are reminiscent of the Thom Yorke solo album (Another fantastic "grower") but as soon as the guitar sets in you realise this is A-grade Radiohead musical diversity. Constantly shifting and changing this album feels so raw yet built up with layers that can be dissected whilst listening. Which,in my opinion is one of the fantastic things about Radiohead. While most bands use a stock string section with a simple chord progression, r.h fill their music with parts that would be equally as interesting to listen to alone! And YES it is just you! To me Radiohead embodies what is so GOOD about music now! The marriage of so many different techniques and styles of music to create something that is truly incredible.BUT i guess i have to respect your opinion! I just find it hard to believe there isn't ONE thing you like about the album so i find it hard to believe you can justify the 0. Expand
  15. RyanA.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Epic. I'm finishing the last song as I'm writing this. This album is epic. To be honest, it wasn't what I expected, but I think that was part of what made this album so good; it was a step, mind you not a large one, into their more down-tempo work. Sweet stuff. Go buy it.
  16. Francesco
    Dec 22, 2007
    Almost perfect.
  17. MarkK.
    Oct 22, 2007
  18. seans.
    Dec 22, 2007
    Beautiful, full, calm, captivating music. Radiohead return to a more synergistic approach to an albulm. More together than hail to the thief, more approachable than the brilliant Kid-A. Not for everyone but a must have for Radiohead fans and those who love beauty in music.
  19. ookysoot
    Dec 23, 2007
    "Paul K" hit it right on the head: "sound of heads disappearing up arse." radiohead is so full of shit. you pathetic provincial children actually think this is good music, and that is funny. the rest of us will think of your bastardized musical experiences, and feel sorry, when we're listening to some truly inspiring stuff. you all just have your heads so far up your arses that you "Paul K" hit it right on the head: "sound of heads disappearing up arse." radiohead is so full of shit. you pathetic provincial children actually think this is good music, and that is funny. the rest of us will think of your bastardized musical experiences, and feel sorry, when we're listening to some truly inspiring stuff. you all just have your heads so far up your arses that you can't hear what rubbish this band is, or, worse, what brilliant stuff other bands are making. you all are hopeless. Expand
  20. frankfurter
    Dec 27, 2007
    The best album of the year. Maybe the best album of the last five years. Certainly Radiohead's best since Kid A. Oh, and I need say more?
  21. brunom.
    Dec 29, 2007
    It´s simple music made good. There´s no doubt about it. Radiohead gives you the chance to rediscover their music as it was meant to be listened, and with good timing too. Thom keeps singing with his soul, suffering less or not, it sure seems we're all much quieter.
  22. ThomasM.
    Oct 23, 2007
    A good album. By no means the band's best, it seems that, given the length of time it took to arrive, and the method of its release, the press had already decided this was going to be great. And it is, but all these 'return to form' or 'best album since OK Computer' reviews are ignoring the fact that Radiohead made three interesting and diverse albums after that. A good album. By no means the band's best, it seems that, given the length of time it took to arrive, and the method of its release, the press had already decided this was going to be great. And it is, but all these 'return to form' or 'best album since OK Computer' reviews are ignoring the fact that Radiohead made three interesting and diverse albums after that. It is good to hear the band doing something different again, whilst still having a pop aesthetic, but it still is not as good as Kid A or Hail to the Thief. Expand
