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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 233 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 233

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  1. Nov 5, 2011
    I like it, Metallica did really great work in this album, they always say that they play what they feel to play and that what made Metallica one of the best bands in the world (the greatest band in the world for me) and about people who's really against this project, lars said; in 80's when hard-core Metallica fans heard acoustic guitars on Fade to Black, there was a nuclear meltdown inI like it, Metallica did really great work in this album, they always say that they play what they feel to play and that what made Metallica one of the best bands in the world (the greatest band in the world for me) and about people who's really against this project, lars said; in 80's when hard-core Metallica fans heard acoustic guitars on Fade to Black, there was a nuclear meltdown in the heavy-metal community (acoustic guitar gave the song something that only people with musical ears can understand it) also lars noted that LULU and Reed's poetry is "not for everyone." Expand
  2. Nov 8, 2011
    Metallica and Lou Reed have created in this album a complete masterpiece destined to become a cult album. I'm not saying this is the best album ever, but sure one of the greatest CDs in the last 5 years. The main reason is because they have created something new mixing their own styles in a conceptual way. Lulu is not only an album, it's something more and it's hard to explain it. Is whenMetallica and Lou Reed have created in this album a complete masterpiece destined to become a cult album. I'm not saying this is the best album ever, but sure one of the greatest CDs in the last 5 years. The main reason is because they have created something new mixing their own styles in a conceptual way. Lulu is not only an album, it's something more and it's hard to explain it. Is when yo have listened all the CD, read its lyrics and watched all the art-work when you realize it's something special. Talking about Lulu's music, I think is awesome, specially Metallica's work, that explores new kinds of music with a great sensibility. It's true that in the beginning Lou's voice can seem strange in that melodies, but listening to it you see that this is a part of his poetry, of the sense of Lulu.
    Finally I want to say that the main problem for me is that this album should have been far away from mainstream and be a little work, but nothing that is done by Metallica nowadays will go unnoticed for their main audience, and specially his "purists" and detractors fans. But no matter what they say. Lulu is a GREAT album.
  3. Nov 26, 2011
    So many people have come out against this album and I really don't understand why. Lou Reed's albums are all one large work, each song compliments the others. I think its really incredible how easily Metallica fit into his style. The album is challenging and engaging if you give it the time it deserves to be absorbed.
  4. Dec 9, 2011
    Total, absolute masterpiece. Certainly within the top 10 albums I have ever heard and I have been an avid music fan for 35 years. It is an acquired taste. It is very different and challenging. The lyrics are as good as anything I've ever listened to or read. High art. Great literature. The music is utterly driven and intense but still manages to find space where space is needed. EveryTotal, absolute masterpiece. Certainly within the top 10 albums I have ever heard and I have been an avid music fan for 35 years. It is an acquired taste. It is very different and challenging. The lyrics are as good as anything I've ever listened to or read. High art. Great literature. The music is utterly driven and intense but still manages to find space where space is needed. Every single track has depth and its own sense of being, but Junior Dad stands out as a milestone in rock music. This is a truly astonishing album that stretches boundaries and the listener. It's like nothing I've ever heard before and I would rank it in the same league as the work of The Velvet Underground, which is the highest praise I can give it. Expand
  5. Apr 6, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Typical for Lou Reed is the mixed feelings his music creates by the public. When I listened to 'Lulu' immediately
    I was struck by the massive presence of the sound, knowing his choice of lyrics was mostly found in literature of a kind that struck the world all over like: The Raven from Edgar Allen Poe or his story like songs from 'New York' with his bold texts about NY street life.

    'Lulu' contains also lyrics in that matter in this case from Frank Wedekind's tragedy: 'Erdgeist whose work was also used in an opera from Alban Berg made in the beginning of the 20st century.

    In my opinion the cooperation of Lou and Metallica was a splendid idea that created phenomenal music but with a risk of being misjudged by the majority of pop and rock fans that are familiar with heavy metal music.

    Typical Lou. He learned his lesson from Andy Warhol to be very serious about what you want in life and stick to yourself and your ideas. I say listen to 'Lulu' for some time and you will get the message somehow cause the music
    has an overwhelming power and sadness to the highest degree! The loss of Lou still makes me sad but I know I'm not alone. He was a true artist and a fantastic musician that stood for his convictions and really lived his life well.
    It will take some time but 'Lulu' will be rated much higher in the future than it is now.

