by RM
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Universal acclaim- based on 2628 Ratings

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  1. Dec 2, 2022
    just beautiful. namjoon is beautiful. his art is beautiful. everything about indigo is beautiful.
  2. Dec 2, 2022
    Parabéns! RM excelente álbum, acho que não era surpresa pra ninguém, que seria uma verdeira obra de arte minuciosamente detalhado. Estou fascinada.
  3. Dec 2, 2022
    Rms lyricism is goated. He puts his pen to paper and everytime its beautiful. His brain is something amazing and indigo showcases that well.
  4. Dec 2, 2022
    The diversity of genres found in the album make a very good combination and in turn encompasses the essence of the artist very well.
    In addition, the lyrics on the album sound very personal and it is very easy to identify with them, the touch of the artists in the collaborations feel very good in them, from their voice and the feeling they put into it. I personally think that Rm chose well
    The diversity of genres found in the album make a very good combination and in turn encompasses the essence of the artist very well.
    In addition, the lyrics on the album sound very personal and it is very easy to identify with them, the touch of the artists in the collaborations feel very good in them, from their voice and the feeling they put into it. I personally think that Rm chose well who to work with so that his album sounds this good.
  5. Apr 16, 2023
    Aku seneng banget sama album yang memiliki cerita, yang terkonsep. Namjoon meminta kita menyetelnya dari atas ke bawah karena album ini dikonsep sedemikian rupa
  6. Dec 3, 2022
    This album is a masterpiece! All the songs feel like a warmth blanket of comfort that will last for years to come! I will continue to listen to this album!
  7. Dec 3, 2022
    Was already looking forward to it when I saw the star-studded collaboration. Each collaborator, be it a featuring artist or a producer, are legends in their own respective field. Amazing how 10 songs from 10 different genres can mesh so well in one album. Has this ever been done before? Easily one of the best albums of the century. Please listen to it chronologically and take in the lyricsWas already looking forward to it when I saw the star-studded collaboration. Each collaborator, be it a featuring artist or a producer, are legends in their own respective field. Amazing how 10 songs from 10 different genres can mesh so well in one album. Has this ever been done before? Easily one of the best albums of the century. Please listen to it chronologically and take in the lyrics because this was written by a masterful port who want to make lyrics hip again. Expand
  8. Dec 3, 2022
    A masterpiece! From the lyrics, musical arrangement and the collab artists: fresh, genuine, exceptional and powerful.
  9. Dec 3, 2022
    The album is a piece of Kim Namjoon, when you listen to it, you know he's there for you, and he's telling his stories and experiences to you in a forced way but in a very pleasing way that makes you feel he understands and you too need to understand him! He shows how ARMY is his best friend for the rest of the life and how he loves us with all his heart and how he expects nothing but loveThe album is a piece of Kim Namjoon, when you listen to it, you know he's there for you, and he's telling his stories and experiences to you in a forced way but in a very pleasing way that makes you feel he understands and you too need to understand him! He shows how ARMY is his best friend for the rest of the life and how he loves us with all his heart and how he expects nothing but love and knows that we're his very own diligent lovers and that he is our one true friend, yet a star that understands the ones who understands him and also who doesn't understand him, he is there, whenever anyone needs him and he just wants to be heard with his amazing creations. Expand
  10. Dec 3, 2022
    Songs that reach the soul. You can feel identified in every letter and word that comes out of his mouth.
  11. Dec 3, 2022
    I really appreciate this album, is really a work of art, the lyrics are insane. Namjoon really did a good job!!