  23. SoniaB.
    Oct 23, 2007
  24. JosephA.
    Oct 23, 2007
    After much listening, I personally am torn between and 7 or a 6. It is quite lovely to see Radiohead back, in some cases I wonder what the f*** went on about the recording sessions. Most of the tracks seem quite much like filler if anything, lush depressing romantic filler (as opposed to lush depressing political filler from Hail to the Thief.) Nevertheless, it almost makes me believe After much listening, I personally am torn between and 7 or a 6. It is quite lovely to see Radiohead back, in some cases I wonder what the f*** went on about the recording sessions. Most of the tracks seem quite much like filler if anything, lush depressing romantic filler (as opposed to lush depressing political filler from Hail to the Thief.) Nevertheless, it almost makes me believe that I am listening to a Coldplay record, in a mehish way. As such, the winners here are Bodysnachers, Nude, and Videotape with their Radiohead-esque melancholy. Sadly, when this album suck, it sucks hard. Especially concerning some of the other lyrics ("I am the holidays you choose to ignore," Thom what have you been drinking.) seem childish, selfish, and in some cases (despite the album's claim of being more user-friendly) unintelligible thanks to horrible balancing of sounds, drowning out Yorke's vocals. Granted, thought at first I regretted being short of change when I downloaded the album. (Which I believe has led to some review whoring, and I am saying this as a fairly ardent Radiohead fan.) I don't feel as conflicted due to the quality (or lack there of.) Expand
  25. Austins
    Dec 3, 2007
    I think they finally found a happy medium between the electronic experimentation from their last couple of albums, and have revealed their true genius for great song writing, ala OK Computer and The Bends. They are miles beyond most bands in overall talent. I hope this is the beginning of the end for all these crummy emo and pop bands that dominate teeny boppers Ipods. That music (along I think they finally found a happy medium between the electronic experimentation from their last couple of albums, and have revealed their true genius for great song writing, ala OK Computer and The Bends. They are miles beyond most bands in overall talent. I hope this is the beginning of the end for all these crummy emo and pop bands that dominate teeny boppers Ipods. That music (along with modern country) has single handedly dumbed down our culture to primitve levels. Thank God for Radiohead!!!! Expand
  26. JosephO.
    Oct 23, 2007
    I don't think this comes close to the big 3 - Bends, Ok Computer, and Kid A. I wouldn't even put it in my top 10 for this year yet. I get the same feeling that I had when I first heard Amnesiac...slightly bored.
  27. Radioheadfan
    Dec 4, 2007
    Limps along until you realize its not worth helping this lame dog. A real snoozer.
  28. BD
    Oct 24, 2007
    Excellent. I was initially unconvinced, felt it was not their best work, but every time I listen to it I like it more. One of the best albums in many years.
  29. RogerS.
    Oct 24, 2007
    The album of the century! beautiful!
  30. ChrisH.
    Oct 25, 2007
    So much smoother and less pretentious than OK Comp, the focus has returned to the music for these blokes.
  31. MattD.
    Oct 26, 2007
    Not quite as good as OK Computer, but is their best CD since that album. It is somewhat mellow, and not overly artsy - just finely crafted, beautiful songs.
  32. happyhappy
    Oct 26, 2007
    When Radiohead is good they're one of the 10-20 best bands ever, and are one of a very few recent acts to have produced more than three albums that are "near-classic" or better. But that doesn't The lyrics and concepts are AWFULLY cliched. No, SHOCK, the music here isn't all that revolutionary or innovative either (if you think it is, that just proves you've ignored an When Radiohead is good they're one of the 10-20 best bands ever, and are one of a very few recent acts to have produced more than three albums that are "near-classic" or better. But that doesn't The lyrics and concepts are AWFULLY cliched. No, SHOCK, the music here isn't all that revolutionary or innovative either (if you think it is, that just proves you've ignored an AWFUL lot of stuff), but lyrics about "Cheshire grins" and a "house of cards" are just STUPID. There's no other word for it. Radiohead is at their best when expressing the confusion of the modern world. Here they only express their OWN confusion. That's a distinction listeners can only hear if they aren't the sort of "mindless sheep" (another cliched term) that Radiohead has loved to rail against the last few years. None of these songs aren't about anything. But use them if you're the sort of person whose personal psyche NEEDS Radiohead to always put out classic albums, or who NEEDS there to be at least one classic album every year, or quarter, or whatever. Here "the Emperor has no clothes"--another terribly boring cliche that Thom will probably use on his next album. I gave this a 2. That means it's still twice as interesting as most other albums I've heard. Expand
  33. MikeB
    Oct 26, 2007
    Ignore the dusted review, written by a wannabe muso just out of college. This is an album of the year.
