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  1. j30
    Aug 11, 2011
    A perfect album and one of the best albums of the decade. This is one of those albums you'll look back on and remember the exact time and place you first listened to it. It's a record that changed the music industry forever by asking consumers how much their music meant to them. Apparently a lot, because the album went number 1 on music charts when the cd copy came out. It's kind of funnyA perfect album and one of the best albums of the decade. This is one of those albums you'll look back on and remember the exact time and place you first listened to it. It's a record that changed the music industry forever by asking consumers how much their music meant to them. Apparently a lot, because the album went number 1 on music charts when the cd copy came out. It's kind of funny to think that this album didn't win "Album of the Year" at the Grammy's. Expand
  2. RonS
    Oct 12, 2007
    This is definitely their most consistent album since KID A. Every track brings something new and unique to the table. Bravo! We've got another masterpiece!
  3. adamb.n
    Oct 12, 2007
    radiohead at their absolute best i dont recall having as many chills as that from an album since ok computer
  4. KD
    Oct 13, 2007
    Honest, mature, so appreciated.
  5. ScottH
    Oct 12, 2007
    Solid. Their best album in 10 years. A return to form. "In Rainbows" will be talked about for many years to come.
  6. AndréP
    Oct 12, 2007
    in rainbows is the album of the year
  7. MatthewS
    Oct 13, 2007
    One of the most amazing albums to be composed. The fact that is scores one point higher than MIA and Arcade Fire is a joke, a really sad joke.
  8. EpictetoK
    Oct 13, 2007
  9. GillesB
    Oct 13, 2007
    Nice album :P
  10. DanielG
    Oct 15, 2007
    one of the best radiohead albums. i can't wait for the bonuns tracks!
  11. BenW
    Nov 5, 2007
    I thought Spoon Ga*5 had album of the year nailed for sure - but this has blown my mind out. Best album since Funeral (2004). But lets wait for Grizzly bear's new one
  12. BitBurn
    Oct 22, 2007
    I was never a big Radiohead fan, really. Although I have always been curious on what they are doing because no doubt they are the most avant-garde UK band ever. So, for the first time I was not disappointed at all. In fact, this is a monster record methinks.
  13. GeoffB
    Oct 12, 2007
    I had listened to almost every song on the album from concerts and the album still blew my mind, a mellow acoutic dreamscape that I will have on over and over and over again. Bravo!
  14. kelly
    Oct 12, 2007
    Can't get this record off my headphones! Such a great album.
  15. tonys
    Oct 12, 2007
    i really enjoyed it
  16. AlexB
    Oct 12, 2007
    All of the hoople over the unconventional release method may overshadow this album's true brilliance. Radiohead's songwriting has returned to Ok Computer-Kid A era strength, but their style continues to evolve. Given enough time, this album may rank amongst not only Radiohead's greatest, but the greatest of the decade.
  17. Jul 8, 2011
    Deep, powerful, electronic, jazzy, experimental, dark. This album may be a contender to be Radiohead's best album. Kid A and Amnesiac just got some competition...
  18. Mar 16, 2011
    Most artists go through their career not achieving the greatest albums of all time. Radiohead did it THREE times. OK Computer. Kid A. In Rainbows. For nearly five years, the riff from "Bodysnatchers" is still scratching in my brain ever since. This album is a masterpiece. I'm not joking.
  19. Dec 19, 2010
    I have to admit that I'm more into heavy rock than any other genre, but with this album I can just relax in my couch at midday with my eyes closed and the sunlight illuminating the living room and feel so peaceful and calm that it works as a therapy for me. there are just a few albums that I can really listen to from start to finish without feeling the need to skip songs
    I have to admit that I'm more into heavy rock than any other genre, but with this album I can just relax in my couch at midday with my eyes closed and the sunlight illuminating the living room and feel so peaceful and calm that it works as a therapy for me. there are just a few albums that I can really listen to from start to finish without feeling the need to skip songs and this is one of them. although it took me a while to realize the power and perfection of this album (I bought the album to listen to Videotape) now it's become one of the few albums I keep in my mp3 player, car, stereo and pc at all times.
