by RM
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  1. Dec 6, 2022
    Albums typically should be judged by it's own merit with a focus primarily on the music. However, while the music is beautiful and captivating, it is given considerable more colour when paired with the underlying concepts. It reminds us that art cannot exist in a vacuum. The context behind it (personal, cultural, historical, etc) will always work to increase or decrease the value andAlbums typically should be judged by it's own merit with a focus primarily on the music. However, while the music is beautiful and captivating, it is given considerable more colour when paired with the underlying concepts. It reminds us that art cannot exist in a vacuum. The context behind it (personal, cultural, historical, etc) will always work to increase or decrease the value and relevance of the piece. The artist's love for music and visual art shines through in Indigo. Each song is like an excerpt from a journal exploring familiar topics using a new genre with each track, giving every song it's own colour, contrast, saturation and hue. It shows off incredible range and a willingness to explore different sides of music with various collaborators who add their own flavour to the mix. It truly captures the feeling of youth and adulthood; that awkward period of one's 20s where you are expected to grow into your own as a grown-up while feeling utterly lost in the inexperience of youth. Expand
  2. Dec 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well, this album is indeed an exhibition, every song has its own style, colors and topic!
    Yun and how he explain his wish to be a human before being an artist, and how he represent the pain of people who are trying to find their own way, also Erykah vocals add up beauty to the whole scene as a senior

    Still life and the funky track with anderson paak, represent his revolution againt those who try to fit him in a frame! He is still life but he move forward! And his hard work that got him this wealth!

    All Day with rapper Tablo of epik high, such a dope song! Super energetic and uplifting e.g. the part “get you a** of the bench and start warm up, you gotta fight when they say behave, we got dynamite in our DNA”

    4th track, Forg-tful, about how engaging into life issues make someone forget important thinngs about him self and his close people, and how you can use forgetfulness to protect your self from pain, with kim Sawol sweet vocals and the guitar strings, such a beautiful mix

    Closer, is one of my favourite tracks, the romanticism and pain in it, OMG it’s great song, lyrically and vocally, it talks about how he wants to get closer to a person but things just are not going right! Still he is so attached to that person! With Paul blanco and Mahalia you will fall in love with this song sor sure

    Change pt.2, one of the two song on the album that are performed by RM alone, one of the powerful songs, RM talks about how everything in the world including him is changing, people he knew things he liked, his personality!

    Lonely, is the second song performed totally by RM, he talks about the loneliness, him being trapped into himself and feeling like everything is shrinking around him, and how he want to get to where he feels home getting sick of areas and people he doesn’t belong to

    Hectic, with Colde, tha track talk about him trying to find a motivation to keep going, getting sick of the repetitive life and talks people keep saying, but he just can’t help but to love Seoul his second hometown

    Wild flower, the title track, one of the most amazing songs that shows his creativityas a portbeside being a rapper, it’s really heart breaking yet beautiful, I think I cried when I read the lyrics, with the greatest vocals bt Youjeen, it feels like his soul is talking through her windpipes. Words can’t really describe how beautiful this song is, but It really deserve to be the title, actually for me Yun and Wild flower are the tracks that show RM amazing poetry the most

    No.2 is the last but not the least track on the album, it’s such an amazing way to end the album with, after all the topics he discussed in his song, from fear to love to hate to oast to present and future, he ended up saying that everything we did is “your best” at that time and like a warm pat to say stop overthinking about the last just look forward and no looking back anymore
    I hope my review helps you, give Indigo alot of love
  3. Dec 6, 2022
    Rm's words never cease to amaze me, listening to Indigo is like a warm hug and encouragement at the same time.
  4. Dec 6, 2022
    Indigo is such an introspective and powerful work, which is something that does not surprise me from RM. His work has always come from the heart, showing his deepest insecurities and challenges in the best way he knew, through gut-wrenching art in it's rawest and most beautiful form. The fact that he managed to add so many different genres in a single album while not losing a single inchIndigo is such an introspective and powerful work, which is something that does not surprise me from RM. His work has always come from the heart, showing his deepest insecurities and challenges in the best way he knew, through gut-wrenching art in it's rawest and most beautiful form. The fact that he managed to add so many different genres in a single album while not losing a single inch of cohesion and flow through the tracks is impressive in on itself, but add that to the incredibly organic feeling collaborations of an absolute star packed team of artists, that each contribute such a unique and personal touch to the pieces and the lyricism from which RM has been known for his entire career...And you just have a recipe for a masterpiece.