  34. AyrtonL
    Oct 26, 2007
    This is not simply a collection of songs. This is a lush sonic landscape. Welcome to the sounds of the future.
  35. MarcoA
    Oct 26, 2007
    Just art. Beautiful
  36. LuisJ
    Dec 7, 2007
    The new album is amazing just like its predecessors, every song is a doorway to a mystery, to an emotion you have felt it unlocks memories that you thought were dead. Radiohead have always been geniuses when it comes to music and this album proves it, to anyone who thought otherwise.
  37. TheCritic
    Oct 27, 2007
    Simply Put: best Radiohead album since OK Computer... All the tracks are great and what wasnt expected: Radiohead is continuing to evolve. Gone from the Kid A and Amnesiac sounds and even abandoning some of the Hail to the Thief sounds, Rainbows is driven by jazzy guitar, Yorke's vocals, and hardly any drum loops. GET THIS CD! YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED!
  38. AlexJ
    Oct 28, 2007
    Once again, they have done it. One of the best of 2007.
  39. IainMacM
    Oct 28, 2007
    One of the best albums of 2007
  40. EdwardM.
    Dec 8, 2007
  41. JeremyS
    Oct 29, 2007
    WOW! I have never been disappointed with a Radiohead but "Amnesiac" and "Hail to the Thief" just didn't really do it for me in terms of being great complete albums. I love "Pyramid Song" and "Knives Out" on Amnesiac, but I questioned the direction and effort on some of the other songs. Likewise, on HTTT I liked the entire album but I really only loved "Sail to the Moon", "Where I End WOW! I have never been disappointed with a Radiohead but "Amnesiac" and "Hail to the Thief" just didn't really do it for me in terms of being great complete albums. I love "Pyramid Song" and "Knives Out" on Amnesiac, but I questioned the direction and effort on some of the other songs. Likewise, on HTTT I liked the entire album but I really only loved "Sail to the Moon", "Where I End and You Begin", and "Scatterbrain". The rest of the album was good and didn't really leave my CD player for the entire summer of 2003. Then comes "In Rainbows" and to be honest I didn't really know what to suspect. Well after my first spin through the disc I knew that this was one of the best Radiohead CD's I had ever listened to. There isn't a single wasted track on the album. It is like Radiohead took all of my favorite parts from previous albums and mixed them all into this CD. "15 Step", "Body Snatchers", "Reckoner", and "House of Cards" would have all been great songs on HTTT. Meanwhile, "All I need" would have been a great follow up to "Exit Music" on OK Computer. Album of the year. Expand
  42. PaulK
    Dec 9, 2007
    Sound of heads disappearing up arse.
  43. TomJ
    Oct 31, 2007
    It's wonderful, a range of emotion, fluid with pop sensuality but true to their inate sense of the bizarre. Song deconstruction here has beaten the efforts of Amnesiac and Hail to the Theif, with Bodysnatchers, Arpeggi, and Jigsaw Falling Into Place each having their essential melody torn down with new harmonies over steady rythym. It's magnificent writing, and yet the best part It's wonderful, a range of emotion, fluid with pop sensuality but true to their inate sense of the bizarre. Song deconstruction here has beaten the efforts of Amnesiac and Hail to the Theif, with Bodysnatchers, Arpeggi, and Jigsaw Falling Into Place each having their essential melody torn down with new harmonies over steady rythym. It's magnificent writing, and yet the best part is there's something for everyone, and fans of pop, blues, electronic, and rock. I don't know where to place it in their pantheon of work, but it suits me as the best album of the year. Radiohead did again what we hoping, shock us. Expand