  20. Mar 8, 2015
    Now THIS is what I call an album. In Rainbows is pure bliss from start to finish. The songs flow together nicely, but there's quite a bit of variety here to keep it interesting, and I think that's my favorite thing about it. There are moments that are full of energy and others that are deeply introspective and melancholy. This album leaves little to be wanted, and the fact that it allNow THIS is what I call an album. In Rainbows is pure bliss from start to finish. The songs flow together nicely, but there's quite a bit of variety here to keep it interesting, and I think that's my favorite thing about it. There are moments that are full of energy and others that are deeply introspective and melancholy. This album leaves little to be wanted, and the fact that it all works together so nicely is quite stunning. A fantastic effort from one of the most innovative bands out there. Expand
  21. Jan 20, 2015
    Arguably Radiohead's best work, although it has stiff competition from both Kid A and OK Computer. A complete explosion of some of the most beautiful sounds you will ever hear.
  22. May 15, 2017
    This album is 100% in perfectness.
    Here"s why
    1. even on the first listen I loved everything about it (at the time I didn't know anything about radiohead)
    2. I like the cover.
    3. it's not pretentious
    4. it's not to depressing
    5. it's relistenablility.
  23. Apr 12, 2017
    This record will go down in history as one of the best of all time. Radiohead deploys their darkest of elements mixed with a bag of emotions and melodies that have not been yet heard before. Every song is unique and haunting. Yorke's songwriting is legendary.
  24. Oct 3, 2018
    I don't mind paying $1,000 for listening to this album. No, really. It's sterling.
  25. Nov 4, 2022
    It's a classic. It sounds like Radiohead had so much fun making this. For me personally their greatest work to date. It's an album I always listen to from front to back. It's so cohesive, so colorful, and it sounds so fresh after all these years. If someone would say this album was made last year I would believe them. Changed music forever, I will always be grateful for this album, thankIt's a classic. It sounds like Radiohead had so much fun making this. For me personally their greatest work to date. It's an album I always listen to from front to back. It's so cohesive, so colorful, and it sounds so fresh after all these years. If someone would say this album was made last year I would believe them. Changed music forever, I will always be grateful for this album, thank your Radiohead! Expand
  26. VinnyP
    Oct 12, 2007
    This album is stunning and achingly beautiful. There is absolutely no filler here, and the band sounds the most genuine that they've sounded in years. I keep changing my mind on what the best songs are, because they really are all that good. Listening to In Rainbows takes you ona journey that is a bit of a rollercoaster, a bit of sonic orgasm, all with an undercurrent infused with a This album is stunning and achingly beautiful. There is absolutely no filler here, and the band sounds the most genuine that they've sounded in years. I keep changing my mind on what the best songs are, because they really are all that good. Listening to In Rainbows takes you ona journey that is a bit of a rollercoaster, a bit of sonic orgasm, all with an undercurrent infused with a dark sense of love. I know I'm talking crazy here but the music has just captivated me that much. By the time the journey ends with "Videotape," you'll want to revisit it right away. As a fan I not only love the album but am happy for the band, for them to continue to reach new levels and to continue to put out music that matters. Hands down the best album of the year so far, possibly my favorite of the decade. Expand
  27. Tom
    Oct 13, 2007
    Makes me realize there are true artist still left in this world.
  28. Radioheadfan
    Dec 4, 2007
    Limps along until you realize its not worth helping this lame dog. A real snoozer.
  29. JonathanH
    Oct 21, 2007
    Never thought I would say this of an album by these guys, its a piece of shit! This is not more terrifying than "OK Computer" and OK Computer was'nt even that terrifying. Personally I think "Hail to the thief" while a little bit patchy here and there, was this band continuing to improve greatly. So we were hoping for a more direct but also more interesting noise from them this time Never thought I would say this of an album by these guys, its a piece of shit! This is not more terrifying than "OK Computer" and OK Computer was'nt even that terrifying. Personally I think "Hail to the thief" while a little bit patchy here and there, was this band continuing to improve greatly. So we were hoping for a more direct but also more interesting noise from them this time around. And would it hurt to use a guitar for a rhythm??? Well all I can say, is that this album, with its lame title "In Rainbows" is nothing but.......why can't these guys just write proper songs. I know they're not a pop band for crying out loud, but , thats what makes a great band, great songs. Not long compositions with no real gel. Ugh!!! Is music getting worse or is it just me. No, its getting worse!!!! Expand