    RM, his first mixtape, was already great. I thought Mono, his second one, was his pinnacle, an absolute crazy playlist I play to this day on repeat on the worst of days to seek comfort, but I have been proven wrong. Indigo is miles ahead of what Mono was and I never thought I would ever say that.

    Which only leaves me with a deep desire to see where he'll take us next, because I know no matter where that is, it's going to be absolutely remarkable.
  5. Dec 6, 2022
    I am an American, normally a classical-music listener, and much older than the typical pop music listener. But I opened my mind and ears to this record because I admire and appreciate BTS and RM (whose earlier tracks Seoul and Bicycle are on heavy rotation with me).

    This is a thoughtful, deep, and ultimately optimistic and positive album that takes the listener behind the scenes of the
    I am an American, normally a classical-music listener, and much older than the typical pop music listener. But I opened my mind and ears to this record because I admire and appreciate BTS and RM (whose earlier tracks Seoul and Bicycle are on heavy rotation with me).

    This is a thoughtful, deep, and ultimately optimistic and positive album that takes the listener behind the scenes of the life of a megastar. The subject matter alone makes it interesting to listen to, but it's deepened and raised in quality by both the musical composition and the collaborators such as Erykah Badu and Korean artists I am discovering for the first time. As I have seen with BTS's music in many instances, reading the Korean lyrics in translation opens the door to some very deep and intense feelings and ideas that I am drawn to. So it's worth giving the translation a close read before and during listening. However, I have to add that to someone who doesn't speak the language, it is equally possible just to listen to Korean as a musical instrument of its own and just hear the resonant beauty of the syllables going by (once you read a quick translation of the words so you know the basic meaning).