  44. Sergio|G.
    Oct 31, 2007
    The entire album its fucking amaizing, Reckoner Wow Beautifull
  45. timmylittle
    Jan 11, 2008
    it's great...well im sure not all of u will love it cuz this album got a very weird taste....but if u like it u'll love it... but overall it's great...very pretty melody and great singing
  46. ke
    Jan 12, 2008
    Best Radiohead album I've heard. Better than Ok Computer and Bends. All the songs are great. Love Nude and Weird Fishes. Best album of the year
  47. JeremiahT.
    Jan 17, 2008
    The record is free; well if you want it for free. This is like the best free record ever! It has all of the trademark Radiohead tricks, plus a little more. It's worth a very good listen for any Radiohead fan and it's free!
  48. KevB.
    Jan 24, 2008
    This is their best album since OK Computer. There may not be some over-arching theme to it, like with OKC and KidA but this album represents a maturity in the band that we haven't heard before. There's a level of comfort to their songwriting now that is refreshing to hear and yet they manage to sound like a completely new band once again.
  49. ntiaga(None)
    Oct 25, 2008
    A year later and it still blows my mind.
  50. PaulR.
    Jan 29, 2008
    For all the acclaim, this is an incredibly boring album. Somewhere in their quest to conquer the world of critical acclaim they mistook 'interesting' for 'quality.'
  51. JonG.
    Jan 31, 2008
    Compare this to Kid A is a crime, this is a boring repetitive album. I'm not a RH fan but this is a bad joke. Anybody here listen to Ok Computer?... Lets face it, Radiohead have too many fans, they don't do the effort anymore. This album is about fans, money and fame, not about music. I give 5 points for the great marketing campaign.
  52. AlexW.
    Feb 15, 2008
    I think its very very very well recorded / performed - I mean they are great at using their instruments and creating tension etc - i think this album is fun and some songs are naff and some a brilliant - reckoner is by far my favourite song ever - doesn't mean I like the album haha - i think radiohead aren't as good as everyone has dug themselves into a hole with over praising I think its very very very well recorded / performed - I mean they are great at using their instruments and creating tension etc - i think this album is fun and some songs are naff and some a brilliant - reckoner is by far my favourite song ever - doesn't mean I like the album haha - i think radiohead aren't as good as everyone has dug themselves into a hole with over praising them - they were just lucky with the timing of their arrival onto the music scene - and everyone who think ok computer rocks - there is 2 good songs on it! what the hell are you on ... o_o ? Expand
  53. MikeC
    Feb 16, 2008
    Every song takes hold and sends you on an individually unique journey. Yet the songs also retain a real sense of unity and flow. It's quite unbelievable how they've pulled this off. This album means something different to me every time i hear it. They've equaled Ok Computer and Kid A in my book.
  54. PaulM.
    Feb 18, 2008
    Marketing eccentricity aside this is a truly unique effort that not only satisfies high expectation but exceeds it.Delicatly and deftly balanced in it's delivery, expertly subtle in it's instrumentation.The arrangements and the duration are as close to perfection as possible and the melodies are endearing,enchanting and downright touching.This is a charming work of art that Marketing eccentricity aside this is a truly unique effort that not only satisfies high expectation but exceeds it.Delicatly and deftly balanced in it's delivery, expertly subtle in it's instrumentation.The arrangements and the duration are as close to perfection as possible and the melodies are endearing,enchanting and downright touching.This is a charming work of art that proves that despite their constant longing for evolution Radiohead haven't changed at heart.Brains meets beauty to make one of the most memorable albums of recent times, but more importantly to make sure we haven't forgotten about the genius that Radiohead are capable of producing. Expand
  55. RobertV
    Apr 21, 2008
    You know Smooth Jazz? This is Smooth Electrorock.
  56. DennisB.
    May 19, 2008
    Radiohead fans are such idiots! Although obviously good musicians, these guys can't write to save their lives. Of course the cult-like fans explain that away with claims of depth and accusations of "you just don't get it man." Don't worry, I get it: This is the most over-rated band in rock history.
