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Universal acclaim- based on 297 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 15 out of 297
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  1. Nov 17, 2022
    Even though I think that After Hours is Abel's best project, I think that Kiss Land does as good as AH to represent the concept of how terrifying and evil fame is. I love the production, the japanese aesthetic, and of course the lyrics. Like I said, I think AH is better and it's not a perfect album, but it's my favorite The Weeknd project :D
  2. Aug 25, 2022
    Slant magazine said it best : "problem with Kiss Land is that it fails on both fronts, presenting a musically static album that's also disturbingly backward on gender issues, with a sustained focus on degradation that no longer seems anything but vile."
  3. Feb 16, 2022
    Kiss Land é super subestimado , na minha opinião , é o melhor álbum do Abel , literalmente todas as faixas são ótimas , a estética , a sonoridade , tudo nesse álbum é perfeito! Destaque para as faixas Tears In The Rain , Pretty , Wanderlust.
  4. Feb 4, 2022
    The Weeknd faz com que você se sinta dentro de um filme de terror japonês em Kiss Land, eufórico, triste e imersivo são adjetivos que definem sua experiência ao ouvir esse álbum. Kiss Land é uma experiência completa, desde aos sons de trovões em Love in the Sky aos vocais agudos em Adaptation, tudo funciona perfeitamente. Uma observação para as transições, são simplesmente magníficas.The Weeknd faz com que você se sinta dentro de um filme de terror japonês em Kiss Land, eufórico, triste e imersivo são adjetivos que definem sua experiência ao ouvir esse álbum. Kiss Land é uma experiência completa, desde aos sons de trovões em Love in the Sky aos vocais agudos em Adaptation, tudo funciona perfeitamente. Uma observação para as transições, são simplesmente magníficas.

    Meu top 5 faixas:
    Tears in the rain
    Kiss Land
    The town
  5. Oct 30, 2021
    the growth in his music is amazing, and in this album he shows it again, the transitions that he makes when advancing each song is incredible, very well thought out of all those who put effort into this amazing album
  6. Sep 3, 2021
    When you think of Kiss Land, the place of kisses comes to mind, but the reality is very different within this project. Kiss Land is not only the place of kisses, Kiss Land is the life of excess in its maximum splendor, the life of the tour, how The Weeknd lives his life no matter what happens. It's a fairly well-crafted project starting with Professional, in which he tells us how heWhen you think of Kiss Land, the place of kisses comes to mind, but the reality is very different within this project. Kiss Land is not only the place of kisses, Kiss Land is the life of excess in its maximum splendor, the life of the tour, how The Weeknd lives his life no matter what happens. It's a fairly well-crafted project starting with Professional, in which he tells us how he admires the way that girl works, to Tears In The Rain, in which he tells us that he could never love someone ever again. The transition between Adaptation and Love In The Sky is just perfect, there is no other way to rate the whole project, just perfect. Expand
  7. Sep 2, 2021
    The quality of The Weeknd gets better and song just become legendary, needless to say it's not perfect, but generally underrated, songs like "Live For" and "Pretty" don't do it for me, but all the other are The Weeknd's top songs for sure
    What makes it good it's the production put into this, the lyrics and consequently the story takes you into The Weeknd's mind and world, is immersive and
    The quality of The Weeknd gets better and song just become legendary, needless to say it's not perfect, but generally underrated, songs like "Live For" and "Pretty" don't do it for me, but all the other are The Weeknd's top songs for sure
    What makes it good it's the production put into this, the lyrics and consequently the story takes you into The Weeknd's mind and world, is immersive and can make you cry with the combination of his voice at some times, you recognize the effort put into this, recognize the greatness of The Weeknd on this Album, top key R&B
  8. May 29, 2021
    The Weeknd takes many risks and does many new things on Kiss Land. Some of them pay off.

