• Record Label: PIAS
  • Release Date: Apr 29, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 60 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 60
  2. Negative: 7 out of 60
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  1. Aug 17, 2021
    Overhated record! Solid Rock and not much more.
    Of course not as good as earlier pixies work but still really good!
    Personal Highlights: Greens and Blues
  2. Feb 3, 2020
    Frank Black once described an analogy about each song being like its own country, with its own customs and rules. Indie Cindy sounds very much like that analogy. Every song on the track is at least interesting and unique. Not all the songs on this album was palatable to my music tastes, but the album takes a welcome departure from contemporary music. Even if the musical ideas don't alwaysFrank Black once described an analogy about each song being like its own country, with its own customs and rules. Indie Cindy sounds very much like that analogy. Every song on the track is at least interesting and unique. Not all the songs on this album was palatable to my music tastes, but the album takes a welcome departure from contemporary music. Even if the musical ideas don't always play out right, the songs are worth listening to because there are really interesting moments in each song.

    Four tracks stand out for me: Indie Cindy, Green and Blues, Magdalena 318, and Ring the Bell. I'm a sucker for luscious harmonic hooks and those four songs slayed. Indie Cindy's chorus is so simple, but so lovely. Green and Blues has a dreamy surfer feel and faintly reminded me of the UK Surf version of Wave of Mutiliation. Also, check out the music video for Ring the Bell, I really love the concept.
  3. Nov 5, 2016
    Panned by the mainstream critics who want Isla de Encanta and Caribou 2.0 craziness (as if the world is not screwed up enough) this is in my view a strong album. What do people expect after 20+ years? There are some very listenable tracks on here and after repeated hearings I just can't let it go, "Greens and Blues" is a brilliant classic track - easily among my favourites of all PixiesPanned by the mainstream critics who want Isla de Encanta and Caribou 2.0 craziness (as if the world is not screwed up enough) this is in my view a strong album. What do people expect after 20+ years? There are some very listenable tracks on here and after repeated hearings I just can't let it go, "Greens and Blues" is a brilliant classic track - easily among my favourites of all Pixies songs, "Andro Queen" intrigues, "Magdalena" is haunting, and "Another Toe in the Ocean" is like the Pixies with kids, like most original fans will be by now. Yes, there is some stuff that doesn't quite work, and it is not the most cohesive album, but not deserving of the universal criticism from the millennial generation of critics not around in the 80s and brought up on the ubiquitous Beyonce and Rihanna. Bloody good to have them back. Expand
  4. Apr 9, 2015
    The backlash this long awaited comeback album received from fans and critics alike baffles me. Most of these detractors were looking for Doolittler or Surfer Rosa II. Indie Cindy was made by a band who are the bones of a quarter century on from Doolittle and Surfer Rosa. Thousands of bands have tried to emulate those records since their release with very few proving successful. We've gotThe backlash this long awaited comeback album received from fans and critics alike baffles me. Most of these detractors were looking for Doolittler or Surfer Rosa II. Indie Cindy was made by a band who are the bones of a quarter century on from Doolittle and Surfer Rosa. Thousands of bands have tried to emulate those records since their release with very few proving successful. We've got enough watered down copies of those records - surely true fans of the band should embrace something new, or at least give it a chance to breathe before shooting down. Black Francis and co clearly enjoyed touring over the last decade or so as the Pixies and felt the time had come to bring some fresh material into the mix. This was understandable and the band had earned the right to basically do whatever they want at this stage in their careers. Far from being a poor album, this is well above your average indie rock record. For me, every song on the album has its plus points, even Andro Queen, which is the weakest of the bunch. Had Indie Cindy been released in 92 or 93 it would fit seamlessly in with their run of albums. Having seen the band touring the album, the new material easily fits into their setlists. As others have said, had Indie Cindy been released by a new band, there is no doubt it would have received a much more positive reaction. Indie Cindy isn't a work of genius by any stretch and I'll probably come back to it less than their other albums. Having said that, it is a solid effort with plenty of merits and is worthy of a place in the bands back catalog. Heres hoping the band aren't put off bringing out more new material in the future by the negative reaction this has received as they clearly have something to bring to the table. The main change I would have made is not releasing all of the songs on EPs beforehand. Expand
  5. Jul 22, 2014
    I don't care what the critics say. I really like this album.

    I took me several listens to realize that I like this album. Back in the day, when I was in college and bought CDs like Surfer Rosa, I often forced myself to listen to the albums multiple times, even if I didn't like them so much on the first listen. I didn't have much money, and I needed to try to get the most out of my
    I don't care what the critics say. I really like this album.