  30. LesH.
    Jan 5, 2008
    Why so much hype? Bends rocks a bit, OK Computer combines haunting electro w/rock moments, Kid A is atmospheric electromood music that really should be an EP featuring optimistic, Hail to the Thief has 2 or 3 great moments. In rainbows (much like Kid A) feels like music made by a software company as an audio accompaniment to a revolving screensaver. 90% of the time I can't get past Why so much hype? Bends rocks a bit, OK Computer combines haunting electro w/rock moments, Kid A is atmospheric electromood music that really should be an EP featuring optimistic, Hail to the Thief has 2 or 3 great moments. In rainbows (much like Kid A) feels like music made by a software company as an audio accompaniment to a revolving screensaver. 90% of the time I can't get past thom yorke's gentle floaty whiny warble. I don't get this tedious spacey trainspottingesque band. Do I need to be on something to enjoy it? I keep buying and listening, trying hard to understand the acclaim and appeal of this disc and this band. I don't get the across-the-board praise. Expand
  31. PaulK
    Dec 9, 2007
    Sound of heads disappearing up arse.
  32. ChrisB.
    Nov 11, 2007
    Every Radiohead album since OK Computer has been vastly overrated, overhyped, and over dissected by music critics, this one isnt any different. This time though, half the songs dont seem to lead to anywhere except some sort of hungover dream state.
  33. GabiorA.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Radiohead prove further that they can release anything to critical acclaim with this collection of elevator tunes and indie electronic college crap pop. Even if you argue that maybe this music just isn't for me just look at the lyrics to see the lack of effort here. Every positive user review is hysterically identical "haven't creamed my pants this bad since OK Computer." Either Radiohead prove further that they can release anything to critical acclaim with this collection of elevator tunes and indie electronic college crap pop. Even if you argue that maybe this music just isn't for me just look at the lyrics to see the lack of effort here. Every positive user review is hysterically identical "haven't creamed my pants this bad since OK Computer." Either way, fanboys will be fanboys. Expand
  34. DanielC.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Terribly disappointing outing for Radiohead. Made me long for and choose their other material (any of it) over this rather dull set of songs. Sounds too much like The Rolling Stones meets Coldplay to be really considered anything at all. Every listen sparks more disappointment.
  35. ddd
    Oct 14, 2007
    no good time
  36. mikek.
    Oct 15, 2007
  37. redpop
    Oct 14, 2007
    Radiohead is dead!!
  38. RJM.
    Nov 4, 2007
    i'm so sick of people busting their nuts over this band. ok computer has its moments, so does kid a. but the rest of their catalog, including this one, is rubbish. Radiohead make pretentious, over-reaching, non-sensical crap, and because you all minions can't tell what the fuck they're doing, you go ahead and assume it must be brilliant. uhh, that's a little i'm so sick of people busting their nuts over this band. ok computer has its moments, so does kid a. but the rest of their catalog, including this one, is rubbish. Radiohead make pretentious, over-reaching, non-sensical crap, and because you all minions can't tell what the fuck they're doing, you go ahead and assume it must be brilliant. uhh, that's a little fallacious. listen, thom yorke proved long ago that he has nothing to say: his lyrics have always been, and continue to be, terrible...just terrible. phil selway, while we're on the subject of terrible, is also terrible. probably the drummer with the worst feel i've ever heard. i urge you to stop telling yourself that this shit moves you, and realize that it's a bunch of trash. there are or otherwise -- don't waste your time with this rubbish. Expand
  39. sasaj.
    Oct 14, 2007
    it realy isnt good
  40. ScottyT
    Oct 14, 2007
    Radiohead sucks. The End.
  41. stevej.