    FAV TRACK: Kiss Land
    LEAST FAV TRACK: Professional
  9. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album captures everything Abel wanted. His music turned from what it was in the trilogy of mixtapes which felt super cluster phobic into an album that captured a feel of the open world and a lot of horrific vocal samples. The album is one of The Weeknds best, adaptation and Love in the sky perfectly capture and fit the vibe of the album.
    In my opinion if you haven’t already you should definitely give it a listen because it’s amazing!
  10. Apr 8, 2020
    abel abel abel, the king!!! i know you want your moneyyyy. belong to the world is unreal
  11. Feb 14, 2020
    I feel this album is incredibly overlooked when talking about the Weeknd's discography. The dark, spacey production and Abel's voice makes every track feel so emotional and it resonates with in the soul
  12. Jul 28, 2019
    The beginning of The Weeknd sacrificing what makes him a captivating artist to appeal to the masses. It's way more redundant and boring... his vocals can't cover for all of that.
  13. Oct 1, 2018
    "Kiss Land" é uma produção realmente muito bem trabalhada, com boas músicas e letras interessantes, que dá uma sensação de euforia e de tranquilidade aos ouvintes. Um ótimo seguimento de "Trilogy". Os meus destaques vão para "Love In The Sky", "Belong to the World" e "Kiss Land".
  14. May 9, 2017
    Easily one of the most underrated albums of the 2010's. This debut was a direct continuation & logical step forward of the lyrical themes and sonic ideas that were explored on Trilogy.

    The production is now much more vast, atmospheric and cinematic than anything on Trilogy, and the lyrics are a clear step forward from those mixtapes as well (check out the hook on Wanderlust). The
    Easily one of the most underrated albums of the 2010's. This debut was a direct continuation & logical step forward of the lyrical themes and sonic ideas that were explored on Trilogy.

    The production is now much more vast, atmospheric and cinematic than anything on Trilogy, and the lyrics are a clear step forward from those mixtapes as well (check out the hook on Wanderlust).

    The sequencing on this album is perfect; Professional is a perfect opener, and the song (along with track 2's The Town) establishes Kiss Land's themes & Blade Runner-esque/cyber-punk soundscapes perfectly.
    These first four songs are free-forming, have no obvious hooks, and flow perfectly one after another, and almost put the listener into a trance. The first obvious hook only comes on the lead single 'Belong To The World', with its pounding Portishead-sampled drums and vivid string sections.

    Other highlights include 'Wanderlust', 'Pretty' 'Tears In The Rain'. The former being a prototypical Weeknd song (sampling and re-appropriating an 80's synth pop song to transform it into something wildly different) whilst 'Pretty' & 'Tears' are great testaments to The Weeknd's great vocal capabilities. Of course, you cannot talk about this album without mentioning its sprawling, 7 minute long title track, which is easily the album's apex.

    The production, the beat switch and the incredibly raunchy but ironically great vocal performance are pretty much everything that made The Weeknd special and different when he first entered the game with 'House of Balloons'; it was a sound that was incredibly raw, moody and nihilistic and this style is perfected on this song.

    This album isn't perfect however; the only song that is easily a misstep would be 'Life For (ft. Drake)'. Although Weeknd's verse is nice and melodic, the hook is simply horrendous, and Drake's verse is uninspired. The only thing that saves this song from not being a total disaster is the production; I love the huge Hans Zimmer-like strings that are heard in the last chorus of the song; this alongside the drums maintains the cinematic element of the album. Another complaint would be the album's mixing; compared to Trilogy, this album sounds very flat in comparison (the kick drums on Adaptation could be louder, and many more examples), and isn't really a headphone album as Trilogy is.

