by RM
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  1. Apr 16, 2023
    Listen to it and be the your own critic, and meet Kim Nam Joon of BTS. Thank me later.
  2. Apr 16, 2023
    Aun no puedo creer lo maravilloso que es este album. RM puso todas sus emociones que vivió durante sus 20s y creó semejante obra de arte. Cada canción está tan bien detallada con lo que refleja el artista y lo que nos quiso presentar junto a las voces que se unieron a el. No tiene comparación. Yo aún no me decido cual canción es mi favorita porque las amo todas.
  3. Apr 16, 2023
    One of the most beautiful creations by Namjoon.. I can relate to it on so many levels ..Gives me comfort always...This is a masterpiece indeed..
  4. Apr 16, 2023
    This album is brilliant from top to bottom. The way RM writes is astonishing every single time he picks up the pen. The song's flow and take you on a journey through different life emotions so effortlessly you don't realize how deeply the words hit you until you're sitting in silence when it's finished playing and find yourself with tears streaming down your face. It's a forever album, IThis album is brilliant from top to bottom. The way RM writes is astonishing every single time he picks up the pen. The song's flow and take you on a journey through different life emotions so effortlessly you don't realize how deeply the words hit you until you're sitting in silence when it's finished playing and find yourself with tears streaming down your face. It's a forever album, I will listen to it everyday for the entirely of my lifetime. Expand
  5. Apr 16, 2023
    Este álbum es increíble, parece una obra de arte, sus canciones ni se diga, merece muchas más estrellas
  6. Apr 16, 2023
    Me gusto mucho las canciones. Siento que es algo distinto de lo que ha lanzado anteriormente con rapmonster y mono. Los otros artistas con quien colaboró tienen voces hermosas e increibles. Escuchar lo bien que se escuchan y como se acoplan es maravilloso. Podria decir que mi favorita es Closer. La escucho mucho a menudo.
  7. Apr 16, 2023
    An album that truly lives up to the meaning of being an archive of one's 20's. RM has done a fantastic work on the album for each track to be auditory pleasurable yet weaving a story of retrospection and self-reflection.
  8. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is a perfect playlist on its own. The features and order of songs let's the vibe switch up, maintaining my attention for the duration. The lyrical content for each is on theme while describing a different angle. They're filled introspection that doesn't linger too long nor wade too far into self-deprecation and cynicism. Just a human contemplating their humanity but with a focus onIndigo is a perfect playlist on its own. The features and order of songs let's the vibe switch up, maintaining my attention for the duration. The lyrical content for each is on theme while describing a different angle. They're filled introspection that doesn't linger too long nor wade too far into self-deprecation and cynicism. Just a human contemplating their humanity but with a focus on the art they have made, are currently making, and desire to make in the future. The sounds are easy and familiar yet not cardon copies, not 2.0s of past classics. I just never get bored. Thank you, Namjoon Expand
  9. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is a timeless masterpiece which spans across genres. Each track features amazing music and lyrics which brings you along RM’s journey through his last years of his twenties.
  10. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is a very soothing album that helped me to face the bad phase of my life. Thanku Namjoon Hyung for this masterpiece
  11. Apr 16, 2023
    One the best albums of 2022 for me and I just keep going back to these songs! Every song has its own unique sound & charm and every collaborator alongside RM fits perfectly. The flow from beginning to the end is amazing too. Just a very relatable, enjoyable & emotion-filled album to suit my everyday moods.
  12. Apr 17, 2023
    Es diferente al Nam de BTS, es como si fuera otra persona, me encanta este album
  13. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is such a masterpiece from the very first second of the first song to the very last second of the last song. Each song has different and unique musical color yet it can flow so nicely when played in order. When it comes to RM, let's not ever forget the lyrics. As RM said, this is the last archive of his twenties. Indigo serves as a vessel for the-late-twenties years old KimIndigo is such a masterpiece from the very first second of the first song to the very last second of the last song. Each song has different and unique musical color yet it can flow so nicely when played in order. When it comes to RM, let's not ever forget the lyrics. As RM said, this is the last archive of his twenties. Indigo serves as a vessel for the-late-twenties years old Kim Namjoon's thoughts and realizations as he's entering his thirties. Unlike the lyrics from his first mixtape 'RM' which is filled with teenage-to-young adult rage and 'mono' which shows the melancholic side of his mid-twenties, Indigo feels rather lighter yet still holds the same depth and substance—if not more—compared to his previous albums. This shows how current Kim Namjoon has clearer vision about life thus he is more relaxed and in control of his individuality.