    Aad van der Well
    The Netherlands
  6. Mar 5, 2023
    Metallica fans hate this album, people who venture beyond listening to one genre don’t. This is not a Metallica album, they were effectively Lou’s session musicians for his poetic, cacophonous and riveting swan song. One thing ‘Lulu’ isn’t is boring and one thing it is, is a work of the most accomplished musical genius.
  7. Nov 1, 2011
    As I've gotten older I've found my tastes and .. acceptance of things outside my comfort zone (music, philosophy, etc) growing as my views of the world in which we live change. The key to getting enjoyment (or understanding?) out of Lulu, for me, is to accept that I have to listen to it on it's own terms. Listening to it as a Metallica fan, a metal fan, a music fan, will lead to listeningAs I've gotten older I've found my tastes and .. acceptance of things outside my comfort zone (music, philosophy, etc) growing as my views of the world in which we live change. The key to getting enjoyment (or understanding?) out of Lulu, for me, is to accept that I have to listen to it on it's own terms. Listening to it as a Metallica fan, a metal fan, a music fan, will lead to listening to something that on the face may seem unlistenable. My impression of this album has grown considerably since first listen. Last night was the first time I actually sat down, and listened to it cover to cover. Honestly, I was kind of dreading its darkness and it felt like I had to do a homework assignment. So, I grabbed my best headphones, and set into it. I think a key thing I did was I pulled up the lyrics to each song online as I listened and followed closely along. I think that really helped put me into the music. They've always said the lyrics are the key, the music augmentation and manifestation of the feeling of those lyrics. Lyrics aren't really the correct term, it's more spoken word poetry than anything. As far as Lou's voice: As one review I read put it, it's like "an oil slick sitting on top of an ocean of metal". I agree, I think the discordance is all a part of the art. This is supposed to be uncomfortable, a difficult listen, I think that's a part of it. Once you get acclimated to the voice, and really listen, word for word, song to song, there is true dark art there. Eventually you become a victim of the flow of the moment, as Lou and Metallica became in the 10 days they put this together. If you've ever been in an emotionally violent, destructive relationship, or loved someone who took everything you could give, and returned only their emptiness back to you: this can make you identify with it to an extent. To listen with any expectation from Metallica's past or future is a mistake. Lulu is outside of that, and to listen influenced by those expectations, you won't appreciate it. You'll probably hate it. Lou Reed has been interested for some time with expanding narrative work to build music around it and create kind of a literary fusion of long form story and music. Lulu is exploring that. It's as much narrative as it is music, if not more. The words he brought in to this project are brilliant. They're real. They paint a devastating portrait of two amoral and destructive people. They are at the darkest end of the spectrum of humanity. If you can dive down into your own emotional blackness without losing your equilibrium and knowing when to come back up to draw breath, you can appreciate this fully, I think. Provocative art always has a way of polarizing people to either love or hate it. Lulu is not a metal album, not just a story, but it's own fusion of provocative, violent art. It is brilliant to that end. People complain about a lack of musicality, and that only means you cite a lack of musicality within your own comfort zones and constricted definitions of what musicality can mean. You have to allow yourself to experience this on it's own terms. Not on your terms. I'm not saying you need to remove subjectivity and just blindly accept it. But listen to it on it's terms, if you can, and then judge it. If you're unable or unwilling to listen that way, with more than just your ears and expectations, then you shouldn't judge it either. You should just ignore its existence. Lou Reed and Metallica are both artists that have earned the privilege of doing things on their own terms, and it's a sign of respect to view their collaborative art on those terms. You can then choose to accept or reject it. I happen to accept it, and I'll take from it what I can. This will probably get me more into avante-garde type music and further my own horizons of music and understanding, and to me that's a beautiful thing. I accept the terms. Thanks for reading. Expand
  8. Nov 5, 2011
    Yep, I fully agree with JeffWrubel. Can't say it better than he did. The only reason I registered at Metacritic is to support his view.
    LISTEN to the CD and read the lyrics with your headphone on. Lulu in my opinion is a good symbiosis of the dark voice of Lou (which I have liked ever since Velvet Underground) and Metallica (that I didn't like that much). Perhaps I am gonna try and listen
    Yep, I fully agree with JeffWrubel. Can't say it better than he did. The only reason I registered at Metacritic is to support his view.
    LISTEN to the CD and read the lyrics with your headphone on. Lulu in my opinion is a good symbiosis of the dark voice of Lou (which I have liked ever since Velvet Underground) and Metallica (that I didn't like that much). Perhaps I am gonna try and listen to Metallica as well, now that I am out of my comfort zone!
    That's what music is all about: enjoying and bringing you further down the road. You're right: I'm older as well, though Lou is a bit older.
  9. Dec 1, 2016
    Lou Reed and Metallica has brought something never done in music history. Reed's eccentric poetry fits in with the thrash metal riffs and experimental sounds made by Hetfield, Ulrich and company. I know, both artists risked doing Lulu and it's need more than one hearing to appreciate this work. Also, this album is not for everyone.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 31
  2. Negative: 13 out of 31
  1. Mojo
    Jan 10, 2012
    The shock in this collaboration is that it sounds savagely natural. [Dec. 2011, p.93]
  2. Q Magazine
    Dec 13, 2011
    Occasionally it's so insane that you can't help but be swept along with it. Mostly, however, it's so over the top the more likely reaction is to run it off and make sure you don't hear it again in a hurry. [Dec. 2011 p. 122]
  3. The Wire
    Dec 8, 2011
    Metallica's unrelenting sledgehammer style works as the perfect complement to Reed's vision of compassionless love, with monolithic chords deployed with almost surgical precision wile he dissects relationships w of masochism and power. [Dec 2011, p.63]