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Universal acclaim- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 77
  2. Negative: 6 out of 77

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  1. MartynasA
    Jan 20, 2005
    Very good album
  2. GlennM
    Aug 2, 2005
    I was going to give this a 9 because I think Fevers is better, but I couldn't because Oberst cannot make a record that i could give anything less than perfect
  3. garlicfallon
    Feb 15, 2003
    need i say more
  4. ericm
    Mar 6, 2003
    I wish the numbers in this poll went higher. Oberst's musical talent with a guitar, his unbelievably poetic verse, along with his flawless emotional voice makes him one of the greats in indie-rock. His songs convey such deep emotion that he surpasses any of the music icons on MTV.
  5. joeg
    Sep 13, 2003
    Conor is a genious
  6. Tyler
    Dec 6, 2004
    The Ritalin generation's Bob Dylan? Was Huey Lewis the Babyboomers Bob Dylan then? Conor Oberst is any generation's Bob Dylan. Your just jealous.
  7. Andrea
    Mar 19, 2004
    amazing. the lyrics are genious and connor's voice is beautiful-
  8. EllingS
    Jun 20, 2005
    simply brilliant
  9. BenD
    Jul 1, 2005
    Conor Oberst has grown a lot since the release of Fevers and Mirrors. His music is no longer so self-centered and screaming fits have been toned down on this album. LIFTED is an absolutely epic album that takes the listener on a journey through Conor's mind. The best album of 2002.
  10. SagacityRecords
    Aug 27, 2002
    A masterpiece. Is Oberst the next Bob Dylan? Anyone who knows, knows there will never be another Bob Dylan. But in 20 -30 years the people who know, who aren't dead yet, will be saying, "There will never be another Connor Oberst ."
  11. JasonK.
    Sep 21, 2002
    this cd is great, go see them live. now. now damnit now
  12. sylvieo
    Oct 16, 2003
    It doesn't matter that this music isn't always what we would call flawless or that every song doesn't fit together to make a perfectly congruent album. It doesn't matter that this writer contradicts himself. It doesn't matter that he "whines." Who is perfect, who doesnt feel conflicted, who doesnt whine? This is about as real as we can ask for. It doesnt deserve It doesn't matter that this music isn't always what we would call flawless or that every song doesn't fit together to make a perfectly congruent album. It doesn't matter that this writer contradicts himself. It doesn't matter that he "whines." Who is perfect, who doesnt feel conflicted, who doesnt whine? This is about as real as we can ask for. It doesnt deserve either criticism or acclaim. Its not edited. No one has the right or the ability to critique another person's feelings. I am only grateful to this singer/songwriter for sharing of himself. Expand
  13. cath
    Jul 21, 2004
    this album is very good. i really really like it. there are only 2 problems with it. they are that once you listen to bright eyes you find it hard to listen to anything else! and that i get hooked onto a song is i listen to it way to much then get sick of it coz i out-listened it.
  14. HanaK
    Sep 12, 2004
    bright eyes saved my life.
  15. nikolep
    Sep 18, 2004
    i think that connor is an amazing artist n this cd is one of his best written ones..i believe that ne thing he does is inspiring and well made
  16. giulia
    Feb 18, 2005
    i love this record
  17. joeg
    Mar 10, 2005
    Conor is a genious
  18. voodoocookie
    Aug 12, 2005
    This is Conor Oberst's best album ever. I would recommend this album as the first album a newbie to Bright Eyes should listen to. Fever and Mirrors comes close but there is something special about this album!
  19. kennym
    Sep 8, 2005
    this is an amazing, epic album, and in my opinion the best bright eyes album with "i'm wide awake, its morning" right behind. no one who apreciates good lyrics should pass it up.
  20. JamesB.
    Aug 26, 2002
    i've always sort of liked bright eyes, but always kind of not liked them also. you know? like i kind of dug what he was doing but it always came off as immature and way too pretentious and dealing with lost love and oh look at me im going to go cry in my hot tea while writing lame journal entries. but this record kicks it. it i intensely pretentious, but so was dylan. just listen to i've always sort of liked bright eyes, but always kind of not liked them also. you know? like i kind of dug what he was doing but it always came off as immature and way too pretentious and dealing with lost love and oh look at me im going to go cry in my hot tea while writing lame journal entries. but this record kicks it. it i intensely pretentious, but so was dylan. just listen to this record. it is a masterpiece. Expand
  21. heather
    Apr 13, 2004
    this cd is amazing, like everything connor writes.
  22. Tia
    Jul 26, 2005
    Conor Oberst is a genius, pure and simple.
  23. RFord
    Sep 21, 2005
    Conor Oberst is the man i havent heard a bad song yet by him
  24. MorganM
    Sep 22, 2005
    frickin' awesome...
  25. Nov 6, 2011
    So many awesome memorable songs are contained within, I have listened to these songs countless times over the years and their meaning has only deepened over time. False Advertising, You Will? You Will ?, Lover I Don't Have to Love, Nothing Gets Crossed Out and From a Balance Beam are great songs because they are deep, original and moving to people who spend time in reflection.
  26. ChrisB.
    Aug 20, 2002
    This is album may be even better than "Fevers and Mirrors." Usually, when an artist is compared to Dylan it is completely unwarranted (think John Mayer), but it is accurate for Oberst. The range of emotion he conveys in his songs, without resorting to cliches, is rarely seen in pop music these days.
  27. EricC.
    Aug 26, 2002
    This album is yet another fine addition to the warm quilt of music that everyone should wrap around their ears and soul. Conor's ability to put in words the universal themes of love, growing up, truth, self-doubt, and what-the-hell-are- we-for. the question is not whether or not he or any of his listeners (including critics) have actually experienced what he sings about, but if you This album is yet another fine addition to the warm quilt of music that everyone should wrap around their ears and soul. Conor's ability to put in words the universal themes of love, growing up, truth, self-doubt, and what-the-hell-are- we-for. the question is not whether or not he or any of his listeners (including critics) have actually experienced what he sings about, but if you can understand, empathize, or even realize what is/is not pretentious. The musical arrangements are about as complex as you'll find in contemporary indie-folk-pop these days, and more importantly they are conor and co.'s own and complement the outstanding lyrics. Unlike other releases, this one contains several semi-optimistic and uptempo songs, while maintaining the sincerity of the songwriter. the fine productions only adds to the emotional content. This album, while may appeal to a specific young suburban crowd, could be universally accepted if listerner's give it a shot or two. Expand
  28. jontih
    Jul 28, 2004
  29. danM
    Mar 27, 2007
    Amazing album..every song is absolutly perfect in it's own way...Although Fevers & Mirrors is far better, I do love this songs are "Big Picture", "False Advertising", "Wast Of Paint", and "Bowl Of Oranges"
  30. Jul 13, 2018
    If you haven't already just listen to it. I don't feel like there's a bad song on this album. That and the fact that it ties together from song to song so beautifully should give enough reason to give it at least a listen or two.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. Untrustworthy, confused, touching and idiotically ambitious; hard work that, undoubtedly, repays the effort.
  2. It is, in such, truly great, or truly arrogant, or truly conceited, or truly preposterous, or truly confused, or truly bemused, or truly profound, or truly magnificent. Or maybe all of these things. At once. Or at times.
  3. Love it or hate it, the precious, nasal vibrato Oberst affects is the tie that binds all these varied tunes together in the end, and in most cases, it compliments the music admirably.