    All in all this is a great project. If you're in a mood for a moody, atmospheric and melancholic album on the electronic/alt.r&b side, listen to Kiss Land. It's a great companion piece to the mixtapes; listen to it on a rainy night on your stereo for the best experience.
  15. Dec 1, 2016
    Sure, Kissland is not The Weeknds' best but its something good that comes out of it. Didn't deliver as much as we expect but if you listen to it a couple of times you start vibing with it. But it sure is not Abels' best in my opinion.
  16. Aug 9, 2016
    7.0 seven
  17. Feb 12, 2016
    Never understood the criticism for this debut album. Was it different? Of course, because Abel was experiencing super stardom before his eyes. So he was bound to write about his life at the moment. For instance, Tesfaye bests says it in the song Kiss Land, "I went from starin' at the same four walls for 21 years, to seein' the whole world in just 12 months...". Kiss Land was not asNever understood the criticism for this debut album. Was it different? Of course, because Abel was experiencing super stardom before his eyes. So he was bound to write about his life at the moment. For instance, Tesfaye bests says it in the song Kiss Land, "I went from starin' at the same four walls for 21 years, to seein' the whole world in just 12 months...". Kiss Land was not as enjoyable as Trilogy, but it got the job done and it has a lot of replay value. Amazing project. 9/10.. Expand
  18. Feb 17, 2015
    I guess I'm a little late tothe party but I just had to say my piece after reading some of the less favourable reviews.
    Personally I think Kiss Land is a great successor to Tesfayes previous work.
    His growth as an artist is reflected in the heavier production, however the essence of the sound is essentially following on from Echoes of Silence. I think to judge the quality of the work
    I guess I'm a little late tothe party but I just had to say my piece after reading some of the less favourable reviews.
    Personally I think Kiss Land is a great successor to Tesfayes previous work.
    His growth as an artist is reflected in the heavier production, however the essence of the sound is essentially following on from Echoes of Silence.
    I think to judge the quality of the work based on the content of the lyrics is a little narrow minded. Yes, they are misogynistic, but Tesfaye is describing his world filled with drug fuelled, empty encounters.
    His voice cannot be faulted, I love how he has such a different sound and in my opinion it is by far one of the best I have heard since the likes of Michael Jackson.
    The dark, moody vibe draws you in and allows you to lose yourself.
    I am immensely looking forward to hearing his next body of work, especially as it seems apparent that he is back working with Doc McKinney and Illangello who were behind the production of his critically acclaimed works House Of Balloons, Thursday, Echoes of Silence and of course Trilogy.
  19. Apr 16, 2014
    This album is a bit of a letdown from Tesfaye's previous work. The versatility of the sound has been sacrificed for pop sensibility, and what was a strong lyrical voice has now fallen to trite cliches and unfortunate metaphors. In addition to the failure that is Tesfaye's lyrics, the production is a step backwards as well, with songs like "Pretty" and "Tears in the Rain" wanderingThis album is a bit of a letdown from Tesfaye's previous work. The versatility of the sound has been sacrificed for pop sensibility, and what was a strong lyrical voice has now fallen to trite cliches and unfortunate metaphors. In addition to the failure that is Tesfaye's lyrics, the production is a step backwards as well, with songs like "Pretty" and "Tears in the Rain" wandering aimlessly against a static atmospheric backdrop. The beauty of Tesfaye's previous works was their ability to jostle about, even with somewhat static instrumentals, the beauty and poise of the vocals as well as the candid lyrics made the whole thing seem active. On "Kiss Land," Abel allows the instumentals to stagnate. The only points on "Kiss Land" where Abel & Co. create moments vaguely resembling anything from "Trilogy" are on the first few tracks (Professional, The Town) and the title track ("Kiss Land"). Those tracks take a more aggressive and industrial direction, to wonderful results. But it's these moments that cause the album to be such a disappointment: we know Abel is capable of deliciously seductive slow jams and frightening electronic odysseys. But it feels like the majority of the tracks here are filler between the more fleshed out and more audacious tracks. Expand
  20. Feb 7, 2014
    This album is amazing i can appreciate most songs and the songs i couldn't after listening to them repeatedly and i learnt to respect and value the lyrics and the meaning behind each word. My favourite songs have to be love in the sky, kiss land ,adaption and professional. As you can tell i loved most of the album , i adore how Abel jumps from one aspect of his life to another that haveThis album is amazing i can appreciate most songs and the songs i couldn't after listening to them repeatedly and i learnt to respect and value the lyrics and the meaning behind each word. My favourite songs have to be love in the sky, kiss land ,adaption and professional. As you can tell i loved most of the album , i adore how Abel jumps from one aspect of his life to another that have no similarities between them but he still manages to link them in a wondrous way. Songs like love in the sky and adaption that talk about love and his heartbreaking experiences then he moves to songs like kiss land and live for where he talks about his crazy life style that has come with his recent popularity. I can understand why people might not enjoy this album as i believe it is very different from his mix tapes. Its different but exciting because you get to hear Abel talk about the new experiences and people he meets due to the fact that he is no longer in his humble upbringing in toronto he is travelling the world.