    Kim Namjoon certainly always had a clear vision and planned every single detail about his works, not every musician can do that even the experienced ones. His vision when it comes to BTS songs and concepts has catapulted BTS to success which is why he is one of the most admirable and respected musician in this decade.
  14. Apr 16, 2023
    All the music here is too good. Of course there are people with different tastes, but most of them think that this is art. I think so too. A mix of everything with a good flavor, Indigo is one of the best albums of 2022 Thank you RM.
  15. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is a great album that reflects the feelings of the artist and different genres. Expand
  16. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo es un álbum que transmite muchos sentimientos, con artistas variados. Nos muestra desde la identidad, la insuficiencia, nuestra confianza en nosotros y nuestra esencia. Expand
  17. Apr 16, 2023
    Índigo es un álbum en que RM supo trasmitir sus sentimientos y gracias a eso muchas personas también se pueden sentir identificadas. Es un álbum asombroso
  18. Xd1
    Apr 16, 2023
    El mejor, namjoon es un verdadero poeta en sus letras, y sabe muy bien como producir y componer, mi canción favorita de todo el álbum es Yun ya que me hace pensar sobre el ser humano y se puede tomar de una manera subjetiva, además toda la canción, desde su producción hasta el rap es magia, y las otras canciones ni están por debajo, tranquilamente podría cambiar de canción favorita y no meEl mejor, namjoon es un verdadero poeta en sus letras, y sabe muy bien como producir y componer, mi canción favorita de todo el álbum es Yun ya que me hace pensar sobre el ser humano y se puede tomar de una manera subjetiva, además toda la canción, desde su producción hasta el rap es magia, y las otras canciones ni están por debajo, tranquilamente podría cambiar de canción favorita y no me arrepentiría. Expand
  19. Apr 16, 2023
    the most beautiful album to ever exist. it felt like a hug but it also worded out indescribable feelings. i’m most happy when i listen to indigo!
  20. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is just pure arte, is AMAZING, and I think is something that everyone can hear Expand
  21. Apr 16, 2023
    La música que Kim Namjoon realiza me ayudó de muchas formas, tiene buenas letras sin duda alguna.
  22. Apr 16, 2023
    ¡Es un álbum maravilloso en todos los sentidos! Namjoon siempre creando cosas impresionantes.
  23. Apr 16, 2023
    I fell in love with indigo after I listened to it and I like Yun's song it has very beautiful lyrics
  24. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hands down one of the top albums of the year. The mixture of genres and collabs makes this a NO SKIP album. Well done RM! Expand
  25. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo has no skiping songs. Its lyrics, rhythm and sounds are full of meaning and can relate with anyone in their 20s. It represents how we can chance through de course of the years and how our view of life keeps changing as we get older.
  26. Apr 16, 2023
    It was one of the most comforting albums that I have listened to. I really recommend this album and do listen to them and also read the full lyric for a better understanding
  27. Apr 16, 2023
    Un coup de coeur pour cet album éclectique et intimiste à la fois. Chaque collaboration apporte son originalité et l'ensemble est un petit bijou à écouter. Mention spéciale pour Lonely et Wild Flower !
  28. Apr 16, 2023
    Es un gran álbum con una mezcla de géneros y la letra de las canciones son maravillosas. Definitivamente no es para cualquiera
  29. Apr 16, 2023
    Thank you RM for such thoughtful, meaningful and comforting album. As usual, you never dissapoint, you always gives us art in form of music, real music. Thanks to the collabs, I got to listen such tremendous artists.
  30. Apr 16, 2023
    Índigo es arte, un álbum increíble cada canción es hermosa, RM en cada canción demuestra el gran artista que es.

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 9, 2023
    Indigo is an eye-opening taste of what RM is truly capable of outside the bounds of the K-pop powerhouse.
  2. 100
    It’s too early to tell if the record will help the BTS leader achieve his goal of creating something truly timeless but, in this moment, ‘Indigo’ feels like a masterpiece with the potential to be remembered as a classic.
  3. 60
    Some moments fall flat – Lonely is cloying, paint-by-numbers EDM-pop that doesn’t fully land. Still, Indigo is a polished collection that spans both pop and rap with confidence.