
Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
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  1. Apr 19, 2013
    It's an entertaining, vibrant, and artistically filling album, so consider it a "presents" effort and enjoy the show.
  2. Apr 23, 2013
    Overall, Kid Cudi is refreshing and lively thoughout Indicud, proving he can go off and experiment (like he did on WZRD), yet come back to the Day & Night Cudi we have all grown to know and love.
  3. Apr 19, 2013
    Indicud won't work for everyone, but if you're a Cudi fan, this album finds him sounding better than he has in some time.
  4. Apr 19, 2013
    Indicud is an ambitious project that Kid Cudi took a blind shot at, and while by no means does he completely exemplify his immortal identity, he certainly makes a compelling case nonetheless.
  5. Apr 23, 2013
    Scott Mescudi may be many things and nothing all at once but he's definitely not the "same lame old same thing."
  6. Apr 23, 2013
    Cudi's unrepentant attitude is partly why Indicud sounds so engaging, at least during the album's sparkling first half. (Sadly, he doesn't have enough good songs to fill out its hour-plus, 18-track length.)
  7. Apr 23, 2013
    Indicud is still a Kid Cudi record, and like its predecessors, it’s a long, unhurried listen, paced like drifting fog.
  8. The Source
    Jul 2, 2013
    In comparison to his past two albums, Cudi has grown the furthest from his purest hip-hop roots on Indicud, successfully carving out his own space using fundamental tools of hip-hop. [Jul 2013, p.91]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 166 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 23 out of 166
  1. May 5, 2013
    Dear god....why must he do all of his own production? I can understand maybe having 3 or 4 tracks that he did by himself and a maybe a fewDear god....why must he do all of his own production? I can understand maybe having 3 or 4 tracks that he did by himself and a maybe a few more in collaboration with better producers like Plain Pat and Emile, but ALL OF IT? The man has the beat-making prowess of a moderately talented 16-year-old with Fruity Loops.

    By no means was Cudi ready to handle all of the production on an album of this length, because as a result, the songwriting is mostly bland and at times downright irritating. Cudi is at his best when he collaborates with talented people behind the boards instead of trying to be some poor man's Kanye (with all the ego and half the ability). That goes for his video direction as well. Putting a gold frame around a mediocre video is not going to convince me of Kid Cudi's "art" being anything above average.

    The fact that he asked the top-tier A$AP Rocky to jump on such a clunky percussion-based instrumental is just an insane waste of a feature. I'm sure A$AP was just going along with it since Cudi has some gathered some respect and seniority in the industry over the past half decade.

    Lyric-wise, I have never really cared what the guy was saying as long as he's riding over a solid beat. Everyone knows Cudi is not exactly world-renowned for his lyricism. Since the beats are mainly the lyrics are just turd garnishes.

    I DID like Beez (which is bodied by RZA's potent lyrics and not Cudi's production) Solo Dolo Part II, and Cold-Blooded. Not much else impresses me on this thing. The repetition on the instrumentals is so boring I can't help but skip almost every track. Hopefully the whole "I can do it all" thing that Cudi is currently going for is just a phase and he'll go back to working with Emile soon. We can only hope....
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 19, 2013
    This album is the perfect blend of his dreamy, spacey, 2009 effort MM:TEOD, and dark, chilling works of MMII: TLOMR, Indicud is anThis album is the perfect blend of his dreamy, spacey, 2009 effort MM:TEOD, and dark, chilling works of MMII: TLOMR, Indicud is an execeptional masterpiece true fusion of alternative, and hip hop, cudi's production skills are also very good. Plus the guests are all very high profile (Wu tang's RZA, A$AP Rocky, Kendrick Lamar). Favorite tracks are Beez ft RZA, Brothers ft. A$AP Rocky, King Chip, Just What I am ft. King Chip, and Solo Dolo pt II ft Kendrick Lamar Full Review »
  3. Jun 18, 2013
    I love Cudi as an artist, but I just wasn't feeling this album as much as I wanted to. I tried listening to it a couple more times to see ifI love Cudi as an artist, but I just wasn't feeling this album as much as I wanted to. I tried listening to it a couple more times to see if it would get better, but it only got worse. Production isn't handled that well, and lots of the melodies are drowned in obnoxious synths. Overall, the only appealing songs on this album are the singles he released. Full Review »