    I love this song the way the beat changes mid way, not only is this song about the beat but the lyrics are really interesting "because your freedom was here i this cage all along" like who thinks of such amazing lyrics ! i really do enjoy this song and i like the fact that the album starts with this song as you really get a feel of what the rest of the album is like.
    - THE TOWN: This is one of the songs i found hard to understand and enjoy , i am not going to lie i still find it hard to fully enjoy this song like the rest of the songs however i am sure other people can vouch for this song and tell you how amazing it is.
    - ADAPTION:Omds adaption is one of my favvsss , this song just makes me think really hard when i listen to it. All i am saying is if you have an ex you still love its going to be hard for you to listen to this song without crying lool. But this song really makes me feel sorry for Abel even though he might not be singing from personal experience the lyrics really make you understand that he really did love the girl he let go and he shouldn't have and regrets it deeply. I also love the police sample in the background adds something spesh to the song.
    - LOVE IN THE SKY: Again like adaption this song make me feel sorry for the weeknd i feel to just give him a hug , the line "but I'm always getting high cause my confidence low" is really upsetting and i always pick up on that line when i listen to it. I think everyone does as it is very deep, however i really do love this song i love how he goes from singing then goes into this mini rap where he talks about multiple things that all link. AMAZING. I also really love the guitar at the start and throughout the song its so smooth makes the song just flow.
    - BELONG TO THE WORLD:I do like this song the lyrics really remind me of professional for some reason. My interpretation may be wrong but i think he's talking about the way a girl is emotionless in their relationship and how he can relate to it and enjoys the fact that she mistreats him. This could be because as an Aquarius Abel is expected to be aloof with his feelings so the fact that this girl is is a good thing.
    - LIVE FOR (feat. Drake):I do like this song but sorry drake but i don't really care for your rap. i do care for the weeknds verse at the start but thats where it ends for me. To be honest i don't really like the chorus as its just repetitive and boring soz. i do like the instrumental though.
    - WANDERLUST and WANDERLUST PHARRELL REMIX: I do like this song but i do enjoy the pharrell remix better i think its because a lot of the songs on this alum have a dark and mysterious (but glorious) feel to them and the remix has a funky upbeat feel to it which i really do enjoy. The ad-libs on the original and remix are fantastic.
    - KISS LAND: I lovee this song!! i can not express to you how amazing this song is the way it changes half way to this sickkkk rap where he talks about his wickeddd life , i absolutely love the fact that everyone who hears this song remembers the rap and no's it word for word i know i do! "white Russian till the sun hits white Russian with tongue tricks" TOO LIVEE!
    - PRETTY: I never use to like this song i thought it was boring , but now i appreciate it and really enjoy the lyrics and video. The lyrics are really blue and i really hope he isn't speaking from experience but the song its self is amazing. I think i appreciate it more now because it took me longer to like it then any other song on the album.
    - TEARS IN THE RAIN: I like this song the lyrics remind me of adaption as both songs talk about a girl that Abel let go and wish he didn't which just makes me again hope he's not talking through experience but i am sure he is. This song and adaption is a prime example of how his songs link.
    Overall this was an GREAT album from Mr.Tesfaye, I really love that all the songs beats link into the next song.This album grew on me tremendously.
  21. Feb 6, 2014
    Basically, different from trilogy but he stays true to his craft, took some time to grow up on me. Every single song in Kiss Land is amazing and unique in it's own way.
  22. Oct 28, 2013
    As much as an Abel fan I am, I must say that this album was my least favorites of his past few releases but still manages to kick ass in the R&B genre. Kiss Land still had the dark lyricism, incredible vocals, and misogyny storytelling that he is known for in the R&B genre. Well, what was missing? Illangelo. I think the production on this album was well done but it was missing the veryAs much as an Abel fan I am, I must say that this album was my least favorites of his past few releases but still manages to kick ass in the R&B genre. Kiss Land still had the dark lyricism, incredible vocals, and misogyny storytelling that he is known for in the R&B genre. Well, what was missing? Illangelo. I think the production on this album was well done but it was missing the very dark production that existed on Echoes of Silence. With all that said, this is the best album of 2013 so far but the least favorite of The Weeknd's releases. Expand
  23. Oct 23, 2013
    The lyricism on this LP falls really shallow, bland and derivative. He sings into great detail over sexual themes and withdrawals and really sinks to rapper-lyricism levels. What he sings here on this LP isn't far from the crude, inappropriate lyrics rappers have (ex. 2 Chainz). His lyricism on Trilogy was more poetic or for lack of a better word more vague along the sexual terms. Here heThe lyricism on this LP falls really shallow, bland and derivative. He sings into great detail over sexual themes and withdrawals and really sinks to rapper-lyricism levels. What he sings here on this LP isn't far from the crude, inappropriate lyrics rappers have (ex. 2 Chainz). His lyricism on Trilogy was more poetic or for lack of a better word more vague along the sexual terms. Here he blatantly, and up front explains what he wants and what happens. (It'd be more specific but I'm trying to keep this review PG.) The vocal delivery is very ironic considering he sings about parties and lavish activities in a very morose tone, cause it's so sad to party and tour and be on a major record label right?