    I took me several listens to realize that I like this album. Back in the day, when I was in college and bought CDs like Surfer Rosa, I often forced myself to listen to the albums multiple times, even if I didn't like them so much on the first listen. I didn't have much money, and I needed to try to get the most out of my investment in music. It always seemed ironic to me, but very often the albums I didn't like at first became my favorites.

    Now, I live in a world of musical plenty, since I have Rhapsody and have almost the entire musical universe open to me. There is a negative side to this: I flit about, always trying new things, going from album to album, not willing to give albums the time they need to sink in. I only have so much time, and too much music to put into that time.

    So, all that being said, something about this Pixies album made me come back to it. It's a subconscious reaction, something rattling around in my mind that makes me go play that album by itself and not mixed in with thousands of other tracks.

    So now I love the album. I like Frank Black's stream-of-consciousness talking, shouting/screaming and delicate singing. The guitar is right there up front, the way it was, which marks it as a Pixies album. The songs are quirky and catchy. I really like the songs Indie Cindy, Bagboy, and the weird slow Andro Queen.

    It helps that I had very low expectations, I'm sure. But give this album a few listens. I think Indie Cindy is a pretty big achievement after being gone so long.
  6. Jul 9, 2014
    So many mixed messages about this album. Ignore all the hype, listen to it a few times and make up your own mind. If by the third listen you aren't humming the chorus to Greens and Blues, or hearing Ring the Bell ring through your head all day, I would be shocked. Great CD. So happy one of my favorite bands has graced me with another album to enjoy. Hope this isn't the last. It thisSo many mixed messages about this album. Ignore all the hype, listen to it a few times and make up your own mind. If by the third listen you aren't humming the chorus to Greens and Blues, or hearing Ring the Bell ring through your head all day, I would be shocked. Great CD. So happy one of my favorite bands has graced me with another album to enjoy. Hope this isn't the last. It this album perfect? No way. But what's wrong with it isn't the music. It isn't that Kim is missing either. I know it's not a popular opinion but Paz is perfect for the Pixies. What's wrong with this CD is the mix. You can hear all the parts that were intended to be for Kim recorded so quiet in the mix you have to listen for them. I wouldn't have noticed half of them if I hadn't seen Paz singing or playing them live on NPR or KEXP. Other neat things like the psychedelic guitar of Joey throughout Snakes are buried so deep beneath the drums and rhythm guitar that once again, if you don't know they are there you might miss them. Still this CD keeps me wanting to hear it more and more. Shame they can't re-record it with Paz singing all of Kim's parts and turn it up in the mix a bit. Give this album a shot with an open mind and you will be doing yourself a big favor. It's a treat. Expand
  7. Jun 19, 2014
    If only they released this as an album proper instead of piecemeal via the 3 EP's. It really makes a lot more sense structurally and sonically in the full album format. Pitchfork's ass-raping of the first two EP's soiled the full album's release, making it an almost non-event.

    To me, this album is mostly sublime, weird and different yet utterly listenable in ways that the critics as a
    If only they released this as an album proper instead of piecemeal via the 3 EP's. It really makes a lot more sense structurally and sonically in the full album format. Pitchfork's ass-raping of the first two EP's soiled the full album's release, making it an almost non-event.

    To me, this album is mostly sublime, weird and different yet utterly listenable in ways that the critics as a whole seem to disregard. It's baffling how much derision has been aimed at it. Kim Deal's absence means nothing to me, as I've always regarded the Pixies to be Charles' baby anyway.