    Oct 16, 2007
    I guess I just continue to not get it... I guess Radiohead just isn't for me, but why is that you can get a guy to mumble into a microphone with largely disconnected melodies behind him and directionless, repetitive musical blips layered in and it's called genius? Lyrics? Hmmm... incoherent psychobabble. Must also be genius. Radiohead albums just continue to feel to me self I guess I just continue to not get it... I guess Radiohead just isn't for me, but why is that you can get a guy to mumble into a microphone with largely disconnected melodies behind him and directionless, repetitive musical blips layered in and it's called genius? Lyrics? Hmmm... incoherent psychobabble. Must also be genius. Radiohead albums just continue to feel to me self indulgent, devoid of energy, and unjustifiably revered. Expand
  42. Jones
    Oct 17, 2007
    Sounds like Moby mixed with Amnesiac. Highly overrated and lacking contrast.
  43. Bored
    Oct 20, 2007
    This is by far the most overrated and overhyped album of 2007. Radiohead has a long tradition of making overrated and overhyped music and this is their greatest achievement yet. In Rainbows is a duller and more boring version of Kid A. I've listened to it many times and there's NOTHING memorable about this album. It doesn't grow on you, it does not affect you in any way This is by far the most overrated and overhyped album of 2007. Radiohead has a long tradition of making overrated and overhyped music and this is their greatest achievement yet. In Rainbows is a duller and more boring version of Kid A. I've listened to it many times and there's NOTHING memorable about this album. It doesn't grow on you, it does not affect you in any way either positive or negative it does nothing at all. In fact, if you'd remove the vocals some of the tunes would make for a nice background music to play in an elevator. Expand
  44. jigsaw
    Oct 22, 2007
    Radiohead is always over-rated!
  45. AC
    Oct 13, 2007
  46. okoko
    Oct 14, 2007
    worst radiohead ever.
  47. UncleDougBigelow
    Nov 6, 2007
    Over processed garbage. C'mon people, you're better than that.
  48. ookysoot
    Dec 23, 2007
    "Paul K" hit it right on the head: "sound of heads disappearing up arse." radiohead is so full of shit. you pathetic provincial children actually think this is good music, and that is funny. the rest of us will think of your bastardized musical experiences, and feel sorry, when we're listening to some truly inspiring stuff. you all just have your heads so far up your arses that you "Paul K" hit it right on the head: "sound of heads disappearing up arse." radiohead is so full of shit. you pathetic provincial children actually think this is good music, and that is funny. the rest of us will think of your bastardized musical experiences, and feel sorry, when we're listening to some truly inspiring stuff. you all just have your heads so far up your arses that you can't hear what rubbish this band is, or, worse, what brilliant stuff other bands are making. you all are hopeless. Expand
  49. PaulR.
    Jan 29, 2008
    For all the acclaim, this is an incredibly boring album. Somewhere in their quest to conquer the world of critical acclaim they mistook 'interesting' for 'quality.'
  50. DennisB.
    May 19, 2008
    Radiohead fans are such idiots! Although obviously good musicians, these guys can't write to save their lives. Of course the cult-like fans explain that away with claims of depth and accusations of "you just don't get it man." Don't worry, I get it: This is the most over-rated band in rock history.
  51. SoundsLikeShit
    Oct 22, 2007
    Most overrated band of all time. Like Ok Computer this album sucks too.
  52. AndrejsB.
    Oct 16, 2007
    I am (was?) a huge fan of Radiohead, but this particular album sounds as a mediocre collection of B-sides penned by Coldplay (in other words, bad). Each time I listen to the album, this is exactly what I find myself thinking. The melodies are really weak and forgettable - those are the same two chords everybody else uses, and if their previous albums had these two chords plus something I am (was?) a huge fan of Radiohead, but this particular album sounds as a mediocre collection of B-sides penned by Coldplay (in other words, bad). Each time I listen to the album, this is exactly what I find myself thinking. The melodies are really weak and forgettable - those are the same two chords everybody else uses, and if their previous albums had these two chords plus something Radiohead-ish, which made the songs incredible, now this special part of it is gone. As if dilletantish melodies weren't enough, the string arrangements, which were supposed to be Greenwood's best work, are syrupy and standard and do not add anything to the tracks. Overall, the album is an unbearable listen and I frankly consider throwing away the CD I burned. Collapse
  53. MIF
    Aug 17, 2008
    Quite worthless. Except for the traces of an idea now and then. But all together, just a lame "radio-friendly" boring electrorock. A huge huge dissapointment.