    While I did love the mood, emotion, instrumentation and production on this LP, The Weeknd's lyrics are too blatantly sexual, explicit, thin, shallow and redundant that he doesn't really come off as a romantic lover but more sleazy and shallow. This causes him to not generate any romantic appeal at all, which I can obviously see what he's trying to go for, in which he ultimately fails. If I was a girl, I'd back away quick. He's doing it for the kicks, let's hope that on his next project he can feel. For now, he's cold and incredibly underwhelming.

    Follow @PRTYNTGRVS for more music reviews
  24. Sep 29, 2013
    I don't know why critics are so harsh to Kiss Land, probably the similarity to Trilogy and the overwhelmed theme made them really bored, but actually this is a good follow-up one.
  25. Sep 17, 2013
    I have had this album on repeat ever since I got it the other day, got to be one of the most anticipated albums of the year. The Weeknd has manged to win my heart again -perfect
  26. Sep 16, 2013
    While it doesn't really touch his previous work, this album did grow on me after a few listens. At first i was gonna give it a 5 or 6, but there is a pretty good album here. The content isn't as dark as his mixtapes, which shows he can be more versatile, but it doesn't really hit me as hard as his mixtapes did. I feel what he is talking about (the tour life for the most part) but i preferWhile it doesn't really touch his previous work, this album did grow on me after a few listens. At first i was gonna give it a 5 or 6, but there is a pretty good album here. The content isn't as dark as his mixtapes, which shows he can be more versatile, but it doesn't really hit me as hard as his mixtapes did. I feel what he is talking about (the tour life for the most part) but i prefer the darker r&b he had on his mixtapes (exception being the title track "kiss land", which feels like its straight from House of Balloons). Some songs' production ends up sounding too similar for some of the album too. His party/dance tracks (Wanderlust & Odd Look) are amazing and I would like to hear that style from him in the future. Reminded me of Frank Ocean's "Pyramids". Overall, this was a good debut album for The Weeknd, and I'm excited to see how he goes on from here. Expand
  27. Sep 13, 2013
    Critics are losing their minds. The depth of production and quality of sound on this album is impeccable, and Tesfaye has moved into the debate of best singer alive with his stunning vocal work across every track. I feel like every review disses him for "misogynistic elements" (even though it's a modern R&B album. I mean... seriously) yet even if you liked none of the lyrics theCritics are losing their minds. The depth of production and quality of sound on this album is impeccable, and Tesfaye has moved into the debate of best singer alive with his stunning vocal work across every track. I feel like every review disses him for "misogynistic elements" (even though it's a modern R&B album. I mean... seriously) yet even if you liked none of the lyrics the complexity of sound and rhythm is impossible to ignore. 6.1/10? What a joke. This is an excellent album at worst and at its best it is transcendent.