  57. ThomasJ
    May 28, 2008
    Like most Radiohead albums, gets better with repeated listening. Unlike some of their recent efforts, accessible enough to be enjoyed by non-RH fanatics.
  58. SethA.
    Jun 22, 2008
    I generally don't give out tens so easily. However, I think that this album has rejuvenated the current music scene in an astonishing way. The studio work and overall construction of this album deserve the world's praise. This might just be Radiohead's best album so far, which is a statement that I will not take lightly, as I think that OK Computer and HTTT are instant I generally don't give out tens so easily. However, I think that this album has rejuvenated the current music scene in an astonishing way. The studio work and overall construction of this album deserve the world's praise. This might just be Radiohead's best album so far, which is a statement that I will not take lightly, as I think that OK Computer and HTTT are instant classics of their times. Expand
  59. Bman
    Nov 11, 2009
    My favorite Radiohead album. A soft, soothing listen that gets better every time I listen to it. Yorke's piano work is a stand out here. A beautiful work.
  60. RobbieC
    Apr 23, 2009
    Is this really their best album? I don't get it!
  61. hugom
    Jul 29, 2009
    Really, I actually think who voted less than 9 or 8 for this album did not understand it. . .that's the only reasonable explanation . . a piece of art of the best band!
  62. ChrisB.
    Nov 11, 2007
    Every Radiohead album since OK Computer has been vastly overrated, overhyped, and over dissected by music critics, this one isnt any different. This time though, half the songs dont seem to lead to anywhere except some sort of hungover dream state.
  63. BiancaH.
    Nov 11, 2007
    In Rainbows is another proof for the thesis that you have to listen - and I mean to REALLY listen - to Radiohead artwork. Maybe there has never been any other band except RH that builds a huge iron gate in front of its music and hides the key to it deeply in people's minds.
  64. JavierR.
    Nov 11, 2007
    One masterpiece = rare (OK Computer) Two masterpieces = extremely rare (Kid A) Three masterpieces = impossible...but true. In Rainbows is it.
  65. JonathanC
    Nov 12, 2007
    Without a doubt the most amazing album i've ever heard.
  66. TedR
    Nov 17, 2007
    The more I listen to Radiohead, and it is no different with In Rainbows, the more I appreciate their classical and baroque approach to composition and song strucutre. Thom Yorke might as well be humming the phone book. His voice is the flute, floating above, the cello grounding below. Like classical music, RH can sound deceptively simple one moment, messy and noisy the next. Then the The more I listen to Radiohead, and it is no different with In Rainbows, the more I appreciate their classical and baroque approach to composition and song strucutre. Thom Yorke might as well be humming the phone book. His voice is the flute, floating above, the cello grounding below. Like classical music, RH can sound deceptively simple one moment, messy and noisy the next. Then the subtle melodies, and bonus quirks, beeps, and hums sink in. No other music is so layered, so discovered in waves. Expand
  67. JarenF
    Nov 17, 2007
    Amazing. better than anything else out there. gets better with every single listen.
  68. TN
    Nov 18, 2007
    I thought that maybe I was jumping on the Radiohead bandwagon and just liking this because it is Radiohead as some have suggested. I love most of their work, but I do admit that some of their music sounds like crap to me. Especially most of Amnesiac. But this one is beautiful and extraordinary. I have a horrible commute and when I put this on while driving I get so absorbed by the music I I thought that maybe I was jumping on the Radiohead bandwagon and just liking this because it is Radiohead as some have suggested. I love most of their work, but I do admit that some of their music sounds like crap to me. Especially most of Amnesiac. But this one is beautiful and extraordinary. I have a horrible commute and when I put this on while driving I get so absorbed by the music I just want to stay in my car and drive around all day! This definitely the best album of the year, and you can get it for free! Expand
  69. ShannonM
    Dec 12, 2007
    Finally! Balance! Not one note out of place, not one piece of gratuitous electronic noodling. Never does a song outstay its welcome (I'm looking at you Hail to the Theif), always leaving you satisfied yet still wanting more. It's phenomenal the a band, in this age of disposable celebrity, can still blow everyone else in popular music away. Name a more affecting, well rounded Finally! Balance! Not one note out of place, not one piece of gratuitous electronic noodling. Never does a song outstay its welcome (I'm looking at you Hail to the Theif), always leaving you satisfied yet still wanting more. It's phenomenal the a band, in this age of disposable celebrity, can still blow everyone else in popular music away. Name a more affecting, well rounded album made in the last half-decade. Thought so... Expand