  54. JackS.
    Oct 17, 2007
    The only "great" song on this album was written 10 years ago (while the band was busy making it's only "great" album). Let's face it folks, Kid A has not aged well. It sounds dated, pompous and self-important. How anyone with functioning ears can stand the bleeps and blips is beyond me. You get much of the same bleeps and blips that pass for music progress on this record. The The only "great" song on this album was written 10 years ago (while the band was busy making it's only "great" album). Let's face it folks, Kid A has not aged well. It sounds dated, pompous and self-important. How anyone with functioning ears can stand the bleeps and blips is beyond me. You get much of the same bleeps and blips that pass for music progress on this record. The first 2 tracks are typical of this album and of what Radiohead has become - poorly produces electro-turd music. In Rainbows is mediocre at best. I would hate to see the music collections of all the sheep rating it a 10. Expand
  55. BenW.
    Feb 9, 2008
    Frankly, I think that this is self - indulgent crap. I mean, come on people! This CD is nowhere near the greatness of OK Computer, or any of their other Cd's. Of course, all of you fanboys are going to immediately give this CD a ten just because it's Radiohead. Seriously, they could put out a CD of random noises, dull songwriting, and stupid lyrics and you guys would love it. Oh Frankly, I think that this is self - indulgent crap. I mean, come on people! This CD is nowhere near the greatness of OK Computer, or any of their other Cd's. Of course, all of you fanboys are going to immediately give this CD a ten just because it's Radiohead. Seriously, they could put out a CD of random noises, dull songwriting, and stupid lyrics and you guys would love it. Oh wait, they just did. Expand
  56. NickLove
    Jun 16, 2008
    This disc of radiohead is a garbage, this group is a shit, I dial all they are bad(wrong). Not because in the critiques they put him with good puntajes.
  57. agusb
    Oct 13, 2007
    this is not music it's just weird sounds and someone speaking
  58. baffleds.
    Oct 18, 2007
    In Rainbows stands a good chance of becoming the most overrated album of the new millennium. I am simply *baffled* by the fawning reviews above. After OK Computer, Kid A, and even Hail to the Thief, this sounds like the result of a weekend jam at Nigel's place. How can it have escaped so many ears that these songs are nothing more than dressed-up riffs? And how can so many critics In Rainbows stands a good chance of becoming the most overrated album of the new millennium. I am simply *baffled* by the fawning reviews above. After OK Computer, Kid A, and even Hail to the Thief, this sounds like the result of a weekend jam at Nigel's place. How can it have escaped so many ears that these songs are nothing more than dressed-up riffs? And how can so many critics and fans have been satisfied by these watered-down, adolescent lyrics: "I don't wanna be your friend; I just wanna be your lover" -- I might have expected this from Justin Timberlake, but not Thom "an airbag saved my life" Yorke. Can someone help me out here? I feel like I'm living in a rock and roll version of the Emperor's New Clothes. Expand
  59. StevenJ.
    Oct 30, 2009
    Can anyone understand what the singer is saying ever? hes bad and the melodies and musical style is stupid and bizarre.
  60. TimmyT.
    Oct 13, 2007
    Radiohead is, to put it simply, way past their time. Stop making music for God's sake. Your done.
  61. KevinT.
    Dec 6, 2007
    I just don't get Radiohead. I love the song Creep... but uh it stops there for me. I Have tried on numerous times and failed to see the genius. What the heck am I missing? Listening to Radiohead reminds me of the misery I feel when I have to listen to a Rush song on the radio.
  62. Sep 22, 2010
    Like all their albums, this is experimentalism gone bad. They have very little to say, so they keep repeating themselves. Yuck. Unfortunately my girlfriend likes this crap so I am forced to endure more often than I care to recall...
