• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 108 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 108
  2. Negative: 13 out of 108
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  1. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  2. Sep 24, 2017
    I actually give it a 7-8 but the average is 6.7 and that's too low for this album. It's far from bad but it has to grow on you because it's not like LUV is Rage at all really. He has strong and weak moments as all artists do but his strongest moments are mostly when he sings/raps about real life and goes toward the outer edge of hip hop. Is it his best project? Not really but I can't sayI actually give it a 7-8 but the average is 6.7 and that's too low for this album. It's far from bad but it has to grow on you because it's not like LUV is Rage at all really. He has strong and weak moments as all artists do but his strongest moments are mostly when he sings/raps about real life and goes toward the outer edge of hip hop. Is it his best project? Not really but I can't say yes or no because it really depends on the type of mood you're in when you listen to Uzi as I feel all 3 of his projects are different parts in his story. The intro sucks and Early 20 Rager is questionable (but undeniably hype) but overall, there aren't songs here that I would really consider complete garbage. Neon Guts, The Way Life Goes, XO Tour Lif3 (obviously), Dark Queen, and Sauce it Up are highlights here. Feelings Mutual and For Real are honorable mentions. Bottom line, it may not be your cup of tea but it's almost impossible to not have a song that you keep on repeat. Congrats, Uzi. Expand
  3. Jan 24, 2018
    I really liked this album! It was better than Luv Is Rage 1. Luv Is Rage 1 was okay, but this album was better than the first. There were a few songs that I wasn't feeling, but overall, great album!!
  4. Mar 22, 2018
    Amazing album and still listening to as one of my favourites. Lil uzi showing us how he can make anything sound good, featuring some of the best beats known to rap. There's not many albums that will have you singing "all my friends are dead". Timeless.
    Highlights: 444+222, Feelings Mutual, Pretty Mami, How to Talk, 20Min
  5. Jan 6, 2020
    Honestly uzi just flows naturally. Even if it gets boring its very catchy hooks help keep you interested. The beats also make the album a whole lot better too. If you’re just lookin for some trap bangers then this is your go to album.
  6. Nov 19, 2018
    This was the first time I actually listened to Uzi, a friend recommended this album to me and after listening to it, i was honestly very impressed. The beats were fire, and almost all the songs were catchy. I especially enjoyed Neon Guts, XO Tour Llif3 and The Way Life Goes. Compared to his previous works, this album did not disappoint. I already can't wait for his next one.
  7. Sep 23, 2019
    Tons of great production and a bit more nice signing from Uzi than on his other projects. It is his longest album with 16 songs but still only has like 2 or 3 skips. It has some of Uzi’s best songs like XO Tour Llife and Neon Guts. While not the most lyrical album it is a very fun listen.
  8. Aug 24, 2020
    This album came at the perfect time for me and really turned me into a huge fan of Lil Uzi. Every song on this album has great production. While Lil Uzi isn’t very lyrical he does manage to at least hold a singular theme about love throughout the album. This album is more about how good the songs sound and I’m glad to say this project is a very enjoyable listin. With bangers like 444+222This album came at the perfect time for me and really turned me into a huge fan of Lil Uzi. Every song on this album has great production. While Lil Uzi isn’t very lyrical he does manage to at least hold a singular theme about love throughout the album. This album is more about how good the songs sound and I’m glad to say this project is a very enjoyable listin. With bangers like 444+222 to vibey songs such as 20 mins. Fav Tracks) Sauce it up, The way life goes, dark queen, X, Xo tour life, and 20 mins. Bad Tracks) Early 20s rager. Expand
  9. Oct 11, 2021
    A truly flawless studio album, “LUV is rage 2” by Lil Uzi Vert shows the world who Lil Uzi Vert is and the artwork he creates. In general, most musical artists find a sound that people like and stick to that sound... not Lil Uzi Vert. The differences between songs throughout this album is the reason for its beauty. The way he is able to make an album with songs that are emotional and fullA truly flawless studio album, “LUV is rage 2” by Lil Uzi Vert shows the world who Lil Uzi Vert is and the artwork he creates. In general, most musical artists find a sound that people like and stick to that sound... not Lil Uzi Vert. The differences between songs throughout this album is the reason for its beauty. The way he is able to make an album with songs that are emotional and full of feelings and then completely switch it up to make upbeat, exciting songs is something I have never experienced to this extent. LUV is Rage 2 is the definition of an album that does it all.