  12. Dec 5, 2022
    Every collab in this album has a reason, they are all connected to the stories RM wanted to tell from his 20s. The album starts with how an artist first needs to live, and be a human to create art, using legendary Erykah Badu to convey the message more convincingly, a person who has been through more and carries that belief in her life as an artist. Then it has many questionings, manyEvery collab in this album has a reason, they are all connected to the stories RM wanted to tell from his 20s. The album starts with how an artist first needs to live, and be a human to create art, using legendary Erykah Badu to convey the message more convincingly, a person who has been through more and carries that belief in her life as an artist. Then it has many questionings, many things he wants to do, many disappointments and decisions he makes in the middle. They are conveyed in a way like he is thinking to himself, he is trying to decide or undecide like in a conflict. Which becomes even more apparent with the title track; Wildflower, the 9th track. The song starts with conclusion, and then the journey to the conclusion is given to the listeners. Just like how the album started with "being a human before making art", in this song too RM is trying to be human, and wants to get rid of the greed and unending desires fame brings. And while the shows he gives as BTS may seem like "fireworks" impressive but dying out quickly, he says he wants to bloom underneath all the sparkles like wildflowers, slowly, under his control only. Which is something BTS has always shared, creating a legacy and growing as humans and artists first, so this message is not surprising to fans. This desire explodes in RM cos of all the blabbering happening around him whether it be industry people or netizens or anyone else, and this explosion is given to the listeners with the powerful forceful voice of Youjeen, the lead vocalist of legendary rock band from Korea; Cherry Filter. Hearing the journey to this conclusion may feel bittersweet, the ending only brings bliss and hope for the future.
    So the album has an extra conclusion made by RM, shared with us in the last track; No.2 which the name comes from "chapter 2" as in moving forward. He decides he won't be looking back and wondering if he should have made different choices, if he could have done better, or if he could have done less mistakes... He decides this version of his life and himself is the best he could get just like in "Doctor Strange" as he tells his fans, and he brings another legendary sound from Korea, Park Ji Yoon; another senior to convey the message "you will protect yourself from now on, dont look back anymore, you've done your best" in a way a senior comforts a younger artist.
    Last two tracks concludes the album with "I will stay me, and i will keep moving forward only". A rare statement you can get from an artist these days especially with them sharing the real journey with this level of sincerity.
    In its totality; the album has 10 different genres from folk, r&b, to pop, city pop to rock... He always gives the song what it needs naturally with no forceful sounds. He is a poet at heart, that is how he started and this album demonstrated is perfectly. And because he is the owner of all the messages in this album, he knows how each of them should be delivered which i think it is one of the reasons this album has moments that can be so relatable to a listener at some point in their lives, and become part of their lives comfortably like a "worn out jeans" as he says.
    I would like to give this album a 9.9 but it deserves a 10. I would want to give 9.9 because some are saying this album is "his masterpiece" and while this album is a masterpiece of an album 100%, I know deep down as RM being a person that always betters himself, always adds something to his views, ideas, techniques and pen... I know the best is still yet to come.
  13. Dec 3, 2022
    This albums is a creation of an artist about his twenties that actually capture the universal feeling of people in twenties. Life, hope,lost...all emotion in the changing period of life made me realized myself more.
  14. Dec 3, 2022
    It's the most unique album, it's fun, healing, reassuring, it makes me feel happy. I always have a positive serge of energy after listening to indigo.
  15. Apr 17, 2023
    RM never fails to take you in and explore the world through his eyes, the ups, the downs and the lulls of life. His story-telling ability is one to sit and studiously study, such is the pull you experience when you focus on his words. Subtle meanings and messages aside (which are already a well known facet of RM), his talent on life and what it means to be human has me spellbound. IndigoRM never fails to take you in and explore the world through his eyes, the ups, the downs and the lulls of life. His story-telling ability is one to sit and studiously study, such is the pull you experience when you focus on his words. Subtle meanings and messages aside (which are already a well known facet of RM), his talent on life and what it means to be human has me spellbound. Indigo is indeed a masterpiece. Expand
  16. Dec 3, 2022
    Each song is a masterful creation that reflects upon an artist’s struggles for finding one’s identity and the freedom for creative expression. The lyrics maybe be about his personal journey but it transcends time and age, finding it relatable to everyone’s journey to discover one’s voice, happiness, purpose and legacy. Music may be a uniquely transient art form but RM is able to paint aEach song is a masterful creation that reflects upon an artist’s struggles for finding one’s identity and the freedom for creative expression. The lyrics maybe be about his personal journey but it transcends time and age, finding it relatable to everyone’s journey to discover one’s voice, happiness, purpose and legacy. Music may be a uniquely transient art form but RM is able to paint a canvas with his music to hold onto its tangibility and permanence. Album Indigo does the unthinkable and achieves the highest form of art: eternity. Expand
  17. Dec 3, 2022
    Incredible album, it takes you on a journey through the highs and lows of Namjoon's 20s. It's soothing, thought provoking and moving. Along with the outstanding production, it is pure artistry at it's finest.
