• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 17, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 484 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 39 out of 484

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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  3. Oct 22, 2022
    One of my favorite albums ever. This album is perfection from beginning to end, starting with the gentle picking of "Soldier Side (Intro)"and ending on the poignant notes of "Lost in Hollywood". It's a roller coaster ride of thrash metal and operatic vocals in between. The guitar tuning and production are stellar. It is so crisp and clear. Rick Rubin is a generally safe bet for a producer,One of my favorite albums ever. This album is perfection from beginning to end, starting with the gentle picking of "Soldier Side (Intro)"and ending on the poignant notes of "Lost in Hollywood". It's a roller coaster ride of thrash metal and operatic vocals in between. The guitar tuning and production are stellar. It is so crisp and clear. Rick Rubin is a generally safe bet for a producer, most of the time. He hits the mark big league here. Every song on the album is great with no weak links. I wish there was a couple more songs on there because I enjoyed it so much. 5 Notable songs: Revenga, Cigaro, Violent Pornography, Old School Hollywood, and Lost in Hollywood. If you enjoyed this album, Hypnotize (the counterpart album released later that year in 2005) is a great album as well, albeit not as strong. Expand
  4. Mar 17, 2022
    Album stupendo,forse un pochino ripetitivo,ma merita,lo ascolto sempre, ormai le tracce le so a memoria!
  5. Feb 9, 2022
    I think this is System of a Down's worst album, but it's still an extremely good album.
  6. Dec 7, 2021
    both toxicity and steal this album are among the greatest albums of all time in my opinion. in these two albums, SOAD shows us their own music style tht was created by themselves by adding eastern european influences to metal. but this album simply destroys everything they built in the previous two recordings by being just a generic metal album. this album was made by SOAD, but in myboth toxicity and steal this album are among the greatest albums of all time in my opinion. in these two albums, SOAD shows us their own music style tht was created by themselves by adding eastern european influences to metal. but this album simply destroys everything they built in the previous two recordings by being just a generic metal album. this album was made by SOAD, but in my sincere opinion, it doesn't represent them. Expand
  7. Oct 7, 2021
    Very good, but not the best SOAD album. BYOB and Radio/Video are pure genius.
  8. Sep 4, 2021
    En mi opinión y tantos años de escuchar a SOAD, es el mejor álbum que tienen hasta el día de hoy. Una de las mejores bandas que existió en los 2000, con tantos problemas políticos y sociales en el mundo, SOAD fue una de las pocas bandas en dar visibilidad a las problemáticas, mientras otros artistas solo iban tirando dinero. SOAD en este álbum intenta despertar a la gente de las idiotecesEn mi opinión y tantos años de escuchar a SOAD, es el mejor álbum que tienen hasta el día de hoy. Una de las mejores bandas que existió en los 2000, con tantos problemas políticos y sociales en el mundo, SOAD fue una de las pocas bandas en dar visibilidad a las problemáticas, mientras otros artistas solo iban tirando dinero. SOAD en este álbum intenta despertar a la gente de las idioteces cotidianas de una sociedad plagada de imbecilidad, con letras muy directas, poco profundas pero metafóricas. En cuanto al sonido, los matices son dinámicos, varían mucho, podemos notarlo en Radio/Video. La intensidad es cambiante en todas las canciones de la lista. Sin duda uno de los mejores álbumes de la época de los 2000. Expand
  9. Apr 28, 2021
    This is only my second album from System, and I am surprised that it is nearly as good as the last one. I think Toxicity is better just because it has Chop Suey and Toxicity but this album still surprised me with how much I liked it.
  10. Apr 8, 2021
    Besides my bias on this album for the fact that this is my favorite album of all time, I do genuinely think that this album is almost near perfection. Serj and Daron's smooth and sexy vocals can woo you in or the rapid fire guitar blasts and rhythms can rope you in as well. The message and artstyle of this album is beauty and flows spectacularly. Of course, this is not their best album andBesides my bias on this album for the fact that this is my favorite album of all time, I do genuinely think that this album is almost near perfection. Serj and Daron's smooth and sexy vocals can woo you in or the rapid fire guitar blasts and rhythms can rope you in as well. The message and artstyle of this album is beauty and flows spectacularly. Of course, this is not their best album and this album does have some flaws. It is a new sort of branching away from how system usually did their songs in their slef titled album and Toxicity, so it's understandable if you were a hardcore fan of those two albums and hard some trouble adjusting to Mezmerize. I'm also a stickler for my least favorite song in the album; This cocaine makes me feel like I'm on this song, as it's trying to recapture some of the old style of the crude and heavy rock from toxicity and their self titled album, however it feels quite odd compared to the other songs in this album. Some of the placement of the songs is not particularly my cup of tea but as long as it works, which it does, then that satisfies me. Overall, I'm a massive fan of SOAD and this album especially, however I understand their are far more toxicity fans then there are Mezmerize fans, and that's ok. If you're a new fan into SOAD or you'd like to check it out, it's best to start on toxicity then move to Mezmerize. Expand
  11. Jan 21, 2021
    Definitely as short as intense. You don't have to wait more than 1 minute 30 seconds to realize what you are listening to. I am not really a great fan of metal but I have to recognize that System of a Down has a powerful sense of rhythm. They always manage to get diversified even if they remain faithful to themselves. The number of genres they approach in 'Mezmerize' is really staggering.Definitely as short as intense. You don't have to wait more than 1 minute 30 seconds to realize what you are listening to. I am not really a great fan of metal but I have to recognize that System of a Down has a powerful sense of rhythm. They always manage to get diversified even if they remain faithful to themselves. The number of genres they approach in 'Mezmerize' is really staggering. Riffs are changing and electrifying, drums are varied and strong. Silences are perfect because they always announce that another musical and lyrical storm is on its way.
    This project is obviously violent but that doesn't mean at all it is not clever. On eleven tracks we can see only three of them do contain explicit lyrics. But eleven do contain ingenious sparks.
  12. Nov 1, 2020
    Hands down my favorite album. Every song is a pulse pounding work of art, silly as can be too with that "Cigaro" track. I jam to it every road trip!
  13. Mar 4, 2019
    Honestly not a single bad song on this record. SOAD's best record which easily can't be beaten. Good use of humour within a metal album. They truly are kings of their genre.
  14. Oct 14, 2018
    Coming back over a decade after this album was released, nothing has changed at all. This album is an absolute timeless classic. Whatever it is that the band is saying about why they haven't released another album, I can come up with my own guess as to why; I honestly think they feel like they can't top this album. This is their true pinnacle and no other album comes close to touchingComing back over a decade after this album was released, nothing has changed at all. This album is an absolute timeless classic. Whatever it is that the band is saying about why they haven't released another album, I can come up with my own guess as to why; I honestly think they feel like they can't top this album. This is their true pinnacle and no other album comes close to touching this, not even Toxicity (which is also stellar). However, if they do decide to come back and release another album, then I truly hope they can at least come close to this gem. 10/10 Expand
  15. Aug 9, 2018
    Mezmerize contains Toxicity's weight and insanity and Steal this album's ecleticism and melodic sense, that even more expanded with Malakian's vocals. All of this in only 36 minutes of listening.
  16. Jun 14, 2017
    Definitely they're best album. SOAD again proves why they are one of the best Nu metal bands of all time! You wont waste time listening to this, especially "Lost in Hollywood" and "Radio/Video".
  17. Nov 17, 2016
    Mesmerise is so good. It’s not as hard and heavy as their debut, nor as melodic and dark as Toxicity, but it has a very quirky, and niche charm, mixing comedic and electronic elements. The album, like every SOAD album is extremely re-listenable, but this one in particular comes closer to the success of Toxicity because of the non-stop attack of solid songs, each very distinctive from oneMesmerise is so good. It’s not as hard and heavy as their debut, nor as melodic and dark as Toxicity, but it has a very quirky, and niche charm, mixing comedic and electronic elements. The album, like every SOAD album is extremely re-listenable, but this one in particular comes closer to the success of Toxicity because of the non-stop attack of solid songs, each very distinctive from one another.

