
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. A cohesive blend of intelligent '60s rock and power pop that sounds like an extension of New Pornographer A.C. Newman's Slow Wonder as played by Cheap Trick.
  2. Alternative Press
    Unlike earlier efforts, the Capitol Years steer clear of the lo-fi aesthetic and indulge in some studio time to craft a hushed acoustic affair like "Let Them Drink" or to get the right sound on the slowed-down sludgeworthy riff of "Nothing To Say." [Apr 2005, p.124]
  3. Let Them Drink is a time capsule buried sometime between 1967 and 1973.
  4. A record that could easily be mistaken by record geeks as a 60s underground lost-classic... like maybe Quicksilver Messenger Service’s first album.
  5. The advantages that The Capitol Years have over many of their compatriots are the excellent voice of lead singer Shai Halperin and swoon-inducing harmonies.
  6. Let Them Drink isn't the leap into the spotlight that some might have expected from the Capitol Years, but that might be a good thing. While the good times never seem forced, the band has yet to establish a unique voice amongst its throngs of competitors.
  7. [An] entertaining, varied rock record.
  8. Under The Radar
    When you use the same instruments, styles and sounds of a bygone era, you are dangerously close to being a cover band. [#9]
  9. Let Them Drink may not be as accessible to the mainstream as the band might have hoped, but The Capitol Years' updated blend of classic sounds is an addictive and refreshing change.
  10. Magnet
    The songs are vibrant enough to convince you to forgive their derivative nature. [#67, p.87]
  11. Paste Magazine
    It's not that terribly accomplished, it's not terribly coherent, it's not very linear, mature, or even sober-sounding. But that's rock 'n' roll, innit? [#16, p.145]
  12. Although they do show some potential, the Capitol Years do not rightfully deserve the hype they are getting.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. DavisW
    May 4, 2005
    Saw these guys in concert - they were amazing. Hadn't heard the album before but bought it at the show and love it as much as their live Saw these guys in concert - they were amazing. Hadn't heard the album before but bought it at the show and love it as much as their live show. Excellent record from an excellent band. Full Review »
  2. ViennaFingers
    Apr 26, 2005
    If I could, I'd see these boys play live every night of the week. Honestly. In their absence, this album is as satisfying as as an album If I could, I'd see these boys play live every night of the week. Honestly. In their absence, this album is as satisfying as as an album can get. It's complex. It's beautiful. And it rocks with the best of them. It's no surprise. I wouldn't expect anything less from TCY. Full Review »
  3. sashac
    Apr 15, 2005
    Fnally a full length from these boys, and this is a serious classic that should end up in most people's collections. They keep getting Fnally a full length from these boys, and this is a serious classic that should end up in most people's collections. They keep getting better and weirder. Full Review »