    The music video and track of "Wildflower" is addictive and compelling on a deep level. I can't stop thinking about the lines (in English): "No name, that's what I have/No shame, I'm on my grave." (the earth). The song rises to an ethereal and stirring conclusion that I don't think I'll get over for a long time. For this song alone I would recommend the album but "Forgetful" and "Still Life" and every other track on the album is top shelf and makes me so excited to hear what else RM will say on future solo works as he goes through his life. I hope I live long enough to hear them all.
  6. Dec 6, 2022
    RM es la definición exacta de lo que es el arte. Es la clase de artista que tiene el poder de destrozarte el corazón con una letra y abrazarte el alma al instante, logra remover tus emociones. El como puede plasmar en una pista una realidad vivida por muchos en diferentes maneras, amor, vida social, trabajo, cansancio emocional y mental. Simplemente un artista de verdad, este álbum no esRM es la definición exacta de lo que es el arte. Es la clase de artista que tiene el poder de destrozarte el corazón con una letra y abrazarte el alma al instante, logra remover tus emociones. El como puede plasmar en una pista una realidad vivida por muchos en diferentes maneras, amor, vida social, trabajo, cansancio emocional y mental. Simplemente un artista de verdad, este álbum no es para todos, es sólo para quienes realmente logran entender el arte para amarlo y expandirlo. Sinceramente, este es el álbum del año. Expand
  7. Dec 6, 2022
    This album is an explosion of emotions. Every track, every lyric and every beat made me feel a thousand different things at once. It overwhelmed me in the best way possible. I've never been in love but I think THIS is what it feels like.
  8. Dec 6, 2022
    I have always been a fan of Namjoon's lyrics. He has such a unique way of bending and using words to create poetry to music. His Persona intro is my personal favorite of his. I love his mixtape, Mono, especially Seoul, Tokyo and Everythingoes. On Indigo, my faves are Yun, Change, Pt.2, Lonely, and Hectic. Still life is so fun to listen to- I love the analogy of standing still, yet movingI have always been a fan of Namjoon's lyrics. He has such a unique way of bending and using words to create poetry to music. His Persona intro is my personal favorite of his. I love his mixtape, Mono, especially Seoul, Tokyo and Everythingoes. On Indigo, my faves are Yun, Change, Pt.2, Lonely, and Hectic. Still life is so fun to listen to- I love the analogy of standing still, yet moving along. If there is any song that I'm not quite as fond of, it's Wild Flower. I love the lyrics, however, eujeen's sometimes out of pitch loud singing was hard on my ears at first. Nothing against her music or singing ability- she has a beautiful voice. I just didn't understand why she sang like that. Now, as I listen to the song more, I'm beginning to understand the emotionality of her unique style of singing and how it fits with the lyrics and narrative Namjoon is singing about. Wildflower a beautiful song, full of hope, regrets and longing, yet it also speaks to the desperation, loneliness, anger, and fear about certain choices one makes in life-especially when one is just starting out as an adult. The ups and downs of seeing the real world as it is, which is not always perfect. To me, it's about deciding where one fits in that imperfect world. Something we all deal with as adults. The interesting bit to me, is that at 66, I still have those feelings navigating life! I just wasn't as wise as Joon seems to be when I was his age. I am glad I gave myself time to listen to Indigo over and over, relishing in the messages and feelings he wanted to portray about his life. Thank you. Expand
  9. Dec 6, 2022
    Amazing. Perfect álbum. Congratulations RM. The lyrics of all the songs, just amazing. I can't stop listening
  10. Dec 6, 2022
    RM is a genius artist and Indigo is a true work of art.
    Listening to the album is like traveling through feelings and sensations, the lyricism, the voices, everything fits together perfectly and provides a reflective, hopeful and poetic experience about life.
    Indigo goes against what is currently the norm of creating empty and fleeting music, and that is a testament to RM's greatness,
    RM is a genius artist and Indigo is a true work of art.
    Listening to the album is like traveling through feelings and sensations, the lyricism, the voices, everything fits together perfectly and provides a reflective, hopeful and poetic experience about life.
    Indigo goes against what is currently the norm of creating empty and fleeting music, and that is a testament to RM's greatness, courage and strength.
    Beautiful art should not be fleeting, it is appreciated and kept in evidence throughout the ages. I hope more people can find and appreciate the beautiful works of art that are the Indigo tracks and all of RM's work.
  11. Dec 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ainda estou em choque com esse álbum, Nam perfeito como sempre, mostrando o seu lado incrível Expand
  12. Dec 6, 2022
    the lyrics alone get it into 10. l love the message that he is sending. we could learn a thing or two.
    And what can I say about wild flower. do you understand the message that he is conveying ?? Only for those with their pure soul intact
  13. Dec 6, 2022
    Es el mejor álbum, las melodías y las letras son demasiado profundas, para mi es como un abrazo al alma, describe perfecto las emociones del artista, es una obra de arte en su máximo esplendor.
  14. Dec 6, 2022
    Really were the most "Namjoon"-like songs I've heard, and they were amazing with such a wide variety of genres and voices. Lyrics are a must-read because the way he thinks and looks at things is mind blowing.
  15. Dec 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The lyrics of the Album is really good. It makes the person listening to it in love with this Expand
  16. Dec 6, 2022
    To be honest, I really really love this album. I like the meaning of all the songs here especially Wild
  17. Apr 16, 2023
    MASTERPIECE ALBUM!!!! All the tracks are so diverse to each other but together form a cohesive art that the artist RM is trying to tell!! THE BEST ALBUM RELEASED IN 2022!!
  18. Dec 6, 2022