    Soldier Side:
    I love it when SOAD take the time to set the mood, or even just slow it down for a bit, making it easier to listen to, and better paced than a constant barrage of hard hitting and manic songs. This is melancholy sounding intro, and I believe a full version of this song can be found on Hypnotise, which is a nice touch, really drawing those two albums closer together.

    Edgy and fast, just like something off of their earlier albums. This song is a huger hit, and works on a few levels. Firstly the writing is lively, and the delivery of the lyrics is manic and exciting, especially at the ending “why do you always send the poor?”. Instrumentally the riffs are very similar to the title track of Toxicity (especially the ending of that song, compared to the intro of this one) just play Toxicity, and the BYOB back to back, and it would sound like the same song, in a good way.

    The eastern-inspired sound of the vocals reminds me of why I love Serj’s voice so much. There is a lack of good lyricism in this song however, and makes the classic mistake SOAD make, where they repeat the same few phrases over and over again. This song despite this is a real head-banger, and is just a joy to listen to.

    Besides being hilarious, this song has so much raw and catchy instrumental work. The riffs are off the charts when it comes to the chorus, with the high notes spiralling down make the song just so “bouncy” in nature, and easy to listen to. Strangley, the lyrics being stupid as they are, do sound like they carry some social commentary (possibly in the vapid nature of our consumerist society, maybe?).