    The last song on the album, 'Jaime Bravo', with Joey and David harmonizing "goodbye, goodnight" with Charles, is absolutely one of the most triumphant and exhilarating songs in their post "Doolittle" catalogue. "Ring the Bell" is a fragile, poppy gem that sounds like nothing Charles has done with the Pixies or in his vast and diverse Frank Black work. 'Greens and Blues' is breathtakingly classic Pixies, 'What Goes Boom' is 'Planet of Sound' revisited, and the title track's chorus is transcendent. Good stuff here, folks. Don't believe the anti-hype.
  8. Jun 16, 2014
    TRUE Pixies fans will like the album. Is it their best album? No, but it's pretty darn good. The guitars are there, the droning is there, BF's voice is there, yep, you'll like it.
  9. May 31, 2014
    I'm old enough to have experienced them in real time, and to have seen the original line up. I don't think that there was a great weight of expectation in my mind, as I hadn't been keen on the songs I'd heard - 'Blue Eyed Hexe' seemed to be trying too hard and 'Bagboy' hadn't grabbed me. It took several days before I could bring myself to listen to it, and my initial views were mixed.I'm old enough to have experienced them in real time, and to have seen the original line up. I don't think that there was a great weight of expectation in my mind, as I hadn't been keen on the songs I'd heard - 'Blue Eyed Hexe' seemed to be trying too hard and 'Bagboy' hadn't grabbed me. It took several days before I could bring myself to listen to it, and my initial views were mixed. Perhaps better than I had feared, but not as good as I had hoped. But, like other here, I kept listening, and it started to sink in. The two tracks I mention are still not amongst my favourites, but 'What Goes Boom' (with accompanying and beautiful video' is great, 'Silver Snail' is splendidly-odd, 'Andro Queen' is sweetly melodic and 'Greens and Blues' keeps going around my head and is up there with my favourite Pixies songs, and by extension my favourite songs full stop. As a bassist I can both understand and appreciate the song structures more than most of the critics, and it's true that there are signatures common to this and previous works. This could be seen as regurgitation, but it doesn't feel that way to me. I did look at a few reviews, and all I can conclude is how smart-arsy and egocentric many of them were, step forward the comedically-titled Kitty Empire for the Guardian. Make your own mind up - It's not their best work, but I like almost all of it, love quite a bit and can't wait to see them next weekend. Expand
  10. May 21, 2014
    Indie Cindy sounds more like a Frank Black solo album than a Pixies one, because you know Kim Deal isn't there and it's not the same without her. This is still a really good record with songs like ''What Goes Boom'', ''Magdalena 318'', ''Blue Eyed Hexe'', and ''Another Toe in the Ocean''.
  11. May 8, 2014
    Overwhelming hype on this album makes it underwhelming on first listen but after a few successions starts to stand out as a an album on par with music made by the pixies 20 years ago! If this album was released after trompe le monde it would fit perfectly in the Pixies legacy.
  12. May 4, 2014
    I actually enjoyed this album throughout more than their older stuff. It seemed more like REM though than "The Pixies". Classic REM that is... not 2008 REM.
    Was just hoping for some of the songs to gain a bit more "Catchiness" to them.
  13. May 3, 2014
    I agree with Roosterjuice listen to the album a few times. I have listened to this to and from work this week about a dozen times and from an initial reaction of not bad at all I've grown to love the album. There are a couple of exceptional songs here in my opinion, which would have easily complemented the set I saw them play many years ago when they toured after releasing Bossanova.I agree with Roosterjuice listen to the album a few times. I have listened to this to and from work this week about a dozen times and from an initial reaction of not bad at all I've grown to love the album. There are a couple of exceptional songs here in my opinion, which would have easily complemented the set I saw them play many years ago when they toured after releasing Bossanova. Comparing the album to Surfa Rosa and or Dolittle seems a little unfair, most bands are lucky to release one classic let alone two and expecting a third classic after 2 decades is slightly optimistic don't you think so accept his for what it is: a very good album from a band who many of us are pleased are still around. Expand
  14. May 2, 2014
    I'm going to be the voice of descent here. I've listened to the album a few times now, and it has me hooked. I feel like there are 2 types of people judging this comeback album: 1) Pixies fans who think it's not enough like their original stuff and 2) Critics who cannot stomach that these guys are using the same production and style they were in the 90s. Yes, they use electricI'm going to be the voice of descent here. I've listened to the album a few times now, and it has me hooked. I feel like there are 2 types of people judging this comeback album: 1) Pixies fans who think it's not enough like their original stuff and 2) Critics who cannot stomach that these guys are using the same production and style they were in the 90s. Yes, they use electric guitars... which is unfortunate timing because the electric guitar is not a banjo, and therefore is currently regarded as out of style.

    If you can take a few listens and not judge the album on unrealistic criteria and build up of how amazing it should be after a 23 year break, and instead just listen to the album and enjoy it, you will see that it's quite freaking awesome.
  15. Apr 29, 2014
    While this does seem more like a Frank Black record than a Pixies album proper, it nevertheless is a welcome return in my opinion. Not all of the tracks work well, but there's just enough of the old magic to justify adding this to your collection.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 18, 2014
    A worthy addition to one of alt.rock's greatest canons. [Jul 2014, p.92]
  2. Jul 23, 2014
    At least Pixies didn't try to fake their way into recreating every aspect of their former glory. But the music here is so unfortunately forgettable.
  3. Magnet
    Jun 18, 2014
    Yes, some of these are very stupid songs.... And like Doolittle, there are great songs here. [No. 110, p.58]