  70. AustinB.
    Dec 13, 2007
    Absolutely great album from start to finish.
  71. IbanL
    Dec 16, 2007
    Kinda like okay, I guess. Despite the major marketing breakthrough the album itself lacks innovation and renovation. After Amnesiac (my personal favorite album of them) and HTTT this is pretty poor for me. It's like a fourth transitional album: And it does get boring.
  72. chrisd
    Dec 21, 2007
    simply magnificent. from the second i heard "15 Step" to the end of "Videotape" i was floored. if you get the bonus disc, it is a continuation of the album. "Down is the New Up" might be the best song i've ever heard. everyone needs to listen to this album
  73. JaredG.
    Dec 22, 2007
    Best album of year!
  74. KyleL
    Dec 24, 2007
    Incredible CD! Reckoner is an amazing song, hard to stop listening to it!
  75. LukeG.
    Dec 26, 2007
    The proper follow-up to the songcraft and confident musicianship of "OK Computer." They've returned to their instruments and written excellent songs to boot. "Bodysnatchers" is perhaps the best Radiohead song yet.
  76. ChristofferV.
    Dec 26, 2007
    Excellent album. The best yet in my opinion.
  77. AndreyK.
    Dec 29, 2007
  78. LaneC.
    Dec 29, 2008
    I downloaded this album when it was free. Listened to it and couldnt get into it. A month later, i was sorting my mp3's and wondered if i should delete or keep. After listening to it again, i couldn't believe how good it was. Best Radiohead Album ever. Best album with Bon Iver and Lil Carter 3 for the year.
  79. Sep 22, 2010
    Like all their albums, this is experimentalism gone bad. They have very little to say, so they keep repeating themselves. Yuck. Unfortunately my girlfriend likes this crap so I am forced to endure more often than I care to recall...
  80. Feb 14, 2011
    Although Radiohead has developed somewhat of a reputation for being everybody's favorite (really that means everyone who is into their variety of music), this does not mean that they should be written off in any way. They produce what is quite possibly the best music I've come across to date. In Rainbows is them at their best.
  81. Jun 25, 2011
    To all you **** giving negative scores...You really are idiots, enough said.
    One of the finest albums ever written and recorded. Highly recommended
  82. Jul 7, 2011
    A beautiful, innovative mixture of rhythms, sounds, and much more. Everything flowed together best in this album than past albums. It's Radiohead's high point for me as of now. I still can not pick my favorite song, and if that happens it means the album definitely has potential... and it does!
  83. Aug 17, 2011
    Radiohead was reached its maturity, making the perfect balance of synths, acoustic instruments and hard driven guitars. The feeling is so true, honest, sad, melancholic; makes me think they still leave music flow through their feelings to create what we have now in this album. This is my favorite album of the decade and a one that defined this time of my life. Thanks Radiohead for such aRadiohead was reached its maturity, making the perfect balance of synths, acoustic instruments and hard driven guitars. The feeling is so true, honest, sad, melancholic; makes me think they still leave music flow through their feelings to create what we have now in this album. This is my favorite album of the decade and a one that defined this time of my life. Thanks Radiohead for such a great album. Expand
  84. Feb 11, 2012
    Unbelievably good , in every sense. I've never heard emotion expressed in music in a more beautiful way. The greatest album Radiohead have ever made.