  63. ParksB.
    Dec 10, 2007
    Really, Why can't they just go back to the awesome alt-rock band they used to be on Pablo Honey, The Bends, and Ok Computer. The Past almost 10 years (aside from pieces of hail to the thief) have been an agonizing exercise in self-indulgence. In Rainbows, while it does have "songs" feels muddy, overwrought, and over-composed. Everyone is blinded by their marketing scheme, which Really, Why can't they just go back to the awesome alt-rock band they used to be on Pablo Honey, The Bends, and Ok Computer. The Past almost 10 years (aside from pieces of hail to the thief) have been an agonizing exercise in self-indulgence. In Rainbows, while it does have "songs" feels muddy, overwrought, and over-composed. Everyone is blinded by their marketing scheme, which actually was genius and brilliant. Maybe thats what all the fanboys have been giving 10 ratings. Expand
  64. DaveC
    Jul 16, 2009
    Very MOR by Radiohead standards. Even compared to their earlier more conventional albums such as the Bends, In Rainbows sounds watered down. Does the album have highlights? Well, "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" is pretty fun, but I don't have much to say about the rest. Radiohead rarely seem to go anywhere they haven't been before and if I were being honest, they would be considered Very MOR by Radiohead standards. Even compared to their earlier more conventional albums such as the Bends, In Rainbows sounds watered down. Does the album have highlights? Well, "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" is pretty fun, but I don't have much to say about the rest. Radiohead rarely seem to go anywhere they haven't been before and if I were being honest, they would be considered subpar as Bends-era b-sides. My least favourite Radiohead album. Expand
  65. markn.
    Nov 1, 2007
    Okay - this just gets a pass mark because it is only slightly more listenable than the last three Radiohead albums - there are at least some melodies here. Thom Yorke is surpremely talented, but somewhere between OK Computer and Kid A he got scared of what he could do and he's been wallowing in pseudo-genius ever since. Even the new Britney Spears album (appalling lyrics and all) is Okay - this just gets a pass mark because it is only slightly more listenable than the last three Radiohead albums - there are at least some melodies here. Thom Yorke is surpremely talented, but somewhere between OK Computer and Kid A he got scared of what he could do and he's been wallowing in pseudo-genius ever since. Even the new Britney Spears album (appalling lyrics and all) is better than this. Expand
  66. JonathanF
    Oct 30, 2007
    wow, definitley the most overrated band of life.
  67. GonzO
    Jan 16, 2008
    A couple of the upbeat tracks are sort of catchy, but the vocalist - who, despite mysterious popular acclaim, simply cannot sing - again ruins the overall experience with his shrill, ear-piercing trademark whine. I gave it a good go, but count me in with the reviewer who simply does not understand why critics worldwide fall all over themselves at the mere mention of this band. I rated a A couple of the upbeat tracks are sort of catchy, but the vocalist - who, despite mysterious popular acclaim, simply cannot sing - again ruins the overall experience with his shrill, ear-piercing trademark whine. I gave it a good go, but count me in with the reviewer who simply does not understand why critics worldwide fall all over themselves at the mere mention of this band. I rated a "4" largely because of the distribution method chosen for this album. If only this sort of class and creativity could carry over into the actual music. Expand
  68. ZachJ.
    Nov 9, 2007
    maybe rolling stone has never heard "roygbiv" from the boards of canada's 1998 release "Music has the right to children" before they heard the song "all i need". i guess 9 years is long enough that when radiohead uses the same beat it doesn't sound like any other band on earth. boards of canada = other worldly
  69. JonG.
    Jan 31, 2008
    Compare this to Kid A is a crime, this is a boring repetitive album. I'm not a RH fan but this is a bad joke. Anybody here listen to Ok Computer?... Lets face it, Radiohead have too many fans, they don't do the effort anymore. This album is about fans, money and fame, not about music. I give 5 points for the great marketing campaign.
  70. RobertV
    Apr 21, 2008
    You know Smooth Jazz? This is Smooth Electrorock.
  71. IbanL
    Dec 16, 2007
    Kinda like okay, I guess. Despite the major marketing breakthrough the album itself lacks innovation and renovation. After Amnesiac (my personal favorite album of them) and HTTT this is pretty poor for me. It's like a fourth transitional album: And it does get boring.
