
Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
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  1. They've gone back to the coiled, furious sputter of their debut but there's no disguising that Korn is an older band, substituting precision for frenzy without diluting their power.
  2. Korn III (a reference to this lineup as the third incarnation of the band) moves forward more than it retrenches, referencing some stylistic trademarks while introducing some fresh dynamic sensibilities.
  3. Kerrang!
    As painful and draining Korn III undoubtedly must have been to create, there's no doubt that it re-asserts the quartet's status as one of metal's most innovative bands. [10 Jul 2010, p.50]
  4. Super producer Ross Robinson has been given the unenviable task of bottling lightning, and he's certainly earned his money this time round; from Jonathan Davis' tortured, primal yelps to the pounding drums and a bass sound that ebbs and flows violently through your extremities.
  5. 70
    His persistent self-flagellation could do with more hooks, but Remember packs pain by the pound.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 80
  2. Negative: 9 out of 80
  1. Sep 11, 2010
    The best KoRn album since... wait... which one was their last one? Oh, whatever, this album was **** amazing from start to finish. This band,The best KoRn album since... wait... which one was their last one? Oh, whatever, this album was **** amazing from start to finish. This band, and album are definitely in my top ten of all metal bands and albums in the history of forever. I would recommend this to anyone who likes the KoRn, any album that you have been listening to for the last six years begging for a new one. Full Review »
  2. Jul 25, 2018
    When Korn III dropped, I didn't know what to think. The album was raw as hell, the vocal performance was probably the most expressive andWhen Korn III dropped, I didn't know what to think. The album was raw as hell, the vocal performance was probably the most expressive and emotional in their whole discography! I was overwhelmed... since then many years have passed and now I can write a thing or two about this record. And what I have to say is: THIS IS A COMEBACK! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a return to form. This is the best Korn album since 2003's "Take A Look in The Mirror" and the best when it comes to the vocals and lyrics. You can hear Davis soul in this record... his anger, pain and suffering caused probably by Ross Robinson who uses radical and f***ed up methods to make the bands be as sincere as they can get while recording. But what about instruments? Everything is recorded like a demo, without use of the digital willy wonkas. The tempo changes faster than Christian Bale weight and drummer Ray "Raymond Pickle" Luzier shines through the whole record... he's not as amazing as David Silver (the original Korn drummer) but he's great nonetheless! The guitars provided by Monkey D. Luffy remind me of the first two Korn records and bassist Jason Field Regenerator keeps the slams coming! This album is an experience... if you're not in a bad mood, do not listen to it. Because if you're having a shiny happy day, you won't get it. This is an album for people that were abused by drunks, rapists, wives, drugs, nazis, Nickelback and other horrible things. The only reason this album is not 10/10 is because "People Pleaser" and "Trapped Underneath The Stairs" are not featured on the album, they're just bonus tracks and it's a disgrace, because they're the best tracks from Korn III sessions! This album is a must-have to all the Korn fans! Pickens approves and now LEAVE ME ALONE! Full Review »
  3. Dec 7, 2011
    Awesome ! That's what i can say about this album. **** good instrumental and amazing vocal. I cant stop listing to it. One of the best presentAwesome ! That's what i can say about this album. **** good instrumental and amazing vocal. I cant stop listing to it. One of the best present what i got ever on Christmas Full Review »