    A big reason for the different songs and variation throughout the album is because of Lil Uzi Vert’s personal life. At the beginning of the creation of “Luv is Rage 2,” he was in a long term relationship with his girlfriend at the time, Brittany Byrd. This is a big reason for the uptempo and exciting songs but during the time of recording, they broke up. By lyrics alone, throughout the album you can tell when the song was recorded, pre or post breakup. The album is split up in a way that about half of the songs are ones you would play at a club and the others you would listen to in your room alone with your airpods in. It truly shows how music and how artists implement their real life situations into their own music.
    Starting at the beginning of the album, songs like “Two” and “444+222” that transition into “Sauce It Up” show what kind of mood Lil Uzi Vert was in when recording. Moving farther down the album, a perfect song to show the change of emotion by Lil Uzi Vert is “The Way Life Goes.” By the name of the song alone, you can somewhat guess what it’s going to be about and can make an assumption of what kind of emotions he was feeling while recording. Lil Uzi Vert does this beautifully throughout the entire album by being able to make all sorts of different songs. For example, his most popular song is called “XO Tour Life” which includes lyrics like “I don’t really care if you cry, on the real you should’ve never lied.” This is pretty clear how upset he was and he had no shame in hiding his raw emotions. I think because of that raw emotion, that is one of the biggest reasons why this song in particular was played so often and the reason why it got so popular. Being able to show such true self and be so vulnerable is something that allows people to relate and I think that is a big factor for his popularity and ever growing fan base.
    Lil Uzi Vert’s album, LUV is Rage 2 debuted at number 1 on Billboard's top 200 chart after the first week of its release. The song I mentioned previously, “XO Tour Life,” peaked at number 7 on the “Hot 100” chart and could be heard all around the country on the radio. After the first week of it’s release, it sold over 130,000 units and had over 150.6 million on demand streams through Apple Music, Spotify, and SoundCloud. To this day, “XO Tour Life” has 456 million views on Youtube. My point of all these statistics was to show the success of the album and show how socially accepted it was when it was released. With streams, views, and sales, “LUV is Rage 2” was considered to be Lil Uzi Vert’s most successful album ever released at that time. This was a few years ago, August of 2017 to be exact, but Lil Uzi has released a couple other albums since then and his popularity and fame have made him a real life superstar.
    Lil Uzi Vert’s personality and charisma is something that a lot of fans enjoy and actually are sometimes the only reason for them being a fan. He has a huge social media influence and likes to show off the crazy things he buys and does. For example, Lil Uzi Vert was the first person to implant a 23 million dollar pink diamond in his forehead. I know that sounds crazy and no way it could be true but that’s just who Lil Uzi Vert is. He loves his family and his fans but sometimes he does the craziest and most unusual things a person could do. With all that being said, all of these lifestyle choices and crazy things he likes to do, really show in his music and are truly responsible for the artistic beauty behind it.

    Work Cited
    LUV is Rage 2. Lil Uzi Vert. Atlantic Records, 2017.
  10. May 29, 2022
    This album is probably the best Lil Uzi album out there. followed by Eternal Atake or vs the world.
  11. Jun 30, 2023
    Lil Uzi Vert's "Luv is Rage 2" is an absolute masterpiece that showcases his unparalleled artistry. From start to finish, the album takes listeners on a captivating journey filled with infectious beats, captivating lyrics, and Uzi's unique vocal delivery. The production is top-notch, blending elements of trap, emo rap, and melodic flows flawlessly. Uzi's introspective and emotiveLil Uzi Vert's "Luv is Rage 2" is an absolute masterpiece that showcases his unparalleled artistry. From start to finish, the album takes listeners on a captivating journey filled with infectious beats, captivating lyrics, and Uzi's unique vocal delivery. The production is top-notch, blending elements of trap, emo rap, and melodic flows flawlessly. Uzi's introspective and emotive storytelling adds depth to every track, making it relatable on a personal level. "Luv is Rage 2" is a testament to Uzi's growth as an artist, solidifying his place in the hip-hop scene and leaving fans craving for more. Expand
  12. Sep 9, 2023
    I’ve been listening to this album since it’s release in 2017, it’s still fresh, and still enjoyable. It has no skips and some outstanding songs The Way Life Goes and Xo Tour Llif3 are masterpieces. This is definitely Uzi’s best work.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Dec 6, 2017
    Although Uzi's post-breakup pain rears its head throughout the entirety of the album, many of the tracks are too fun to get too bogged down in emotions.
  2. Sep 19, 2017
    The breadth of sounds covered will scan as inconsistency to all but the most pious Uzi devotees, but it’s hard to imagine anything else serving as a more comprehensive document of rap in 2017.
  3. Sep 13, 2017
    As for today's singing rappers, Vert fits in comfortably next to the likes of Fetty Wap and French Montana, and I have little qualms with calling him a better writer than the latter. The production is a little bit more of a mixed bag.