    Unforgettable album with sincere lyrics! BTS makes great music, and it's amazing to see how they shine as soloists too! RM put in a lot of hard work on this album with meaningful collaborations.
  19. Dec 6, 2022
    The album is a vibe and A musical journey with a natural lyricist. The translated lyrics have deep meaning. The features are amazing and it’s really well produced! Such a great album.
  20. Dec 6, 2022
    I had very high expectations for this album before release and Namjoon totally delivered! Indigo is a very cohesive body of work filled with raw and cathartic thoughts, feelings, and emotions. A true masterpiece in its own right, and one that I can definitely say will be a timeless classic.
  21. Dec 6, 2022
    This album shows how much he grew as a soloist, compared to 'mono.'. The lyrics are astounding, as always. With 10 tracks, each of them has different genres show how variable RM is an artist. The fact that he able to line up all these artists as collaborators is beyond me! There are legends there, veterans, yet also young artists whose talents deserve more appreciation than they alreadyThis album shows how much he grew as a soloist, compared to 'mono.'. The lyrics are astounding, as always. With 10 tracks, each of them has different genres show how variable RM is an artist. The fact that he able to line up all these artists as collaborators is beyond me! There are legends there, veterans, yet also young artists whose talents deserve more appreciation than they already got. This album is a blessing. It deserves all the things that it already achieved and more! Expand
  22. Dec 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este es uno se los álbumes más precioso que he escuchado, Nam Joon es un artista de nivel alto, un compositor talentoso, un artista completo, realmente admirable e índigo es un éxito total, definitivamente merecidos respetos. Expand
  23. Dec 6, 2022
    Its a well made album. All the artists Rm picked, fit to the songs. I especially enjoy Wildflower. The lyrics in the songs conveyed what Rm wanted to express, his feelings throughout his 20s. All in all the album was beautifully made and sounds fantastic, from the instrumentals to the lyrics. True artwork in album
  24. Dec 6, 2022
    Indigo is a great album that shows off RM's versatile musical talent with various genres. He is a master at lyricism and word play. A few of my favorite tracks are Yun and Change Pt.2. If you earnestly listen to this album with an open mind and read the lyrics for each song, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Just like the rest of the members of BTS (in which RM is the leader of),Indigo is a great album that shows off RM's versatile musical talent with various genres. He is a master at lyricism and word play. A few of my favorite tracks are Yun and Change Pt.2. If you earnestly listen to this album with an open mind and read the lyrics for each song, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Just like the rest of the members of BTS (in which RM is the leader of), he's not limited to just being in a kpop boyband box. Expand
  25. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best album from a member of BTS,the leader actually
    Amazing features that perfectly suit thwir songs
    RM vocals top tier The lead song wildflower Takes u on an emotional journey of finding self worth A must try Perfect album
  26. Dec 6, 2022
    There is a song for everyone and RM described it correct because i do see myself listening to the songs while on a walk, drive or just reading a book. My personal favs are forg_tful , wildflower, change pt2, still life and lonely. He truly created a wonder.
  27. Dec 7, 2022
    This album is a cohesive and sentimental album full of truths and the introspection of a young man in his 20s living a life as rare as they come. A very good listen and on it's way to becoming timeless art.
  28. Dec 6, 2022
    RM’a album “Indigo” is just a masterpiece. I describe it as a transparent box with hard and soft emotions, each lyric means something Rm feels connected to which I consider it amazing. I really love the whole track list and I think it’s time for Namjoon to be free and connect with his music again and again.
  29. Dec 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love indigo sooomuch. Its gave me very comfort feeling. Sometime sad, sometime happy, sometime very magical feeling. I love this album sooomuch Expand
  30. Dec 7, 2022
    I wasn't expecting an album to be unexpectedly good from a rapper. Generally you know how rapper's album are about rap.. classic hip-hop and I love that but this album I wasn't expecting a song like wildflower it's r&b plus rap it's like you are listening to some soul music. Let's talk about hectic a city pop? that's the lat thing you will expect and it's so good. Yun teaches you aboutI wasn't expecting an album to be unexpectedly good from a rapper. Generally you know how rapper's album are about rap.. classic hip-hop and I love that but this album I wasn't expecting a song like wildflower it's r&b plus rap it's like you are listening to some soul music. Let's talk about hectic a city pop? that's the lat thing you will expect and it's so good. Yun teaches you about being human and it's with erykah badu it's amazing. then still life with Anderson paak the king of funk and RM did justice to still life so well. Change, forge_tful and closer are just about beautiful life and it's bitter experiences and we how life is about change. In the end No.2 is about keep moving forward and not looking back. RM as always never disappoints with his songs and creativity but this time it's 100/100 and everything is perfect. wildflower I can see his dream of INDIGO being timeless coming true. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 9, 2023
    Indigo is an eye-opening taste of what RM is truly capable of outside the bounds of the K-pop powerhouse.
  2. 100
    It’s too early to tell if the record will help the BTS leader achieve his goal of creating something truly timeless but, in this moment, ‘Indigo’ feels like a masterpiece with the potential to be remembered as a classic.
  3. 60
    Some moments fall flat – Lonely is cloying, paint-by-numbers EDM-pop that doesn’t fully land. Still, Indigo is a polished collection that spans both pop and rap with confidence.