    The collabs are genuinely outstanding artists, each song has its own deliberate message and each of the collaborators stand out, whilst complimenting RMs vocals and style.
    There is
    Incredible album, it takes you on a journey through the highs and lows of Namjoon's 20s. It's soothing, thought provoking and moving. Along with the outstanding production, it is pure artistry at it's finest.
    The collabs are genuinely outstanding artists, each song has its own deliberate message and each of the collaborators stand out, whilst complimenting RMs vocals and style.
    There is such a variety of genres, each song in fact! Neo-soul, city pop, folk and more... Just incredible that all that fits so seamlessly into one album.
    If you haven't please do have a listen, I cannot do it full justice with my words.
  18. Dec 3, 2022
    This album is completely everything Kim Nanjoom wanted to convey just by listening to it and it touches your soul, it shows how much he has grown as an artist, and that he has transcended the borders of kpop, proving that he is an incredible rapper. its producer is its composer, lyricist
  19. Dec 3, 2022
    This is the best album I’ve heard that addresses the anxieties and fears we all have going through life. It truly is an album born of the pandemic and naked in its honesty.
  20. Dec 3, 2022
    What can I say about his art? This is a masterpiece! A well thought album. Written by him because this is HIM, Thee Kim Namjoon not RM of the leader of BTS. Well RM is still part of Kim Namjoon but this album we can listen from Kim Namjoon as well as RM. Their life journey and journal of his life through out his 20s.
  21. Dec 3, 2022
    As a person navigating my 20s and in my mid 20s, listening to RM sing and rap about his archive of his 20s makes me both reminiscent of my early 20s & look forward to the coming years.
    I describe RM as poet. The lyrics of this album will take you on an emotional journey and would 100% recommend spending some time reading the lyrics.
    I want to specially mention all the featuring artists did
    As a person navigating my 20s and in my mid 20s, listening to RM sing and rap about his archive of his 20s makes me both reminiscent of my early 20s & look forward to the coming years.
    I describe RM as poet. The lyrics of this album will take you on an emotional journey and would 100% recommend spending some time reading the lyrics.
    I want to specially mention all the featuring artists did an amazing job and fit right into the song they were part of.
    All in on all, Indigo is one of the best albums I heard this year!

    Ps: As RM suggested listen to the album in the order from top to bottom there is a specific story he is trying to tell through Indigo
  22. Dec 3, 2022
    Este álbum é arte pura! RM consegue desenvolver bem seus sentimentos, bem o bastante para que eu possa ver meus sentimentos em suas letras. Além de que as colaborações são incríveis, ele conseguiu realizar o que tanto queria, trazer e harmonizar diferentes frequências e gêneros. RM é realmente um gênio.
  23. Dec 3, 2022
    Es el tipo de artista que transmite una variedad de sentimientos a quien lo escucha, la forma en que envia un mensajes a través de su letra y voz en simplemente sorprendente, me gustaron todas las canciones pero favorita será flor silvestre, es tan fuerte y suave, como tranquila y compleja a la vez y aún así posee el toque de perfección.