    Just like Revenga, there is so much eastern sounding singing and instrumental work on this song. Lyrically it does the thing of shouting a chorus over and over, but has a softer, more melodic segment, like anything off of Toxicity. Really it works in its own strange way, and actually sounds like it could get radioplay, because of how accessible it is.

    This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I’m on this Song:
    Besides the stupid name this song ROCKS, like really is a heavy piece of headbanging. Reminds me so much of their debut, and is a classic example of not needing to be complex to make a re-listenable song. Sure anybody can write a 10 minute epic with multiple solos, but most SOAD songs have so much impact in only a fifth of that time.

    Violent Pornography:
    Lyrically I actual relate to this song. So much messed up stuff is available especially nowadays online, that people are becoming less profound, and more desensitised to very stupid and strange things, like bizarre pornography involving torture, and bestiality. Ugh. The song also has a nice melody, and keeps the average song quality on the album high.

    Question and Sad Statute:
    The two weaker songs on the album essentially just fill a gap. The riffs are usual SOAD, and the lyrics especially for Question are super, but they don’t have too much impact through either a melodic edge or even that hard hitting guitar. Can’t really say too much on this topic.

    Old School Hollywood:
    This is such an uncharacteristic song for SOAD. Daron has a lot of the vocal work on this song, which I personally do not like, but he does do his best lines here (“Tony Manza cuts in line” I think the words were). There is a very cheesy robotic voice going “old school Hollywood” is just a pointless touch, which you either love of hate. I mean this is like SOAD’s D’yer Maker, strange, but isn’t downright terrible, and has a lot of actual value to the song. The story behind the song isn’t too bad either.

    Lost In Hollywood:
    I really cannot get over Daron’s voice. I just don’t see why they would use him over Serj. The song itself is pretty great. Reminds you of a less emotional version of Spiders (minus the good vocals). I do however like the lyrics here. Touching on the same things Aenima did, this song talks about the pricks who live in Hollywood, and the false and sinister nature of the eccentric larger than life characters that inhabit the streets. The lyrics are well written and can easily be interpreted, and are a nice long song to finish the album on. I do recommend this, even if I do see missed potential in the vocals.

    Overall I do like this album (very slightly more than Hypnotise), but I do fear that they lost most of their political and social edge in the lyricism, besides the songs I named. The instrumentals don’t at all work as well as their early stuff. The drumming does not even come close to their early stuff, and there are fewer, less interesting hooks in this. The guitar still has the edge visible in BYOB, but is lost towards the end.
  18. Oct 12, 2016
    System Of A Down at their most focused, energetic, and craziest. Everything you love (or hate) about the band is amplified in every way. The result is an incredible album that doesn't let up for a second.

    The lyrical themes, the constant barrage of punk flavored metal, and nonstop insanity of their sound and messages elevate the band into territory few others will ever reach. System Of
    System Of A Down at their most focused, energetic, and craziest. Everything you love (or hate) about the band is amplified in every way. The result is an incredible album that doesn't let up for a second.

    The lyrical themes, the constant barrage of punk flavored metal, and nonstop insanity of their sound and messages elevate the band into territory few others will ever reach. System Of A Down knows what makes them System Of A Down. The refinement and focus they've put into their sound needs to be heard to be believed.

    They bring a personality to their music that's so very unique. The tracks come at you with such potency and ferocity that it's hard not to get hooked. The sarcastic sense of humor and smart social commentary the band is known for still meld together perfectly. When it comes to Mezmerize, there simply isn't anything else like it out there. That's because most band's just don't have the talent to pull something like this off.
  19. Mar 15, 2016
    The worst System Of A Down album! Songs like This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song are just awful! Hypnotize was very good and I can't belive it is the second half of Mezmerize... The best song here is Lost In Hollywood.
  20. Mar 10, 2016
    And this is what is known as a 10/10 album. Every song is good despite a few of them being a little...odd (looking straight at Cigaro and This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song).If you only have a bit of money to buy songs, I recommend getting either B.Y.O.B., Cigaro, Violent Pornography, Question, and Old School Hollywood first.
  21. Jan 6, 2016
    Mezmerize is hugely inconsistent. There's a handful of great songs, a handful of decent songs and a handful of bad songs. Thanks to the great songs, though, it stays decent-ish; but still underwhelming, mostly because of there being too much Daron Malakian.