  85. Aug 17, 2018
    My personal favorite out of the band's whole discography. It's almost a collection of all of Radiohead's strengths. It's colorful, vibrant, and oozes rhythm.
  86. Oct 13, 2012
    Near the beginning I didn't really like it and felt that radiohead had begun to shy away from it's the bends/ok computer beginning(pablo honey didn't really count for most fans) but it started to grow on me as it progressed.
  87. Jun 15, 2015
    Truly impressive.

    From 15 Steps to Videotape. It features the best songs Radiohead have ever written. Please don't think it's just Kid A again, it IS different. An experiment what turns into an unforgettable experience. And yes I will never forget the quirky, squeeze sound of Nude or the roar of Jigsaw Falling Into Place. An feel of weirdness and social embarrassment follows up to an
    Truly impressive.

    From 15 Steps to Videotape. It features the best songs Radiohead have ever written.
    Please don't think it's just Kid A again, it IS different. An experiment what turns into an unforgettable experience. And yes I will never forget the quirky, squeeze sound of Nude or the roar of Jigsaw Falling Into Place.
    An feel of weirdness and social embarrassment follows up to an explosion of artistic emotionality. Maybe it's just me but its hard to get not emotional while Reckoner turns up or the last chords of Videotape resound.
    A record which is focused on to express the impression in such a sick and fascinating way.

    It feels like Radiohead just have written the background music to your lonely daydreams.
    And as if this was not enough: it is very inspiring, because it shows what true art can do.

    Well this album is from 2007, what happened.

    True artistry is about to help people to believe in their-selves and help them to reach out for the best .

    I think it's very, very sad which way the music industry has put on nowadays.

    This album is in my opinion yeah a reckoner I guess. Just taking you more and more into an manic depression. And fight the demons inside as they are. But will you get over it?..
    And in the end after all this painful sorrow you will feel as you just walked upon a rainbow.

  88. Sep 7, 2013
    To say In Rainbows was an amazing album is simply an understatement. Radiohead not only created a masterpiece, exceeding any expectation that fans and critics had, but did so in a time where true musicianship was at a very low output. Where some bands may have gave in and reincarnated their sound to fit a mainstream tone, Radiohead took the sounds of alternative rock a craftily arranged itTo say In Rainbows was an amazing album is simply an understatement. Radiohead not only created a masterpiece, exceeding any expectation that fans and critics had, but did so in a time where true musicianship was at a very low output. Where some bands may have gave in and reincarnated their sound to fit a mainstream tone, Radiohead took the sounds of alternative rock a craftily arranged it with symphonic harmonies and electronic beats, making the best album of the 2000s in my opinion. Personally my favorite Radiohead album, as there is no song I dislike. They nailed it on this one, and unfortunately, I think set a bar too high for any future projects, as King Of Limbs, though solid, was a flop compared to In Rainbows. Expand
  89. Oct 11, 2014
    After all these years it is still visceral, hard breaking and edgy - if it doesn't rip your heart out then you have lost more than you could ever imagine.
  90. Jan 20, 2017
    Life, death and love.
    This album is for me the masterpiece of radiohead, the incorporation of art rock elements makes this album a symphony and a sing of the beauty of the world in life and how this end so fast.
  91. Sep 13, 2020
    This is the best album of all time and nothing can convince me wrong.......
  92. Feb 1, 2020
    Amazing record! Possibly my favorite in Radiohead’s discography. It’s much less dreary than their previous albums and the listen is smoother in a sense. Also Nude is one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded.
  93. Nov 16, 2020
    Speechless. In between rainbows. Omg I just can't believe what I heard. OMGGGGGG
  94. Jul 1, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. in rainbows is a sensational album from start to finish, by far one of the best experiences I've had listening to radiohead. Expand
  95. Aug 12, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album has changed my perspective on music ngl,the meaning of all of the lbum being the fear of death and how to surpase It is beautiful, best song imo nude Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.