  24. Apr 16, 2023
    its been months since its release.. but it still feels fresh, evoke the same emotions a little deeper as the time goes by! the melody, the lyrics, the selection of featured artists.. indigo is truly a master piece created by an artist by heart and soul who is at his prime! what a timeless magnum opus!
  25. Dec 4, 2022
    Such a beautiful collection. The songs make you feel like floating mid-air lost between the clouds. The lyrics are deep and has so much poetic creativity. RM's voice is calming and comforting at the same time. This is his debut album but its such a high quality. The tune, the rhythm, the beats, the lyrics, Namjoon's subtle adlibs, his melodious voice etc makes listening to this album suchSuch a beautiful collection. The songs make you feel like floating mid-air lost between the clouds. The lyrics are deep and has so much poetic creativity. RM's voice is calming and comforting at the same time. This is his debut album but its such a high quality. The tune, the rhythm, the beats, the lyrics, Namjoon's subtle adlibs, his melodious voice etc makes listening to this album such a hypnotising and luxurious experience. I can listen to the songs one by one all night and day and wont even flinch. Its that much of a delicious experience. Im so grateful for Namjoon's artistry, his passion, dedication and love for his music. The different artists featured in this album justify their respective roles with so much perfection. Makes the overall listening experience magical and luxurious. RM is so young but he is immensely talented. My respect for him will never decrease. I am truly grateful and privileged to be his fan. To be honest I am quite surprised with people leaving negative reviews, I'm definitely sure they didn't listen to the album even one bit but they just wanna satisfy their hate for BTS for god knows what reason. Anyways, would 100% recommend this album to everyone and those that are new to BTS. Give it a go, I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Expand
  26. Dec 4, 2022
    Once again Namjoon bringing comfort and wise thoughts with his music. Generational
  27. Dec 6, 2022
    RM's first solo album is incredibly diverse. Multiple collaborations and genres make for a great listen. I recommend listening in order. The production is world class, but what really sets this album apart from others is the poetic lyrics that RM infused into each song. It is raw, refreshing and quite often heartbreaking and yet somehow remains optimistic for the future. This album has himRM's first solo album is incredibly diverse. Multiple collaborations and genres make for a great listen. I recommend listening in order. The production is world class, but what really sets this album apart from others is the poetic lyrics that RM infused into each song. It is raw, refreshing and quite often heartbreaking and yet somehow remains optimistic for the future. This album has him laying his soul bare, singing about being shackled, wanting to be him and being lonely. He picked perfect people to collaborate with and yet my favourite track on this album is lonely, which is just him. This is a no skip album for me and I am blown away with his efforts. I also highly recommend Wild Flower with youjeen. Her vocals are incredible and the song has an epic feel to it with highly emotional lyrics. Congratulations RM! Expand
  28. Dec 4, 2022
    I wasn't a fan of Mono, it wasn't my style but this album exceeded my expectations! I was shocked at how good the album was. I knew he wrote a lot of songs but I didn't notice how talented he was at writing. RM has a future as an artist and I can't wait to see his growth. Still love is a whole bop !
  29. Dec 4, 2022
    kim namjoon best lyrics best rapper best leader this album is very special...
  30. Dec 5, 2022
    A album filled with heartfelt poetic lyrics and genre bending can not put RM in a box. he is a true musician who really loves what he does and that gets reflected on his music

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 9, 2023
    Indigo is an eye-opening taste of what RM is truly capable of outside the bounds of the K-pop powerhouse.
  2. 100
    It’s too early to tell if the record will help the BTS leader achieve his goal of creating something truly timeless but, in this moment, ‘Indigo’ feels like a masterpiece with the potential to be remembered as a classic.
  3. 60
    Some moments fall flat – Lonely is cloying, paint-by-numbers EDM-pop that doesn’t fully land. Still, Indigo is a polished collection that spans both pop and rap with confidence.