  72. Apr 13, 2011
    IN RAINBOWS will be remembered for the marketing scheme to promote the album. The album itself is only ten tracks, none that demonstrate innovation or creativity that Radiohead were once known for. It's not ambitious as all it gives the listener a collection of love songs that pose beauty but no emotional depth. It starts off with '15 Step' a song that combines electronic with Radiohead'sIN RAINBOWS will be remembered for the marketing scheme to promote the album. The album itself is only ten tracks, none that demonstrate innovation or creativity that Radiohead were once known for. It's not ambitious as all it gives the listener a collection of love songs that pose beauty but no emotional depth. It starts off with '15 Step' a song that combines electronic with Radiohead's now distinct lack of instruments. The song is largely forgettable, destined to be a skipper due to the directionless noise on the track that lacks of the depth of previous Radiohead tracks such as 'National Anthem.' Following it is 'Bodysnatchers' and 'Nude,' both two beautiful tracks that are highlights. Both, thankfully, are stripped down by the pretensions of the last two Radiohead albums and give the fans interesting and versatile tracks. The start of 'Nude' has beauty written all over it. Unfortunately, the rest of the album falls into dullness, and it feels that In Rainbows never reaches a climatic high of any sort. Whilst tracks such as 'All I Need' and 'Videotape' are amazing in their own ways and highlights, they are just songs that become tiresome. In Rainbows is a frustrating listen, one that will disappoint, lacks the beauty it tries to convey, comes across as self- indulgent and is reckless in it's lack of originality. Radiohead may be pushing forward in the promotion stakes, but musically wise, they are similar to a runner who spends too long of his time at the water stand. Expand
  73. Mar 9, 2011
    I'm a diehard fan, but even a few years later I am split on this album. In comparison to their prior work, this album doesn't do as much for me. The over-orchestration, the pointless Faust ARP, the mediocre guitar throwback of Bodysnatchers, this annoyingly paced Videotape, the excellent Go Slowly left to rot on a second disc of throwaways... Yet somehow, it all works. In the right mood,I'm a diehard fan, but even a few years later I am split on this album. In comparison to their prior work, this album doesn't do as much for me. The over-orchestration, the pointless Faust ARP, the mediocre guitar throwback of Bodysnatchers, this annoyingly paced Videotape, the excellent Go Slowly left to rot on a second disc of throwaways... Yet somehow, it all works. In the right mood, on a lovely day, this album is incredibly satisfying, even refreshing, and song after song send shivers down my spine. By far their most accessible album since The Bends, it's sometimes overly sentimental and downright gushy at points. The climaxes are almost annoyingly affective, like a cheap thrill ending up better than you anticipate. But so was "High & Dry", dammit. And that was the song that made me a fan. So maybe it isn't full of mind-bending experiments. It's still pretty great. It will never be my favorite, but despite my complaints, this album just works. Listen to it with the love of your life. Expand
  74. KeithR
    Oct 30, 2007
    Simply beautiful! - Soulful, lush. Right up there with The Bends and Kid-A, combining many elements of both offerings in a decidedly mature release.
  75. nikv.
    Feb 4, 2008
    A flawless album with lush and beautiful arrangements underpinned by Thom Yorke's exceptional voice. Stands up to OK Computer and The Bends. A masterful achievement.
  76. MagnusE
    Sep 18, 2009
    Amazing. End of story. OK Computer II
  77. StacyH
    Oct 13, 2007
    Absolutely love this album. From the awesome 90's college rock type songs like Bodysnatchers to the tranquil harmonies like All I Need, I am really loving this album. I'm on about my 20th listen now and I don't see my self stopping anytime soon.
  78. PatrickD
    Oct 17, 2007
    a lot looser and dare i say it, a lot funkier than anything theyve done. that said does it stand to their pinnacle as the greatest guitar rock band in the world: no. its a pleasure to listne to as radiohead sounds like theyre having fun. hopefully this leads to a warmer more emotive music in the future versus the cold rather boring stuff of the kid a-amnesiac-httf era
  79. jasonz.