    Kiss Land is music at its finest, no matter how politicking or conflicting interests is driving critics to say otherwise.
  28. Sep 11, 2013
    I personally created an account to review this album I couldn't believe the semi mixed reviews it got from the "critics", the user reviews are much more accurate. Such an amazing album I'm usually the type of guy to listen to the leak of a cd and then download individual songs from the album because the entire album isn't that great just a couple of songs. Well as I was listening and toI personally created an account to review this album I couldn't believe the semi mixed reviews it got from the "critics", the user reviews are much more accurate. Such an amazing album I'm usually the type of guy to listen to the leak of a cd and then download individual songs from the album because the entire album isn't that great just a couple of songs. Well as I was listening and to this album song by song I noticed I had downloaded every single song off the album (except for Belong to the world which I already have).

    Its so good that I felt guilty not purchasing it so I went out and bought the album despite having every song. So consistent very rare you find a CD where every single track is great. I know I sound like a fan boy but it really is a great CD if you are contemplating buying this because you haven't heard it spend the 10$ and support this great piece of art and this great artist.
  29. Sep 11, 2013
    agree this takes time to listen to, a truly unique and creatively constructed album which focuses on the transition from anonymity into fame. context is important, the complex interview gives extra significance to all the lyrics. criticism about poor lyrics is missing the point i feel. there are more to lyrics then just the words itself, the passion in which they're delivered and rawagree this takes time to listen to, a truly unique and creatively constructed album which focuses on the transition from anonymity into fame. context is important, the complex interview gives extra significance to all the lyrics. criticism about poor lyrics is missing the point i feel. there are more to lyrics then just the words itself, the passion in which they're delivered and raw emotion behind every word makes Kiss Land truly and memorable and worthwhile listening experience. The cinematic production creates an eerie feel which you cant help but lose yourself and picture a world in which all these things are happening to you at the rapid pace of an hour. At that world is Kiss Land Expand
  30. Sep 10, 2013
    It's early September and we have a ton of new albums coming out after a rather bland summer. I'd never really heard of The Weeknd before I saw this album was coming out, but it got my attention with the Kavinsky feature so I checked it out, and I'm glad I did. Every song on the album is really nice sounding, some more than others but it's still the better option to the new 2 Chainz album.It's early September and we have a ton of new albums coming out after a rather bland summer. I'd never really heard of The Weeknd before I saw this album was coming out, but it got my attention with the Kavinsky feature so I checked it out, and I'm glad I did. Every song on the album is really nice sounding, some more than others but it's still the better option to the new 2 Chainz album. While I'm assuming Kiss Land will be Buried beneath the hype of AM by Arctic Monkeys and perhaps Repave by Volcano Choir, I still recommend you check it out if you have time. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Under The Radar
    Dec 4, 2013
    Kiss Land covers musical and lyrical territory similar to 2012's Trilogy, but Abel Tesfaye's falsetto recollections of joylessly shallow sexual escapades still sound relatively fresh and novel. [Nov-Dec 2013, p.100]
  2. He still has an ear for production and his voice remains a pliable tool, but to keep himself tethered to an aesthetic he defined and completed within a year is to do himself and the listener a disservice.
  3. Sep 27, 2013
    Ultimately the genius of Kiss Land‘s production lies in its ability to literalise Tesfaye’s fractured state of mind.