  22. Jul 11, 2015
    Some people this isn't heavy enough, and not as good as their other previous albums (my personal favourite is "Steal This Album!"). While that stands true, Mezmerize definitely provides a good listen, however not as original or awesome as its predecessors. One of the worst parts of this album is Daron Malakian's singing, which he does on almost all tracks. His voice is nothing compared toSome people this isn't heavy enough, and not as good as their other previous albums (my personal favourite is "Steal This Album!"). While that stands true, Mezmerize definitely provides a good listen, however not as original or awesome as its predecessors. One of the worst parts of this album is Daron Malakian's singing, which he does on almost all tracks. His voice is nothing compared to Tankian's, whose voice shifts and changes from growling to extremely theatrical vocals, whereas Malakian's sounds like someone whining. Overall, SOAD seems to have changed their musical direction more towards hard rock and poppish kind of rock than metal.

    Best song(s): Question! (most original, anyway, what with the million time changes), B.Y.O.B

    Worst song: Old School Hollywood (needs no explanation, absolute crap)
  23. Mar 25, 2015
    This album is just perfect. All the songs are really catchy and awesome to hear, the highlight of this album was B.Y.O.B which was a great way to start the album after the Soldier Side Intro. considering this album came out almost 10 years old this album is still awesome and I highly recommend this album if you're just getting into SOAD.
  24. May 10, 2013
    I am unsure whether I could call this my favorite SOAD album that is a really tough question they are all good but this one was great. I don't really have a negative view of any songs on this album they are all really good. The songs range from soft (Lost in Hollywood) to loud (This Cocaine Makes Me Feel on Top of This Song) and they are all perfectly done. If you love SOAD you will loveI am unsure whether I could call this my favorite SOAD album that is a really tough question they are all good but this one was great. I don't really have a negative view of any songs on this album they are all really good. The songs range from soft (Lost in Hollywood) to loud (This Cocaine Makes Me Feel on Top of This Song) and they are all perfectly done. If you love SOAD you will love this I would encourage anyone else to listen too. Expand
  25. Mar 11, 2013
    System of a Down suceeds in this album but drifts away from their meaningful songs and sing mostly about cruel sex and ruthless partying and drugs. It also lacks any songs that would be potential hits. Still its a fun album to listen to depending on who you are.
  26. Dec 22, 2012
    Same as Hypnotize, BYOB,violent you know what,and This you know what makes me feel like I'm on this song are main reasons why I like this album.
  27. Apr 21, 2012
    Very diverse album with an anti-establishment theme to it. Every song tells a great story and melody-wise, it's the best metal album I've ever heard. Daron's shrilling vocals mixed with Serj's power deep vocals creates an amazing sound. You have to pick this album up. Highlights of this album include "B.Y.O.B.", "Radio/Video" and "Lost in Hollywood" and the low point of this album isVery diverse album with an anti-establishment theme to it. Every song tells a great story and melody-wise, it's the best metal album I've ever heard. Daron's shrilling vocals mixed with Serj's power deep vocals creates an amazing sound. You have to pick this album up. Highlights of this album include "B.Y.O.B.", "Radio/Video" and "Lost in Hollywood" and the low point of this album is probably "Old School Hollywood", but that song's not even bad. It's experimental, much like the rest of the album but it's still great. Expand
  28. Apr 1, 2012
    Mezmerize features System Of a Down at its craziest but also its smartest. Every track is something very different from the last, a sign that the band has lost none of its creativity.
  29. Jan 31, 2012
    To a surprising degree, Tankien and the crew prove that they still have yet the skill to craft another great album. The album starts with punches and lyrically-brilliant introduction songs, and as the album progresses, the band delved into more of an emotional, looming atmosphere. From the insanity from Cigaro to the emotional and thick atmospherical songs like Sad Statue and Lost inTo a surprising degree, Tankien and the crew prove that they still have yet the skill to craft another great album. The album starts with punches and lyrically-brilliant introduction songs, and as the album progresses, the band delved into more of an emotional, looming atmosphere. From the insanity from Cigaro to the emotional and thick atmospherical songs like Sad Statue and Lost in Hollywood, this is without a doubt the best offering from System, this is a must-buy for those looking for the different kind of music we can only expect out of System of a Down. If you're a fan of the series, you need not look any further that the purchase button on your iTunes store; this is a masterpieces of a rock album. Reccomended Songs:
    1) Sad Statue
    2) Question!
    3) Lost in Hollywood
    4) B.Y.O.B.
    5) Cigaro
  30. Dec 9, 2011
    I just didnt like this album. Its nothing like the System of old and IMO they changed for the worst. They are far too mainstream now and this is just a generic album.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. You'll be left wondering why other bands aren't so daring.
  2. Mezmerize doesn't fail to be unique.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    It's heavy and hooky. [20 May 2005, p.73]