    Oct 18, 2007
    This is starting to seem like their best album yet. I get the feeling that they are less afraid of pop music, especially based on Thom's latest quote on the blog. But this hasn't changed their obsession with making excellent and unique sounds. It just might make a little bit more sense to the average music lover than "Hail to the Theif", "Amnesiac", and "Kid A".
  80. bart
    Dec 20, 2007
    anyone who is not falling in love with this album simply does not have a soul.
  81. AnaG
    Oct 30, 2007
    No doubt, best album of 2007
  82. WSiew
    Jun 29, 2008
    Nothing beats OK computer but this still stirs.
  83. BenR
    Nov 1, 2007
    Quite possibly the best record of the decade, maybe even since "OK Computer". Grab some headphones, put on "Nude", turn it up, close your eyes, and enjoy.
  84. GroovySpirit
    Oct 13, 2007
    Their best since 'The Bends'! I'm a big fan but really didn't expect it to be this good! 'Reckoner' proves their superior originality - no other bands come close. 'Bodysnatchers' - love the way after the 2nd verse it turns from a standard catchy tune into a brilliant climax - all in 4 mins - love it! Best of all it sounds optimistic and happy - Their best since 'The Bends'! I'm a big fan but really didn't expect it to be this good! 'Reckoner' proves their superior originality - no other bands come close. 'Bodysnatchers' - love the way after the 2nd verse it turns from a standard catchy tune into a brilliant climax - all in 4 mins - love it! Best of all it sounds optimistic and happy - makes you wanna bop your head along to the multi-texture beats, grooves & guitar. Expand
  85. md
    Oct 13, 2007
    can't stop playing this cd. all i need is one of their best songs ever.
  86. AdrianB
    Oct 13, 2007
    Amazing album, Best album of the year.
  87. IsaacAshe
    Nov 3, 2007
    Ultimately fails to grab you by the scruff all the way through - a disappointment after all the plaudits I read before listening, and the genius solo work of Thom Yorke that proceeded this release.
  88. luke
    Oct 13, 2007
    best album of the year!
  89. TimC
    Oct 13, 2007
    7/10 compared to their other albums. It is good, very good in places. But it isn't up the
    re with OK Computer, The Bends or even Kid A.
  90. PaulC.
    Oct 14, 2007
    What is Dusted Magazine and why does it get a vote? This is hands down one of the best albums of 007. Worth every penny you decide to pay for it.
  91. justinz
    Oct 14, 2007
    Best Radiohead album since Kid A. Dare I say it even rivals OK Computer as Radiohead's best album...
  92. NikkiIkki
    Oct 14, 2007
    Brilliant! Ive been waiting for a fifth of my life for this album... and it was well worth it!
  93. GCB
    Oct 16, 2007
    Most of the talk about this album has been centred around its unique optional pay release system. Almost every topic about it on message boards contains question such as how much did you pay? Will the sound quality be better on the actual CD? will you be buying the box set aswell? If you squint hard enough you may found someone actually commenting on the quality of the songs but its seems Most of the talk about this album has been centred around its unique optional pay release system. Almost every topic about it on message boards contains question such as how much did you pay? Will the sound quality be better on the actual CD? will you be buying the box set aswell? If you squint hard enough you may found someone actually commenting on the quality of the songs but its seems most people have dismissed that this is actually a piece of music and not just a marketing experiment. For what its worth I paid £1 for the album as I figured if its good enough, I Expand
  94. HARRYG
    Oct 17, 2007
    On one listening, it sounds good. Really good, but better than O.K. Computer. Isn't that like saying more perfect than perfect?
  95. NemoM.
    Nov 8, 2007
    A great Album. Every track is quality.
  96. johnn.
    Oct 18, 2007
    simply gorgeous!!!
  97. AlexF
    Nov 8, 2007
    It's a good album, but I expected more from Radiohead. It lacks that certain something that makes you realise that this is Radiohead.
  98. DanielL.
    Oct 18, 2007
    Emotional and darkness... Lindo, Radiohead.
  99. RobertV.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Amazing Album!!!!!!!
  100. [Anonymous]
    Oct 22, 2007
    Best album ever!

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.